xing yu universe

Chapter 476 Green Smoke King

When! In the crisp voice, the gorgeous sword light was broken. For Zhou Yi, he only blocked the attack of Jingyun with the Moon God halberd and rescued the angry rain from the snowdrift. In the eyes of Jingyun, it was an earth-shaking blade of light that split the world. The whole world, like a picture scroll, split in half, revealing the truth.

"Who are you...?" Ximen just woke up from his confusion and didn't recognize Zhou Yi, and then saw his wife in his arms.

The long hair of the angry rain was wet by the melted snow and hung down. The clothes on his body were broken, revealing a large area of snow-white skin curled up in Zhou Yi's arms, but his face was tilted to the outside, just being seen by the cloud.

"Rain! Yu'er! Bastard, what did you do to Yuer? Ximen was confused when he was concerned. Seeing his beloved wife like this, he couldn't help but be angry. His eyes and face turned red in an instant and rushed to Zhou Yi like crazy.

"I'm a saver..." Before Zhou Yi's words came out, the sharp blade came in front of him, and he had to flash with a wry smile and let Jingyun take away the angry rain.

However, a shocking scene appeared.

Jingyun took back his wife's mouth, but a green flame appeared in his eyes. The sword in his hand did not think about it, so he cut off the head of the angry rain.

Zhou Yi was shocked, and the moon god halberd stood. With a sound, sparks splashed everywhere, and the long sword of the shocking clouds was picked away.

"I didn't expect it to be you." The strange man's voice seemed to ring in his mind, which sounded both close and far, full of unrealism. As he spoke, he exhaled, pulled out a green smoke, and came to Zhou Yi near.

"Do you know me?" Zhou Yi looked at the strange man and asked in surprise, looking at his face full of mucus and eyes.

"" Jingyun woke up from the fantasy again and looked at Zhou Yi holding his wife in his arms. He felt that he was a little familiar and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Protection of life." Zhou Yi was also a little embarrassed. He simply did not look at Ximenzhi and quickly crushed a middle-quality life guard. The brilliant golden light immediately enveloped Xiahou Xiner, and her trauma healed at a visible speed.

At the same time, the white and flawless energy also came from his hand, slowly rotating on the angry purple house, repairing her internal injury.

The weirdo looked at all this and never moved. When Zhou Yi's energy came out, his face moved slightly, and the green light in his eyes flashed. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"You are... Zhou Yi..." Jingyun didn't know what to say.

"Now is not the time to speak." Zhou Yi said in a low voice, "Her injury is very serious and can't be delayed. This place is very suitable for water energy recovery. You'd better heal him quickly.

The cloud frowned: "However, I heard that this place... will be reborn..."

With the cultivation of shocking clouds and angry rain, he can't even resist himself, let alone escape from the hands of the green smoke monster. Zhou Yi saw that he was still thinking about the past flowers at this time and couldn't help but be a little angry: "Sister Yu's injury is important! Didn't I tell you that if you want to go to the Hall of Life, I can take you in!"

After saying that, he did not give Jingyun a chance to refute at all, and he turned over and put them into the crystal glazed world.

"Are you Zhou Yi?" The green smoke monster looked at Zhou Yi and said lightly.

"How did you know me?"

"There are not many people who don't know the name of the king of China now."

"These two people are my friends. Why did you kill them?"

"If you want to hit Mount Laya, you will die." The tone of the green smoke monster suddenly cooled down, and the green light in his four eyes flashed frequently. "Even if you have the support of Emperor Aoxue and her moon god halberd, you are not my opponent."

Hearing Di Aoxue's name, Zhou Yi's body was shocked. Although his expression was calm, he added a lot of doubts in his heart. Who was this strange man? Speaking of Sister Bing's understatement, he actually knew the name of the Moon God War halberd! Why have I never heard of him?

You don't have to guess who I am. When I crossed this continent, the world was not in the current pattern!" The strange man said coldly, "Look at Di Aoxue's face, take these two little guys away and don't delay my business. But... the moon god halberd must stay!"

It seemed to feel something. Before the strange man's voice fell, the halberd buzzed and made a loud and long moan.

A long green smoke, like a slender python, wrapped around the moon god halberd without warning. Zhou Yi only felt an irresistible force coming from the halberd pole, and his palm was spicy and numb, and quickly turned dark blue.

"What a strong poison!" Although Zhou Yi was not shocked, the heart of the proud snow broke out quietly, and the moon god war halberd another long chant, stirring up the green smoke. With the detoxification belt, the black blue in his hand disappeared quietly for a moment.

The strange light flashed in his eyes, revealing some surprise, and his face became very solemn. The tentacles and hands on his face changed countless spiritual styles, and more green and bright smoke quickly enveloped the two people.

Wang! The majestic waves sounded, and the sea splashed on his face, with a little fishy and fresh smell. Zhou Yi slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother Zhou Yi, you finally woke up!" The familiar voice sounded, and Zhou Yi felt a warmth in his heart before he opened his eyes.

It's Yuewei! When the beautiful and elegant appearance came to his mind, his mind was dizzy for no reason, and he thought to himself, where am I?

Opening his eyes, Zhou Yi only saw the slender back, who was carefully boiling the soup on the red mud stove and did not look back.

"What's wrong with me?" Zhou Yi remembered, but found that his whole body was sore, and bursts of severe pain came from his back and ribs.

"Don't move! The medicine will be ready soon!" Yue Wei still didn't turn her head, but just sniffed the fragrance of medicine with her nose. "It's not those hateful Risang people. They mutilated Xiao Qing and ambushed you... Thanks to the crystal ball bursting arrow..."

Oh, it turned out that I'm here... Zhou Yi stretched his body, his mind was hazy, and muttered, what a long dream. In my dream, I was about to reach the peak of the mortal saint, and I also became the king of China. You are even more powerful. You are the strong man at the peak of the Asian saint!

pu wa——

Yue smiled slightly and turned around. She held the soup bowl in her left hand and gently stirred it with a porcelain spoon in her right hand. Her cherry lips moved slightly and blew the hot air on it: "Are you dreaming again? It will be a matter of time before you take good care of yourself and reach the holy and strong! As for me, I just stepped into Hedao, and I'm afraid I can't break through the holy level in my life!"

Zhou Yi glanced at Yuewei, which felt clear and blurred, familiar and strange. Instead of drinking the medicine sent by Yue Wei, he held her slender hand with the soup bowl. The warmth * suddenly spread all over his body, making him can't help pounding.

"Brother Zhou Yi, you have just been seriously injured, so why don't you take the medicine first?" Yuewei's lips trembled slightly, and there was a deep charm in her eyes, which could almost drip down the water. Zhou Yi was a little distracted and couldn't help muttering to himself, "When did Yue Wei also learn charming skills from her master?"

"Brother Zhou Yi!" Yue Wei sounded with a urging sound.

"Okay, okay, I'll drink--" Zhou Yi answered with a smile. Just as he wanted to open his mouth, he found that there was a faint green light in the thick liquid in the porcelain spoon!

With a bang, it seemed that something was broken in my heart.

"I'm in a dream?"

He raised his head and saw "Yuewei" clearly. Her head was high, and her eyes were not as elegant as her usual elegance, but boundless*.

"You are not Yuewei!"

Zhou Yi shouted loudly, and the moon god halberd drew an electric light, as if the curtain of the movie had been pulled open, and the wind and snow of Mount Laya was cold, and his face was suddenly full. He also woke up from a nightmare, sweating coldly and gasping.

Raising his head, the weirdo was looking at him coldly.

"When people dream, it is difficult to realize that they are dreaming. Well, your soul cultivation is good, and there is a moon god war halberd, so you broke my dream. Unfortunately, it's almost..." The strange man said lightly, "However, in front of me, you absolutely have no power to counter it!"

With that, without waiting for Zhou Yi to breathe evenly, another green smoke spread out.

The silent purple moon, the lonely jade tree, there is only a tall figure. The white skirt is blown up by the wind and floats like a fairy, becoming an artistic silhouette, which is suffocating and distressing.

Sister Bing... Zhou Yi looked up, and the love and pity accumulated in her heart surged like waves, and her figure spread out and flew to the purple moon.

"Sister Bing, you..."

He fell under the jade tree and looked at the jade man close at hand, and his heart was excited.

"Are you here? What's the situation in Longdu City now?

Ao Xue's tone stunned Zhou Yi. In the past, although she spoke coldly, she had a special sense of intimacy, which made Zhou Yi feel a trace of imperceptible affection. But now, it is completely the tone of the superior to the subordinate, which sounds very strange.

"Very good..." Zhou Yi didn't know what he said. In a trance, Aoxue had turned her head. His face is as smooth and indifferent as marble, with long hair hanging down to his buttocks and a little pale.

Sister Bing, why are you thin again? When she left, she didn't seem to be like this...

"Where is the weapon I gave you?"


"Give me the Moon God War halberd."

In Aoxue's cold tone, with unbearable majesty, his eyes are as plain as a pool of water without aura.

Zhou Yi couldn't help beating a thrill all over his body. He subconsciously knocked on the Rong world. With a flash of light, the moon god halberd was held in his hand, and the feeling of control spread all over his body in an instant.

Zhou Yi's eyes are hot enough to melt everything, but if he closes his eyes, he can't feel alone at all.

At this time, she is more like a god.

"This is a dream!"

A shout sounded in his heart, Zhou Yi picked up the halberd, and the world around him was broken.

The extreme change of the scene in front of his eyes and his mind, and the spiritual storm stimulated by his subconsciousness made Zhou Yi's mind dizzy, and he couldn't help leaning over the mountain rock, feeling that he wanted to suffocate.

The four eyes of the strange man opposite were dim, and his limbs were also trembling slightly, and it took half a sound to recover.

"How can such a dream not deceive him? Only devoured with dreams..." The corners of the strange man's mouth were gently**, trying to improve all his soul power, and a small whirlpool appeared silently beside him.

Zhou Yi raised his head. He felt that the space in front of him was shaking, and all the scenery became blurred. Only the twisted green flame slowly combined into a huge friendless squid. The central smooth head actually had eight green eyes.


I didn't feel the wind blowing on my face, but there was a roaring sound in Zhou Yi's mind. Countless green light suddenly gathered and turned into thick and long tentacles, firmly wrapped around his neck, waist and abdomen, and two more wrapped around the moon god halberd, a circle of psychedelic charms, melting the magic array inside.

"How dare you grab Sister Bing's weapon!"

Zhou Yi's anger surged, and his whole body suddenly tightened. First, a purple flame spewed out from the center of his eyebrows, and then it became pure white and flawless energy. The originally raging green light seemed to have been melted, also turned into pink dust, binding Zhou Yi's tentacles all over his body, and also slightly loosened.

The green smoke monster's eyes suddenly widened and shocked.

Dream Devouring has two layers of "external skill" and "internal skill", which is his unique skill at the bottom of the box. Even if he touches God's proud snow, he will not fall behind, not to mention her ** apprentice!

Because of this, the green monster did not pay attention to Zhou Yi, and immediately suffered a secret loss in front of the strong arrogant heart energy.

Zhou Yi was also shocked by the performance of his own energy.

The mystery of the proud snow heart is that it does not belong to any kind of attribute energy, but it has higher purity, breaks everything, and is powerful.

However, he never thought that this attributeless proud heart and chaotic energy could actually assimilate attribute energy!

Is this another upgrade of the meaning of the heart of Ao Xue?

This discovery made Zhou Yi's heart pound, so that he missed the best opportunity to escape. He only felt a bang in his mind. The tentacles that had been loosened tightened again. When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer on the snowy mountain, but in...

The universe? Zhou Yi looked around ignorantly. The planets hung quietly beside him. The nearby were huge, emitting a red halo. The distance was small, but the crim was also clearly visible.

"Come to my world, do you still want to leave?"

Zhou Yi still didn't understand what was going on. Suddenly, a harsh voice sounded in his mind. For a moment, the stars were dazzling, just like someone turned on a three-kilowatt big light bulb above his head, which made Zhou Yi couldn't help scold you.