
Chinese monster--zombie

Ancient book records

Zombies can become demons and become demons (or droughts). Legend has it that after zombies become demons, they become demons. After becoming demons, zombies can fly, also known as flying stiff. It is said that they can kill dragons and swallow clouds and walk like the wind. Thousands of miles away, he is the king of zombies. The Book of God contains: "There are people in the south, two or three feet long, bare their bodies, and on the top of their eyes, walking like the wind, called the spirit. The country they saw is a drought, and the land is thousands of miles away." Zombies can fly, kill dragons and swallow clouds, and make them into drought. Therefore, whenever there is a drought, people will search for zombies and burn them to ashes.

Types of zombies

Zi Fuyu divides zombies into eight categories:

Purple stiff white stiff green stiff hair stiff flying corpse corpse does not melt bones

Zombies are divided into 6 types according to the size of their energy, which are distinguished by the color of their eyes. From high to low are: purple, black, blue, red, green and white.

The purple is stiff, and the body is purple after death, but it is not a zombie like in the horror film, but a corpse. The body is purple because of a plant toxin, whose blood is dyed purple and spreads to the whole body. However, this toxin cannot keep the body from rotting, and there are other conditions to keep it from rotting. When the power is carried out, the body is purple, and the corpse gas is replaced. With the increase of the power, the purple gas with the corpse gas will be thicker, and some spells created by the ancestors of zombies can be used. White stiffness and green stiffness are similar to purple stiffness.

The hair stiffness will grow strong body hair during the movement, forming a protective layer equivalent to armor. The hair stiffness is a famous copper iron bone. The higher the cultivation, the stronger the body, and the advanced hair stiffness. Even the magic weapon of the practitioner is difficult to hurt;

Flying is born to fly. You know, you have to fly!! Only high-level zombies that have been cultivated for thousands of years can fly. Feijiang is good at spells, and spells have always been the weakness of zombies. Compared with practitioners, magic is almost the same as heaven and earth, but Feijiang makes up for this lack of this aspect. Their Feijiang clan has had spells handed down since ancient times for them to practice. Feijiang is the most powerful of the zombie clan!

Another saying is that zombies can be divided into six levels:

The first level is "white stiffness". After the body enters the corpse field, it begins to grow white hair all over a month later. This kind of zombie is slow to move and very easy to deal with. It is very afraid of sunshine, fire, water, chickens and dogs, and more afraid of people;

The second level is "black stiffness". If the white stiffness is full of cow and sheep's blood, it will take off its white hair a few years later, and replace it with a few inches of black hair. At this time, it is still afraid of sunshine and fire, and it is slow to move, but at first it is not afraid of chickens and dogs. Generally speaking, the black stiffness will avoid people and dare not fight directly. It often sleeps in people. Zhongcai sucks human blood (black stiffness and white stiffness are collectively known as "black and white stiffness"). Tens of thousands of 'unknown vampires' attacks on livestock have been reported in villages and farms around the world, and some people even think that "wild people" are black deadlocks);

The third level is "jumping corpse". After several decades of black stiffness and sucking blood, the black hair takes off, and the action begins to focus on jumping. It jumps faster and far. It is afraid of the sun, and is not afraid of people or any livestock (dogs that can bark at ordinary times will not bark once they encounter 'black stiffness' or 'jumping corpse', but cats will cry coldly when they see zombies);

The fourth level of "flying corpse" evolved from jumping corpses into the dark moon. Flying corpses are often zombies for more than 100 or even hundreds of years. They move quickly, jump over trees, jump like flying, and suck the spirit without leaving trauma;

The fifth-level zombie is almost demonized, also known as "drought", "fire" and "dry". After hundreds of years of flying corpses absorbing the spirit, their appearance becomes more and more ferocious. It can be described as a blue-faced tusks. It can also change their appearance and confuse everyone. They can kill dragons and draught in the world. Plague, the drought plague originated from this (in ancient times, if the plague spread with drought, the people would firmly believe that it was drought);

The last level is also the most terrible zombie. It should be said that it is no longer a "corpse", but a demon king, with the terrible power of calling with God, thousands or even ten thousand years of Taoism.

Related issues

Zombies can only come out at night. Fengshui zombies are yin and yin. And light belongs to the sun, which is the thing of the sun. Yin and Yang are incompatible, and zombies can also come out during the day. There is another way that Maoshan warlocks use the work of casting a light curse on zombies to drive away corpses: for some reason, someone dies in a foreign country, but the custom in Xiangxi is that the body must be brought back to his hometown to be buried in the ancestral grave. The duty of the corpse driver is to divide the body into many pieces, carry it on its own, and walk to the hometown of the deceased and then stitch it together to make a whole body for burial. In order not to attract people's eyes, most people choose to travel at night. However, zombies hate sunshine, which can be concluded from the fact that they always come out at night. Zombies are roughly divided into three classes. One is a walking corpse, an unconscious body, and the lowest level of zombies, which rely on their own instinct to act. As the saying goes, walking corpses means this. There is also a conscious zombies, who have the same wisdom as people and can judge their own behavior. They are terrible zombies, such as thousand-year-old zombies in Chinese legends and foreign zombies, all of which belong to this category. In addition, the drought, the most powerful zombie, only appears in mythical novels. If this kind of zombie appears, I'm afraid it is more powerful than *.

Why do zombies suck blood

There is no fixed answer to the question of zombies sucking blood. There is a saying that zombies sucking blood is to absorb each other's blood as food, and there is also blood sucking blood to revenge against God like the vampire Count. There are also legends that blood sucking is a job that zombies must do every day, just like our profession. In fact, the so-called zombies in China have basically been assimilated by foreign demons or vampires. In fact, the real zombie in China is a shadow corpse, which means that if a corpse is placed in a dark place with energy or close to life, the corpse will absorb energy or vitality will lead to corpses. A "living body" with mobility and thinking ability (actually dead) is a zombie. If you find a corpse, you have to deal with it soon, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable! Things about zombies have always been very mysterious, and little is known about such information. However, it is generally believed that zombies become thoughtless, uncontrollable living dead people who can only kill and drink blood after deformation. They gathered the resentment of heaven and earth and were born with bad luck. Not old, immortal, immortal, abandoned by the three worlds of heaven and earth, outside the six paths of all sentient beings, wandering and displaced. His body is stiff, he uses resentment in the world, eats blood, and vents endless loneliness with the blood of all sentient beings. China talks most about driving corpse craftsmen in western Hunan. What they are chasing belongs to the walking corpses. The corpse driver is called "the corpse driver." Usually, the body is rushed to Yizhuang or a fixed shop before dawn. The body was generally dressed in a wide black body cloth, with a high felt hat on its head, and a few yellow paper with book charms hanging on its face. In front of these bodies in black corpses, there was a living man with a gong in his hand. While knocking on the small gong in his hand, he led the group of corpses forward. Without lighting the lantern, he shook a dementer bell in his hand to make night pedestrians avoid it and inform people with dogs to lock up the dog. If there are more than two bodies, the corpse driver will string the bodies one by one with a straw rope, one every seven or eight feet away. Dealing with magic weapons.

Related legends of zombies

Writer Sun Fangzhi wrote in the inscription of the novel of the same name: "Drought, a legendary monster that can cause drought, is believed to be changed by a dead person within 100 days after death in the countryside. The dead bodies turned into droughts do not decay, grass does not grow on the graves, and water seeps on the graves. Drought ghosts will carry water to their homes at night. Only when the drought is burned will it rain. The custom of burning drought in the countryside around Luzhong continued until the 1960s. Zombies who have been cultivated for nearly a thousand years can easily make a state and county dry, so they are called drought.

Conceal zombie objects

The Mirror's Compendium of Materia Medica mentioned: "The mirror is the essence of golden water, and the inside is bright and the outside is dark."

Peach Branch, Peach Wood Sword "Jingchu Age Record" "Peach, the essence of the five elements, can be disgusted with evil spirits and control hundreds of ghosts."

Chicken Sing "Zi Bu Yu": "The ghost shrinks when the chicken crows."

Seven jujube nuclei "Zi Fuyu": "Seven jujube nuclei are nailed into the back of the corpse."

Fire is the ultimate way to kill corpses. Zi Buyu: "Let it on fire, the sound of tut, blood and bones gushing."

Glutinous rice in the south, eat glutinous rice when people die at home to exorcise evil spirits and prevent zombies

A carpenter's tool used to draw straight lines on the wall. The ink in the ink bucket is cinnabar added with ink.

The spell of the Taoist

Black donkey's hoof is special for lieutenant. It is also a legendary magic weapon against zombies.

Black dog blood and black dog blood are rigid and yang. The extreme negative nature of dealing with zombies