Journey to the New South

Chapter 12: The ugly woman of the CIA is greedy and cheap Feng Qi enters the trap

Ruan Qiaoqiao's daughter should get married but can't get married. Nestled at home, very aggrieved. Now I met Feng Qi and finally saw the hope of getting married. She secretly felt that she and Feng Qi were a very good match. Feng Qi is a rare suitable marriage match for her. Therefore, Ruan Qiaoqiao made up his mind that he must get Feng Qi.

Qiaoqiao looked in the mirror and found that he was not much ugly than Feng Qi. If you dress up carefully, pay more attention to your smile, and your speech and behavior will be more charming. Then I can really deserve Feng Qi, and I can also make Feng Qi look at her a few times.

First of all, I happened to make myself very hygienic. Make your body spotless. I also took a bath with petals to fill my body with the fragrance of flowers. What's ugly is my face. So after washing, wipe your face with good gouache and trace your eyebrows with a good eyebrow pencil. Also use beautiful pink paper to make it red. The eyes are deliberately wide open. Then deliberately tenderness. Dressing up like this, it is indeed a little beautiful.

In addition to making your face look better. Coincidentally, she also wanted to make her figure better, so she asked someone to order a high-heeled shoe. This high-heeled shoe is one foot tall. Although it is very inconvenient to wear and walk. But it makes Qiaoqiao look not much shorter than Feng Qi.

Of course, people are clothes, horses and saddles, and it is also indispensable to wear decent clothes. Qiaoqiao specially asked someone to make a cheongsam for her. After wearing it, it gives people a beautiful feeling. The cheongsam is colorful and colorful. After wearing it, it is indeed much more beautiful.

I have never dressed so carefully. In the past, she felt that she was too ugly, but no matter how much she dressed, it was useless. No man would like her. Now that she meets Feng Qi, she has confidence. As a result, this dress was cleaned up. Oh, the ugliest in the world miraculously became the second uglies in the world. The ugliest position in the world was probably given to Feng Qi.

After this clever dress has a little beauty, Feng Qi will really look at her more. Coincidentally, Feng Qi often looked at himself, so I didn't mention the happiness in my heart. But smart coincidence also knows that this decoration alone is not enough. I also need to have inner beauty and use inner beauty to win Feng Qi's favor.

So, I usually find an opportunity to chat with Feng Qi. In order to chat with Feng Qi, she first approached Zao Dan. I want to know what kind of person Feng Qi is and what kind of hobbies and taboos he has from Zaodan's mouth. Zaodan didn't expect that Qiaoqiao fell in love with Feng Qi, so he told Qiaoqiao some of Feng Qi's information. Coincidentally keep these in mind. I set a careful plan to pursue Feng Qi in my heart.

"Brother Feng. The moon is so beautiful tonight. Do you know? That's Agui's home." Coincidentally, I saw Feng Qi sitting alone under a big tree in the yard. So he hurried over, whispered softly, and said romantically.

The moonlight is soft and bright, which illuminates the earth. It also makes the ugly woman's clever photos a little more attractive. Feng Qi looked at Qiaoqiao and said, "Isn't Chang'e and Wu Gang living on the moon? Why is it Agui? Is that Agui the jade rabbit on the moon?

"No, Brother Feng. Agui is a young man who occupies the city. Because he took the elixir, he dragged the root of the tree and flew to the moon. Why haven't I heard of the Chang'e, Wu Gang and the Jade Rabbit you mentioned? Qiaoqiao said and sat next to Feng Qi.

A cool fragrance blew into Feng Qi's nose. Feng Qi felt a trace of intoxication. This is the spice used by Qiaoqiao. It is a spice that can arouse other people's lust.

"In the legend of our Han people, there is no saying that A Gui lives on the moon. We only know that Chang'e, Wu Gang and Yutu live on the moon, which have been a historical legend for thousands of years. Feng Qi preached.

Hearing this, he deliberately took out his obsession and asked, "Brother Feng. It seems that our occupiers and you Han people have different legends about the moon. So can you tell me the story of Chang'e, Wu Gang and Yutu? I like listening to stories the most.

Anyway, there is nothing to do when you are idle. So Feng Qi told Qiaoqiao about the legend of the Moon Palace of Chang'e Wugang Jade Rabbit. Although Feng Qi's speech was not so detailed, he still took out a pleasant look. He praises Feng Qi as an erudite and talented person.

Feng Qi thought to herself, although this little girl is very ugly, her mouth is very sweet. Brother Feng speaks politely. And always look at yourself with tender eyes. Take out a look of appreciation for yourself. Does she like herself?

Feng Qi has this idea in his heart. Qiaoqiao said, "Qiaoqiao, you are so young and beautiful. It's so cute. Why don't you find a good man? Are you too picky?"

Coincidentally, he knew that Feng Qi was talking about his own words, but he said with a smile, "So can Brother Feng answer me a question first?" Why is Brother Feng so young and handsome, but he hasn't married his own children?

Feng Qi laughed when he heard it and thought that this little girl was very wise. Then he said, "The main reason is that Brother Feng is going to accompany my brother-in-law to Taiwan to do a big career. I didn't have time to marry my own son."

Qiaoqiao said with a smile, "Brother Feng. Your brother-in-law, the monk named Sanlang. Isn't he a fool? Except for his good looks, he is a useless person. What do you want to follow him across the sea to Taiwan? No matter what kind of big thing a person has done. In fact, life is as simple as it is. There is a room with water tanks, food bags and clothes. There are people who love themselves and the people they love. These are all available. What's the difference between doing big things and doing small things?

Feng Qi smiled and said, "You little girl, you know life very well. You summed up your life very well. However, I'm afraid that everyone's pursuit of life can't be what you understand. Let me tell you that Sanlang and I are good brothers from birth to death. We have a very deep family relationship. I'm willing to take any risk for him.

He smiled skillfully and said, "Brother Feng is really an affectionate and righteous person. Qiaoqiao is very respectful. That Sanlang is not a woman. If she is a woman, she should be promised to Brother Feng. Because Brother Feng is an affectionate and worthy man to rely on.

Feng Qi was also a little fluttering when he was told this. Feng Qi is a vain person, and his clever words are very useful to him. At this time, Feng Qi smelled the fragrance of Qiaoqiao and became a little hot. Originally, he, a man in his thirties, hasn't touched a woman for a long time, and he is a little hungry and thirsty. This smells the fragrance of **-desire again. How can Feng Qi not react?

"Brother Feng. I make supper every night. My father said that the supper I made was delicious. Brother Feng, go to my room for some supper. Let's see if what I made is particularly delicious and suits your taste. He skillfully scratched his head and said.

When Feng Qi saw Qiaoqiao's appearance, he knew that Qiaoqiao wanted to share the bed with him. Originally, Feng Qi didn't like such a good-looking woman. However, tonight, triggered by the fragrance, Feng Qi really wants to vent well. Since Qiaoqiao is taking the initiative to hint at himself now, does Feng Qi want to do it?

"Let's go and play with this little girl. Anyway, she is also a virgin. This is much better than those women in brothels. Besides, the black light is blind. What if it's ugly or not? Just get her ready, and I can eat more delicious food." Feng Qi had a crooked idea.

"Okay, is it so convenient? I mean, will I disturb your rest when I go to your room so late?" Feng Qi said.

"No, it won't. Brother Feng. We rested while having a midnight snack. We can have a rest together." He said skillfully and blatantly.

Feng Qi smiled strangely and entered the house with Qiaoqiao. After entering Qiaoqiao's room, the two people who were on fire hugged each other.

As Feng Qi thought, what can happen if the black light is not ugly? That coincidence did his best to serve Feng Qi. It made Feng Qi very comfortable. Feng Qi enjoyed it and thought, "This little girl is really a natural beauty. It's only the first time that I have such a superb skill. If there are more ** days, it must be the first person in the world to enjoy bed! This little girl, if she becomes my wife. Then I have endless blessings in my life.

Marry her? No, no, no. The black light is not bad. If it were during the day, I wouldn't be interested in her appearance. If I don't marry her, yes, I can't marry her. I have to go to Taiwan. It's always a shame to take her. It seems that it is wise to take advantage of her during the days of living here. Feng Qi made up his mind.

This night, Feng Qi slept in Qiaoqiao's room. The next morning, he got up early and returned to his room. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the fat smiling and just woke up. Feng Qi smiled and said hello to Pang with a smile.

Pang smiled and thought for a moment and said, "Feng Qi. Did you take advantage of other girls last night? This is not very good."

"Ha ha, fat uncle. You know it. In fact, you may have seen it. I didn't take the initiative to seduce her, but she took the initiative to seduce me. As a man, how can I turn the door-to-door? Don't you think so?" Feng Qi laughed.

"Feng Qi. Anyway, she is also Huanghua's daughter. You just occupy other people's body like this. What are you going to do? Are you going to marry her? Are you going to take her to Taiwan? Or do you want to stay here and grow old with her? Fat asked with a smile.

"Fat Uncle. This is what you and I want**. It is the bed of two single men and women. There is no need to talk about marriage. Who do I still know after I leave here? Feng Qi said carelessly.

Pang sighed with a smile and shook his head and said, "So you just want to take advantage of others and don't want to be responsible for others. You are guilty for doing so. It's too inauthentic. I think you can still stop it and save trouble in the future.

"Fat uncle. According to my ability, don't you just leave? Is it possible that I'm afraid that their father and daughter won't make it? I am happy with her, but I actually feel sorry for this little girl. Do you think she won't be sad if she can't marry a girl in her twenties and doesn't have a man to talk to her? I'm with her purely for what I need. No one will suffer losses." After saying that, Feng Qi suddenly rolled to his **. I recalled the scene of last night with relish.

Fat shook his head helplessly with a smile, and then prayed that God would make Cixuan get better soon. Pray that God will restrain Feng Qi's behavior and not suffer trouble and disaster because of his unrestrained behavior. Ci Xuan was still sleeping stupidly. He didn't know what had happened at all. Although Zao Dan was next door, he also saw the scene of Feng Qi, who was fascinated, walking into Qiaoqiao's room last night.

"If Feng Qi is obsessed with the comfortable life here. Then he may not go to Taiwan. Then we will be separated. Sanlang is also a less powerful brother. Don't do this. Sanlang, get well soon. Get well, let's get out of here quickly. Otherwise, if the coincidence is pregnant and has Feng Qi's child, then Feng Qi is more likely to stay. Zaodan thought to himself.

"No! I can't let Feng Qihu come. It seems that I really should have a good talk with him. Zaodan made up his mind that he couldn't let Feng Qi go on like this.

Zo Dan specially called Feng Qi aside and told Feng Qi bluntly about the seriousness of the matter. Feng Qi, don't mess with him. Feng Qi didn't care what he said to Zao Dan again, which made Zao Dan tremble all over.

"Feng Qi, I have always thought you are a person who distinguishes right from wrong. I didn't expect you to do such an outrageous thing today. If you like women, will there be a shortage of women around you when you arrive in Taiwan? Anyway, it won't be as ugly as Qiaoqiao. Why do you take advantage of coincidence here?" Zaodan said angrily.

"Dang, this is my personal matter. I'm so old that you shouldn't care about me. Feng Qi, I am a person and a person who does things with moderation. I don't like to be taught a lesson by others. Uncle Fat taught me a lesson just now, and now you have come again. I'm tired of hearing it. Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter." Feng Qi said this, and Zao Dan couldn't say anything more.

That's it. Feng Qi and Qiaoqiao stick together every day. They flirt during the day and fool around together at night. And don't avoid others. Qiaoqiao's father was very happy to see it. His ugly daughter is also liked by men, and his old face is also glorious. He urged Feng Qi and Qiaoqiao to hold a wedding. Feng Qi found various excuses to refuse. But you have to take advantage of coincidence every day.

When the coincidence father saw Feng Qi's attitude, he had doubts. Remind Qiaoqiao that you should conceive Feng Qi's child as soon as possible, so that you can leave Feng Qi by her side and marry her. Qiaoqiao told her father confidently that she was fully sure that Feng Qi would stay to marry her and never leave her side again.

When Ruan Laohan heard Qiaoqiao's words, his doubts disappeared and he stopped talking to Feng Qi about the wedding. Quietly waiting for the coincidence to control Feng Qi step by step. Feng Qi, who thought he was very smart, unconsciously found that he was more and more inseparable from coincidence. Feng Qi was intoxicated by the dedicated service at night or the delicious food made by Qiaoqiao. What's more interesting is that after Qiaoqiao had sex with Feng Qi, she became more and more beautiful. He has also become taller and full-bodied. Even the ugly face has become watery and beautiful. Coupled with dressing up, she is already a pretty woman.

Coincidentally, don't mention that complacency. She also loves Feng Qi deeply. Feng Qi, a bad, smooth-tongued and romantic man, is Qiaoqiao's favorite. Whenever we were having fun together at night, Qiaoqiao was deeply shocked and impressed by Feng Qi's powerful ** Yu-female skills. She was already inseparable from Feng Qi.

"I must not let Feng Qi leave me. I must let him give up his plan to go to Taiwan." Qiaoqiao made up his mind.

Pang laughed and Zaodan felt deeply worried when they saw such situations as Feng Qi and Qiaoqiao. It is useless to persuade Feng Qi many times. Zaodan even came up with the idea of changing his residence. Fat smiled but felt that they could not leave Feng Qi at this moment. If he and Zaodan take Cixuan to find another place to live like this. Feng Qi will stay with Qiaoqiao. Therefore, Fat Smile still wanted to stay with Feng Qi. Duoduo advised Feng Qi and tried his best to pull Feng Qi's heart back from Qiaoqiao's body.

"Zodan, don't worry. Feng Qi and Qiaoqiao will never be so good. They are both two immature people, and now they are in high spirits. After a few days, you will get tired of it. At that time, they will definitely have conflicts and crack their feelings. Then we can pull Feng Qi's heart back. Fat said with a smile.

"Originally, Feng Qi was so old. If you can really find a good girl to get married, it's also a good thing. But he did this cleverness just to take advantage of others for nothing. I just want to eat, play and live a comfortable life here, which is not destined to last long. It will also affect his belief in going to Taiwan. That coincidence is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I think she is quite calculating. If Feng Qi is controlled by her, it's not a good thing. Zaodan said.

"Okay. We need to calm down. We have survived so many hardships along the way. Will we still be easily messed up by a coincidence? Fat said with a smile.

However, something happened that made Fat laugh and Zaodan didn't want. Coincidentally, she got pregnant and was pregnant with Feng Qi's child! Now, as a father, can Feng Qi still be willing to cross the sea to Taiwan?