New Century Swordsman

Chapter 35 Left Eye Gap (~)

In the crowded aircraft, it is full of the smell of sweat from the special forces. The aircraft driven by the anti-gravity device flew close to the ground. Stephen knew that the people who were thinking about this chip were not just their family, but the divine people would definitely go out. If you fly at high altitude, you will only become the target of the opponent's weapon, and only enough defensive formation can be formed on the ground.

"What else will those politicians do besides causing trouble to the country! If it hadn't been for their small actions, how could they be afraid of the powerful little ones with the combat effectiveness of the strategic fortress army!"

He took a look at Ling Yu, who was blocked by the electric ring and thought that they searched Ling Yu all over his body as soon as they caught him and did not find the chip. Now only by bringing Ling Yu back to torture him can he get the answer.

Ling Yu looked very miserable at this moment, not to mention the wounds on his body. Just now, when searching his body, a special soldier actually tore off the cloth belt on his head, and a stream of dark blood flowed down. Later, after finding out that there was nothing, they were afraid that Ling Yu would die and lose the clue to find the chip, so they rudely tied Ling Yu with a bloody cloth belt.

Ling Yu sat in the car holding Xiaoxiu tightly. There were three big men with tiger back and bear waist beside him from behind, left and right. These three angles monitored his movements. As for the front... That's Stephen in the co-pilot seat.

"The one on the right is a weapon. Although the one on the left can't see the profession, he can't feel any internal force from him. He should be a biochemical person. The breath behind him is very long, and he is a warrior. The collocation of various professions is very complete, plus the previous step warriors... If it's really worthy of the army, such a luxurious combat effectiveness against my one-class little warrior really looks up to me..."

Ling Yu thought of it self-deprecatingly. He carefully looked at everything around him and tried to find the offensive point to escape.

"The internal force has been sealed and the weapons have been taken away, but my physical combat effectiveness is also very strong after ten years of training by the teacher. Although they didn't see much of their action just now, the movements between walking revealed that they were all elite warriors. Warriors and biochemicals are definitely not good in my current state. From this point of view, I can only find an opportunity to break through from the right. What is needed now is to wait for the opportunity..."

Thinking of this, Ling Yu slowly closed her eyes and slowly recovered her physical and physical trauma.

When Ling Yu silently counted more than 5,000 in her heart, suddenly there was a violent explosion from the tail of the aircraft, and then the aircraft suddenly fell to the ground and made a muffled sound. If it hadn't been for lowering the flight altitude and clinging to the ground, half of the people in the aircraft would have died.

The aircraft shook violently with the fall, and countless fires and small-scale explosions occurred in all positions of the aircraft.

"It's not an opportunity yet..."

Ling Yu can still clearly feel the pressure from the black warrior with his back. As long as he is still here, Ling Yu will never have to think about leaving.

Stefan sat firmly in the chair, and his body remained motionless, showing a strong internal cultivation. Suddenly, he suddenly soared, and a pair of iron fists faintly turned golden in the night, and a plain straight fist hit the wall of the aircraft with endless power.

At the same time, a dazzling blue light "melted" the alloy wall without warning, straight against Stephen's iron fist.

"It's now!"

Ling Yu suddenly opened her eyes, and her four fingers together turned her index finger into a finger gun, poking the weapon on her side with lightning. At the same time, he picked up Xiaoxiu with his left hand and jumped to the right without waiting to attack the special forces.

How could he be killed by Ling Yu so simply as a special soldier? At the moment when Ling Yu attacked, the three special forces reacted. One of them punched, one defended, and one drew a knife. The cooperation was very tacit.

Facing the punch behind him and the steel knife scratching in mid-air, Ling Yu was indifferent.

"Be sure to break through! Even for Xiaoxiu, you must go out!"

Ling Yu didn't understand why she valued a girl who had only known for less than a day. Maybe it was a family-like feeling on Xiu that attracted him, or she simply didn't want to let such a quiet girl die. Anyway, Ling Yu has a reason why she can't give up like this, not to mention Ren Siyu's life needs him to order.

When the fingertips were far away from the throat of the special soldier, the feeling that the spirit seemed to come out appeared again. In an instant, Ling Yu's finger became the center of the whole world. Everyone's eyes couldn't help but be attracted by it, and time slowed down at this moment.

Suddenly, Ling Yu turned her finger into a fist - time resumed its flow at this moment - and hit the special forces' chest fiercely with a strong wind like a heavy hammer. At the same time, Ling Yu also turned into a breeze, running out of the gap of the encirclement with Xiaoxiu, and several small moving aircraft escaped from a broken aircraft.

As soon as Ling Yu got out of the aircraft, she felt bursts of dizziness in her brain due to excessive mental use. She stabilized the shaking of her body with perseverance and ran to the ruins of the building.

"At least two people locked me at the moment I came out... Two great-ranking people... What exactly is in this chip? It's worth so many strong people to work hard!"

At this moment, Ling Yu realized how important it was that the teacher ordered him to do ten years of physical training. At this moment, if he were an ordinary martial artist, he would have been too tired to get up.

"That said, you should get rid of this thing in your hand as soon as possible. Otherwise, your combat effectiveness is too weak."

Ling Yu can probably estimate his current state. Half-step, or immature half-step, and the previous two attacks are clearly the effect of using the spirit of martial arts.

The previous explosion destroyed the nearby buildings. This is a strategic city. The materials of each building are military alloys, which shows the ferocity of the bomb. Now Ling Yu is running in the ruins with Xiaoxiu in her arms, surrounded by unscattered dust. Ling Yu hides against the dust to avoid the pursuit.

A sideturn diddge a ray behind him. At this moment, Ling Yu seemed to have a pair of eyes behind him, which could see all the attacks behind him. If someone is around Ling Yu, they will be shocked to find that Ling Yu has always closed her eyes tightly and relies on her intuition to move to avoid.

Ling Yu didn't know what was wrong with her. After losing her internal strength, the sixth sense of body instinct poured into his whole body like a gushing spring. He even felt that his body had begun to lose control, just by instinct. Even... Even... If he hadn't always maintained his last consciousness, Xiaoxiu in his arms might have been thrown out...

But the more like this, the magical and weird sixth sense becomes more and stronger, almost accurate to the position control of centimeters, which can be comparable to the use of internal forces. Everything is showing the extraordinaryness in it. This force has completely surpassed the greatest power he uses of internal forces...

Ling Yu didn't know that she was hiding under the cloth belt and had opened a slight gap in her left eye...