Journey to the New South

Chapter 62: The treasure gourd came back to life and the peacock spirit unexpectedly appeared

Pang nodded with a smile and hurried to Ji La's bed. She looked at Ji La's throat and checked the poison needle. Then he laughed and said, "Empress dowager, the princess's poison can be solved. However, if you want the princess to recover completely, you still need to take medicine for a long time according to my formula.

The Empress Dowager sees fat smiling like a savior. Naturally, fat smiles and says whatever it is. Busy making Fat laugh and prescribe medicine to save Ji La. Pang picked up the divine treasure medicine gourd with a smile, patted it gently, and a golden pill came out. This scene surprised everyone present.

"It's incredible that there is such a magical treasure. Jila must be saved now." The Empress Dowager said with a smile.

Pang smiled and personally matched the medicine, and then asked the maidservant to put the medicine into Jila's mouth. The medicine melted into Jila's saliva and penetrated into her throat little by little.

The drug worked on Jila's throat. Kira's throat changed from black to red. Originally, the cold body had a temperature. His hands moved and his eyes opened. The Empress Dowager and everyone were stunned when they saw the magical scene of Jila's resurrection with their own eyes.

The Empress Dowager was extremely excited. She hugged Ji La tightly and was extremely happy. Ji La, you are finally alive. Mother can't live without you. The Empress Dowager cried again.

"Queen Mother, what about the damn assassin? How dare he assassinate me. Who the hell is he?" Jira also cried and asked.

"The assassin has committed suicide. Who instructed him? His mother will find out. Jira, are you really alive? Is the princess really not in danger?" The Empress Dowager asked Fatty and was smiling.

The toxin in the princess's body has not been completely eliminated. I have to recuperate for another month. This month, there is no problem if you take the medicine on time according to my prescription every day. In fact, Kira is all over. Fat laughed to prevent the Empress Dowager from crossing the river and tearing down the bridge and not letting them go.

"Then write down the recipe quickly. Hurry up and give medicine to the princess." The Empress Dowager is eager.

"The Empress Dowager fulfills her promise and let us go immediately. I will write the recipe, otherwise the princess will not be completely out of danger. Fat is laughing.

"That won't work. You have to wait until the princess is fully recovered before you can leave. Otherwise, I won't let you go later." If you don't write the recipe, I will force you to write it. Your treasure gourd is not yours. With this treasure gourd, the royal doctor will also completely heal the princess. The Empress Dowager said.

"Haha, the Empress Dowager. They don't know the recipe, and it's useless to get the treasure gourd. This gourd has a big temper. Only I can make it obedient. If it were someone else, it would be an ordinary gourd.

"If you have such a ability, why bother to fight against me? If you obey your orders, you will never enjoy the glory and wealth of your life. Why bother wandering around with a subjugated prince?" The Empress Dowager is both soft and hard.

"Empress dowager, everyone has their own aspirations. I have no intention of changing my mind. Please don't make it difficult for me. I am blessed by God and am not afraid of any intimidation.

When the Empress Dowager saw it, she was speechless for a moment. Ji La said, "This magic doctor, thank you for saving the princess. We agree to your request. But you have to remember that if I don't fully recover in a month, even if you leave Ava, you will still be in Myanmar.

When the Empress Dowager saw Ji La say this, she also nodded and agreed. In the face of my daughter's life, nothing else is a problem. She didn't know that Jira had decided to control her fat smile with head-lowering technique. Ji La will not let go of Cixuan at all.

Fat saw the Empress Dowager nod with a smile and believed it. I wrote the recipe immediately. Then he said to the empress dowager, "This recipe can be eaten for half a month. I will write about the recipe in half a month. At that time, I will take the recipe to the palace by flying pigeons.

"Very good. Just do it." Jira already had an idea, but the Empress Dowager was covered in her bones.

Fatty is laughing and thinking it's done. Return to the death row with the Empress Dowager's hand. Excited to tell Cixuan what happened to them. Cixuan and the three were extremely excited after hearing this. Just about to leave the death row, but the Empress Dowager came with a new decree. I want to see fat laughing again.

At this time, everyone had a pimple in their hearts, afraid that the Empress Dowager would regret it. However, no one thought of the head reduction technique. Fat is smiling and has to see the Empress Dowager again. Unexpectedly, the royal priest was ready to surrender to him.

The unsuspecting fat smile was soon subdued by the head-lowering technique. Lost the original consciousness. The Empress Dowager and Kira came out from behind the scenes. Looking at the obedient fat man smiling proudly.

Fat controlled by the head reduction technique told the truth with a smile, pointing out that Ji La was out of danger and there was no need to continue to take medicine. The Empress Dowager and Ji La smiled proudly and couldn't close their mouths.

The news of Ji La's death and recovery shocked everyone's hearts. The next morning, the Empress Dowager and Princess Suya came to visit Jira again. Seeing Jila really standing in front of her, the Empress Dowager and Princess Suya felt incredible.

Ji La rested all day, and when the night came again, she thought of Cixuan again, which made people take Cixuan to her bedroom. Cixuan lost his nature at night because of taking head-lowering drugs. The first thing I said when I saw Jila was: "Princess, Sanlang is really worried about you. Sanlang really loves the princess very much.

How can Kira be unhappy? She immediately hugged Cixuan and said, "I can't die for you." I want to have a spring snack with you. Sanlang, no one will destroy us anymore.

Ci Xuan immediately kissed Ji La's mouth, and the two kissed affectionately together. Jila simply took off her jewelry and clothes. Prepare to give yourself to Cixuan.

"What a shameless princess actually seduced my Sanlang with her head-lowering technique here." Suddenly, a wonderful and harsh female voice appeared. Princess Jira was so angry that she thought there was another assassin. But Cixuan suddenly understood that this was Cai Yu's voice!!

That's right. It's the color feathers of Que Sendai. Cai Yu was deeply in love with Ci Xuan and looked around for Ci Xuan for many days. However, it is always a mistake to miss Ci Xuan. Caiyu came all the way and caught the heavy snow and earthquake caused by the snowman spirit in Dongzhi. And so I heard about the monk subduing the snowman spirit. Cai Yu concluded that the monk was Cixuan she was looking for, so she inquired all the way and came to Awa.

In Ava, Cai Yu can't figure out the whereabouts of Cixuan. I wanted to leave. However, he met the Aham fox demon who was beaten back to his original shape in the suburbs of Ava. Caiyu's poor fox demon's practice was not easy to save her. Aham Fox Demon wanted to use Caiyu to catch Cixuan and told Caiyu about Cixuan's whereabouts. Cai Yu was shocked to know that Ci Xuan had fallen into the hands of the Burmese.

Cai Yu warned Aham Fox Demon not to hit his beloved man. Let the Ahum fox demon go to the palace with him to rescue Cixuan and others. Ahum Fox Demon saw that it was impossible for him to eat Cixuan's meat and did not want to take risks. In the name of being afraid of the anti-demon mage in the palace, he refused to enter the palace with Cai Yu. Caiyu was not difficult. Ahum Fox Demon decided to go to the deep mountains to practice again, and Caiyu let him go. Then he immediately flew to the palace and saw the scene just now.

Caiyu appeared in Princess Jira's inner room, which was very unexpected. Caiyu saw Cixuan and had mixed feelings. She popped out a green light with one finger and completely removed the head-lowering technique on Cixuan's body. Ci Xuan was completely sober.

"Sparrow Fairy, how can it be you?"

"Sanlang, I said I would accompany you around the world."

Ci Xuan and Caiyu said emotionally to each other. Jila next to her felt angry and afraid, so she simply decided to fight with Caiyu with the anti-demon spell. Ji La suddenly recited the demon-killing spell loudly while Cai Yu was not paying attention. However, she never thought that Caiyu had 800 years of power, and Ji La's power to eliminate demons was limited, and she couldn't help Cai Yu at all. In this way, Jila was really scared.

"Where are you a goblin? The road is so deep. Why on earth can't you get along with me?" Jira asked in horror.

"I tell you, I'm Sanlang's wife. We worship heaven and earth. No one can take my husband away." Caiyu Road.

"You goblin, what are you talking about your husband and wife? If you want a beautiful man, I will give you Enbansen. Give Sanlang to me." Ji Ladao.

"Joke, how can your husband give it to others? You control Sanlang with the head-lowering technique, and he doesn't have you in his heart!" Caiyu Road.

"So he is willing to marry you, what kind of demon method do you use?" Ji La asked unconvincedly.

This question made Cai Yu very embarrassed. Ci Xuan also shook his head and felt helpless about being controlled by spells twice and getting close to people.

"I don't have to tell you this. I'm about to take Sanlang out of the palace. Princess, have a good night's sleep. Caiyu said, and a green light popped up with his fingers and hit Ji La, and Ji La fell asleep.

"Fuckle Fairy, go to death row and save my three relatives. I can't leave them." Ci Xuan pleaded.

"That's natural. I haven't seen you for many days, and there is another magic doctor around Sanlang. I've been careful all the way, and I know it. Cai Yu said with an excited smile.

"Yes, leave the mountainous areas of northern Myanmar. There have been continuous disturbances along the way. Fortunately, thanks to these life-and-death friends, we can get revenge smoothly. Now thanks to you, we can regain our freedom.

"It's not easy to stay here for a long time. Let's leave as soon as possible." Cai Yu said hurriedly.

Ci Xuan nodded and looked at Ji La and asked Cai Yu, "Princess Ji La is okay. You didn't hurt her life, did you?"

Caiyu replied, "I just used spells to let her sleep all night. Tomorrow morning, she will naturally wake up.

"Then let's go." Cixuan said hurriedly.

Cai Yu nodded, then opened the door and was about to go out. But he was meeting the Burmese soldiers who came in a hurry. What's more frightening is that the imperial priest of Myanmar also followed.

"Who should have cracked the head-lowering technique I applied? It turned out to be a green peacock spirit!" The royal master said with a sneer.

Caiyu thought that his magic to crack the head-lowering technique had leaked the target just now. She felt that things were not good. For today's plan, I can only rely on my 800 years of skills and the imperial master to let go.

"Sanlang, don't be afraid. I will try my best to save you out." Caiyu Road.

"Sparrow Fairy, you should be more careful. If you really can't beat the mage, you can escape first." Ci Xuan Dao.

"None of you can escape. Peacock spirit, come out and die." The royal master is arrogant.

"Don't forget that Princess Kira is still under my spell control. If you have to embarrass me. I will take her life!" Caiyu said deliberately.

"Don't mess around. If you dare to be unfavorable to the princess. Then the monk around you will be shot to death. With me, any spells you cast will be cracked!" The mage said.

"In that case, I will get rid of you as a mage first." As soon as Caiyu turned around, countless flying knives rushed to the imperial master. The mage was also ready to fight, and he jumped for the rest of his life. A few anti-monster bullets were thrown continuously to hit the color feather. Cai Yu dodged and then fired a fireball to burn the mage. However, the mage was agile, and whether it was flying or the fireball, he easily avoided it.

The mage does not want to pester Cai Yu. Then he came up with Cixuan's idea, and he grabbed a flying knife flying out of Caiyu. Hit the flying knife at Cixuan. Ci Xuan quickly dodged, and the flying knife did not hit him. However, Caiyu was distracted by Cixuan and was inttentionally hit by the demon-killing bullet issued by the spell.

The demon bomb exploded on Caiyu's body, and Caiyu fell to the ground with a scream. Then he spit blood in his mouth and fainted. Ci Xuan was scared and scared. He picked up the color feather that fell to the ground in panic and shouted repeatedly. The royal priest fluttered in the cheers of the Burmese soldiers. Caiyu walked in front of the meteor and said, "Evil beast, look at me beating you back to your original shape!"

The imperial priest wants to play another anti-demon bullet to show his power. But he didn't expect that Cai Yu was still awake, and falling to the ground and fainted was all imaginary. Seeing that the mage threw away the demon bullets again, Cai Yu had to roll over the mage's head. Only then did the mage know that Caiyu had not fainted and hurriedly dodged. It was too late. Caiyu's fierce feet just kicked the head of the imperial master. The imperial priest only felt that his brain burst out and knew that he would die. With the last bit of strength, he hit Caiyu with another anti-demon bullet.

Caiyu was really hit hard this time, and she knew that she was about to appear in her original shape. There is no way to save Ci Xuan and others. In order to save life, there will be a long time to come. She could only escape with the last bit of strength. Caiyu shouted sadly, "Sanlang, I will come back to save you." and then turned into green smoke and disappeared.

The imperial priest also fell into a pool of blood and died. Cixuan's mood fell to the valley again. He was worried not only about Cai Yu, but also about himself and Feng Qi. If Caiyu can't come back, it will be really difficult for them to leave the palace.

This night, it was chaotic again. The royal master died tragically. No one in the palace can remove the spells on Princess Kira's body. The Empress Dowager thought that Ji La would never wake up again. Crying, he ordered the servant to find a mage who could remove the demons. But it was fruitless overnight. Cixuan was once again ordered to die by the Empress Dowager. It is inevitable to cherish and pity each other with Feng Qi.

At dawn, Princess Jira finally woke up. I learned that Caiyu and the royal master fought against each other last night. Jira didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Fortunately, Caiyu was seriously injured. I'm afraid he will show his original form and will never go to the palace again. Sadly, if the royal priest dies, then no one will use the head-lowering technique. Since Caiyu has cracked the head-lowering technique of Cixuan, he can no longer use this trick in the future.

"What can I do? It seems that we can only use a tough way to deal with Cixuan. In order to make Cixuan obedient. Ji La decided to put Ci Xuan in the water prison. Let the water of the water cell and succumb to the bubble.