
Chapter 52 Icy gluttony

This huge mirror is copper-colored, and there are many stars shining on the edge of the mirror. When the flying fish summoned by Shen Siyu touched the mirror, it was like a bullet disappearing into the water. The whole process was silent, and it ended simply, and then the mirror returned to The Cihang monk's body was sucked in like a pocket, and this was not over. Suddenly, he only looked at the Cihang monk, and his face changed. Then the water fish summoned by Shen Siyu suddenly appeared in front of him, and rushed towards Shen Siyu at a faster speed.

Shen Siyu was shocked and hurriedly dodged, and these water fish were so fast and powerful that Shen Siyu couldn't dodge and hurriedly made a unique move. He stabbed his wrist with the flying fish sword, and then only looked at the flying fish sword as if it were melting ice water, and suddenly entered Shen Siyu's body, and then A huge blister emerged from Shen Siyu's wrist and wrapped Shen Siyu. Of course, this series of movements were also very fast, at least at the same speed as the flying water fish, so that a huge bubble-like boundary was formed around Shen Siyu's body before the water fish arrived. The flying water fish is also one after another melting under this boundary.

All this happened too quickly. When Song Qingsong, Duan Yu and Chudong arrived in front of Shen Siyu, Shen Siyu had fainted. Song Qingsong hurriedly gave Shen Siyu elixir, and then hurriedly retreated to the hall. Chudong and Duan Yu hurriedly covered the retreat of Song Qingsong and Shen Siyu.

But the monk over there is also too much, and his strength is not ordinary. He also docked with Chudong and Duan Yu, and Chudong couldn't do it anymore. He said something, and then waved to Song Qingsong, only to see a boundary formed around Song Qingsong and Shen Siyu. This spell is The unique skill of early winter, Quyun Cold Frost, is also the most powerful defensive spell practiced in early winter.

This move is very correct, because the monk Cihang not only fought with Duan Yu and early winter, but also released some other forces and turned into golden light to attack Song Qingsong and Shen Siyu, and Song Qingsong was adjusting his breath for Shen Siyu, and it was also difficult to pull out to meet him. Fortunately, there was Qu Yun. The frost boundary protected Song Qingsong and Shen Siyu.

"This boundary is good, and it can actually resolve my power." A male and female voice came out of the closed mouth of the monk Cihang.

"Monster, die." Early winter roared, and then held the Quyun knife in his hand, drew a circle on the ground, and then the circle drawn quickly emitted cold air. Early winter inserted the Quyun knife into the ground, and the Quyun knife also turned into a blue flash and evaporated in the air, and the cold air from the circle also formed a protective layer around the body of the early winter, looking It's like there was a gap on the top of his head in early winter, constantly inhaling cold air into this void. Monk Cihang seemed to feel something wrong and hurriedly attacked Chudong with more powerful mana. Duan Yu hurried forward to fight, but suddenly he was sent out by the gold sent by the monk Cihang. The light revered far, far, and made many turns on the ground.

"Be careful in the early winter." Duan Yu shouted.

But early winter is calm. Of course, he also has a reason to be calm, because those powerful golden light can't hurt him at all. On the contrary, the domineering of early winter slowly shows. The cold air that emerges is sucked into the air hole above his head in early winter at a faster speed, and then brushes it. The array pretended and shook around, and then the seven holes turned into a star into the body of early winter, and then something magical happened. Early winter slowly suspended, supporting him by the cold frost, which slowly supported the early winter into the air. At this time, Chu Winter also began to see snowflakes and cold air all over his body, and Qu Yundao did not know where to go. A diamond-shaped blue light tattoo slowly appeared in the heart of his eyebrows in early winter, and his eyes also lost black in early winter, replaced by cold eyes.

The monk Cihang was stunned for a moment and said, "What magic? It's awesome."

The early winter did not say anything, as if the early winter had lost its original consciousness at this time. Suddenly, it was really suddenly, and the air could not keep up with the speed of early winter. When the winter's figure appeared, it was already in front of the monk Cihang, and all this seemed to be instantaneous. Kung Fu, people's eyes can't keep up with the speed of early winter. I'm afraid only Cihang knew it. At that time, he only felt a cold wind, and then the ice and snow came to his face. These ice and snow even froze the eyebrows of the monk Cihang.

Brush, the fist of early winter has appeared half an inch away from the eyes of the monk Cihang, but the monk also dodged, but again, this time, the monk Cihang did not dodge, and suddenly heard the sound of blood flowing out. It turned out that the early winter punch had already hit the ribs of the monk Cihang monk. A big hole was hit in the direction, as if the liver and intestines had been smashed and slowly flowed out of the wound. Of course, the blood was the first to flow all over the ground. The smell of blood had begun to spread out, and a fishy smell slowly appeared in the air. At this time of winter, it was like death. Looking at the Cihang monks on the ground, those The steam of the spreading blood was also condensed into ice in early winter.

Song Qingsong in the distance was dumbfounded, but he couldn't be distracted, because he was delivering true qi to Shen Siyu at this time, but it seemed that he vaguely heard Song Qingsong couldn't believe it and said, "Is this ice forbidden art - ice gluttony?"

And at this time, the monk Cihang had already said: "Ice gluttony? I didn't expect that the so-called practitioners would practice this forbidden art? But when the monk Cihang said this word, he suddenly stopped talking.

There are two kinds of people in the world who can't speak. One is mute and the other is dead. At this time, the monk Cihang can't speak, not because he is mute, but because he may be a dead person. Everyone didn't see it clearly just now. Only Chudong knows how fast his punch was just now. , straight in the middle, a punch broke the head of the monk Cihang, and the brain flowers were mixed with blood sprayed on the ground, as if those brains were still beating and have not yet inactive, and the talking mouth of the Cihang monk has become a pool, and his lips and teeth are broken everywhere. At this time, there is only one Cihang kneeling on the ground. The body with the head is even gone, even the heat, because the heat evaporated by the blood is turned into ice and snow or ice by the cold real gas in early winter and falls into the air or the ground.

And at this time, the early winter did not stop his killing. Even if this Cihang seemed to be a dead man, the early winter continued to attack and attacked the already mutilated corpse more and more fiercely.

"It's really worthy of being a true person. It's really poisonous, haha." Another male or female voice came out of the air.

Under the fierce attack in early winter, Cihang's body has begun to turn into meat mud, and something actually appeared in this meat mud. Slowly, the flesh and blood wrapped on it also slipped and disappeared. Only then did we see what it was. It turned out to be a bronze mirror. This bronze mirror was in the blood and The meat looks very clean, as if it is not stained with dust. At this time, the early winter slowly stopped, because he saw himself who was crazy at this time in this bronze mirror. He didn't know why he slowly stopped in the early winter, and then knelt on the ground and sighed in those cold air. In an instant, it faded from his body, and the early winter suddenly fainted. At this time, Song Qingsong also finished his work, Shen Siyu's complexion also recovered a lot, and the flowing blood began to slowly heal. Duan Yu and Song Qingsong hurried to the early winter, but at this time, the bronze mirror suddenly flew into the air. In the middle, he jumped high in mid-air. At this time, in the bronze mirror, a human face slowly appeared.

This face looks extremely ugly. This face is full of poisonous buds. It can only distinguish eyes, nose and mouth. This is also a basis for judging that it is a personal face. Otherwise, the toad will become a human, right? And this flying mirror is not nothing to do, and it shoots from the mirror at once. Duan Jinguang suddenly attacked in the direction of Duan Yu and Song Qingsong. The momentum was strong, and Duan Yu and Song Qingsong were shaken away again.

The mirror man slowly looked at the early winter on the ground, then turned a punch around his body in the early winter, and then said, "I didn't expect that there were still people practicing ice and gluttony among the practitioners? It's really strange. The most strange thing is that I didn't expect that someone would practice this icy magic. Haha, I picked up a bargain today, so I'll take your strength to my body. The mirror said, and then a golden light slowly came out of the bronze mirror and shone on the early winter when it had fainted on the ground.

But at this time, something happened. Suddenly, a thick purple fog spread around the bronze mirror and suddenly covered the light of the bronze mirror. In the purple gas, the golden light of the bronze mirror shot everywhere, as if it could not touch the northern searchlight, shining everywhere, when Duan Yuhe Song Qingsong was really happy to think that it was a rescuer. Suddenly, he only saw a scribe in blue appear in the sky and slowly descend to the ground.

In fact, Duan Yu and Song Qingsong know this scribe in blue and are very familiar with each other.

This person is blue wine, and at this time, Duan Yu and Song Qingsong only have hatred in their eyes. Blue wine is not a person from Yunhai Mountain, or even never.