Journey to the New South

Chapter 06: Fengxian Palace Spirit Pigeon Report Shoukang Hall Noble Concubine's Commice

At this time, in the Pingxi Palace in Kunming, Wu Sangui was trembling with anger from a letter. Wu Sangui has been living a life of extreme luxury in the past ten years. Yunnan and other three kings used money, and all the ministries of the Qing court did not dare to ask. Therefore, there is a saying that the world's taxes are half consumed three times.

At the same time, he also bought officials and provincial officials in Beijing with a lot of money to serve himself. Economically, Wu Sangui wantonly annexed land and also "the benefits of ridge salt wells and gold copper mines". He sold various special products, made usury, and relied on his huge wealth to support guests and buy scholars. Militaryly, he recruited troops to join the Fifth Battalion of Zhongyong and the Fifth Battalion of Yiyong to step up training. In addition, Wu Sangui also condoned his subordinates to do evil, and the fish and meat people, "kill people and more goods, without fear, two cases of ultimatum and theft, and theft of life, and most of them are the soldiers."

For these activities of Wu Sangui, the cave in the Qing Dynasty was like watching the fire. Emperor Kangxi has changed from an eight-year-old child to an 18-year-old emperor. Just three years ago, Kangxi defeated Ao Bai, seized the power of the Qing court, and targeted Wu Sangui. On the one hand, he cleaned up the ministers who were bribed by Wu Sangui in the court and strengthened his power in Kunming, Yunnan, always keeping an eye on Wu Sangui's every move.

The well-gripe life has made Wu Sangui hardly grow old, and he is more resourceful than ten years ago. However, the letter from the empty abbot made him feel like falling from a mountain into a deep valley. The empty abbot's letter said that Zhu Youyu had died of illness, and the prince Zhu Cixuan was taken away by the mysterious man in black. The four guards fought, and all of them died. Five of the other party killed four people in the battle, and the remaining one plundered the prince. Wu Sangui looked at it like a bolt from the blue.

"Ying Qi!" Wu Sangui threw the letter on the ground with his trembling hand and called his son in an almost hoarse voice. Wu Yingqi pushed the door nervously and entered as soon as he heard his father called him. Wu Yingqi naturally lives a good life, so he is still young and slightly mature compared with ten years ago. Just now, he sent the letter from the abbot to his father, waiting outside the door. At this time, when I heard my father's voice, I naturally understood that it was not good news.

came in and looked at his father's trembling and was about to ask why. Wu Sangui couldn't wait to say first, " Ying Qi, something happened! Look at this letter." Wu Yingqi looked along the place of his father's trembling fingers, and the letter that had just been sent in was on the ground. He quickly bent down to pick up the letter and looked at it. The few words in his eyes made him sweat. Father, send someone to hunt him down. Zhu Youxuan is dead, and Zhu Cixuan has been robbed. It's a small matter that you can't threaten the emperor to make the princes. In case Zhu Cixuan fled to the east of the Ava River where the 'Gui family' is located, and Zheng Jing contacted Taiwan to appear, or fell into the hands of the Qing court. The death of Zhu Youqi and his son ten years ago will be exposed. Kangxi will not spare us."

Wu Sangui said angrily, "Who said no?" Emperor Kangxi has wanted to abolish it three times. The reason why he hasn't taken action is that Zheng Jing in Taiwan needs to be solved first. But if he knows that it was a fake Zhu Youqi and his son who executed ten years ago, then he is very likely to deal with us first, and we will be in trouble. The current power of Sanfan is no match for Kangxi! Send people to secretly find out the whereabouts of Zhu Cixuan in Guizhou, Yunnan. Send reliable people to the east of the Ava River in Myanmar, where the 'Gui family' is located. Zhu Cixuan was probably rescued and taken there by the 'Gui family'. Send a master to rob him. If it falls into the hands of the Qing court, there is nothing we can do. If you really want to annoy me, just let go with Kangxi!"

Wu Yingqi reminded his father: "There are thousands of soldiers in the 'Gui family' in the east of the Ava River, and they are not a few masters who can deal with. Ava belongs to Myanmar, and it is not convenient for us to send troops. Kangxi's detailed works in Kunming are always staring at us. The spirit pigeon in Liu Zhenren's hand should fly to Ava Palace and tell Hong Tian the whole story. Let Hongtian blow the wind to Mangbai and send troops to destroy the 'Gui family' in Awa City, and then our people in Awa can capture Zhu Cixuan back.

Wu Sangui nodded and said, "You sent Li Hu and Wang Quan to the east of the Awa River. They are highly good at martial arts and loyal. When they arrived at Ava, they were asked to cooperate closely with Ava's local subordinates, and Zhu Cixuan would not be taken to Taiwan by Zheng Jing's people. It's best to bring it back. If you can't bring it back, just kill it. You should also go and tell Liu Zhenren to let his talking spirit pigeon go to the Burmese Palace again.

Wu Yingqi immediately went to do these two things. He first met Liu Zhenren in the palace of Pingxi and told him everything.

"Don't worry, son. The little man sent the spirit pigeon to the royal palace of Ava.

Liu Zhenren was very frightened after hearing this. He was afraid that the incident of the scapegoat ten years ago would be exposed, and he could not escape. But on the surface, he pretended to be calm and said to Wu Yinglin.

"Liu Zhenren, you are good at calculation. Calculate immediately whether Zhu Cixuan rushed to Ava. Wu Yinglin said.

Liu Zhenren immediately obeyed, closed his eyes for a while, opened his eyes and nodded and said, "Son. The king of Pingxi expected it to be good. Zhu Cixuan was taken to Awa by a man with strong martial arts skills and is currently on his way. The villain can't figure out where it is.

Wu Yinglin asked again, "So can the spiritual pigeon find the trace of Zhu Youyu?"

Liu Zhenren shook his head and said, "The spiritual pigeon has limited skills and can't do it."

Wu Yinglin nodded and said, "Then let the spirit pigeon fly to Ava. Be sure to inform the red sweet noble concubine that Mangbai send troops to destroy the 'Gui family' in Hedong as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be difficult for Zhu Cixuan to arrest when he arrives at the east of the Ava River and contacts Zheng Jing's people. I also want to tell her to teach her children to speak Chinese, understand Chinese characters, and read Chinese books.

Wu Yinglin said sadly. He really doesn't feel good when he thinks of his women and his children around others. At this moment, he really hoped that he could turn into a spiritual dove and fly to Ava's palace to see his children who had not been seen in ten years.

Liu Zhenren immediately obeyed the order and said a few words to Lingge. The spirit pigeon flew out.

The spirit pigeon is possessed by human soul and is a masterpiece of Liu Zhenren. Not only is he extremely smart, but he can also fly thousands of miles a day. From Kunming, Yunnan to Awa, the capital of Myanmar, the spiritual pigeon flew into the palace of Myanmar in just half an hour, and then flew straight to the Fengxian Palace where the red and sweet noble concubine was located. For several years, the red and sweet noble concubine who lived in the palace has maintained secret contact with Wu Yinglin through Lingge. It was through the spiritual pigeon that Hongtian told Wu Yinglin in a letter that the pair of dragon and phoenix twins she gave birth to were Wu Yinglin's children. Wu Yinglin also conveyed his concern for the red and sweet mother and son through the spiritual pigeon. And he commanded the minions stationed in Ava by remote control.

The spiritual pigeon quietly flew into the Fengxian Palace and flew into the inner room of the red and sweet noble concubine. It happened that Mangbai was not here, and only the red and sweet noble concubine was mysteriously telling something to her pair of dragon and phoenix twins.

Red sweetness is born from watermelon and is not easy to conceive. However, on the last night of Ava and Wu Yinglin, Hongtian had Wu Yinglin's bone and blood. After Hongtian entered the palace, Mangbai was terminally ill because he was lucky to be red and sweet at night. According to the regulations of the Burmese royal family, the king died and chose a concubine without a son to be buried with him. Hongtian was worried that she could not give birth to a son before Mangbai died and would be chosen to be buried with him. So I privately asked the royal doctor to check whether the fetus in the abdomen was male or female. After the imperial doctor checked, he told him bluntly that Hongtian was pregnant with a girl.

As soon as Hong Tian heard that she was very anxious, she took the royal doctor as her confidant with her beauty**. Secretly sent the royal doctor to find a pregnant woman who gave birth earlier than her and was pregnant with a male child. When the pregnant woman gave birth to a boy, the imperial doctor tried to get the boy. When she gave birth, she secretly took the boy into the Phoenix Palace and lied that the red and sweet noble concubine gave birth to a dragon and phoenix twins.

The royal doctor did it unconsciously, and other insiders were also silenced. Mangbai is only a pair of dragon and phoenix twins born to Hongtian, and they are his own old sons. Therefore, my heart was very happy, and my originally terminally ill body was miraculously healthy.

Red and sweet is the heart of Mangbai. After having a child, she is even more spoiled by Mangbai to the extreme. Although Hongtian is a noble concubine, she is more courteous than the queen. The queen hated Hongtian and was against her everywhere. She even said bluntly that the child born by Hongtian had no similarity to Mangbai. The little prince is fine. The little princess looks very much like Wu Yinglin, questioning that Hongtian has an affair with Wu Yinglin.

Red sweet is unwilling to show weakness, questioning that the queen's children are not as white, and bite the queen's affair with others. The queen vowed to marry her son and daughter and a red and sweet son and daughter, and Mangbai also agreed. Hongtian had to make the royal doctor do his hands and feet in the dripping water, and used drugs to dissolve the dragon and phoenix fetuses under his name and the white blood water. The queen didn't know that there was fraud, so she was speechless. Hongtian also wanted the royal medical drugs to make the queen's children's blood and recklessness completely move to the queen. But the imperial doctor was timid and worried about recklessness and fraud, so he did not obey.

Red and sweet are still unparalleled, but more than ten years ago. In the fierce struggle with the queen, the red and sweet noble concubine has been well shud in the palace struggle. In order to make the prince in his name become the prince, Hong Tian seduced the queen's only son, Prince Longyeri, with beauty. Prince Longyili could not stand Hongtian's ** and secretly had an affair with Hongtian. As a result, he was poisoned by Hongtian's * prescribed by the imperial doctor and died at the beginning of the year.

At this time, the red and sweet noble concubine taught her pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, so that they could learn to please Mangbai. However, the two children are so stupid that they can't listen to the sweet words at all. Their impatient appearance made Hongtian very angry.

"Both of you are ten years old, and you still don't understand anything. Your sister Kira was a good helper of her mother when she was your age. Her mother and concubine have been bullied by their mother and daughter for ten years. Your father is old, and your mother will rely on you in the future. But you two are so scheming, how can you be Ji La's opponent? The red and sweet concubine sighed.

"Mother, look. The spirit pigeon is here again!" The dragon and phoenix fetus couldn't listen to the red and sweet words at all, but noticed the flying pigeon.

The red and sweet noble concubine immediately looked up and saw that the fruit was really a spiritual pigeon. Her tight face was suddenly full of smiles. She immediately squatted down and said to the dragon and phoenix twins, "Don't tell anyone about the spiritual pigeon, including your father, remember it?"

"Remember, mother. We went out to play. The two children knew that whenever the dove came, their mother would let them leave.

The red and sweet noble concubine nodded with a smile, and the two children ran out. Lingge said, "Seeing the noble concubine, the king of Pingxi and the son of Wu have something important to ask. Please allow the noble concubine to speak close to her."

Red sweet immediately smiled and said, "Don't pay attention to etiquette. Just fly over and tell me what my godfather and son have to order."

The spiritual pigeon suddenly flew to the ears of the red and sweet noble concubine, whispered, and the red sweetheart was shocked.

"Well, I already understand. You immediately fly back to Kunming and tell your adoptive father and son that Hongtian is fully confident that she can do this. The red and sweet noble concubine said to the spiritual pigeon.

Lingge laughed and said, "This little belief, I don't know what else the noble concubine has to convey?"

"Yes! You tell Wu Shizi. The little princess looks more and more like him. Hong Tian said.

"I understand that the little one has just seen the appearance of the little princess. It's really like Wu Shizi. I believe that within a few years, the son can reunite with your mother and daughter and share the family. The spiritual pigeon knew the origin and said bluntly.

"Also, tell the king of Pingxi and his son. It will take some time for the little prince to become a prince. The queen wanted Princess Jira to be the crown prince, and there were still many courtiers attached to the queen in the court. Please don't worry. I will find a way to make the little prince the prince and make the surname Wu in Myanmar. The red sweet concubine said.

"Your concubine, I'm afraid the little prince is not surnamed Wu!" The spiritual pigeon whispered.

When Hongtian heard this, she was stunned first, and then smiled awkwardly and said, "Since you are a spiritual pigeon and have seen the little prince, I can't hide this from you. However, if you know the reason for the incident, don't blame me for not telling my adoptive father and son about the life of the little prince.

"Don't worry, the little one won't talk too much. The small one left. The spirit pigeon said goodbye to Hongtian and flew back to Kunming.

After the spiritual pigeon flew away, the red and sweet noble concubine immediately went to Shoukang Hall to see Mangbai. Over the past few years, she has tried her best to persuade Mangbai to send troops to destroy the "Gui family" in Hedong, but every time she gave up because of the queen's opposition. The queen knew that Hongtian was the pawn placed by Wu Sangui in the Burmese Palace, and also knew that Wu Sangui's minions were becoming increasingly active in Ava. Therefore, he persuaded Mangbai to acquiesce to the existence of the "Gui family" in Hedong to counterbalance Wu Sangui's power in Ava. It can also be threatened on both sides to obtain benefits. Although Mangbai spoiled Hongtian very much, he was not obedient. He listened to the queen's opinion and never destroyed the "Gui family" in Hedong.

However, in recent days, Mangbai has had the idea of destroying the "Gui family". Mangbai received a secret report that Zheng Jing of Taiwan intended to join hands with Ping Dali's remaining party to launch a coup to put Mangbai to death and make Ping Dali's daughter Princess Suya ascend the throne. This news made it difficult for Mangbai to sleep and eat. He knew that in the past ten years as king, he had caused people's grievances and peace of peace. Some courtiers who originally supported his accession to the throne also became opposed to him, and a new Pingdili Yu Party appeared. They actively connected and secretly contacted Zheng Jing's people in Ava, trying to support Princess Suya, the daughter of Ping Dali, as the female king. In order to turn Myanmar into an anti-Qing base, Zheng Jing is also very interested in supporting Princess Suya's accession to the throne. After all, according to rumors, Princess Suya is the fiancee of Zhu Cixuan, the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty, that is, the quasi-prince princess of the Ming Dynasty!

Princess Suya lived in the empress dowager's palace under the protection of the empress dowager. As Mangbai once asserted, the existence of this elegant princess has always been a symbol of Pingdili. According to rumors, Princess Suya is really the quasi-prince princess of the Ming Dynasty, then her existence is also a symbol of the Zhu Ming Dynasty. Both symbols are not wanted to be seen, and they are also potential factors that threaten his throne and life.

According to the meaning of reckless white, of course, Princess Suya cannot live in the world. However, the existence of the Empress Dowager made Mangbai unable to attack Princess Suya. Although Mangbai is called a tyrant, he can also kill his own brother, but he still has feelings for his mother. He knew that Ping Dari's death had made his mother's queen in pain. If Suya was given death again, the Empress Dowager would not be able to live. Therefore, Mangbai decided to give Suya a death after the Empress Dowager died.

Now the Empress Dowager is alive and elegant. The power of supporting Suya as the queen is ready to move, and recklessly dares not take it lightly! On the one hand, he rewarded the whistleblower and purged the people who secretly plotted to support elegance in the court. On the other hand, he planned to eliminate the "Gui family" in the east of the Ava River. However, the queen said that the secret report of supporting Suya's accession to the throne was most likely to be a rumor released by Wu Sangui's minions, in order to use Mangbai's hand to get rid of the "Gui family" so that Wu Sangui's power in Ava would be less powerful. When the queen said this, Mangbai also became suspicious, so whether he wanted to eliminate the "Gui family", Mangbai was still hesitating.

The red and sweet noble concubine with a smile walked into the Shoukang Hall where Mangbai was located. Every time I see Mangbai, red and sweet will show the most charming side. Brilliant smile, graceful body, sweet language, how can the old jealous woman of the queen compare?

"Your Majesty, I'm greeting you!" Red and sweet noble concubines are charming!

"Ha ha, the noble concubine is here! I have said many times that you don't have to salute when you see me. Mangbai smiled and greeted Hongtian.

The red and sweet noble concubine smiled charmingly, and then walked gracefully and slowly to Mangbai. Mangbai hugged Hongtian. Hongtian hurriedly dodged Mangbai and smiled without saying a word.

"What's wrong with the noble concubine? Are you tired of me?" He asked puzzledly.

"How dare my concubine! The concubine was afraid that the queen would say that the concubine would confuse the master and interfere with your majesty's review of the medal. The red sweet concubine said.

"Ha, you little boy, don't forget to blame the queen when you talk. You have been in the palace for ten years and have deeply won my heart. Why can't you get along well with the queen?"

"Your Majesty, my concubine is just a noble concubine. How dare you fight with the queen? It was the queen who had always looked down on her concubine, which made it difficult for her. Your Majesty knows that she has suffered grievances for ten years.

"Ha ha. I didn't let you be wronged! The queen is not a difficult person to get along with, but you two are both stubborn, which is so incompatible.

"Where are the concubine and the queen incompatible? They are all your majesty's concubines. In the final analysis, they are all people who rely on your majesty's grace. But my concubine doesn't understand why the queen protects the "Gui family" in the east of the river. Could it be that she wants to raise tigers and hurt people? Isn't the queen afraid of raising tigers?"

"The noble concubine, ten years ago, the queen strongly advocated handing over Zhu Youyu to the king of Pingxi. She can't favor the "Gui family" to use it for her. She is my queen. What she thinks is me, and the noble concubine has thought too much.

"Your Majesty. Forgive my concubine for being brave, what the queen thinks is not all for your majesty. For ten years, my concubine has been favored by your majesty, and the queen has long hated your majesty. After the death of Prince Longyili, the queen was worried that her majesty would make the little prince his concubine the crown prince, so she tried her best to win over the courtiers and wanted to make Princess Jila the crown prince, which was clear proof of her struggle for power. The reason why she protects the "Gui family" is actually to show her favor to Zheng Jing and use the power of Zheng Jing to compete with the power of her adoptive father.

"This is far-fetched. The queen will not have such an idea, and Zheng Jing will not support the queen.

"Your Majesty, ten years of Hedong, ten years of Hexi. The queen determined that the concubine was the son of her adoptive father. It was reasonable for her to join hands with the power of her adoptive father's opponent Zheng Jing in order to counterbalance the power of her concubine. Then Zheng Jing also climbed the willow along the pole and took advantage of the protection of the queen to accumulate power in the dark in Awaminli. His intentions were wrong. This can't be prevented!"

When Mangbai heard this, he said, "Your concubine, you are really imaginative. These should be your imagination. The queen will never join hands with Zheng Jing, which is unnecessary. Zheng Jing can't help the queen, nor will he help the queen. Even if Zheng Jing wants to intervene in the royal family of Myanmar, he will contact Princess Suya and the remnants of Ping Dali.

When the red and sweet noble concubine heard it, her eyes lit up. She didn't know that someone was going to support Princess Suya as the queen, but as soon as she heard Mangbai talk about it, the red and sweet noble concubine guessed * points. The red and sweet noble concubine immediately decided to change her words and talk about Princess Suya.

"Your Majesty, if Zheng Jing really colludes with the remnants of Ping Dali to support the restoration of Princess Suya. Then it's really a big enemy. Princess Jila or the little prince of her concubine as the prince are all the bones and blood of your majesty. If Princess Suya is restored, where will your majesty stand?

"I haven't determined whether the news is accurate. If it is true, then I will send troops to destroy the 'Gui family' in Hedong," Mang Bai said.

"Your Majesty, whether it is true or not. Ava, the capital of Myanmar, let the disabled people stay in the east of the river. It was really ridiculed by the foreign states and lost Myanmar's face. The remnants led by Zheng Jing, whether they supported the restoration of Princess Suya or had something to do with the queen. It is likely to make Myanmar a front against the Qing Dynasty, so that the whole of Myanmar will fall into disaster. Although Hedongli is just a place of projectiles, sparks can set fire to the plains. In order to prevent this fire from burning to the palace and burn the whole of Myanmar. Your Majesty should make a decision, eliminate the 'Gui family', remove the root of the disaster, and prevent it before it happens.

"What the noble concubine said makes sense. I can't raise tigers. I thought carefully, it's better to send troops to destroy the 'Gui family' in the east of the river. Don't burn yourself with fire!" Mangbai, who was hesitant, finally made a decision.

The red and sweet noble concubine laughed proudly, and she was very excited. Then he said to Mangbai with a rippling expression, "Your Majesty is wise, this is the wisest decision. My concubine has long known that Your Majesty is not an indecisive person.

Mang Bai smiled and said, "I will immediately order General Muka to lead more troops to destroy the Ming army in the east of the Ava River. Anyway, Taiwan's Zheng Jing did not obey my request and simply got rid of this disaster.

The red and sweet noble concubine smiled strangely. She let the Buddha see the smoke rolling in the east of the river.