
Chapter 76 Forming a United Army

In the early morning, the Water Kingdom began to be noisy again. Since the flood of the Water Kingdom died, Hongchuan City has become an ordinary city, and spiritualists have slowly begun to appear in Hongchuan City. This city has suddenly become a prosperous city. I don't know why it is like this? Is it the royal rule that hinders the development of the country? Or does the suppression of the royal family leave the people no space for freedom, who knows? Only they know that although the overall power of spiritual power in the four countries, the economic power has not been taken seriously again. It has also been obscene in the four countries, and then suddenly lost so many spiritual respects, which not only caused the economic collapse of the water country, but also spiritualism. The power has also become unbearable. Only Zishuang and Yuze are still supporting the spiritual status of this country. Although the prophet said that he has been looking for a new spiritual master, he has never found a suitable candidate. The spiritual master is the highest spiritual level representing a country. If you don't think clearly, it is unreasonable.

Now Hongchuan City is the gathering place of the royal guard, some spiritualists, and businessmen. Of course, the prophet's royal guard has also lost its meaning. Without the king, then the royal guard is an imaginary organization. Now it is led by the prophet and is a national war. Power exists.

In the early morning, Hongchuan City began to make noise, and a notice has been posted: all the spiritual masters of the Kingdom of the Wind have died. The Kingdom of the Wind hereby posted a notice in various countries to seek capable people to run for the position of the four spiritual masters of the Kingdom of Wind. This is the first time that this type of notice has appeared. Four countries in history are all The prophet chose the next spiritual master, but this time the Kingdom of Wind came up with a surprising idea. This idea can't help but make other countries feel a little strange that there are still vacant spiritual masters. The appearance of the announcement of the Kingdom of Wind means that the spiritual master of the Kingdom of Wind no longer has to be a spiritual magician with wind attributes, and the spirits of other attributes. A magician, even a spiritual magician, can hold the position of Lingzun as long as he has the ability, and more people are surprised that it is not the sign of recruiting Lingzun, but that all the Lingzun of the Kingdom of Wind has been vacated, and the Lingzun of the Kingdom of Wind has been vacated. The Fifth Lingzun is participating in the way to break the Kingdom of Fire. He died, the third and fourth spiritual master joined the destruction, and the first and second spiritual master was killed. This is a tragic result, and the Kingdom of the Wind may not be able to accept all this for the time being. And people in other countries can't believe all this, which also confirms the strength of the broken power. Only their kings are still alive, and only young people like Ripples can come up with such an idea. If it were the kings of other countries, it is difficult for such a decision to be Of course, the kings of other countries do not have much right to oppose all this, because the three flames of the land of fire have died, the flood of the land of water have died, and now only the kings of the country of wind and the land are still alive.

Yuze is also curious about this competition, but Yuze did not have the opportunity to participate in all this, because the king of the land country has held a conference. The conference is anxious to participate in the representatives of the strongest part of the four countries, aiming to form a coalition army. It is difficult to use the power of a country. It can resist. In addition, the prophet's wind wing has been broken and captured. If Bai Ye is really a member of the broken, then with the source of the earth, it is very likely that three ancient spirit beasts have been collected. Such strength has made other countries extremely headaches. This country, an introverted country, actually stood at this time. When he came out and held this conference, Yuze, as one of the representatives of the Water Kingdom, naturally wanted to participate in this conference. Xue Qiao didn't know when he was inseparable from Yuze. The reason was very simple. I can't imagine that such a relationship would make the two so close. Maybe it's still the old saying. Two adolescent people can do anything exaggerated.

"Why did you bring her again?" Purple Frost asked.

Yuze didn't know what reason he could say. He had no choice but to stop talking. Zi Shuang only smiled and didn't say anything.

Once again, Yuze came to the land. Yuze was no stranger to it. As soon as he came here, a red bath rushed towards Yuze. For this accident, Yuze did not expect this. The red bath bought by Yuze actually still remember Yuze, who had just entered the land of Yuze. In the woods, the Bath rushed over. The red Bath seemed to miss Yu Ze's arrival and kept rubbing Yu Ze's body with his long neck.

Seeing that there is such a Bass so enthusiastic about Yuze, Zishuang and Xueqiao can only say that they can't believe it. With Bass, it is more convenient to walk in the land. Although people who are invited can ride their own spiritual beasts or spiritual weapons, Yuze still choose to ride this red Bath, but Red in the earth country is always the most considerable color, and it will still attract the attention of many local people, and Yuze does not care about other people's eyes, because this time it is different from the last time. Yuze's experience of the last visit to the earth is still fresh, and this time is different from the last time, Yuze finally does not need to steal. I came to the land secretly.

And this time, there were messengers from the land kingdom leading the way. They flew straight to the largest tree in the land. The largest tree in the earthland was the central city-state of the earthland. This time, Yuze knew the name of the tree. It turned out that this tree was called the tree of life, and the earth was directly in the tree of life. He built his own city-state, and Yuze only knew about the alchemy room of this place, but this time Yuze and his party were not taken to the alchemy room. This time, they came directly to a higher place on the tree of life. There was a big hole in the higher place of the tree of life, and they came directly through this hole. I arrived at a hall.

The shape and decoration of this hall are very interesting. First of all, there is no need to say that pure wood. In addition, the hall is inlaid with a large amount of jewelry. These jewelry decorate the hall very brightly. When you enter it, you seem to be more hungry than many flashing lights. The hall is round. , surrounded by some exquisite sculptures around this circle, especially the seat in the north, which is covered with the fur of three animals, including the fur of a giant bear, the fur of a giant tiger, and the fur of a fox. These three animals are very huge. Their fur comes from the seat. It extends straight to the ground. There are still many flowers and plants carved with jade on this seat, which are framed around the seat. This seat is the king of the land country. Secondly, there are 12 seats here. Of course, all of them can't be full at this time. Slowly, representatives of other countries have appeared, and the ripples of the country of the wind Yuze is not strange. Lianyi's current expression is very solemn. When something like that happens in the Kingdom of Wind, this is what Lianyi doesn't want to see. As a king, he may not want to see such a thing happen during his reign.

There is only one person in the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Fire has come more. Half weeds, three waters, and flying fire blades have all come. In the Kingdom of Water, there are rain, purple frost, the king of the Kingdom of the Land, purgatory shrubs, and the Kingdom of the Earth has come. Yuze has seen the king of the kingdom of the earth for the first time, and the king of the kingdom of the earth has always been rare to see outsiders. Even the people of the kingdom of the earth are difficult to see the purgatory shrubs. It is unknown what kind of power the purgatory shrubs have, and no one has ever seen this person use their direct ability, but refining The prison bush does break a character that does not touch, at least until it knows the purgatory bush.

The purgatory shrub was the last person to come here. He came here late, but no one dared to say anything. There are many differences between the purgatory shrub and what everyone imagined. According to the data, the purgatory shrub is the only monarch of the earth, but even the only one does not see this People have used any spiritual skills, which also shows the powerful power of the earthly state. In fact, the earthly state is the most difficult country in the eyes of being broken, which has become terrible because of mystery. Although the earthly country has not been good at diplomacy, it did hold this conference for the first time, and the venue is still This is really the first time for such a thing. The purgatory bush itself knows that even if the land is strong, its broken strength has been exposed in several recent major events, so the purgatory shrub is also considering its status. If it continues like this, if it does not unite the forces of several other countries Then, after "breaking" and dealing with other countries, the final country still can't escape a fierce battle, and the purgatory bush is not a fool.

The purgatory bush is not as old as everyone thinks. On the contrary, the purgatory shrub is actually a man who looks only in his early 20s. This is a very young guy. He looks very handsome, but a little cold. He has a pair of melancholy eyes, and his long eyebrows are like two daggers. On his forehead, his cold face was as cold as a piece of ice.

"Hail, everyone, I'm the purgatory shrub of the land, and I may have a little impression on everyone." The purgatory bush said, but the others on the spot did not react at all, only the purple frost seemed to resonate. The purgatory bush said, "The key thing to come here today is to see how to form a joint army. Everyone should know what has happened recently. The death of fire, the snow flutter The death of flying, the betrayal of several spiritual respects of the Kingdom of Wind and Water, the betrayal of the Kingdom of Earth, the arrest of wind wings, these things are all showing that the broken power is indeed too strong. I think it is necessary for us to form a joint army to fight against this organization, otherwise let them continue to be so strong, let him If we pay each other like this, I'm afraid that one day we will all become losers.

"You organized this conference, so I don't know if you have a plan?" Purple Frost asked.

The purgatory bush smiled and said, "That's what I think."