
Chapter 64 Cave Sea Beast

"Brother, let's go quickly." Chudong said, and then hurriedly pulled Duan Yu to the mouth of the cave, as if he felt a bad feeling, but Chudong forgot that there were many monsters outside the cave. Of course, Chudong did not expect that the only exit would slowly close at this time, and it looked like a melting mouth. Unexpectedly, it melted and merged together. Early winter seemed to faintly hear the frightened cry of those monsters outside, and it was also like ants that exploded up. Of course, early winter and Duan Yu could not know what was going on. They only knew that Duan Yu and Chudong were trapped in this cave at this time. Among them.

And this cave is also full of unknown dangers. Since the collapse of the small temple, these strange things have happened. The sea in the cave is constantly windy and clouds, and the waves are undulating, looking like being stirred by a huge spoon.

The way out was sealed. Early Winter and Duan Yu depended on each other and hid far away from the sea. At this time, Duan Yu and Early Winter felt a strange feeling of oppressing people's hearts, as if there was something terrible behind them. Chudong and Duan Yu turned their heads and only looked at the slowly revealing in the sea. A snake-like head, with a long neck under this head, which looks about dozens of meters high, and this is just a head and neck. In the dark light, you can't see what it is. It just looks like the head of a snake. As for what the body looks like and how big it is, it is impossible to know. However, the head and neck are so exaggerated that the body must not be small.

This made Duan Yu and Chudong feel unprecedented fear, and another monster came one after another. Duan Yu and Chudong are unpredictable. I'm afraid it's another disaster. At this time, Duan Yu and Chudong are like mortals, even a mortal. Without the true spirit, Duan Yu's arms are difficult. With profliance, in front of the monster on the sea, Duan Yu and Chudong are like ordinary people waiting to be executed.

The huge monster over there seemed to feel the existence of Early Winter and Duan Yu. Suddenly, it looked at Duan Yu and Early Winter. Of course, at this time, Duan Yu and Early Winter realized that the monster still had eyes. Its eyes were like bright sapphires, shining with attractive blue light, but this blue There is a frightening force in the light, which is like the eyes of death, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

After Duan Yu and Chudong, the monster began to exert force and quickly swam towards Duan Yu and Chudong. The sea was still a little big, and the monster could not reach the beach immediately for a moment, but this scared Duan Yu and Chudong. Sooner or later, such a monster will swim. When they arrived at the beach, Early Winter and Duan Yu hurriedly looked around for a place to hide, but after running for a while, they still didn't touch anything, and the wall did not touch, let alone the exit or hole.

There's nothing I can do. Chudong looked at Duan Yu and said, "There's nothing I can do. I have to take banned drugs."

"Forbidden drugs? What is it?" Duan Yu asked.

"A forbidden drug in Yunhaishan is usually not allowed to practice and take it, but there is nothing we can do now. We have to take it."

"Eat it? Why is it forbidden? Are there any side effects?" Duan Yu asked in a hurry.

"No, it is an elixir that can temporarily increase the storage of true qi. After taking it, it will quickly improve the true qi within a quarter of an hour, but after a quarter of an hour, the same amount of true qi and cultivation will be lost. At present, there is no choice but to see if there is anything to avoid it. I don't believe that the monster can fly. ." Chudong said, and then took out a pill from his arms and immediately took it. Duan Yu couldn't stop it, because his arm could not be used.

After taking the pills, the whole person felt that the whole person was much better, and the true qi had recovered a lot. Duan Yu hurriedly injected the true qi into the Quyun, and then a protective shield was formed around Duan Yu and the early winter's body. At this time, the monster in the sea just hit the beach and the monster that came out of the water. The whole body may be as big as a city-state, with an amazing size, and limbs and fins on the limbs. Duan Yu and Chudong did not have the heart to observe the monster carefully. Early Winter pulled Duan Yu and then flew towards the sky. At this time, the monster was also just right. After the attack, an energy wave gathered in front of its mouth, and then quickly, the monster sprayed out the energy wave. The energy wave was blue and looked like a blue glass. It quickly attacked Duan Yu and Early Winter. Early Winter accelerated its speed and took the body All the true energy in it has been gambled, but the blue energy wave is too large, and the area where it goes is also extremely large. Even if the early winter speeds up, it is also attacked by the edge of the blue energy wave.

In early winter, I felt that the protective film formed by Quyunbao knife was like a brittle egg shell in front of this blue energy wave, which was broken at a touch, but fortunately, it only touched the edge of the energy wave, and the boundary formed by Quyunbao knife was not too watery. Early winter and Duan Yu were still safe in the boundary, but the energy wave The huge force of containment formed a huge traction when it hit the boundary. Suddenly, the boundary created in early winter quickly crashed into the distance. The remaining blue energy ball rushed towards the distance. After a while, it heard a tremor, as if the whole cave was about to collapse. The top of the cave keeps falling rocks. The power of the energy ball is too powerful. As long as it wants, the monster may collapse the cave at any time.

Early winter and Duan Yu were hit far away in the boundary, but fortunately Duan Yu and Early Winter actually met a hole. There was a hole above the high-altitude wall. When they touched the hole, Duan Yu and Early Winter were quickly separated from the boundary by the traction of the energy wave and rushed Entering the cave, and as expected in early winter, the monster could not fly. Even if it had strong power, it could not walk in the air, so it could only roar on the begonia under the cave.

Duan Yu cheered up a few times, then put his head out of the hole and looked down, only looking at the monster roaring at the sky on the beach.

"Brother, it seems that we are out of danger." Early winter was happy and said that Duan Yu was shocked by the light of the white tiger. At this time, Duan Yu's face had become extremely pale, like a person who had lost too much blood, lying in front of Duan Yu.

"Oh, isn't it? That's good." Early winter said reluctantly. At this time, it seems that the effect of the forbidden medicine he just took in early winter has passed, and the side effects have come. It is difficult for early winter to stand up again now, and even speaking has become a struggle to speak out.

When Duan Yu squatted down, he had no look and no breath. At this time, Duan Yu was suddenly dumbfounded and tears flowed down. Duan Yu didn't know what to do or say. His whole body was numb, and the muscles on his face also twitched. Duan Yu cried and cried fiercely. In the early winter, he lay in front of Duan Yu without breathing. It seemed that death had come to the head of the early winter. Duan Yu could no longer hear any sound. At this time, it was quiet. Duan Yu could not even hear his own crying clearly. Duan Yu lay on his chest and cried badly. Suddenly, Duan Yu He stood up and said, "You killed my brother. I fought with you." Saying that Duan Yu was about to go down to fight with the monster, and suddenly grabbed Duan Yu's foot with one hand. Duan Yu looked back in surprise and found that the early winter was not dead.

"Stupid boy, what are you doing? I'm not dead yet." Early winter did not die. After saying this, Early Winter relaxed and lay down and breathed the air again. At this time, Duan Yu couldn't help but shed tears, but Duan Yu knew that men could shed tears, but they could not be seen, so he turned his head and immediately wiped away their tears, but he didn't know why. Tears fell down one after a while, and Duan Yu wiped away all his tears.

"Brother, are you all right?" Duan Yu wiped the corners of his eyes and cheered up his emotions, squatted down and asked.

"Oh, it's okay. It was the side effect of the banned drug just now, which put me in a state of fake death." Early winter said that Duan Yu looked much better at this time, but he still looked very weak.

"Oh? It really scared me to death."

"Hey, what are you afraid of? Why don't you see where this hole is and if there are any other exits? Early winter said.

Duan Yu reacted and remembered to find an exit, so he raised the white tiger and took a picture of the mouth of the cave, and said, "I can't see it clearly. It doesn't seem that this hole is deep. There seems to be a tunnel in front of it that can be walked through." Duan Yu said.

"Then let's go and help me quickly." Early winter said.

Duan Yu was stunned for a moment and then said, "How to help? I can't move my hand."

In the early winter, he was a little speechless, and then said, "You can't move, so you still hold your axe?"

This sentence made Duan Yu wake up at once. Duan Yu looked at his hand and then said, "It's true. I didn't expect it to be so magical. It's okay. Hey hey, let's go quickly."

Duan Yu helped up the early winter. Qu Yunbao knife seemed to have run out of true qi. At this time, it also turned into a blue light and returned to the body of early winter.

This magic weapon of a true person can actually be turned into true qi and stored in the body of a true human. Early winter loves his own knife, so it has always been held in his hand. Of course, whether to receive the magic weapon in the body or not depends on what people think. It doesn't matter if you think so.

Duan Yu held the white tiger and leaned forward to the front of the hole step by step in early winter.