New Century Swordsman

Chapter 44 Battle! Four floors! ( ~)

"Stefan! If you have the guts, just kill me!"

With Ling Yu's roar, a long sword poked out like a dragon, and at the same time, his left hand directly opened the cloth belt over his head, and his scarlet pupils appeared again with endless violence.

"I don't care what kind of power you are. If you want my body, take it!"

Stephen's iron fist smashed the alloy sword in an instant, and the fists hit Ling Yu's chest. Although he also noticed that Ling Yu's other eye revealed a breath that made him feel uncomfortable, he was too confident in his strength and did not put it in his heart.

However, the whole temperament of Ling Yu's left eye became very different. In the face of the surging fist, he did not retreat and bullied Stephen into Stephen's arms.

Stephen did not panic much in the face of this sudden change. After all, if a four-level strong man could not even cope with this problem, he would have died on the battlefield. Relying on his strong body defense and ignoring Ling Yu's attack, he suddenly closed his arms and wanted to die abruptly.

Ling Yu closed her right eye completely and didn't know if she could see anything in her left eye. She raised her elbows against Stephen's upper arm as if she had a hunch. Although she heard the sound of broken bones the next moment, it still won Ling Yu a moment. How could Ling Yu let go of the opportunity obtained with two arms? His left and right hands have already turned into finger guns, containing the spirit of his warrior, just like Stephen's throat.

You should know that although Stephen's attack and combat effectiveness are very strong, his physical defense is still inferior to Moria's. After all, there is a specialty in the art industry. If this attack is confirmed, it will not die, and it will lose its combat effectiveness in a short time.

However, the name of King Kong Iron Fist is not in vain. Although Ling Yu's attack is really tricky, it is still weak in front of absolute strength. Just looking at Stephen's roar, the momentum on his body soared, and endless internal force gushed out of his pores. Although it was only the impact of internal force, Ling Yu's body involuntarily flew out in front of the other party's vast internal force like the sea and hit the wall dozens of meters away.

Formately, Ling Yu is in a "left eye state" at this moment, and her body naturally reacts quickly and adjusts her body in less than 22 seconds in the air. The feet stepped dozens of times at the moment they touched the wall. Accompanied by a loud sound was a stronger speed, and the body was like a cannonball, ejected out with a violent roar.

Ling Yu's arm was mostly healed in this short moment, and even the bones seemed to be connected by themselves. Stephen seems to have seen this. Although the power gap between the two still exists, his face has also begun to become heavy.

"This boy... It's a little weird!"

The two fought again, and at this moment, a violent roar came from behind them. In less than a second, the two took dozens of moves, and the shadow of the fist flashed until Ling Yu's chest received an iron fist and flew out with blood.

Before Ling Yu turned over and stood up, Stephen's huge figure had appeared in front of him, holding Ling Yu's shoulder with both hands and shaking, and his arms broke as if it were made of tofu. He squeezed Ling Yu's neck and put his ear to his mouth, with a sense of anger in his tone.

"I don't care what technology is, do you know why I want to catch you boy? Because how many civilians died in your Elimir and how many people were lost! You probably don't know, do you?

After such a heavy damage, Ling Yu's consciousness has returned to his body. He listened to what Stephen said and understood that if it was indeed as he said, everything was caused by him. But to be honest, Ling Yu was just a victim. He wanted to explain something, but he swallowed the words in front of Stephen's angry face.

"I don't know what the central government wants you to do, but that's all."

Stefan held Ling Yu's neck in one hand and turned into the palm of a knife with a golden light on his palm, which looked as righteous as a god. And Ling Yu is the evil demon and is about to be judged.


"Is this the end? I don't know if the prayer for the New Year saved Ren Siyu..."

In the face of Stephen's angry blow, Ling Yu simply closed her eyes. However, the strong light ignored his thin eyelids and stabbed in, followed by the general impact of a train and tinnitus caused by a strong sound.

"Is this the feeling of death?"

Ling Yu laughed and thought that she was so bumpy when she died, but fortunately, through her own attraction, their pressure should be much less, and Ren Siyu and the two should have been rescued.

"At least worthy of the teacher's requirements for me since I was a child..."

Ling Yu suddenly felt that his waist was clamped. He didn't understand why he still felt pain when he was dead. Suddenly, a spiritual light passed through his mind, and he suddenly opened his eyes, and what he could see was the silver-white metal body.

"This is... Lingbo! Am I still alive?!"

Ling Yu wanted to twist her neck and check the condition of her body, but she couldn't even move a finger except her eyes.

"But... I don't seem to have any fingers..."

Feeling the consciousness of fading away, Ling Yu finally thought of it, and then closed her eyes and fainted.

It turned out that at the last moment of Stephen's action, Ling Bo finally arrived. Since the situation at that time was no longer allowed for her to raise a gun, she could only rely on the huge body of the robot to separate the two.

3 seconds. In just three seconds, the robot's body suffered a huge hit, and a huge arm was torn off. Then Ling Bo grabbed Ling Yu, ignored Stephen's stormy attack, and launched the engine to leave the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Stephen waved two fists behind him angrily and was almost avoided by Ling Bo, which was really safe. She connected to the combat channel, and her voice showed a sense of coolness in her weak voice.

"Young master, Ling Yu has been rescued, but... Lianjian seems to have died in the iron fist. Stephen's hands."

Qionian was silent for a long time before he continued to say, "Dead, dead... Why is it so... That's good, so as not to suffer in the family all the time. Ling Bo, our current coordinates are B118, T79, follow carefully.

Ling Bo nodded silently and turned off the communication. The robot's back sprayed with blue light, leaving a long shadow in the desert, as if it were a cold tear, adding some loneliness to the desert in early autumn.