
Chapter 3 King of Dunes

Duan Yu ran desperately and ran. After running some distance from Sha Lanju, Duan Yu stopped. Duan Yu didn't know why such a strange thing happened and didn't know what had happened. In Duan Yu's consciousness, the danger was still staying in Sha Lanju, and Duan Yu still planned to go back. tang。

Duan Yu carefully returned to Shalanju. At this time, Shalanju has become a place of right and wrong in Duan Yu's eyes. In the past, the warm hut has become a dangerous area. Although Duan Yu is small, he has a lot of feelings. At present, the most important thing is to find the old man Shidie, or find the old man Shidie. News, but it is very obvious that the person who knew the news may have come from Shajiao. Duan Yu became bold in front of Shalanju and stepped into Shalanju again. Duan Yu looked around Shalanju several times, but he did not see the figure of Shidie. Duan Yu knew that he had to go to the basement, and then walked towards the basement. Go.

Duan Yu was in a complicated mood at the door of the basement. Whether he went down or not, he kept wandering in Duan Yu's head. In the end, Duan Yu decided to go down. This was about the old man Shidie, and he had to go down and find out.

Duan Yu dodged into the basement.

There is no sound in the basement except for the occasional sand dust. The sand horn, which had laughed before, was lying unconscious. Duan Yu saw the sand corner at a glance, but Duan Yu did not come forward, because anything could happen at this time. Once it happened, it may be related to life. Question, so in front of the position where Duan Yu was lying in the sand corner, no matter how he wandered, it was obvious that the sand angle lying there was no response at all. Even Duan Yu picked up a few stones and threw them, but there was no response at all. Duan Yu knew that the person in front of him might have had an accident, at least he could not move.

Duan Yu carefully approached the position of Shajiao. When he walked in, Duan Yu almost made a sound. Although he had been following the old man Shidie and had seen many horrible corpses and patients, Duan Yu had never seen such a miserable body. Duan Yu did not need to verify it. He directly concluded that this person was dead and died. With such a miserable situation, the binocular situation has exploded, and his face has even become the same style as the night. The most terrible thing is that he doesn't know what purple steam is still there. Duan Yu recovered and hurriedly fled the scene.

After cleaning up in Shalanju for a while, Duan Yu decided to find the whereabouts of the old man Shidie, and where is the target? Of course, it is what the old man Shidie said about China - China.

It is also rare for Duan Yu, a 12-year-old child, to make such a decision. Duan Yu is not unfamiliar with the dangers he may encounter in the desert, but it has no meaning to stay in Shalanju without finding out the truth, even more painful than death. The impulse and thirst for knowledge from young people push Duan Yu step by step But in the distance, it pushed the road to China's Shenzhou.

At the end of leaving Shalanju, Duan Yu stood on the sand dunes and looked at this lovely oasis. Looking at this place where he had spent 11 years happily, he inevitably shed tears, but soon Duan Yu threw tears into the sand without leaving a trace. At this time, Duan Yu thought of the kind old man Shidie again, but very Duan Yu remembered the horrible body of the stranger lying in the basement again. Duan Yu was not afraid, but wanted to know what was going on. Wiping off the last tears from the corners of his eyes, Duan Yu walked into the endless desert in the distance. Although he didn't know what he would encounter, Duan Yu was still tenaciously walking step by step. .

Huangsha likes sand, so he doesn't like any existence that does not belong to sand. Maybe this or for other reasons. Shortly after Duan Yu left, Shalanju actually began to wither. Flowers, vegetation, streams and clear water slowly disappeared, just like withered flowers. Generally, it disappeared and withered in this way, and even the only remaining bamboo house was turned into a buried past by yellow sand.

In the yellow sand, in the wind and dust, a lonely and thin figure shuttled through the desert. In this lonely desert, Duan Yu has been walking for a while. The first time he left Shalanju so far away, he not only endured the baptism of loneliness, but also accepted the test of the difficult environment, but Duan Yu relied on himself His tenacious perseverance and survival skills learned from the old man Shidie also barely survived in the harsh environment of the desert.

Duan Yu turned over another sand dune, and unlike in the past, Duan Yu stopped this time.

Not far away, there is a huge sand pit in front of Duan Yu. This sand pit is hundreds of meters wide. From a distance, it looks like a huge sand whirlpool hovering in the yellow sand. If you step into it, you will not escape bad luck, and Duan Yu is also a little more aware of the strange things in the desert. See When he arrived at this huge quicksand, he immediately felt that there must be something strange in it, so he hurriedly turned around and fled from this strange area.

Just as Duan Yu was about to leave, there was a movement in the sand pit. No matter what it was, Duan Yu didn't think about it and hurried away.

As expected, there was another clue in this quicksand pit. The quicksand was sinking quickly, and the sand was infinite and endless. In this endless sand and gravel vortex, suddenly a huge curved worm rushed out of the sand. This big worm had a centipede-like body, but it was like a tiger. The head, a big mouth full of jagged teeth, kept steaming out, and the part of the body exposed to the sand was 50 or 60 meters high. Suddenly, Duan Yu was stunned and forgot to escape, or his legs had been softened.

This big insect is like a beast that has just escaped from a chrysalis, and seems to be full of longing for the things around it.

The big insect suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and suddenly walked around with an extremely fishy smell. This disgusting smell suddenly woke up Duan Yu, who was standing still. Duan Yu was stunned. He hurriedly ran away with the package in front of such a horrible beast, but in front of such a horrible beast, people were like a small ant. Generally, it is less than a hundred steps to escape from a giant beast.

And this monster seemed to think that Duan Yu was already in his pocket and did not take action. It was also as if he laughed at Duan Yu for doing useless things.

Duan Yu looked back at the situation of the sandworm from time to time. Seeing that the sandworm did not have any tendency to move forward, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the sandworm seemed to hear Duan Yu's heart. At this time, he suddenly bumped his head over and grew up with a big mouth. The fear of death suddenly spread Duan Yu's The whole body.

Duan Yu ran desperately and thought to himself: It seems that I, Duan Yu, am going to die here. Thinking about it, he closed his eyes and ran, thinking: It's okay to die, but it's fortune-telling to run away.

And suddenly a breeze brushed his face, and Duan Yu suddenly felt that his whole body was raised by something.

"Is this what it feels like to die?" Duan Yu thought so, and suddenly a kind voice came, "Kid, open your eyes. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Isn't it? Is this the king of the ora is talking? Duan Yu whispered and opened his eyes.

Just look at an old man in white robe standing beside him like a green pine. The old man has a belly-length white beard. Although he has white hair and a white-to-yellow beard, his face is not old. He has eagle-like eyebrows, with a pair of equally divine eyes under this abnormal eyebrows. His eyes are transparent. It shows the old man's rare fortitude.

The old man turned around and said to Duan Yu, "Kid, are you all right?"

Duan Yu hasn't recovered and replied, "Are you the king of the deen?"

The old man touched his beard and said with a smile, "Am I that terrible? Haha! It's also strange that when I was young, there were always children who were scared to cry by me. I didn't expect that this person would scare the children when he was old like this.

Duan Yu is very smart. From the old man's words, Duan Yu already knows that he is not the so-called king of hell, but who is the king of hell? Thinking of this, Duan Yu immediately asked, "Am I not dead?"

The old man smiled again and said, "Death? You are still far away."

"But I remember a huge sand bug attacked me." Duan Yu said

The old man looked down, narrowed his eyes, pointed down and said, "Kid, are you talking about the little bug below?"

Duan Yu was shocked and didn't know what he was talking about. He hurriedly looked down and was even more surprised, because Duan Yu found himself in the sky, and he was holding a huge sword composed of light, which was a miracle that Duan Yu had never seen before.

The old man looked at Duan Yu and said, "Hold it tightly. When I clean up the bug immediately, we will talk about it. I have been looking for it for a long time."

Hearing that this magical old man didn't seem to care about the appearance of the bug, Duan Yu was curious and asked, "What is that monster?" Why is it so huge? Are you not afraid of it?

"Are you afraid?" The old man raised such a question and continued to say, "Think about it, I'm rarely afraid of this feeling. The monster you mentioned is the king of sand dunes and a scourge for one side. I didn't expect that I would bump into it today and deal with it by the way, so as not to escape into the sand in the future."

Saying that, the old man flew in the direction of the sandworm. Seeing that the old man could fly without wings, Duan Yu was very surprised, but a problem came out again. On this light sword, he was left alone. Duan Yu was scared to death and hurriedly held the sword tighter. He opened his eyes wide and watched the distance flying in the distance. The old man.