
Chapter 42, the bell will fan up hope

After approaching Yizhuang, I took a closer look at the internal situation of Yizhuang. In the plague, Yizhuang is already disremarkable. From time to time, rubble will fall from the roof. When passing through the hall, you can see many coffins, but they seem to be empty. The yellow leaves are in the aisle in the middle of the house. The wind blew in the middle, and the weather was dark, which made this place look even more frightening.

But it's strange that Yizhuang is actually good compared with other houses in Hengyang City. Maybe the place to receive death will be better in front of death, which is not clear.

walked into the living room and said that it was a living room, because this was what the old man said, because the living room could not tell whether it was a living room or an abandoned warehouse, like an abandoned Taoist hall where beggars lived.

There was a bonfire in the living room, and there was a young woman sleeping next to the bonfire. She looked like the granddaughter of an old man. It was estimated that she was 17 years old. In the whole Yizhuang, only this person seemed to be a normal person, and his face seemed to be flushed. The warmth brought by the bonfire also made this woman The child slept soundly.

"Is this?" Shen Siyu asked.

The old man sat next to the girl and said, "This is my granddaughter. The whole person in Yizhuang is dead, and now there is only me and her."

This is a tragic thing.

"What's going on here?" Shen Siyu said, and he also sat next to the bonfire. Duan Yu also sat down and saw that they all sat down. Song Qingsong also sat down with vigilance, while Chudong still stood, looking around with his eyes exploring.

"Well, it's a long story. Half a month ago, a vision was highlighted in the sky. An extremely bright meteor came to the annex of Hengyang City. Originally, everyone thought it was auspicious, but it didn't take long for Hengyang City to have a plague. The plague was out of control. People kept dying, and there were no doctors. Even the government could do nothing. Finally, it even blocked the gate of Hengyang City and dug a deep moat to prevent us from spreading the plague to other places. As the old man said, he made a few bonfires with his fork, and the sparks slowly flew out, and then turned into ashes in the air. This speech immediately touched the minds of Duan Yu and others, and the so-called meteor is likely to be the spirit of all demons.

"How can the government ignore the people like this? What kind of court is this?" Shen Siyu said angrily.

The old man said kindly, "It's normal. I've also lived for so long, and I've seen too much about the government. When it really doesn't work, everything that drags back will be taken by the government. It's normal that I will gradually get used to it in the future."

"Aren't you afraid of causing public indignation?" Duan Yu asked.

"Public indignation? How is it possible? So have you heard about us outside? Do you know the actual situation here? The old man said that Duan Yu also seemed to have been asked.

"The government will never let the things here and the decisions they made spread, so as long as we die here, the government will take other measures. At that time, even if it is written in history books, even bad things will become good, and there may be future generations who praise the emperor."

"Are all history books like this? Reverse right and wrong?" Duan Yu asked.

The old man smiled and said, "Have you ever seen the historian of this dynasty say that the emperor of this dynasty is bad? Right and wrong will be used by other rulers at most to judge behind history. History is something that praises the achievements of the rulers and has no effect.

It seems that this old man also has some opinions, and the four Duan Yu are also quite emotional.

At this time, the old man's granddaughter woke up. It seemed that everyone's conversation woke her up. The girl looked at Duan Yu and others in a daze, and then rubbed her eyes to see that there were people from other places here. Suddenly, it seemed that a frog had climbed up a well and felt extremely fresh. But the girl was very afraid, slowly piled up behind the old man, then pulled the old man's sleeve and asked, "Who are they?"

The old man patted his granddaughter on the head and said with a smile, "These people are powerful people from other places."

"How do you know we are awesome?" Duan Yu asked.

"Ha ha, the government has blocked the import and export, and you can actually come in, so who is better than you?" The old man said.

"This reason is in place." Duan Yu said.

It seems that my grandfather can talk to an outsider, and Duan Yu and others don't look like that kind of fierce people, so the granddaughter was also relieved, smiled at Duan Yu and others and said, "My name is Zhou Linger. This is my grandfather, Zhou Dong. I don't know why you came here?" Zhou Linger asked.

Although Zhou Linger's face still had that kind of sadness in the disaster, there was still hope between her words. The girl smiled as she spoke. The smiling face seemed to be a lily blooming in summer, so fresh and natural, which formed a great contrast with the surrounding environment here.

Hearing Zhou Linger's introduction, Duan Yu and the four also hurriedly introduced themselves, so that everyone really got to know each other.

At this time, Zhou Linger's face had all been exposed, and Zhou Linger's appearance was clearly seen in the fire. Zhou Linger wore a hood, and the hood obviously could not wrap her black hair. Zhou Linger is a beauty in the world. She is really beautiful. Compared with the beautiful women in the mountains of Xishu Zhou Linger was not defeated. Zhou Linger had a pair of willow eyebrows, straight into her hair, and her tall and narrow nose reminded people of Xi Shi, and there was a sense of hope between her eyebrows.

"We are the people who came here to solve the plague here." Shen Siyu said with a smile.

Zhou Linger suddenly laughed, and then went to Shen Siyu's side, took Shen Siyu's hand and asked, "Really? Really?" Before Shen Siyu could answer, Zhou Linger continued to say happily, "That's great, that's great. We are saved here."

Seeing Zhou Linger's expression, several other people were a little sweating.

But this also deeply understands Zhou Linger's desire for life.

"Sister, you don't have to worry. We have done our best to deal with the plague incident here." Duan Yu said.

Song Qingsong took a look at Duan Yu, and then suddenly remembered what Zhou Dong had just said. Before the plague, the meteor passed by. In this way, it seemed that all this seemed to have something to do with the spirit of demons.

"Old man, is there anything happening with monsters around here?" Song Qingsong asked

Monsters are not very rare in the world. Although they happen less, they still happen. Naturally, the old man also knows about monsters, but the old man doesn't know why Song Qingsong asked this question.

"Young people may not know the words of monsters, but I know them very well. Because I do business in Yizhuang, I always help people in the city to hold funerals. When I engage in this kind of thing, it is inevitable that I will encounter some incredible things. The one I remember most is the mass grave in Senran Mountain outside the city. I I deeply remember that when I was in my twenties, Yizhuang received a business. The employer was from the government. At that time, we didn't know that the man was dead. We only knew that the government asked to be buried immediately, so we began to bury the mysterious coffin in the afternoon of the same day and didn't finish it until the evening, and when we left. At that time, it was found that the grave pit that had just been buried had been dug up again, and the coffin inside had been opened, and there was nothing in the coffin. At that time, in order to avoid the government asking about it, we rushed to fill the grave again. It was quite unlucky. We didn't take long to stay and hurriedly leave Senran Mountain. When I left, I looked back and saw that there seemed to be a huge figure walking around on the other side of the mass grave. At that time, I thought it was an illusion, but later I heard that there were other people who saw similar things, which made it difficult for me to forget. If I really want to talk about monsters, maybe this is the most like a monster. ."

Zhou Dong's tone was originally breathless, and his face made everyone present goosebumps and goose bumps.

"Grandpa, have you ever encountered such a thing?" Zhou Linger asked in surprise.