
Chapter 60 Good and Evil are not defined

Because of those mellow and righteous true spirits, the murderous spirit in the heart of early winter was suddenly suppressed.

When the cow god slowly disappeared in mid-air, everyone left with laughter, and Chudong was also stunned. Duan Yu saw Chudong's stupid face and asked, "What's wrong with you, brother? Is that monster a monster?

At this time, the door of the closed temple slowly opened, and then a burst of golden light appeared, shining on the faces of Duan Yu and Chudong. The early winter slowly looked in the direction of the light, and only heard a voice from the temple: "Two heroes of Yunhai Mountain come in."

Duan Yu was very surprised. He didn't expect that the monster would still know his identity, but Duan Yu wondered how he knew that Yunhai Mountain was still so boldly invited, but Chudong didn't think so. Chudong looked at Duan Yu and said, "Let's go in."

"There will be no fraud, right? I can't believe that monster's words!" Duan Yu said.

And the door came and continued to speak, saying, "What's wrong? Two heroes, are you afraid that I will eat you?

"You monster, don't be rampant." Duan Yu roared at the door.

Chudong smiled and said, "Brother, let's go in, or you can wait for me outside. I'll go in. Whether it's a monster or not, it's okay anyway." Saying that, he walked towards the temple gate in the early winter. How could Duan Yu leave himself outside, so he hurried up.

Entering the temple, the door suddenly closed. At this time, a monster was made from the hall inside the temple. This monster was the bull god just now.

"Two people, sit inside." This cow god, with a cow's upper body and a human lower body, is not the style of an inverted triangle. It looks like a normal proportion. Overall, it is very strong, and the most valuable thing is that this cow god's face is not ferocious, but looks very negotiable. In the mouth of girls, this may be considered cute. The righteousness revealed above can obviously be felt. There is no need for other monsters. Other monsters will have a fear and a cold feeling when they get close, feeling as if they will be in danger immediately, but this so-called Bull God is not like this, which makes Duan Yu and Early Winter approach the hall. Although I am still vigilant.

The hall of the Bull Temple is very simple. There is a huge statue of Sanqing standing in the north. On the ground is a cushion that is about to be kneeled. There are two rows of seats on both sides of the hall. The seats look like they have been made of wood for some years and have been polished very slippery, faintly.

"Please sit down, please sit down. I'm very poor and sad. I'm sorry." The bull said.

I don't know why Duan Yu and Chudong put down their vigilance at this time, and then put them on the seat. At this time, it seemed that they were talking to a normal person, and the idea that Taoist demons had already been thrown behind.

"Ha, this cow, cow god, you're welcome." Early winter said.

"Hey, what a bull god, my name is Dashan, and I am a monk demon. I know that they are Taoist friends of Yunhai Mountain, so I must explain that although I am a demon, I have never done anything to hurt people."

"Oh? Since it's a demon, how can there be a reason not to hurt people?" Duan Yu immediately asked, and the fist in his hand seemed to have some blue veins.

"Hey, it's also this monster. It should be a sign of doing bad things in people's consciousness, but why can't monsters have good things? Everything in the world is equal, and people are also animals. People can practice good. Why can't we demons practice good? Dashan said with a smile.

"What you said is not unreasonable. The true qi you just spread must also be the true qi you have practiced for thousands of years. If I guess correctly, you are spreading your true qi to nourish the land here and promote the growth of animals and plants here. This is also a good thing, if not In this way, I don't think I will sit here now. Early winter said.

"Well, it's a pity that my magic power is limited, and I can't let more people live the same good life." Dashan said.

"This demon is not all bad, and this person is not all good. I won't object to what you just said, so we won't interfere if you continue to do your good deeds here. Why did you ask us to come in here?" Early winter said that Duan Yu seemed to have a sense of what Chudong said.

"Oh, that's right. More than a month ago, I saw strange clouds in the western sky, and with my demon's body, I felt as if there was something in the world. Sure enough, I felt an extremely huge power near Niujiao Town. Later, I found the source of this power. I I found that it turned out to be the spirit of all demons!"

"Spirit of all demons?! Where did you see this thing? Do you also know the spirit of demons? Duan Yu asked.

"Well, I always have a demon's body. I still know about the spirit of all demons. This demon spirit is the most important collection of all monsters and the most powerful magic weapon in the demon world. It has always been sealed in the body of the king of demons, but I didn't expect that I could see this thing with my own eyes, although I I just picked up a fragment, but I felt the extremely powerful power contained in this demon spirit. That power is powerful, but it is also cold. It is the first time I have felt such a cold thing after 2,000 years of cultivation, but it has an irresistible **, I I know that this thing is not a good thing. Although it is powerful, it is a gathering of evil forces.

"So, where is that thing now?" Duan Yu asked.

At this time, Dashan slowly stood up, and then said, walking towards the Sanqing statue in the middle of the hall. "The spiritual power of all demons is too evil. Presumably, the evil nature of most monsters is hidden in it. Maybe this is also the source of the whole demon world to be regarded as evil, so." Saying that, Dashan took a fragment from the steps of the statue of Sanqing, which still glowed slightly blue, "So, I hope to give such a thing in the hands of those who can control it, and hope that someone can destroy the spirit beads of all demons, so that the evil of the demon world will disappear forever. "

Seeing that Dashan took out the fragments of the spirit of ten thousand demons, Chudong and Duan Yu hurried up. At first glance, it was indeed the spirit of ten thousand demons, and Duan Yu and Chudong were a little dumbfounded. They did not expect that the monsters in the world were fighting for the spirit of ten thousand demons, but they did not expect that the monster in front of them would give up the spirit of ten thousand demons to others.

Seeing the bull-headed demon in front of them, Duan Yu and Chudong couldn't believe that there was such a really good monster in the world. At this time, they only saw that Dashan used a spell. This spell seemed to be in the shape of a bubble, slowly wrapping the fragments of the spirits of the demons. Then the wrapped spirit of ten thousand demons slowly flew in front of Duan Yu and Early Winter.

"The evil spirit of the ten thousand demons is too powerful, so I laid this boundary, hoping that the two heroes can take good care of it and bring it back to the chaotic mountains of Western Shu to destroy it, so as not to cause many trouble in the world." Dashan said that he only saw the bubble wrapped on the surface of the fragments of the spirit of the demons slowly approaching the spirit of the demons and knew that it had integrated into the spirit of the demons. At this time, the spirit of the demons suddenly fell down like a weightless stone. In the early winter, the winter suddenly caught the spirits of the demons, and at this time, the spirits of the demons seemed to have fallen Without its power, it seems to have been sealed by the power of Dashan just now. At this time, it was already an ordinary stone.

"Great Taoist friend, it really bothers you. I have always thought that monsters are evil, and it seems that this is not the same." Early winter said.

"That's right. It seems that this bad person varies from person to person, and this monster is also good because of demons."

"Ha ha, you two have been praised. I'm just practicing Taoism. I hope all sentient beings can live a good life. By the way, look at the two servants, do you have anything important to do?" Dashan asked.

"Yes, this spirit of ten thousand demons was actually killed as fragments when he was born. Now there are fragments of the spirits of ten thousand demons walking in the world. You know that the demon is invincible is a cult. Now we just want to rush to Changyang Mountain hoping to take the lead and get another piece of the spirit of ten thousand demons." Oh, well, that's not far away. If you fly another 2,000 miles to the north, you will arrive at Changyang Mountain, but Changyang Mountain is a place where demons are rampant and no grass. You should pay attention to it. Dashan said.

"Well, in fact, I have heard that there are many demons in Changyang Mountain. We will pay attention to it, but this fragment of the spirit of ten thousand demons, I really want to thank you. This is really a good thing you have done for the world." Early winter said.

In such a long time, it was also the first time that Duan Yu said so much in early winter, but Duan Yu felt the strangeness of the existence of such a kind monster as Dashan.

This night, Early Winter and Dashan talked for a long time. It can be said that they talked about everything. Duan Yu had fallen asleep, but Early Winter and Dashan forgot the time and talked freely.

But the next day, the early winter and Dashan were both brilliant. Compared with Duan Yu, who woke up in a daze, it seemed that Duan Yu stayed up all night, and the early winter and Dashan had a good dream.

The next winter, he said goodbye to Duan Yu, and then flew to Changyang Mountain 2,000 meters away in the north.

For early winter, encountering great goodness can be said to make him redefining good and evil.

There is no evil in the world, and evil only comes from the torrent of the secular world. In the secular world, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be dipped in mud, and how many people can maintain the first good and end?

In the sky, not only Duan Yu and early winter rushing to Changyang Mountain, the elites of Yunhai Mountain, the elites of Nanjiang Stone Forest, and the elites of Western Shu Chaoshan also flew in the direction of Changyang Mountain.