Journey to the New South

Chapter 55: Remove the tyrant cleanly and arrest the assassins throughout the city

While Princess Jira was dancing to his heart's content, Feng Qi, who was invisible, also entered the hall. Feng Qi has been depressed and depressed all day since he killed the little princess by mistake. After a few days, he suddenly heard that Princess Jila had chosen the Siamese prince as his son-in-law, and Feng Qi guessed that Mangbai would definitely appear. So he raised his spirit and came to the palace to prepare to poison Mangbai.

Mangbai was very happy to see Ji La dance. He picked up a glass of wine and drank it with Qi Lijia. The queen and the red sweet concubine also accompanied the wine. The four of them drank all the wine, and they didn't know that Feng Qi, who was carrying poison, had come to his side. Mangbai only had to drink and watch the dance, so Feng Qi quickly put the poison into Mangbai's wine glass. When Mangbai raised his glass and drank it again, Feng Qi was heartfelt!

After Mangbai drank wine, he soon became sad. His face turned black, he screamed, and then fell to the ground in pain. Everyone sitting was stunned by this sudden scene. Before he could save it, Mang Bai foamed his mouth and died.

"King, Father!" The queen, the red sweet noble concubine and Ji La burst into tears and threw herself in front of Mangbai's body and shook vigorously. Qi Lijia looked at the thrilling and quickly shouted, "The king was assassinated!" The scene of Mangbai's death was exactly the same as when the little princess died. The sudden death was so sudden and creepy.

"Come on, come on. Let the imperial doctor come to save the king!!" The queen shouted in pain. The royal doctor arrived quickly. He checked nervously and feared for a while and announced that Mangbai had died.

"Bang Bai, you thief. Ten years ago, you ruined other countries and died, but today you deserve to die!!" Feng Qi suddenly appeared and laughed.

"So it's you, and you damn thief." The queen, who cried into tears, cursed angrily.

"Yes, it's me. Remember, my name is Feng Qi. It was Feng Qi who poisoned Mangbai, so that I can also make a name in history. I'm leaving!" After saying that, Feng Qi turned around and disappeared.

"Call the archer and go out and shoot him!! Order the whole city to be under martial law. No one can go out of the city without special permission!" The queen ordered.

The royal doctor announced the death of Mangbai, and the whole palace collapsed like the sky. Although Mangbai is fierce to the people, he is very good to the people in the palace. The news of his death soon spread, and the whole palace fell into great grief. Princess Jila, who was originally going to marry Siam, has now become a reckless white-haired mourning. How can it not be sad?

However, two people are very happy. One is the red and sweet noble concubine. Although Mangbai spoils her so much, she has no feelings for Mangbai at all. She only loves Wu Yinglin as a man in her heart. She has long been tired of recklessness and serving recklessness. Today, when Mangbai died, her little prince could become the king, and she became the red and sweet empress dowager who didn't need to serve others. How could she be unhappy?

There is another woman who is very happy, that is, Princess Suya, the daughter of Mangbai's niece and former king Ping Dali. Mangbai was her father's enemy, which ruined her family. She hated reckless white every moment. For many days and nights, she couldn't sleep peacefully. Thinking of her parents' voice and smile, she kept crying. When she heard Mang Bai's death, she really felt a bad breath.

After the Queen's mother and daughter and the sweet mother and son cried together, they began to study major events together. Mangbai died. It's time for them to walk to the stage.

"Queen, assassins can be invisible. What's the use of martial law? Besides, Princess Jira chose her son-in-law, and all the sons and grandchildren of various countries came, and they still had to return to their home country. You will be dissatisfied with all countries if you order martial law like this. The red sweet concubine said.

"The king had a will when he was alive. Now I'm the regent, and my order is the highest order. Why do you need to talk more? The queen said.

"Mother, let your father's affairs be done quickly, and let your father return to heaven as soon as possible." Princess Jira cried and said.

"Oh, princess. Unfortunately, the king's funeral coincided with your happy event. It seems that the princess's marriage to Siam has to slow down, and the princess has to keep filial piety for at least three years. The red and sweet noble concubine did not want the queen's mother and daughter to rely on Siamese power to balance her, that's why she said so.

"You don't have to talk too much about this. Naturally, the princess should be filial for three years. It's okay to stay. She went to Siam three years later, and many of them accompanied her mother a few years later. Her father was gone, and she was the only one left. The queen said sadly.

"Mother, I will stay with you. The prince of Siam will understand me." Jila cried and said.

"Princess, I think your life is hard. Look, on your birthday, the little princess was poisoned, your son-in-law banquet, and the king was poisoned. Does this coincidence have anything to do with you? It seems that the real identity of the invisible man is really suspicious. The red sweet concubine said.

"Did you send that invisible man here? Look, poisoned the little princess, and your son became the prince. Poisoned your father and your son became king. Your mother and son have got the greatest benefit. It seems that you really sent someone to kill the king." The queen fought back strongly.

"Queen, you don't have to spit blood. Obviously, you came to the regent, and it was you who got the real power. My son is so young, will I be so urgent? It's clear that you are old and pale, and you have thought about a poisonous trick. The red sweet concubine said.

"Well, it's useless to say this now. The mother has declared martial law in the whole city. Even if the murderer can stealth, he can't get out of Ava. Look at his appearance. It's so special. I don't believe he doesn't eat or drink and never show up. As long as the whole city strengthens the search and arrest, he will definitely be arrested. Kira said.

"Yes, no one will go out of town without catching the murderer. Those foreign dignitaries can't do either. Maybe they sent someone to do it." The queen said.

The queen gave the order that the whole city was under martial law. Officers and soldiers searched the whole city day and night. Inns and restaurants have become the most powerful places to search. The inn where Feng Qi and others live is the same.

After Feng Qi poisoned Mang Bai, he returned to the inn. Tell the news to Cixuan. Cixuan's eyes filled with tears of excitement and went straight to thank Fengqi for Daming. Thinking of those who died in the curse, thinking of his father, mother and grandmother, Ci Xuan had mixed feelings and was extremely excited.

"Our goal to Ava has finally been achieved!! I have been looking forward to this day for ten years. Today, I finally got what I wanted and can comfort my father and mother. Cixuan said excitedly.

"Sudding, God used Feng Qi's hand to get rid of the devil. This is a living demonstration of God's great and wonderful power. Fatty said happily with a smile.

"Yes. If Sanlang hadn't been so virtuous, he wouldn't have come together with Feng Qi to kill Mangbai. It seems that it's God's will. Zaodan said with emotion.

"Dang, if it weren't for you, fat uncle might not have gone with us." Feng Qi said with a smile.

"You child, dare to make fun of your godmother. Otherwise, for the sake of your great achievements, the godmother must beat you. Zaodan said shyly.

"Don't be embarrassed. Everyone can see that the fat uncle and the godmother will walk together sooner or later. Feng Qi laughed.

"Wouldn't we just go together now?" Fatty asked deliberately pretending to be confused with a smile.

"I mean, you two sleep together!" Feng Qi said.

"Look, I won't hit you." Zaodan pretended to be angry and pretended to hit Feng Qi. There is no need to mention that everyone laughed so happily.

"Now that the big revenge has been revenged, we should leave Ava quickly. Otherwise, I'm afraid that there will be many dreams at night. Cixuan said.

"Don't be afraid, be sure. God will bless us. Feng Qi can stealth. What are you afraid of? Fat said with a smile.

"Sanlang is right. We'd better leave Ava as soon as possible. Feng Qi can't always use stealth. When he goes to bed at night or goes to dinner, he can't use stealth. Then Li Hu knows our details. If he comes to Ava, it will be very bad for us. He also knows me. I know that Sanlang has a bracelet. Zaodan said.

"Yes. I'm also worried about Li Hu. We have been right and wrong all the way, and I don't think he will be much slower than us. If he sees us, it will be troublesome. Cixuan said.

"I'm afraid it's too late to leave the city. The queen has ordered Ava to be under martial law, and she can't get out for a while. Feng Qi said.

"Really? What can I do about this?" Ci Xuan asked in a panic.

"It's true. On my way back, I saw that a notice had been posted. And the gates have been closed. No one wants to go out of town." Feng Qi said.

Ci Xuan said seriously, "This is troublesome. We can't live without Ava. If Li Hu is in Awa, we will be in danger.

"It's not that scary. As long as I go out to be invisible, Sanlang will change his appearance. There is nothing. Fat uncle, Li Hu doesn't know him. It's just a godmother. You need to be careful. Feng Qi said.

"And this inn is not safe. When the shopkeeper saw Feng Qi's appearance, would he doubt him? It seems that we have to change our inn immediately. Don't let them see Feng Qi." Zaodan said.

"It's also because we didn't plan well and didn't expect this. If you think of this, you won't be so passive if you don't have to let others see Feng Qi at the beginning. Fat said with a smile.

' "It's all my fault that I shouldn't show myself in the palace. What else do you think of the eternal beauty? But when there was a little princess, I didn't show my face. They will also doubt me. Who told me that my appearance is too special? Feng Qi said with a sigh.

"Big brother. Needless to say. We have eliminated Mangbai, which is our greatest victory. As for how to leave Ava safely, I don't think it's too difficult. At worst, we will stay here all the time. I don't believe that Ava will go on martial law forever. Cixuan said.

"Actually, there is nothing to be afraid of. God will bless us. We don't have to think that the guy named Li Hu will find Ava. In fact, think about it, maybe he has left Ava, and maybe he hasn't arrived at Ava yet. Maybe he died in the heavy snow earthquake in Dongzhi. Fat said with a smile.

"Ganniang, big brother, fat uncle. We still have a great cause of anti-Qing and restoration that has not been completed, and we will not die so early. I believe that God will bless us, not only letting us out of Ava, but also making us reach Taiwan smoothly. Ci Xuan said firmly.

"Sanlang, isn't Awahe Dongli effectively loyal to the 'Gui family' of the Ming Dynasty? We can contact them. Let's see if they can take us out of Awa. Feng Qi reminded.

"This doesn't work. The 'Gui family' loyal to the Ming Dynasty in the east of the Ava River has been wiped out by the Burmese army. The last time Delis Adai and I passed by Ava, it already happened. Fat said with a smile.

"Uncle Fat, listening to you say this, I really have mixed feelings. Those righteous people are as loyal heroes as Yang Yun, but they have lost their lives in a foreign country. It's really heartbreaking to think about it!" Cixuan said sadly.

"Then let's have a good rest. Don't be impatient. He lived peacefully in Ava. As for Li Hu, he may have drunk soju with Mangbai in the underworld. Feng Qi said with a smile.

"Okay, we will live leisurely. I don't believe that Ava will be under martial law forever. Fat said with a smile.

Everyone said this, but their hearts were full of worries. Ci Xuan couldn't calm down for a long time when he thought of the 'Gui family' in the east of the Ava River.

Ci Xuan and others decided to change the inn. He left the room and went to find a new inn to stay in the distance. Feng Qi still used stealth, and Ci Xuan also turned into a dull look. Fatty smiled loosely, and he was worried about Zaodan.

After arriving at the new inn and everything settles down. Cixuan said, "Gunniang, Li Hu still knows you now. It seems that you also have to use a face-changing bracelet. From now on, we will take turns to use it. You will become what your son looks like.

Zaodan quickly objected when he heard this: "Sanlang, that won't work. In case you are found by the people in the inn. It's not good to spread it. I try not to go out. I don't need bracelets.

"Gunmother, Li Hu knows that we are together. If he sees you, it is equivalent to seeing me. You can't always go out. Let's take turns."

"That's okay. Anyway, I'll try not to go out. Besides, we are worried too much. That Li Hu may not be in Awa. Early Dan Road.

"I hope he is not here, but in case he is there, I'm not afraid. God will bless us." Fat said with a smile.

Pang laughed and thought that Li Hu didn't know him, and he didn't have to disguise himself at all. Everyone thought so, but no one thought that fat was laughing and had a problem.

The day after staying in the new inn, Fat went shopping with a smile and wanted to buy some gifts for Zadan. Unexpectedly, when he was defenseless, Li Hu's eyes had already stared at him.

That day, Li Hu was shot by Feng Qi and later fell into a coma. After sleeping for a day, I woke up. He was grateful for Cixuan's kindness, but he still decided to prevent Cixuan from going to Taiwan. In his eyes, Zheng Jing of Taiwan may not be better than Wu Sangui to Ci Xuan. Moreover, the road to Taiwan is far away, and there are many dangers along the way. It's better to be a caged bird under Wu Sangui.

Li Hu did not arrive at Ava later than Ci Xuan. He also followed Su's palm to Dongzhi, and also encountered heavy snowstorms and earthquakes in Dongzhi. He also heard that there were fat and laughing places where some people were compared their skills with elf brothers. Li Hu concluded that it was Ci Xuan and others. He inquired in detail about everything about Ci Xuan and others in Dongzhi and knew that Fat was laughing and joined them. The characteristics of fat smiling are prominent, except for the fat face with a smile. Always wear a cross around your neck.

So Li Hu hurriedly left Dongzhi for Ava and heard about Feng Qi gambling on steamed buns when passing by Degong, thus determined the whereabouts of Ci Xuan and others. Therefore, he chased Ava all the way and happened to hear that the little princess was poisoned by the invisible man. He understands that as long as Mangbai is not dead, Cixuan and others must still be in Ava. It happened that Wu Yingli secretly came to Ava. Li Hu found Wu Yingli through the Wu family's stronghold in Ava and discussed the past in detail. Wu Yingling was shocked and decided to send people to secretly search for Ci Xuan and others in Awa according to Li Hu's description.

After the news of Mangbai's death spread, Ava was under martial law throughout the city. Wu Yingling knew that Cixuan and others could not run away. In order to catch Cixuan and others before Myanmar, Wu Yingling secretly ordered Ava to go out day and night to grasp the whereabouts of Cixuan and others as soon as possible and then capture them.

However, Cixuan and others did not expect that there might be a problem with fat laughter. Ava has many fat people and smiling people, but there are few people dressed in the West and carrying crosses. Therefore, when Li Hu took people to see Fatty smiling in the street, they concluded that this was the person they were looking for.

"I'm sure this person is the fat one who is laughing. He is with Zhu Sanlang. Let's not startle the snake. We will secretly follow him closely and we will definitely find Zhu Sanlang. Li Hu's happy opponent said.

"The little ones know this. Don't worry, they can't run away. The men answered.

Fat is smiling and being targeted, and he doesn't know it at all. After shopping, he left the street with a smile and returned to the inn. But I didn't find anyone following me.

"Li Hu, what a coincidence. This inn is opened by our people. The men said.

"That's great!! Does the person in charge know that we are going to arrest Zhu Sanlang? Li Hu asked

"Only those who do things know such a big thing. The people inside don't know yet, but as long as we inform the people inside, they will cooperate immediately. The men replied.

"Then what are we waiting for? This is really nowhere to find him, and it takes no time to get it. Now they don't want to run away." Li Hu laughed.

Li Hu sent his men into the inn, and the store owner inside contacted him. As soon as he said the matter, the store owner nodded excitedly.

"Yes, in addition to this fat man, there is also a man and a woman. The man is a young man, but he is not the monk you mentioned. The woman is a woman of the Singling nationality. I didn't see the invisible person like a monkey. The shopkeeper said.

"This is easy to understand. The young man must be Zhu Sanlang with a wig and makeup. As for the invisible person, he must use the invisibility technique.

"Anyway, they have to eat and drink. As long as they put something in the tea, they will be captured. The shopkeeper laughed.

"Good way. In this way, the invisible monkey can't run away. When you catch him, you will send him to the Burmese government. In this way, Ava's martial law can be lifted. The prince can take Zhu Sanlang back to Yunnan to meet the king of Pingxi. I heard that there is also a Singian woman, who is very good at crying. Be sure to stun her first.

"Don't worry. Let's be loyal to the King of Pingxi. Can't we do such a small thing? None of them can run away, and none of them wants to make a noise. When they wake up, they will find that they are all locked up.

"I want to remind you. If the ecze doesn't work, it will be hard. There must be a bow and arrow, and shoot the woman who can cry first. After catching the monkey-like man, he was poisoned and dumb. Save him from going out and talking nonsense."

"What are you talking about? He doesn't know our relationship at all. Even if he told him about Zhu Sanlang, the son would have taken Zhu Sanlang away long ago. The shopkeeper said.

"So in case he wants to write about Zhu Sanlang's situation, Myanmar will definitely refuse to let the world go."

"No, as long as you make it clear to him and let him know that if Zhu Sanlang falls into the hands of the Burmese, he will definitely die. He will not say it. Anyway, the people who are willing to be loyal to Zhu Sanlang are all from the Gui family.

"What if Myanmar treats him?"

"Myanmar doesn't know that Zhu Sanlang is still alive. Besides, the monkey killed the little princess and king of Myanmar, and even if he confessed Zhu Sanlang, he could not be pardoned. Then what else does he need to say this?