New Century Swordsman

Chapter 1 Wasteland Hunting

2012, the so-called doomsday has finally arrived. It is not the virus, not the nuclear war, nor the demons in some people who have destroyed the glorious civilization of mankind for thousands of years...

It is just a stone, a stone with great radiation and enough to penetrate the earth!

Humans survived those dark years with his tenacity, but when they raised their heads and were ready to rebuild their homes. A creature that had never been seen appeared in front of them, and people called the violent creatures - monsters!

And then there is war, a war for survival!

Under the endless war, human beings have finally discovered three special forces - mechanical, internal forces and powers. And from then on, people turned the world into a new century...

It is now the 376 of the new century.

The sun in July exudes its passion endlessly in the sky. The pale ground is baked with cracks by it, and from time to time a strong wind with sand and stone flows through it. If you listen closer, you can even hear the dense impact.

The Badong Wasteland at noon is quiet, completely different from its blood and chaos at night. No monster or hunter will choose to come out at this deadly time.

At this moment, there is only the strange sound left here, but if you think it's safe now, it's a big mistake. There may be a Tolma lizard hidden under each piece of sand. It will knock you down at the most unexpected angle when you pass by, hold you down with more than 100 kilograms of weight, and then open its half-meter-long mouth - its sharp teeth are even enough to bite metal - and then bite your head directly. Come on.

However, relatively speaking, if you stand still, even if your goal is obvious, it is relatively safe. Of course, the premise is that you can beat this desert "chicket": hyenan!

Ling Yu waved her sword directly and shot away a long-eyed hyenanimal. The sword marks on its throat were spewing blood crazily, and the bursts of blood made Ling Yu frown slightly. It's not that he has any cleanliness fetish, but that this strong blood has exposed his position. Once it comes to night, it will become the main target of monsters.

"It's really troublesome... A hidden quantity point that was hard to find.

He had no choice but to think. Looking at the hynodon that was still twitching in the sand even after being so seriously injured, I couldn't help thinking of being hunted down by similar monsters with my playmates when I was young.

Ling Yu couldn't help but worry that the monsters in the suburbs 123 years ago were not as good as they are now, and their level is one or two levels lower than today.

"And this is only a suburb, if it is in the wilderness beyond the national boundary..."

Ling Yu dare not continue to think about it. He is just a small martial arts intern, and there are still three years to graduate and become a real martial artist. It is very difficult to deal with third-level monsters with his strength, not to mention in the wild.

The pungent smell of blood pulled him back to reality. He glanced at the dead hyenanthe, put on a refractive cloak and went to another identified hiding place.

Ling Yu is now carrying out a crusade mission assigned by the martial arts school, which requires the removal of a nest of Gus worms in the Badong wasteland. Gus landworm is only a second-class monster. Like most Zerg, it is a group-loving race. According to records, 20 to 30 people generally live in a nest. In the depths of the nest, there will be their royal worms, which are mainly responsible for fertility and far more effective than ordinary ground worms.

Ling Yu gently lay on a piece of sand, staring sharply at a sandy depression about 700 or eight meters away, which was his target tonight. During the day, all Gus landworms will stay in the nest. Ling Yu doesn't think he has the ability to face more than 30 second-class monsters, and may even add a third-level monster.

Like a dead object, Ling Yu is motionless on the gravel, and the sky changes with time. Until the dazzling blood-red sun really set, the bloody moment belonging to the Badong Wasteland finally opened.

But it's not the right time. Ling Yu can't start to act until midnight when all the Gus landworms crawl out for food. He is equipped with equipment that can blind the sense of smell of low-level monsters, and the location is hidden, so he doesn't have to worry about being found.

As time went by, Ling Yu also slowly adjusted her breathing. Finally, it's time!

He seemed to turn into a thunder and lightning, jumped out in an instant and ran to the earthworm's nest with gusts of wind. In less than 20 seconds, Ling Yu has stood firmly in front of the nest, and the strength of the eight levels of this speed can be seen at a glance.

He put on an infrared vision mirror and jumped into the nest with a light jump.

But before he could stand firm, a wind came to him from behind. At this moment, Ling Yu still had time to turn around. Seeing that the attack had come, he simply listened to the sound and identified the position. His footsteps naturally changed during the thought, and the long sword was handed over to his left hand and stabbed straight back.


With a sound of gold and stone, Ling Yu suddenly turned around. His left hand loosened and his right hand received the hilt of the sword. With a strange pace under his feet, his whole body was like a wind under his feet, and he had retreated to the distance in an instant. Ling Yu shook her slightly trembling left hand, and her right hand habitually took a sword flower.

Ling Yu is also the first time to see the whole picture of Gus landworm. In addition to the huge appearance of a person and the hard shell that most Zerg have, its most eye-catching thing is two completely spiral-shaped claws.

"The power is amazing, and the sword just now did not leave any scratches on its claws - the hardness is at least E level! Is this really just a second-level monster? But if the strength and hardness are so strong, the speed must be its weakness..."

Ling Yu calmly judged everything, and years of combat training made him always keep his mind clear in the face of such a horrible monster.

The big mouth full of fangs roared silently, and the dark green sticky ** flowed out of its mouth and fell to the ground and made a hiss. Obviously, this big thing also has annoying toxicity...

"I hate this kind of corrosive monster the most. It's a lot of money to buy a sword!"

Ling Yu couldn't help muttering, and in an instant, a person turned over and jumped straight up from the ground, and a smelly dark green ** just fell on his previous position. At the same time, the two huge front claws waved towards Ling Yu, and the two front claws emitted a dark light through the moonlight that came in through the gap.

"The combat instinct looks good. What a tricky monster! If you are a biochemical or a weapon, you may really be hit, but I am known as the most physically qualified warrior... If you're the only guy, I'm sorry!"

Ling Yu suddenly stretched out a finger and gently pointed it on the hard claws of the Gus worm, and the whole person rose several meters again with this force. He curled up in the air, and then suddenly broke out, kicking his feet on the wall of the hole, and his speed soared to the limit visible to the naked eye in an instant!

The next moment, he was like a black elf, gently falling to the ground without a sound, and the blade turned back into the sheath on his back.

Ling Yu walked straight past the Gus landworm, but it was stunned as if it was stupid without any action.

"The first... Solve it!"


The poor ground bug hit the ground and stirred up dust. Its appearance is no different from before, but all the organs in the huge body have already burst and become a disgusting paste. It turned out that at the moment of contact, the long sword instantly pierced the gap between the worms, and the violent internal force poured in along the tip of the sword like a roaring tide, and it was completely dead almost in an instant.

"This D-level sword is really much more useful, and the transmission speed of internal force is about one second faster than before..."

He clenched the long sword in his hand, did not look at the body of the groundworm behind him, and silently strode to the depths of the nest...

The Zerg are also an extremely large race among the various types of monsters. The world's strongest reproductive ability and efficient way of survival make humans have to spend more energy fighting against them. Otherwise, once they are developed, it will be unimaginable. However, it is also because of this that most animal monsters do not like the Zerg, and you can often see a group of animal monsters fighting with the Zerg.

In those years, Mr. Reincarnation, the patron saint of Kunlun and the legendary heavenly strongman, once said: If the Zerg can cooperate with animal monsters, the extinction of human beings is only a matter of time!

Every day, I don't know how many monsters die in the hands of practitioners like Ling Yu, but no matter what, their traces always exist in any monster settlement...

"Wow-hoo--" Ling Yu gasped violently, and his right hand holding the sword had even begun to tremble slightly. The most frightering thing was the one-foot-long wound on his back. He looked at the battle watch and thought to himself.

"Time is running out. The roar of the ground worm just now has notified all the ground insects. In 20 minutes, those groundworms who go out for food will come back, and I'm in my current state..."

The groundworms along the way wanted to die. When they saw Ling Yu, they rushed up. One of them refused to let go of Ling Yu's claws even when he died. Although Ling Yu cut off the front claw with a sword at that time, there were more visible wounds on his back in a moment of effort.

"I'm still too young. No old hunter would make such a mistake."

He leaned tightly against a dirt wall dug out by a groundworm, carefully adjusting his breathing, and eliminating the fatigue brought to him by the previous battle. After the wound was sprayed with a powerful hemostatic agent, the blood gradually stopped. When everything was ready, he held a long sword and quietly emerged from one side.


As soon as he poked out his head, a fishy wind came. Before he could see it clearly, it rushed to him. At this critical moment of life and death, he was finally saved by years of training experience. Ling Yu's waist was hard, and his body suddenly bent to make an iron bridge. At the same time, the single left foot also changed rapidly, and the twist of the toes drove the whole body to rotate, almost avoiding the attack.

Ling Yu looked back in shuddenly, and it turned out to be a copper-colored brazi, and the tail was still trembling slightly. Now it has been deeply plunged into the earth wall dug by the groundworm to see the length, but judging from the previous speed, it is at least two meters.

"Speed... It's even faster than traditional power guns! And the destructive power is also amazing!"

Ling Yu looked at the brazi in horror and couldn't speak for a moment.

You should know that when Gus worms dig caves, the earth walls will be mixed with their unique saliva, and their hardness is even comparable to that of some lower metals.

Ling Yu squeezed her slightly dry lips and stared at the three giants not far away. The groundworm in the middle is extremely horrible, with a scarlet shell, and unlike other groundworms, it has four extremely narrow and sharp claws. At the same time, Ling Yu can clearly see the large number of copper-colored thorns on its back through the infrared scanning mirror, which is clearly the previous "brastle".

The huge monster in the middle is obviously the mother emperor of this nest of ground worms, and there are two ground worms slightly smaller than him beside him, but if they are absolutely stronger than other ground worms, they must be its two own soldiers.

"This is not easy to fight..."

Ling Yu couldn't help muttering.

When the three huge worms saw that Ling Yu finally showed their real body, they opened their mouths one after another, but Ling Yu could not hear their roar. He calmed down, sneered, and suddenly rushed over with a wind under his feet.

When the mother emperor's landworm saw Ling Yu rushing over, she didn't do anything. The other two ground insects stood in front of Ling Yu and waved their huge claws and hit Ling Yu. The four giant claws on the left seem to completely block Ling Yu's offensive, and it seems that there is no other way but to retreat. However, Ling Yu knew that once she retreated, she would definitely face the horrible flying attack of her mother.

To understand the stakes in this, Ling Yu roared, and the whole person did not retreat, and the speed soared by 30%. The sword also seemed to turn into a dragon, collided with four sharp claws dozens of times in a short moment. Relying on the flaw created in an instant, the whole person drilled through the side of the two ground insects.

But before he stood firm, he felt dark in front of him. Needless to think about it, it must have been the attack of the mother emperor's landworm. Ling Yu has a deep understanding of the power of these monsters in the previous battle, not to mention this mother emperor. Moreover, if this attack is solid, once the two ground insects behind him are given the opportunity to turn around, Ling Yuke will really become a situation of three-sided attack. At that time, he doesn't know how he died.

In the face of this thunderous attack, Ling Yu quickly leaned forward with her left hand and patted it with cleverness. The body followed the strength and escaped from the claws of the mother worm a second before the attack. At this moment, Ling Yu's opportunity has really come.

The two guarded ordinary groundworms still have time to turn around, and the huge body of the mother emperor groundworm has not adjusted because of the previous attack. Ling Yu narrowed her eyes slightly and stared at a Jiake junction. At the same time, the long sword seemed to turn into a dragon going to sea, stabbing out with an unprecedented momentum.

The mother earthworm roared silently, and Ling Yu seemed to hear its painful sadness from its mouth that seemed to crack. Its back suddenly shook, and dozens of flying thorns had fallen in front of Ling Yu in an instant. Looking at Ling Yu's already jumping to the top of the cave, the long sword plunged deeply into the earth wall to stabilize Ling Yu's figure.

Ling Yu fiercely pulled out a flying thorn inserted in her shoulder, took out an antidote from her waist bag, and quickly stabbed it into the wound.

"It's careless. Fortunately, I brought an antidote when I came, otherwise I guess it would have been explained here. However, half of its body has been abolished, and the flying thorn on its back has also been depleted nearly 70% in the previous unnecessary attack, so..."

"The battle is over!"

Ling Yu suddenly drew her sword and kicked the wall. Her whole body seemed to turn into a cold light and rushed to the ground worm again!

Half an hour, Ling Yu crawled out of the underground cave, and the backpack on her back was full of valuable materials from ground insects. Feeling the heavy weight, Ling Yu suddenly remembered her hunter teacher when she was a child and felt like a strong man walking in the desert.

Shaking his head to erase his unrealistic fantasy and strode to the martial arts hall.

The night is still the same. Who knows if Ling Yu's return is safe?


Another readjustment!

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