
Chapter 37 Han Han's Letter (Extra)

This online piracy was so serious that a novel was pirated by countless websites for free. I was speechless, so I reprinted a letter from Han Han to feel depressed.

Hello, Mr. Li Yanhong.

Last week, Mr. Shen Haobo, a friend of the publishing house, and I went to the paper factory in Shandong to destroy the second issue of the reprinted Solo Troupe, and more than 300 tons of paper and industrial waste went into the pulp furnace together. Millions of losses may be a small amount for you, but for a publishing company, it is almost a year in vain, which must be one of the largest publishing companies in China. This industry is so pitiful. The profit of a company with more than 100 people is not as good as speculation in an apartment in Shanghai, and it has to be scolded as a "black-hearted bookseller" every minute. But Shen Haobo has always been very happy, because he said that the negotiations with Baidu were finally promising. Baidu promised to send someone to discuss the matter of Baidu Library. Li Chengpeng, Murong Xuecun, Lu Jinbo and Peng Haoxiang are all among the best-selling writers, directors and publishers in the cultural industry. Everyone was very excited and prepared several All kinds of information in the evening.

So negotiations began yesterday. You sent several arrogant middle-levels and never admitted that Baidu Library had any infringement. You don't think that 2.79 million documents containing almost all the latest and oldest books in China are infringing, but uploaded and shared by netizens themselves. You are just a platform. I don't think we need to discuss the platform, infringement and non-infringement. In fact, you know everything. You have lived in the United States for such a long time, and now your wife and daughter are also in the United States. You must know what it would be like if Baidu opened a search engine called Baidu United States, and then put the books of all writers and the music of all musicians in the United States were shared on Baidu United States for free. . You won't do this, and you won't talk about anything with Americans. It's just a platform. It has nothing to do with me. It's all done by netizens themselves. The spirit of the Internet is sharing. Because you know that this matter can only be established in China now. And you also know who can be bullied and who can't be bullied. You see, you didn't become a Baidu theater to share the latest movies and TV series.

You may not know much about the publishing industry, and I can briefly introduce it to you. Twelve years ago, my book was sold for 18 yuan, and in 2011, it was sold for 25 yuan, and many readers still thought it was expensive. You know how many times paper, labor and logistics have increased in the past 12 years, but publishers have never dared to raise too many prices, because they are afraid of being scolded, and cultural people are thin-skinned. For a 25 yuan book, the author's royalties are generally 8%, which can earn 2 yuan, including about 30 cents in tax, that is, 1.7 yuan. If a book is sold for 20,000 copies, it is already a best seller. A writer can write one in two years, and one can earn 34,000 yuan a year and 17,000 yuan a year. If he only writes books, he has to buy a decent two-bedroom house in the suburbs of a big city for 100 years without eating or drinking. Assuming that a book is sold for 10 yuan, the composition of it is like this: the writer earns 1 yuan, the printing cost is more than 2 yuan, the publishing house earns more than 1 yuan, and the bookstore earns 5 yuan. Some famous writers go out to sign for sales and promote. They all live in three-star hotels, and it's not bad to take a plane back and forth. The travel standard must not be as good as your low-level employees. In recent years, I have not attended any publicity and signing activities, but before 2004, I had done at least dozens of publicity activities in various cities. At that time, I was already a best-selling author in the industry. I have never lived in more than 300 hotels once, and sometimes accompanied by a few people from publishing houses. You have to wait for hours at the airport, because the discounted flight has to take off in the evening, and you have to pay more for half a day in the hotel. This industry is so embarrassing. The top entrepreneurs in this industry earn millions a year. The publishing industry and the Internet industry are originally two equivalent industries. You use tens of billions of dollars and private aircraft luxury yachts to calculate the value of entrepreneurs. I have hardly seen an entrepreneur in our industry travel in first class. We are not jealous of your wealth. We just think that you are so rich, why don't you spend a penny to forcibly obtain free intellectual copyright from our industry? Musicians can also make money from commercial performances, and how do you make writers and publishing industries survive? Maybe you said that traditional publishing will always die out, but that doesn't mean that the publishing industry should be so disgly. Moreover, literary works and publishing industries will not die, just a new medium. At first, they were painted on the wall, and then engraved on bamboo. Now there are books. There may be other technologies in the future, but copyright will always exist. I don't write this on behalf of this industry crying to you, but it is indeed the only industry in China that has a lot of resources that are closely related to life but has little wealth. Especially under the harm of piracy and infringement. We are not asking you to close Baidu Library. We just hope that Baidu Library can take the initiative to protect copyright. When digital reading matures in the future, Baidu Library may also become the source of life security for Chinese writers, rather than becoming the target of public enemies in the industry. Because there is no eternal enemy and no eternal interests. In 2006, I also fought with Mr. Shen Habo of grinding iron books. They scolded each other for modern poetry, but now they are friends and partners. Baidu Library can completely become a base for the benefit of writers, rather than the cemetery of writers.

In our industry, I live a good life. Mr. Li Yanhong, maybe we are not afraid, but we don't like these grievances. I like to bask in the sun and play with mud. You like to bask in the sun and plant flowers. No matter how you share my intellectual copyright, at least we can bask in the sun together. After all, I can still support myself and my family, but for most writers, they should live a decent life by traditional publishing and digital publishing. Maybe they may not be able to have their own yard to bask in the sun. Your products will drive them back to the dark cabin to write for a living, and the sun on your head will not be bigger. So many writers in China are forced to provide countless intellectual copyrights and traffic for Baidu free of charge. They have not only not come to trouble with Baidu or ask Baidu to share dividends, but also suffer the insults of Baidu fans and the contempt of Baidu employees during negotiations. You are now the number one entrepreneur in China. As an example for entrepreneurs, you must make a statement about the harm caused by Baidu Library to the publishing industry. If Baidu Library always refuses to take a step back, I can take a few more steps. Maybe one day not far away, look downstairs in your Beijing office and you can see me.

I wish your daughter be proud of her father

Han Han

March 26, 2011