
Chapter 89 Fall into the Land of Fire

I went to the twists and turns mountain, but nothing was investigated. Of course, these people still know something except Sanshui, purgatory shrubs, and Yuze. The three of them still know something. After the purgatory shrub returned to the land, they have been in a bad mood, because the purgatory shrubs know something, and Sanshui doesn't know. When did Dao and the purgatory bush have been an indoible relationship?

"If the prophet is not what we think, what should we do?" The purgatory bush said.

Next to the purgatory shrub, Sanshui slowly transformed into a water man, and then slowly moved towards the purgatory shrub. The night sky outside is still so beautiful, and there are bright meteors in the sky from time to time. "The scenery of the land is always the best among the four countries." Sanshui said.

The purgatory bush laughed and said, "Yes, but why do you say that? Don't you have any opinion about the prophet?

"Yes, in fact, the most powerful people in the world are like meteors. Although they used to be brilliant, they are afraid of short-lived existence. They are the brightest, but the shortest. Prophets are the most brilliant star on the four continents, and they have also been brilliant for so long that they are also afraid that they will fall, so In order to maintain their brightness, what they do is understandable. Maybe for them, no one is allowed to shake their position, don't you think?

"Do you mean the existence of 'broken' to make the prophet realize that it may shake their position?"

"It can be understood, but I don't think it's that simple. I have to tell you what I know here. Not long ago, when I went to the Kingdom of Wind and wanted to go to the Crystal City to investigate the Crystal City of the Kingdom of Wind, I found that there were no prophets or prophets in the depths of Crystal City. The prophets and messengers of the Kingdom of Wind have disappeared. In the depths of the Crystal City of the Kingdom of Wind, I found something, which recorded a thing. I think you should also know that there is such an iron scroll in the depths of the Crystal City of each country. The things recorded on it are different. The Kingdom of Wind is recorded in this way. The prophets of the four countries have the most powerful forces of these four attributes, and also record that these four prophets were originally imprisoned. They have experienced a long dark era. They drifted around and then came to the four continents. Of course, what is recorded on the iron scroll is that they came to the mainland of China. I don't know God. Where is the state mainland, but the prophet appeared in the four continents, so I also understood that the mainland of China is the four continents. After coming to this place, they found that the people on this continent have some powerful forces, which are supported by four sources.

"What four sources?" Purgatory bush asked

"There is no record on the iron scroll, but the ability of the four prophets is recorded, and I was surprised to find that the powerful forces of the four attributes of these four prophets are not wind and water, but other forces, namely light, darkness, thunder and lightning, and resentment. I have never listened to these four forces. As I said, I don't know what it is. These are recorded on the iron scroll, and then I didn't say more. I think other parts should be recorded on the iron scrolls of other countries. I don't know if you have seen this iron scroll in the Crystal City of the Kingdom of Earth? Sanshui asked

The purgatory bush shook its head and said, "I am the king of the kingdom of the earth. I can't be qualified to go to the depths of the crystal city, let alone see this iron scroll, but the first spirit of the kingdom of the earth should be possible to see it, but you should know the first spirit of the kingdom of the earth. Respectable things."

"The first spiritual master of the earth? I don't know the name, but I know about this spiritual master. The first spiritual master of the kingdom of earth is the tree of life and the source of power of the city of roots. That is to say, he created all this. His ability is to create life, and this ability also makes him lose his ability to move and has to be in the deepest part of the tree of life. Eternal output power to maintain all this, and I also know that smelling wounds is actually his power branch. In order to ensure the safety of the prophet of the land, he scattered part of his power and formed the current smelling wounds. The power of smelling wounds is regeneration. In fact, it is still somewhat similar to the power of the first spiritual master. Look We are the only ones to see the things on the iron scroll of the land.

"Haven't you seen it?" The purgatory shrub said that in fact, the purgatory shrub has always been very praised for the power of Sanshui. In fact, Sanshui is actually a mystery, and compared with the broken Sanshui, it is actually a mystery.

"How can I see that purgatory, you overestimate me. The Kingdom of the Wind is only because their prophet is missing, so I have the opportunity to enter the depths of the Crystal City. If it is from other countries, I can't even enter the Kingdom of Fire. Once I am found by the prophet, I'm afraid I'm afraid I can't protect myself."

"I don't want to be loyal to a person I'm not familiar with at all, and if it's wrong, I don't want to keep going wrong." The purgatory bush said.

"Oh?" Sanshui said.

"Since this is the case, let's go and see what is written on the iron scroll of the Land in person." The purgatory bush said.

"Purgatory, don't joke. You should know very well that Crystal City is the residence of the prophet. If you enter it and are found, it will be bad. You will enter the depths of Crystal City without permission. I think you and I know the consequences."

"Of course, it is very clear, but I also know that the task of protecting the Crystal City, the country of the land, was originally responsible for the injury, but the smell of the injury has gone to the depths of the current crystal city, which is unprepared. As long as we do it well, there should be no problem to enter it.

"Don't forget that although the prophet can't act, the prophet can act, and the power of the prophet is probably not much worse than the smell of wounds. You have to think clearly." Sanshui said.

"Actually, I don't want to be kept in the dark like this. Anyway, I want to see it. With your latent ability and my strength and support, I think the chance of success is very high."

"Since you have a perfect plan, I will sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman."

The Crystal City of the Kingdom of Earth is actually on the Tree of Life, but few people come here. Only some people who urgently need to replenish their aura will fly here. The Crystal City of the Kingdom of Earth is at the top of the Tree of Life. It can be imagined that since they need to replenish their aura, I don't know how many people can Flying to such a high place to replenish the aura, there is a huge bird's nest-like land in the trees at the top of the tree of life. This land is Crystal City. It is amazing to be located in such a place. It is a miracle, because there is no tree that can grow a piece of land, but this Such a land was born in a place. Like the crystal city of other countries, there are many crystal stones inserted on it. Under the largest crystal in the middle is the location of the prophet. Because the aura is concentrated in this place, there is a large mass of purple fog covering the crystal in mid-air. The top of the city makes it look more like a fairyland.

Because there are few people coming here, the purgatory shrubs have so much confidence. At night, the Crystal City of the earth is even quieter. There is a water flowing slowly on this land, with no slope and no gully. This water flow is like this. Flowing, the strange thing is that the water is bright, and the orange-red light is mixed with the water flow and flows to this land. The water suddenly immersed in the land, and then it is nowhere to be found. This ball of water is three waters, and this latent method is also a common trick of three waters.

has reached the depths of Crystal City. Because of the disappearance of the smell, it has become easier to enter. To reach the depths of Crystal City, you need to go through a long ladder stretching like a spiral escalator. There is a gate in the depths of Crystal City, with water dripping overhead. The ball of water began to slowly gather on the ground, and then one of the bright watermen slowly formed. The purgatory shrub was the bright source, wrapped in three waters and brought into the depths of Crystal City, and had reached the room with iron scrolls hidden in the depths of Crystal City.

"Can't you hide your aura? Your aura is bright," said Sanshui

"Okay, okay, pay attention next time." Purgatory bush said

"There can't be another time. We'd better figure it out this time." Sanshui said.

In fact, the layout of this room is very simple. There is only one long table. There is nothing on the table. Of course, there should have been anything on it, but now there is nothing. Thirty constantly wander around here to check, because there is nothing here, let alone iron rolls. The purgatory shrub looked at Sanshui's busy life and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?" In fact, the purgatory shrub came to this place for the first time, and I didn't know the structure of it at all.

"I'm looking for an iron roll. There is no iron roll here. Originally, the iron roll should have been placed on this table, but I didn't expect that there was nothing left. It's really strange." At this time, a voice suddenly came from the outside of the room. Both the purgatory bush and Sanshui were shocked. Sanshui was planning to put the purgatory shrub into the water, but there was no time, because the person outside had entered the room, and Sanshui hurriedly turned into a pool of water and disappeared at the scene.

"Hey, is there any mistake?" The purgatory bush said.

"What's wrong? Purgatory shrub?" A voice came in, and the purgatory bush hurriedly cheered up, and then smiled and turned his head. The speaker was the prophet. In fact, the purgatory bush also felt that it should be the prophet. Only the prophet could appear in this place.

The prophets are all dressed up, robes, hoods, and armor. Although the purgatory shrubs smile brightly, they are extremely panicked. After all, this place should not be a place where purgatory shrubs should appear. At most, only the smell of wounds can come here. The purgatory bush is obviously beyond the boundary.

"It's nice to see you here. The prophet told me that you would come here, so he asked me to say hello to you."

"Huh, does the prophet know? But you don't have to be so polite. I just came here to have a look. Haha, I'll leave now, and I'll leave now. The purgatory bush said that he was about to leave, but the prophet hurriedly said, "Are you alone?"

The purgatory shrub was stunned and said, "Yes, yes, why did you ask that?"

"You don't have to be so excited. I'm just asking. It's obvious from the current situation that you are alone. Well, you came here for iron rolls, right?"

Hearing the prophet's words, the purgatory shrub was stunned. Only the purgatory shrub itself knew that he came here for the content of the iron scroll, but the purgatory shrub did not expect that the prophet was so magical that he knew what he was thinking.

"What iron roll? What are you talking about? I have something else to do. I'll go first and take me to say hello to the prophet.

"Haha, if you want to go first, then you can go. If you really come here to see the iron scroll, you don't have to worry about it, because the iron scroll is no longer here. In fact, we don't know who stole the iron scroll, but it's really not here anymore."

The purgatory bush did not exclaim, but was stunned, and then left the place. In fact, the purgatory bush still had a lot of unwillingness, but the purgatory bush did not expect that since it was found, it did not suffer any punishment.

After walking out of the Crystal City, the purgatory bush hurriedly flew to the lower part of the water of life. When it left, the purgatory bush couldn't help looking back at the Crystal City and suddenly found that the prophet was looking at himself on the edge of the land.

After returning to the root city, Sanshui appeared.

"I'm sorry that I escaped first, but there's nothing I can do. After all, I'm not from the land. If I'm found by the prophet, I'm afraid I can't say anything."

"It's okay. Anyway, it's okay. The prophet didn't want to do anything to me." The purgatory bush said.

"What did the prophet say to you? Did you mention the iron roll? Sanshui asked curiously.

"No, he just said that the iron scroll was missing, and he didn't say why it was missing. I'm also embarrassed to ask. If I asked, wouldn't it show directly that I just came to see the iron scroll?"

"Yes, but I don't think it should be so simple. I think the iron scroll may have been hidden by themselves. Maybe they know that someone may know the content of the iron scroll, so they avoid letting the iron scroll continue to be exposed, so they simply hide it, or have already Destroyed by them.

"So since they want to write down what happened to themselves on an iron scroll, why are they afraid of being seen? Since it's a sinful thing, why do you write it down and leave evidence of guilt?

"Well, it's not clear what it is for, but the matter of our entry into the Crystal City has been predicted in advance by the prophet of the land. It seems that the prophet may have been prepared for us for a long time. It seems that we should be careful in the future, and we should beware of the prophet first to avoid what the prophet is doing. At that time, we will really do something that will make us all stunned. Sanshui said.

The next day, the kingdom of fire came with the news that 'broken' began to attack the kingdom of fire, and the purgatory shrub that received the news for the first time was very shocked, because 'broken' was how ten people could attack the kingdom of fire so rampant, but soon learned that it was strict. It is said that a "broken" person attacked the Kingdom of Fire. This person is the mysterious guy who Zishuang and Yuze met in Jiyu City. Thousands of spirit beasts attacked the Kingdom of Fire. Such an offensive suddenly put the Kingdom of Fire in trouble. The people of the royal guard can be said to have been killed and injured, but the flying fire blade is I'm not tired of this. As the first pioneer, the flying fire blade is very crazy under the attack of the spirit beast. Of course, this is also just the beginning. The slowly flying fire blade has also been depleted a lot of combat effectiveness by this infinite wheel battle, and began to slowly retreat into the country of fire. The people of the alliance army are flying to the country of fire. Hurry up.

The people of the Kingdom of Fire are very depressed. They have been fighting with spirit beasts, but they have never found the behind-the-scenes who manipulate these spirit beasts. Under the impact of the continuous spirit beasts, the people of the Kingdom of Fire have been killed and injured. The spiritual magicians of the Kingdom of Fire dare not summon spirit beasts. As long as the spirit beasts are summoned, they will become those A member of the spirit beast army, such a situation made the war very tense. News of the death and injury of the spiritual magicians or royal escorts of the Kingdom of Fire also fled everywhere. Because of this incident, the whole Kingdom of Fire suddenly plunged into panic, because of this Things have also plunged the whole land of fire into chaos and into an excessive situation. The sky, the ground, the water,... everywhere are those manipulated pervasive spirit beasts.

Soon, death is everywhere, and the whole city of ashes is full of spirit beasts, as well as the fighting forces of the Kingdom of Fire that are still entangled with these spirit beasts, which are represented by midnight grass and flying fire blades. For all these prophets of the Kingdom of Fire actually retained their strength to ensure their own safety, first Zhi has always been afraid of 'breaking', and I don't know why Sanshui is not an aggressive spiritualist and can't join the battle. Therefore, the combat strength of the Kingdom of Fire is only half weed and flying fire blade, and the first round of attack was resolved by the flying fire blade, but the flying fire blade is in front of this continuous attack. He was also defeated and retreated. Without the assistance of the spirit beast, the half weed led the royal guard to fight hard on the front line.

The allied forces have come from everywhere. The earliest people who came to the Kingdom of Fire are the Kingdom of Wind. The Kingdom of Wind has always been very sharp, and the first to rush to the Kingdom of Fire without exception.

The three spirituals of the Kingdom of Wind soon joined the battlefield, and ripple hurriedly found the beginning and end of all this.