
Chapter 62 The Mysterious Masked Man

The ripple slowly took out the box and said, "Here is the dragon scale armor." With that, the ripple opened the box. I only saw a ragged armor in the box, and it still looked very ragged. The armor actually had only half of the edge, as if it was given by something in the middle of the armor. This part was only the left half of it, and the armor was accompanied by strips similar to steel ingots. The whole armor is simple in shape, which looks like a leather armor hanging with some metal. The armor presents an ancient gray-white color. Maybe the original dragon scale armor is pure white, but the years will always wear out something that makes this armor no longer show its original face, showing the trajectory of history. .

"Dragon scale armor is an ancestral treasure, and I plan to move it to other places, so now I hope that the two of you will take care of it alternately." Ripple said.

At this time, a gray smoke suddenly spewed out of Feng Jingyu's body. Suddenly, the whole room was gray, full of smoke, and his vision was blocked. He couldn't see what caused all this. Feng Jingyu hurriedly began to use the wings of wind wings to remove the dust. The color fog was blown away, and the gray fog had begun to flow to a corner in the distance, and the dragon scale armor in the ripple's hand was also nowhere to be found. When I saw the dragon scale armor box again, it was already in the corner in the distance, and the gray smoke grabbed the box. At this time, the gray smoke was gathering and quickly formed a humanoid animal. Seeing all these ripples, he said in surprise: "Smell the wound?!"

The man in the distance is the man who fought with Feng Jingyu before. Hearing the ripple shouting his name, he laughed, slowly took off his mask and said, "The ripple? How old are you? Now they are all kings of the Kingdom of Wind. Not bad, not bad, but they still remember me.

"What are you doing? What are you doing here? Hand over the dragon scale armor quickly, or don't blame me for being rude.

"You're welcome? Since I can come here, I'm not afraid that you are welcome. He said when he smelled the wound.

"How did you get here?" Feng Jingyu asked.

"This is the ability to smell the wound. Smell the wound has the power of rebirth. The first spiritual master of the earth mastered life, and the second spiritual master mastered the rebirth. I think the wind feather killed in the woods before was just a smell of the wound. The wound has injected his aura into the wind feather side, so it should be able to enter here. You came here through Feng Jingyu's body, don't you think? Smell the wound." Ripple said.

Yu Ze on one side exclaimed: Is there still such an ability?

"But do you think you can leave safely when you come here?" Ripple said

He laughed and said, "Since I came to such a place, I must have made any preparations, and I don't plan to go out, so I only have one way."

"A way?"

"Isn't it enough to step over your bodies?" He said when he smelled the wound.

"Well, if you can do it, you can try it. I'm looking forward to it, but I just don't understand why you betrayed the land and why you want to join." Ripple said.

Smelling hesitated, and then said, "This is my own business!" Saying that, many branches began to grow on the ground of this vault. Feng Jingyu knew what these things were and hurriedly called everyone's attention. Ripple smiled and said, "You underestimate the strength of the Kingdom of Wind."

The ripple put his hands together, and a magic array was formed in the hands of the ripple. The magic array was pink. The branches attacked, but the ripples did not shake at all. Yuze blocked the front of the ripples with a big step. The ripple was a little surprised and smiled. Suddenly, the pink magic array burst out. The whole room suddenly floated with petals and peach petals. The miracle is that when these peach petals floated out, the roots on the ground also stopped. When they smelled and saw such a situation, they were also shocked, and then shouted, "Sealing?"

The tree roots were wrapped layer by layer by these peach blossoms, and these peach blossoms began to wrap the injured body. At this time, the smell suddenly found that they could not move, as if they had been hit by anesthetics and could not move all over.

The wound was motionless in place, only the frightened eyes were still turning. Seeing this scene, Yu Ze was shocked and asked, "What's going on?" How could this happen?" Wen looked at Yuze's side, then took down a petal in mid-air and said, "One of the strongest forces of the Kingdom of Wind is the special ability of the royal family. The sealing technique handed down from generation to generation is well-known."

The ripple planned to go to smell the wound. Yu Ze hurriedly stopped the ripple and said, "Maybe there is still danger. I'll go and have a look first." With that, Yuze walked to the other side of the wound. Now it is tied tightly like a mummy that it can't move. When Yuze approached the wound, he suddenly saw something surging in the body of the wound. One by one, Yuze was curious and was about to touch what was smelling. The body of the injury was active, but Feng Jingyu pulled over from the rain Ze behind. Yu Ze had not understood what was going on, but he immediately knew what was going on. The body that smelled the wound suddenly exploded out, and countless tree roots burst out from the body that smelled the wound, and blood and blood sprayed out instantly. Many blood stains sprayed on Yu Ze's face, so that Yu Ze immediately knew that he chose to self-destruction, but the ripple did not think so.

Even if the wound exploded, a cloud of gray smoke gathered again and formed another wound. This time, one hand turned into a sharp branch and stabbed towards the ripple. When it was about to stab the ripple's throat, suddenly a feathered hand blocked the ripple. In front of him, the branches pierced the hands. These hands were Feng Jingyu's hands. The attack of smelling the wound was useless, but more such branches began to attack the ripple. Feng Jingyu turned around and then held the ripples in his arms to protect the ripples in the golden feathers. The attack of those branches was useless. No, suddenly Feng Jingyu's back was like a hedgehog, and a lot of long feathers suddenly appeared. After brushing, they broke out, like a javelin, stabbing the smell wound that was making an attack, and his hands stood up, and then leaned closer to the middle. Only a wooden shield was formed. Those feather guns were fierce. He inserted it fiercely on the wooden shield. Yuze, who was on one side, was also stunned to see here. Shenyuan held it in his hand, and then jumped into the air. He planned to cross the shield from the sky and cut the wound behind him, but Yuze, who jumped to the air, suddenly found that there was actually a very thick wooden wall behind the shield, as if he smelled the wound. In this wooden wall, it was not exposed at all, let alone attacked by others.

However, Yuze did not give up. He still waved his sword and injected aura into the divine source sword. A white light was waved out and hit the wooden wall. The whole wooden wall suddenly began to crack from the inside, and the white light shot out of these cracks. The wooden wall was about to be completely When it collapsed, suddenly many sharp branches stabbed out of the wooden wall. Yuze was shocked, but it was too late. Yuze hurriedly blocked his chest with Shenyuan, but Yuze's legs were hit, stabbed by the branches and fell from mid-air.

And the wooden shield was also completely scattered. At this time, it could also be seen. It was already paralyzed and sitting on the original ground. Feng Jingyu slowly opened his hands. Ripples and Feng Jingyu were surprised to see this scene. Unexpectedly, Yuze could paralyze, and Yuze could not move. He hurried to Yuze's side and picked up Yuze. A large withered branch was still inserted on Yuze's leg.

"Are you all right?" Ripple asked

Yuze shook his head and said with a smile, "It's okay. I was just stabbed. What can I do? Go and have a look at the dragon scales!"

The ripple stood up and walked towards the smell of the wound, but when Feng Jingyu and ripple were about to walk to the smell of the wound, suddenly a strange phenomenon appeared in front of the smell of the wound. The air in front of the smell of the wound began to twist, and then the air sank into it, as if there was some power to hold the air inward. Generally, then an impact spewed out of the twisted air. The ripple and Feng Jingyu hurriedly retreated. In the twisted air, a masked man, who was also a broken man, looked at the ripples and Feng Jingyu, and then pulled up the smell on the ground.

Feng Jingyu guessed that the masked man was going to escape with a smell, so he opened his hands and then closed his hands. The huge strong wind hit the masked man. In the strong wind, the masked man was very calm and slowly turned around, and then he saw that the air around him began to twist, and the strong winds also It began to become twisted, and suddenly blew towards Feng Jingyu and Ripples in the opposite direction. This time, it was more fierce than the momentum just now. Feng Jingyu and the ripples hurriedly prepared. When the wind disappeared, there were only ripples left in the vault. Feng Jingyu and Yuze were three people. They smelled the wound and the masked man. They are nowhere to be found.

The ripple slowly smiled and said, "I actually let them grab it."

"I didn't expect that the smell of injury would be added to the break."

"What's that? The most terrible thing is the masked man. Have you ever known a person with such ability?" Ripple asked.

Yuze and Feng Jingyu both shook their heads

"The mask worn by the masked man seems to be different from other people's masks. I saw that there seemed to be an eye hole in the forehead of the white mask, and the half of the mask seemed to be graffitied with some pattern."

"What should I do now? The dragon scale armor has been robbed." Yu Ze asked

"It's all my fault that my sealing technique is not mature enough, otherwise I can definitely deduct the masked man just now." Ripple said

"The masked man is so powerful that he can actually turn the power of the wind wings into his own. If he wanted to kill us just now, I'm afraid it's not too difficult." Feng Jingyu said.

"The country of the elemental crown has been stolen, and the divine source sword and the dragon scale armor are nowhere to be found. Now the left of the dragon scale armor has also been robbed. Is there any connection between the four ancient treasures?"

Say about the elemental crown and the divine source, Yuze immediately reacted and said, "No, no, it will never be collected by them."

Hearing Yu Ze say this, Feng Jingyu and Ripple looked at Yu Ze in puzzledly, as if Yu Ze knew the whereabouts of those things.

Yu Ze suddenly reacted and hurriedly laughed and said, "I mean, God won't help evil, haha."

"Well, you can still laugh, and you don't know what they are going to do with that thing."