
Chapter 74 Grey Melancholy Sword God

"Come in, it's raining outside." Duan Yu poked his head and said to Song Yao that Song Yao was wearing a bamboo hat at this time, plus an umbrella. Because of the bamboo hat, Duan Yu has only known Song Yao's name so far. Duan Yu is still very curious about Song Yao's appearance, because he is very curious. After all, Song Yao's voice The sound is full of magnetism, which will attract many people to find out.

"Ha ha, it's okay. It's good to rain. I like rain the most." Song Yao said.

"Why? Why do you like rain? It's wet everywhere. What's good about it? It's inconvenient to travel. Duan Yu said.

Song Yao exposed the covering area of the umbrella, and the rain water fell on Song Yao's hand. Song Yao stretched out his hand, pinched the rain, smiled and said, "Because it rains, the world will be quiet, and I will lift it safely."

Duan Yu can't understand, but it seems that it's true that the quiet world will feel safer. The noisy world will only make people feel unsafe, because in the noisy world, people will become impetuous. If people are impetuous, then there is not much difference between people and animals, so there is little difference between people and animals. Next, selfishness and killing will continue to happen. Many killings kept flashing in Duan Yu's mind. Duan Yu began to close his eyes and listen to the sound of the rain. The sound of the rain came to Duan Yu's heart from the air drop by drop. It seemed that the rain fell on his heart, and the whole world became quiet and quiet. The whole space I could only hear drips and my heartbeat, and many troubles were submerged in the water.

But when people appeared in the world, they came to suffer. When there was so much quietness, it was only a short moment. Suddenly, the boat began to shake and began to shake under the surface of the water. Duan Yu hurried out. At this time, Song Yao suddenly hit the umbrella on Duan Yu's head and said, and then said, "It's raining. Come out. What are you doing?

"What seems to be the movement? There is something moving underwater, as if it is ready to move. Duan Yu said while looking at the water.

"Ha, it's okay. I didn't panic. Come and have a look." Song Yao said and then pulled Duan Yu to the bow and looked under the water.

At this time, Duan Yu was shocked, because a phantom was surging under the lake, and an emerald dragon was swimming freely under the lake. The dark blue of the sea held the beast very clearly. This is the legendary emerald dragon, but it has huge wings. It is difficult for the gods in the sea to grow wings. Can Taoism fly? Duan Yu thought so, but it seemed that he could not think so. Suddenly, the emerald dragon flew out of the water, spiraled out of the water, and circled into the sky. The water around him soared rapidly and suddenly formed a large water ball in the sky, slowly waiting for the surrounding water to fall. When he came down, the mythical beast slowly exposed its whole body. A huge beast that seemed to be formed by emerald waved its wings in the sky, and the mythical beast seemed to have noticed Duan Yu and Song Yao's side, and the dragon seemed to allow anyone to invade its territory, and then towards Duan Yu and Song Yao's side. Zhou Ju roared and then rushed in the direction of Bianzhou. Duan Yu was shocked and hurriedly pulled Song Yao to his side. This time, Song Yao did not expect that Duan Yu would pull himself behind him.

"Song Duan, what are you doing?" Song Yao held back his smile and asked.

"I'm a boy. I must stand in front of girls in the face of danger and not let girls receive harm." Duan Yu said.

At this time, Song Yao couldn't hold it anymore. He suddenly laughed and said, "But it's useless. You don't need to be really angry. If it really rushes up, I'm afraid the whole boat will be destroyed."

Duan Yu thought about it and seemed to make sense, but the dragon had rushed over. Just as the dragon was about to hit the flat boat, suddenly a giant hand punched the neck of the emerald dragon from the other side. The emerald dragon rotated and escaped from the control of the giant hand and flew to the distance. Duan Yu stretched out his head. Looking at the side, it turned out that there was a magic array suspended in mid-air, and the huge stone hand stretched out from this magic array. Of course, at this time, it was more than a huge hand. A whole stone giant slowly climbed out of the magic array, huge and looked more than 20 meters high. This stone is actually composed of marble, with sparse young grass all over its body, and its eyes are composed of two sapphires and glowing with blue light.

"This is one of my summoning beasts, Alan, hehe." Song Yao said.

Duan Yu was shocked and asked, "Is this what you summoned?"


Of course, not only Song Yao directly resisted this emerald dragon. When he saw A Lan being summoned, Fang Jian in the attic in the distance suddenly jumped out of the attic and soon appeared on the flat boat. Then he only saw the black light of Fang Jian's earrings. Powerful forces were gathering between Fang Jian's right hand. These forces were The air rotated, and the rain in the air was constantly broken by this force. Soon a cluster of magnetic force around the square sword's body surrounded the square sword, constantly touching the rain in the air and making a swring sound. Fang Jian already held a long sword in his right hand, a gray sword, and the sword in the air. The rain repelled, as if there was a flame burning on the sword.

"Uncle Fang Jian, how can you be so powerful?" Duan Yu said.

"Of course, do you see that sword and that earzhui are at the level of artifacts." Song Yao said.

"Artifact level? Do you have two artifacts at the same time? Duan Yu exclaimed.

"Yes, that earring is called a bitter tiger, and that sword is called gray space." Song Yao said as if his heart was also full of wireless worship.

And by this time, Fang Jian had fought with the emerald dragon.

Fang Jian is not a false name. Not only is the power of the two artifacts, but also the square sword itself is extremely powerful. There has been a continuous cry of the emerald dragon in the air. In the distance, Fang Jian ruthlessly attacked the emerald dragon, and at this time, the emerald dragon no longer has the aura as before. Now it has After the trapped beast is still fighting, I didn't expect that a mythical beast would have sunk under the attack of Fang Jian. Naturally, Fang Jian is not an ordinary person. As long as Fang Jian thinks about it, I'm afraid that this emerald dragon has long been torn into pieces by Fang Jian, but Fang Jian's purpose of coming here this is not this. This Fei Cuilong is a mythical beast that Song Yao wants to subdue.

"Yao, do it." Fang Jian shouted at Song Yao.

Song Yao answered and then threw the umbrella to the general. A Lan had come forward and grabbed the body of the Emerald Dragon. Song Yao was about to release his true anger, but suddenly, a blue light fell down in the sky.