
Chapter 39 Cold Peony has warm stamens

Mr. Song was about to get the spirit of demons when he suddenly found that he could not move. At this time, in addition to his consciousness, his body could no longer move. Song Zhong moved his eyes around and found that it was not only himself, but also everything here had stopped, and even the drops of water in the air. It can be clearly seen that Song Zhong was shocked.

And there is a person who can move in the stillness.

This person is the seven-spirit fairy aunt. She only saw the seven-spirit fairy aunt stand up slowly. At this time, the seven-spirit fairy girl's face was pale, and her right hand was still blood. It turned out that the seven-spirit fairy aunt broke the cold fan bone and pierced it into her wrist.

"You didn't expect it, did you? Today, I will show you the unique skills of the chaotic mountains in Western Shu, cold noodles in time and space.

Time and space cold noodles? What is this? Of course, everyone else knows it. As long as you have a little cultivation, you know that Xishu Ranshan has a unique skill called time and space cold noodles. This spell needs to be activated by a cold soul fan, and it also needs to be rich in high-purity true qi as a sacrifice. Such a spell is originally a forbidden spell in the cultivation world, not only If you don't grasp it well, you are very likely to die on the spot, but the power of the cold surface of time and space is extremely huge. It can be regarded as one of the most mysterious and deepest sealing techniques in the sealing technique. The cold surface of time and space can not only make the whole space and time still, but also in this static environment. , the continuous consumption of the true energy of people other than the legal person can be said to be a rare offensive sealing technique in sealing.

And this spell obviously made the seven-spirit fairy aunt unstired. Her face was extremely pale and difficult to walk close to Song Zhong step by step. At this time, Song Zhong was also scared when he saw the seven-spirit fairy girl approaching him step by step, but he was powerless. The seven-spirit fairy went to the place near Song Zhong, and then Suddenly, he pulled out the broken cold fan bone, and then inserted it into the ground and said something. He only saw that a magic array was formed on the cold fan bone and quickly passed into the cold fan bone. Then a golden-white laser shot at the spirit of all demons in the sky. At this time, blue wine The rose ring actually flashed purple. Suddenly, the blue wine broke away from the seal of the seven-spirited fairy and hurried to the other side of the demon spirit.

When the blue wine was about to catch the spirit of the demons, the attack of the space-time cold surface had reached the spirit of the demons earlier. In an instant, a huge force exploded. The blue wine hurriedly raised his right hand to make a defensive posture, but it was too late. After the spirit of the spirit of the demons was hit by the cold face of time and space, it began to break. In this process of rupture, the power emitted is also devastating. Even if the blue wine has an artifact in hand, it is difficult to resolve the attack that comes to the face. It has been shaken far away and can no longer see where it has flown. When the king of demons exploded, the magic of the seven-spirited fairy has also reached its limit. Song Zhong also hurriedly made a response, but the force was so powerful that even the cloud of the haze was broken, and the wind flower and snow moon building was instantly shattered by the powerful impact.

The seven-spirit fairy aunt has no strength to defend, but the seven-spirit fairy aunt smiled, because at least prevented a magic weapon from falling into the hands of the evil man. In the light of the explosion of the spirit of the demons, the seven-spirit fairy opened her hands to welcome this moment. Maybe it was already for her, Xishu. The best interpretation of the duties of the head of the mountain. For the first time in so many years, the seven-po fairy girl really laughed out. Perhaps this is a relief in his consciousness. At this time, it seems that time has stopped. The seven-po fairy girl has remembered her name for a long time - Peony. Yes, the seven-po fairy is not called the seven-po fairy. Aunt, a long time ago, there was a beautiful woman. Her name was Peony, a name that was elegant and charming. I don't know how many years later, people have forgotten the name Peony, and they know that there is a seven-spirit fairy girl in the world. At this moment, the seven-spirit fairy girl seems to have seen her young self. At that time, I was so naive, innocent and beautiful.

An urgent meeting will be held soon, and some places for people will be accommodated at midnight.

In this remaining place, the first generation of disciples and the three sects gathered in a large wooden house.

"I didn't expect that there would be traitors in our Xiuzhen sect. You should be cautious when you accept disciples in the future." Shuangye said.

Obviously, this statement is about Liu Yang's disciple Lan Jiu, and Liu Yang was speechless and left at the beginning of the meeting.

"Yes, yes, that's what we didn't expect. Let's get to business." Zhou Lie hurried to ease the atmosphere.

"Today, I will also speak frankly, do you know the spirit beads of ten thousand demons?" Qipo Xiangu asked

Everyone else shook their heads.

The seven-spirited fairy aunt sighed and said, "The spirit beads of all demons are the purest power of all demons in the five elements and three worlds. They were originally concentrated among the four fierce beasts, but I didn't expect that these four fierce beasts were released by the python and merged into the king of all demons. This is what I didn't expect. I I didn't expect that someone in the world could break through the seal of the ancestor. It seems that the blessing is also to combine these four fierce beasts and turn them into a key to the spirits of the demons. Fortunately, I broke the spirits of the demons in time, otherwise the world will be over.

"Is it so serious?" Shuangye asked.

"It should be. As far as I know, the power of this king of demons is a monster comparable to the past demons, and I heard that this spirit pearl of ten demons is an artifact ten days away. It does not belong to this world in the first, and its power is also extremely mysterious and huge. I'm afraid that as the data shows, there are really comparable to the gods. Power, if such an artifact falls into the devil's way, I'm afraid the three worlds will fall into disaster.

"That's good. Since it has been broken, it's safe, and it seems that those demons were also seriously injured at that time, haha." Zhou Lie laughed and said.

And the seven soul fairy aunt did not laugh.

"I'm afraid this is the beginning. The fragments of the spirits of the ten thousand demons have spread all over China. I'm afraid that all kinds of monsters will appear in the world from today."

The hall became quiet.

"What do you think should be done?" Shuangye asked.

"Now we are three enemies, but in this battle, I'm afraid that the people in the demon road will also be seriously injured, and we can be relieved for the time being, so what we have to do is to collect the spirit beads of all demons. As long as we find the spirit beads of all demons, I'm afraid that the people in the demon road in this world will no longer appear in the world."

The whole conference finally decided on the meaning of the seven-spirited fairy girl, and first collected the fragments of the spirit beads of all demons walking around Shenzhou.