
Chapter 98 Love of Water and Fire

"Everyone has three fires. These fires are invisible to us, but they are real. Well, there are two fires on our shoulders, on both sides of our shoulders, and then a fire on our heads. These three fires are called the fire of human life, the evil soul of the world. Originally, it was impossible to defeat and invade people, because people have these three fires, but if you are afraid of them and what will produce after those people's death, then they will come to you. Your three fires will become smaller and smaller without protection, then these ghosts will come to you, just so that my three fires are still Warm, so I don't feel too many fearful souls. These are preludes. I know there are more follow-up. After all, this monster has turned into an entity and has been cultivated into an entity through the soul. I don't know what else to prepare for us. You should be careful, but now Don't be afraid of you, you know? Otherwise, if you lose half of these preludes, you can't do it?" The purgatory bush said.

After saying that, Yuze felt much more comfortable and didn't have so much fear in his heart. Some things are like this. After making it clear, it is like that. The so-called ghosts are just a bunch of unexplained things, perhaps just because of people's fear of death, and then There will be more fear of things after death. To put it bluntly, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Suddenly, a pulse was sent from thefar. This pulse came from the evil spirit. The evil spirit in the distance has become extremely huge. From a distance, it was like a black thunder and lightning gathered together, constantly emitting bursts of shock and magnetism. At this time, it actually came from the distance. The voice only heard, and an old voice came out: "Haha, ha, I'm back to this world again." As soon as I finished saying this, I suddenly heard another voice. Only the voice of the prophet came out and said, "Look, I can control this monster. If you betray me, I will let you destroy it. Those who interfere with my rule will be destroyed!"

After hearing this sound, suddenly, many black tentacles spread out under the ground. These tentacles were formed by those similar black thunder and lightning. Yuze and purgatory shrubs hurriedly dodged. Wind erosion did not need to dodge too much, because wind erosion was not afraid of these things at all. He was just a mass. With the nihilistic gas.

"These things are formed by the most evil resentment. Everyone should be careful. If you are touched, you may be deeply involved. I don't know what the consequences will be!" The wind erosion shouted that the armor outside his body had also fallen off, and the wind erosion turned into gas floating around in the air. The wind erosion tried to control the monster, but the wind erosion soon found it difficult to enter the monster's body, and the terrible resentment was repelling itself.

The number of tentacles is increasing, and it looks endless. At this time, the purgatory bush suddenly waved to Yuze's side, and then only saw a diaphragm-like thing formed outside Yuze's body, which looked like a bubble reflecting firelight. Yuze knew how to refine What is the prison bush going to do? He hurriedly shouted, "What are you going to do?"

The purgatory bush smiled and said, "I want to use my strongest trick, the ninth floor of the ninth floor of purgatory!" He saw that the whole body of the purgatory bush began to melt, just like melted steel. Yu Ze felt something was wrong. At this time, Sanshui suddenly appeared and shouted at the purgatory bush, "What are you doing? You are likely to liberate the seal of Bamian Chiyan. Don't you know that Bamian Chiyan is not a good kind!"

Hearing Sanshui say this, the melted bodies of the purgatory shrub slowly recovered, and the purgatory shrub became silent, but everything in front of him did not allow the purgatory shrub to be silent or sluggish. Suddenly, an evil tentacles hit, and Sanshui suddenly turned into a water knife and cut it to fly. The evil spirit, and Sanshui did not expect that when he cut the evil spirit, he actually began to be absorbed by the evil spirit. When he saw the purgatory bush here, he was shocked and hurriedly turned his hands into a fire blade and cut off the tentacle of the evil spirit. Then he cut off the tentacle and transformed it. In order to slowly evaporate the thick black smoke in the air, Sanshui narrowly escaped. The purgatory shrub looked at Sanshui and said, "Are you all right?"

I can't see Sanshui's expression, and I don't know if Sanshui is okay at this time. Sanshui only said it was okay, but the moment he said it was okay, it began to evaporate under his body. His body was originally some water, but at this time, the water began to evaporate, as if the whole waterman was As it boiled, it slowly began to turn into water vapor from below and slowly evaporated. Seeing that such a situation had happened in Sanshui, Yuze and the purgatory shrub were shocked. The purgatory shrub hurriedly asked, "What were you doing just now? Don't you know that this guy is dangerous? No contact!"

Sanshui smiled and let out the grunting mountain spring sound from his mouth. At this time when Sanshui spoke, the tentacles seemed to be shocked by the move of the purgatory bush just now, and actually shrank back.

"I grew up together with the Kingdom of Water and Fire. I was all water flowing from the Kingdom of Water. I used to be a member of the Yuhen family. I was the housekeeper of the royal family of Jiyu City. Our family's task was to support the royal family of Jiyu City. After the people of Hongchuan City captured the Jiyu City, I also disappeared from then. I know I was brave. Little ghost, the rain marks are dead, and now I am the last person in Jiyu City. Speaking of which, there is no need to be alive, but I don't want to be a coward and an escapee again. Fortunately, I was a man once. Just now I put my body into the evil spirit, and I found that it turned out that I am now the evil spirit. In the body of the prophet, the prophet's soul is fighting against the evil spirit. The monster's dead hole is in the stomach, which is the most inspiring place to fight between the prophet and the evil spirit. You must work towards that place..." Before the words are finished, the last water of the three waters has turned into steam, but in the air You can also hear the last sentence of Sanshui: "I'm sorry, wood!"

The purgatory shrub stopped and stopped in mid-air. The body of the purgatory shrub began to melt. Yuze saw this and immediately thought of what Sanshui had said before. It seemed that something like the purgatory shrub was about to be touched. Yuze was shocked and hurriedly shouted, "Purgatory shrub, what are you doing?! What are you doing?"

The purgatory bush smiled and turned his head and said, "Sanshui is actually my wife. She is a servant of the City. Yes, I also remember that I was also a servant, and even I was a ruffian. I am glad that I met Sanshui. I always hoped that I would become the strongest. In this way, I am qualified to match Sanshui, but now it seems that all this is meaningless. Sanshui is dead, and I have no attachment to this world, but I want this monster to be buried with Sanshui!"

Yuze didn't expect that Sanshui was a woman. Maybe the vague voice of Sanshui had been confusing everyone. Sanshui has always been a mysterious person. Now Yuze knows that Sanshui is such a person. Sanshui is actually a woman, and he didn't think of Sanshui The purgatory shrub has such a fate.

The purgatory shrub next to it began to melt, and Yuze suddenly found that he had been slowly brought to a higher sky by the boundary. Yuze tried to rush out of the boundary, but he was powerless. The power of this boundary seemed to be very powerful and it was difficult to rush out.

The purgatory shrub slowly stretched out its hand. At this time, a drop of water dripped into the hand of the purgatory shrub that was about to melt. The purgatory shrub was surprised to see that the drop of water did not evaporate. In the fiery hand of the purgatory shrub, the drop of water was actually well preserved. Seeing the drop of water, the purgatory shrub smiled. He said, "Sanshui, is that you? I knew it was you. I'm coming right away. Hey hey, although I'm old, I still want to say, I - wood, I like you. I didn't dare to tell you before, because you like rain marks, and later I didn't dare to tell you, because when the rain city fell, I took you away from the side of the rain marks. Now I want to say to you boldly, I love you. After saying the last sentence, the drop of water suddenly evaporated in the hands of the purgatory bush. Seeing that the purgatory bush was crying, a tear suddenly fell from his flame-filled eyes. Tears turned into water vapor in mid-air. The purgatory bush smiled brightly.

At this moment, the whole body of the purgatory shrub has melted, and those flames fell to the ground. At the moment when the first flame fell to the ground, something seemed to vibrate under the ground, the surrounding temperature began to rise rapidly, and everything around it became extremely quiet. Suddenly, four red flashes appeared around the sky, and then a flash lit up in the belly of the evil spirit. The evil spirit seemed to find this wrong place, and he knew that it was too late. Suddenly, many flames around them were absorbed towards the stomach of the evil spirit, as if It is the red dot of the evil spirit's stomach absorbing the surrounding heat, and the flames seem to be violently pulled up.

A voice came from the evil spirit, which was the voice of the prophet.

"Is this the ninth floor of purgatory? The ninth floor? Does this trick really exist in this world? Haha, haha, it's so interesting, so interesting!" When those flames pulled to the side of the evil spirit, many images of hell suddenly appeared in the surrounding sky. Those hell images cruelly showed the scene of hell. These images turned into a ball around the body of the evil spirit and slowly oppressed the evil spirit in it.

The life of the purgatory shrub has come to an end, but the purgatory shrub is very happy. In the illusion, the purgatory shrub recalls some things in the past and suddenly hears it.

"Can you forgive me?" This is the sound of purgatory bushes.

"Hmm! Look at your performance!" Sanshui said. Seeing the purgatory bush bowing his head and didn't know what he was thinking, Sanshui suddenly said, "It's been so long. If one day the water droplets will be intact in the palm of your hand, then I will forgive you."

When the purgatory bush heard this reply, he couldn't help laughing and said to himself, "Sanshui, you finally forgive me!"