xing yu universe

Chapter 364 Shenglongdu 6

"Qingyang College!" Ai Qing exclaimed, "Zhou Lang, can we... block the waves? If it goes on like this, the whole Qingyang Mountain will be destroyed!" After all, after staying in Qingyang College for so many years, Ai Qingqing still has some feelings for Qingyang Mountain. In particular, there is the Wutong Cave where she evolved into the emperor.

For a moment, I shouted out my usual nickname.

Hearing Ai Qing's exclamation, Zhou Yi's heart couldn't help trembling. He remembered the scene that happened on Qingyang Mountain, with anger, disappointment, surprise and benevolence, and a trace of nostalgia floated at the corners of his mouth. Moreover, he also knew that the tsunami was caused by his strong rise to the dragon. If Qingyang Mountain was destroyed because of this, it would really outweigh the gains and losses. Anyway, it should be blocked.

If, before the war, the two of them could definitely block it, but now...

He glanced not far away. Yokota Shiro actually survived the waves, but his whole body was as soft as a caterpillar, and his knees involuntarily turned to his back. Obviously, his bones were smashed by the huge waves.

"Sister Bing..." Zhou Yi looked at the silent Ao Xue beside him and pointed to Qingyang Mountain and said, "Can you save them?"

Aoxue looked down at Qingyang Mountain, like a Guanghan fairy. Looking at the unreachable world from afar, there was no emotion in his eyes: "Why should I save them? What do they have to do with me?"

"This--" Zhou Yi was speechless, and there was a trace of helplessness in his heart. This ice sister, who didn't know where she grew up, actually didn't understand anything about the world. Sometimes the indifference is somewhat similar to the unseen Lord Xi.


With Zhou Yi's words, the huge waves almost fell from the sky and were about to hit Qingyang Mountain. At this critical moment, green rainbow bridges rose all over Qingyang Mountain and quickly condensed into a round green ball, firmly covering the main body of Qingyang Mountain.

"Thanks to the beautiful mountains and rivers, there is such a protective array hidden, even I don't know!" A trace of joy flashed in Ai Qing's eyes, and then her little mouth curled and said, "It seems that Qingyang Mountain can be saved without someone's action!"

Ai Qing doesn't care about anything on the surface, but she is extremely arrogant, which has shown vividly when she framed Zhou Yi. As long as she is unhappy, she will vent it. Seeing Ao Xue's cold and cold appearance that ignored anyone, he couldn't help being sarcastic.

Not only Zhou Yi, but also the Chinese girls who knew Ao Xue's temper also took a breath of cold air. You know, Sister Bing is the looming boss of Huaxia. Even the president dares not fight against her head-on.

When Aoxue heard Ai Qing's words, she saw Zhou Yi secretly pull Ai Qing's sleeves. She was particularly intimate, and a trace of cold annoy flashed in her eyes.

"Sister Bing, this... Ai Qing is unintentional and eager to save people. Don't take it to heart." Finding that the atmosphere at the scene was a little strange, Zhou Yi hurried to round up the way.

"Farewell." Aoxue saw that Zhou Yi did not have a trace of comforting words, but helped Ai Qing. Her palms couldn't help trembling, her feet thuded gently, and her body had already turned into a cloud of ice, and there was no trace in a blink of an eye.

"Sister Ice!" Zhou Yi almost slapped herself in regret. She saved everyone's lives. She should criticize Ai Qing. How can she speak for her? Now it's good. I've provoked her again. I don't know when I'll take care of myself next time...

"Zhou Lang, what is your relationship with this woman?" When Zhou Yi was regretting, Ai Qing's voice full of doubt and alert also came to Zhou Yi's mind.

"Uh..." Zhou Yi was about to answer when there was a sneer in his ear and looked up, but it was Elizabeth. She was holding her own Moon God halberd in one hand and sending the injured Yokota Shiro to the Fengshen Fortress in the other.

The Fengshen fortress has been abused by the tsunami, and its whole body is covered with scratches and pits. It is surrounded by a cyan cyclone and is trying to repair it.

Elizabe's expression was also a little depressed, but this could not hide her good mood. After the sneer, it was her slightly sarcastic voice: "King of China, your savior has left. Will you let my Fengshen fortress bombard you into ashes?"

With her words, Fengshen Fortress spewed out a tornado, rolled her body and slowly entered the interior of the fortress, but when the blue light was shining, the whole Fengshen Fortress actually became transparent, revealing the complex energy-gathering tower and transmission mechanism inside, as well as the Charles cavalry, which were still strict.

In the middle of Fengshen Fortress, there are energy gathering towers and transmission arrays like the heart of the city. They are embedded in a huge metal plate made of gold and silver quenched alloys, and the outer edge is full of dense array runes.

The outer inner wall of Fengshen Fortress is full of hundreds of wind attack arrays. The lines of these arrays are interconnected with each other, like waves, and obviously can be used with each other.

In addition to the magic array, it is the machine bracket array at the bottom, in which all kinds of energy fluctuate one after another, densely filled with all kinds of dragon bows and arrows, and the center is a super-large crystal cannon hanging directly.

Seeing that Elizabeth was immediately sucked into the Fengshen Fortress, Zhou Yi's spirit moved, and the moon god halberd roared, suddenly shocked her control and flew into Zhou Yi's hand.

Feel the interior of the Fengshen Fortress in the depths, but still staring at his resentful eyes of Elizabeth. Zhou Yi's eyes swept to the sea of the East China Sea, where the tsunami continued. Fortunately, Zhongxia was blocked by Qingyang Mountain. From afar, the four islands of Risang did not seem to be so lucky. House buildings, mountains and peaks, in Under the waves of almost pouring water from the East China Sea, many cities have become a vast ocean like paper.

At high altitude, the members of the Huaxia Association are neatly lined up and coldly confront the Fengshen Fortress. And the Wind God Fortress is completely transparent, and Zhou Yi and others can fully see the murderous eyes of Elizabeth, Galigans and Dudas. There are now less than half of the coalition soldiers who used to have tens of thousands of people, but those faces with blood scabs are even more hateful of the Chinese congregation.


Zhou Yi was about to answer. With the passing of the last fierce tsunami, the sea miraculously restored its tranquility. The waves rolled rapidly one after another. Although the speed was very fast, it was no longer the violent momentum just now.

After the huge waves disappeared, Zhou Yi found that there were many small spots floating in the vast sky, which were all the factions who came to watch the gambling game. It seemed that this landslide-like tsunami did not shoot them all to death, which also made him a sigh of relief.

"Master, look, look at the water! There are monsters underwater!"

A frightened voice came, causing several figures in the sky to pass directly towards him.

"There are also here! There are also monsters here!" People from the other direction also shouted.

Zhou Yi looked down. Sure enough, under the waves, a dark shadow appeared. He couldn't see the edge at a glance. He didn't know where the end was, but it looked extremely heavy.

"Are you finally coming up?" Zhou Yi's heart surged with ecstasy and turned his head to look at Fengshen Fortress. Elizabeth, who was located in the control center, was also staring at the water, with surprise and puzzled in her eyes.

Wow-Zhou Yi turned around and shouted to the Chinese people: "Go back 500 miles to the southeast, that's the location of the city wall of Huaxia City! What we see now is just the shadow it refracts!"


After receiving the order, the Chinese congregation did not hesitate. The angry moon horse pulled out thousands of purple flame lines in the sky and became a small dot in a blink of an eye.

"It's not that easy to run!"

Elizabe's face was cold. From the oblique rear of the Fengshen Fortress, a huge cyclone with a radius of one miles suddenly erupted. The huge body shook and suddenly moved forward for dozens of miles. The strong inertia made the allied soldiers inside fall down.

Due to the huge body of Fengshen Fortress, although it has only traveled for dozens of miles, the edge is already close to the Chinese people who have stopped moving forward.

"Prepare to take on my anger!" Elizabeth, who said a lot of harsh words, is finally going to launch a new round of strong attack on Fengshen Fortress.

Just as her spiritual knowledge was about to be injected into the energy tower, suddenly a dull and violent explosion came from the bottom of the sea. Looking down, it seemed that the whole sea was moaning and trembling.

"Look at Risang Island over there!" Dudas let out a scream that was completely different from the identity of a fourth-order strongman. Elizabeth trembled with fear, raised her head a little annoy, and couldn't help but be stunned. Her little mouth was so open that she could hold almost half an egg.

"No, don't..." Shiro Yokota, who had collapsed to the ground and couldn't move a finger, let out a roar in his mouth and his body kept squirming.

The southernmost Risang Four Bird Island is undergoing strong crustal changes. All the buildings and peaks have long collapsed and cannot be collapsed. The ground continues to emerge ravines for miles or even dozens of miles. The crowd running around is either swallowed up by the ravines or killed by flying rocks, as if it has come to the end of the world. Same.

K-boom! Boom!

More intense earthquake tremors, wave after wave of attack, the four islands of Risang, the island bases are connected to each other, Nanyi Island was severely hit by Huaxia City, and the rest of the islands also suffered, like the **, making a sad sound of whining.

"Is there really any monster?"

Under Elizabeth's frightened gaze, Risang Four Birds Island was unloaded by eight terrorist forces from the ground and quickly sank down. In the middle of the divided land, a huge thing was slowly rising.

Zhou Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at the human tragedy caused by himself. He didn't know whether he was crying or laughing, but when he looked at Xiang'er, Mingying, Qingmei and others beside him, his lips were already trembling and his eyes were tearful.

Farewell, this island that makes them feel infinitely humiliated! And on this island, the bliss estates...

Looking at them, Zhou Yi smiled. This world is originally a world of the strong and the law of the jungle. For the sake of the happiness of the people around him, it's okay to be violent!