
After approaching the magistrate, Song Qingsong and others were shocked. Although the magistrate looks acceptable outside, the situation in the government office is too big, as if it were an abandoned government office.

"Lord Li, the place where you live is really frugal." Song Qingsong said.

"Well, this makes you laugh. Although my magistrate is not magnificent in the first place, it used to be clean and tidy. However, since the first time I gathered everyone to resist the demon monk, I have failed, so I can only live in Tibet. This magistrate may not be asked. Jin, no one cleaned it, so it became what it is today.

Speaking of Li Xianyi, he called the people under him to wait in front, and then took Song Qingsong and others to the hall, but the hall was already in chaos. Presumably, the government office had no officials, and the thieves were also flooded here, and because they did not live here, the seats were already Full of dust, Li Xianyi hurriedly took off his coat, then hurriedly cleaned a few seats and asked everyone to sit down.

A court official actually served others so much, which also moved Song Qingsong and others. It was also painful to see Li Xianyi's haggard appearance.

"What on earth is that demon monk? Why is it so good? Today, in the Dharma field, I saw that the demon monk actually used the soul-eating method to confuse the people." Shen Siyu said

Hearing Shen Siyu talk about soul-eating, Li Xianyi was shocked and then asked, "Are all heroes practitioners of truth?"

"Well, why did you say that?" Song Qingsong asked.

"There is a lineage of cultivation on the next ancestor." With that, Li Xianyi lit up a piece of jade pendant on his chest, wiped it and said, "This is also from the ancestors, which can ward off evil spirits. I can also barely resist the magic of the demon monk because of this jade pendant."

"That's it."

"Since I was hit by the demon monk, I have also been looking for practitioners everywhere, hoping to deal with this demon monk with the help of practitioners, but there has been no result. Not long ago, I went to Yunhai Mountain, but when I went there, I heard that Yunhai Mountain had been destroyed. I don't know which monk you are?"

Duan Yu and Song Qingsong sighed and did not answer.

"The world of cultivation is a family, and the division of sects is only easy to remember, and Lord Li doesn't have to care."

"Oh, that's right, people who cultivate the truth are all based on their own responsibility to eliminate demons and defend the way."

"Lord Li, I don't know what this demon monk is." Shen Siyu asked.

"Oh, that's right. In fact, this Cihang was originally a Taoist monk. I had seen this person in the court a long time ago. At that time, this man spoke elegantly and spoke with kindness. I also appreciated him very much, but I don't know why it later became like this, under his demonic words. Many loyal ministers in the court actually committed suicide one after another, which also led to the treacherous ministers in the court. Many loyal and righteous people pursued him one after another, but none of them had a good result, and the power of this demon monk was getting stronger day by day, and more and the sect he organized was also increasing. I'm afraid one day, this The position of the emperor will also be vacated for him. Oh, by the way, what is the soul-eating technique mentioned by this girl just now? Did that demon monk use this spell to confuse everyone? Li Xianyi said.

"Oh, that soul-eating skill is an evil skill and a forbidden skill among true practitioners. Most of this spells are practiced by demons, but it is extremely difficult to practice this skill, and few people learn it. If I am not wrong, the Cihang envoy It uses soul-eating. If so, then this Cihang should not be an ordinary person, oh, no! Maybe it's a monster.

"Maybe? Why not? Is it difficult to judge whether he has a human body?

"No, even if an ordinary monster becomes a human or possesses a human, I can still see what's going on through some spells, but today I can't see the origin of this Cihang. I only know that he does have demonic spirit, but where does this demonic spirit come from? There is no way to know, or it may be that I don't practice enough to see through.

"It doesn't matter. Since there is a demon spirit, it must not be a good person. It seems that my guess is not wrong, but if it is really a monster, how can I, a mortal, fight with a monster?"

"Lord Li doesn't have to worry. Since we have come here, we naturally have to eliminate demons for the people here. If that guy is really a demon, then it's our business to get rid of him. You don't have to worry." Song Qingsong said.

"Thank you so much. As long as you get rid of this evil demon monk, you will be a cow and a horse for everyone in the next life." Li Xianyi said.

"Lord Li, look at what you said, didn't you also say that the practitioners are just for exorcism and defend the way? Then why do you say such a thing?" Shen Siyu said.

Zhou Linger bit her finger, as if she had something to say, as if she had been holding it for a long time, so she interrupted and said, "Little girl, I have something to say. I don't know if it's okay?"

"Oh? Is this young girl also a man of cultivation? It's really young and beautiful," Li Xianyi said.

"Oh, this is my junior sister. I'm new here. Haha, Linger, if you need anything, just tell me." Shen Siyu said.

And Zhou Linger hasn't reacted yet. I don't know why Shen Siyu actually said that she was her junior sister.

"Oh, that's right. I know what that monster is."

Li Xianyi looked at Zhou Linger with great interest and asked, "Oh?"

"Oh, that's right. My sister has a power that can gain insight into everything. Come on, Linger, tell me what kind of monster that monster is."

"Today, I saw a demonic spirit on Master Cihang's body. There was a round thing glowing in Master Cihang's body. There were many vine-like things around that round thing. At that time, I didn't know what it was. I kept thinking about it, and now I finally thought of what it was."

"What is it?" Li Xianyi asked.

"That was a mirror, and that mirror seemed to be alive. At that time, it seemed to notice that I saw it, so it began to get up unnaturally. I think Master Cihang was invaded by a mirror monster."

"Mirror Essence? Is there such a monster? It's really the first time I've heard of a monster like a mirror demon. Li Xianyi said.

"Mirror? So that's it. No wonder I can't see through what this monster is today. It turned out to be a mirror. Shen Siyu said.

"So, is there really such a thing as a mirror demon?" Li Xianyi asked curiously.

"In fact, there are all kinds of strange things in the world. Any kind of thing can be cultivated, and any kind of monster may exist."

"Oh, well, do you have a way to get rid of this monster?" Li Xianyi asked.

"I'm not sure about this, because I don't know where the monster is hiding. If we take the initiative to attack, it seems very difficult, so I think what I want is to lead the monster out, and then we can break it in one fell swoop."

"Good way." Li Xianyi suddenly applauded and said, "I didn't expect a girl to be so intelligent."

"Ha ha, Lord Li laughed. After talking for so long, I have been a girl. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Shen Siyu."

"Duan Yu."

"Oh, my name is Song Qingsong."

"Eat winter."

"So this is Zhou Linger?" Li Xianyi said with a smile and then continued, "Haha, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"By the way, why was that monk possessed by demons? Doesn't the Buddha bless his disciples? Li Xianyi asked.

"Of course, the Buddha will bless his disciples and those who pray sincerely. I'm afraid that this Master Cihang is not six pure, so he gives the demon an opportunity to take advantage of."

"But the number of six unclean people in the world is not very large?" Duan Yu asked.

"But monsters only use those who are valuable. Since Master Cihang is already a nationally famous Taoist monk, his status is also very high. If he is a little careless, he can't be himself. It is also normal to be invaded by demons. Maybe this is also a disaster he should experience." Shen Siyu said.

"What a tragedy. It seems that there is too little real charity in this world, but this person's heart is sinister. You said that Master Cihang also looks compassionate, but we don't know what he is thinking." Li Xianyi said.

"Ha ha, people are like this, otherwise how can they be called people?" Shen Siyu said.

"That's right. I don't know how to implement the plan Miss Shen just said?" Li Xianyi asked.

"Today, I saw that Master Cihang was obviously powerful, but he escaped. It seems that this monster doesn't want the people to see his true face, so he is running away."

"So what?" Duan Yu asked.

"Since this monster doesn't want to cast spells blatantly, I think the monster will definitely come to us tonight. Let's wait quietly."

"How can the girl be sure that he really comes back?"

"Haha, since this has rotated a person with a certain appeal like Master Cihang, he will definitely not let people who interfere with him appear to destroy his reputation. If I guess correctly, this mirror demon is an extremely vain monster. Don't think that we are an eye thorn for him. He I will definitely come to us. I think it should be tonight. When we open the door, we will let this monster fall into the net.

"Teaching, Miss Shen is really a divine person."

"My sister is really awesome." Song Qingsong also said.