New Century Swordsman

Chapter 27 Show in the pool of blood

A burst of hot sun exudes its enthusiasm in the air, and circles of halo in the sky shine colorfully.


The gray-black shadow is like a big roc flashing through the air, bringing hurricanes. If you look carefully, you will find that the light wings behind him emit six soft blue rays.

And about a kilometer behind the shadow, the dark mask flashed with a strange afterglow, chasing it at a speed no less than the former.

"This guy is really more clingy than dog skin plaster!"

Ling Yu cursed secretly in her heart.

The chase between him and the replicator has been going on for more than seven hours, and now he is approaching the limit both mentally and physically--

The aurora jet device requires too much nerve response!

There has been no rest since last night. At this speed, Ling Yu doesn't even dare to blink his eyes. Maybe he will be overtaken by the other party after a moment of negligence. The distance of one kilometer is too short for the ground level, and the replica may exceed one kilometer at random.

"There is not much energy for the aurora jet! If you can't get rid of him quickly, if the speed slows down..."

Ling Yu dares not imagine the result, there are only two possibilities: either to be killed; or to use that demonic power...

"Damn it! Fight!"

Seeing that the energy shown by the watch is almost exhausted, Ling Yu doesn't care about anything else. This energy is shared with the anti-gravity device. If it is really exhausted, Ling Yu will become the first half-step to die due to excessive energy use.

But when he turned around and faced the dark mask, he couldn't help but feel uncertain.

"Three floors! He crossed three levels, and last time he couldn't beat him even in the left eye..."

Ling Yu glanced at Shengke, who had been in a coma on his shoulder, gritted his teeth and bent down to the ground. Ling Yu has no other way. He must make an immediate choice between life and death.

Just as he planned to break the boat and forget all his worries and fight with the other party, suddenly a milky white light enveloped him without warning.

"This is..."

Ling Yu's body suddenly stopped all movements. He knew that this was the external personnel receiving device of the aircraft. As long as it remained still for a second, it would be automatically sucked into the aircraft.

Ling Yu's afterglow can see the silver-gray aircraft above, which is exactly the one where Xiuxiu was located before. It's just that Ling Yu really can't figure out how they know the direction of the two of them.

"No matter... "I survived!"

The replicator is still 700 or 800 meters away from Ling Yu. This distance is only a momentary for the replicator Ling Yu, but Ling Yu competes for this moment. As long as he enters the aircraft, the sky is high and the birds will fly. As soon as he is fast, he can only eat ashes behind him.

Suddenly, Ling Yu's pupils suddenly shrank, and an extremely horrible breath came from the replica body in the distance.

"This is... The spirit of the warrior is locked!"

In fact, Ling Yu has found a doubt in the previous battle in his hometown town: Yes, the replicator is indeed very strong, and he can ignore Ling Yu's hidden power, but the only unbelievable is that he does not have the spirit of a warrior!

The strength and speed of each punch are no different from that of ordinary strong men. However, it is really strange that a three-level martial artist can't externalize his internal forces.

But now when she saw the other party slowly putting on a fist, Ling Yu couldn't wait to slap herself. She had nothing to do with so much useless things to do. Ling Yu didn't have to think about it and knew that she would not even have ashes left.

Once locked in the spirit of the warrior, there will be the illusion of slow time. Ling Yu knew that the other party's punch would definitely come before he was put into the aircraft, and even... He didn't even have time to open his left eye!

"Are you going to die like this?"

Ling Yu thought sadly. It's really terrible to see the huge red fist composed of internal forces and want to hit it by yourself, but nothing can be done.

However, the next moment, Ling Yu found that it was completely impossible for the fist shadow to hit him according to the current trajectory.

"Is it wrong?"

Ling Yu thought unbelievably that he had clearly felt that his spirit had completely locked this space. How could he make low-level mistakes such as deviation?


Suddenly, Ling Yu seemed to realize something and suddenly raised her head, and the hot flame in the sky was taking off - the target of the replica was actually the aircraft in the sky!

The composite gold-made aircraft, like glass, exploded after being punched by the replica. Countless fragments scattered and fell down one after another.

Ling Yu entered the zero state in an instant, and his right eye instantly found Xiuxiu full of blood.

Suddenly, Ling Yu's eyes surged with blood, and the blue veins on her forehead burst out. His nails fell deep in the palm of his hand, and now he can't wait to rush to kill his replica immediately. However, Ling Yu finally did not move. As soon as her body turned, the aurora jet device started again and immediately flew to the direction where Xiuxiu fell.

"Ling Yu, you are a fucking loser! Because of you, the teacher was seriously injured and his brother was unconscious. Now even Xiuxiu, who has nothing to do with this battle, has become like this!"

Ling Yu's eyes were full of unwillingness and self-reproach, and she couldn't wait to slap herself to death. He felt like a lonely star, and all the people associated with him ended up with a bleak ending.

"Even the enemies who hurt them are my replicators..."

When Ling Yu saw Xiuxiu covered with scars, her inner self-reproach was even stronger. He immediately injected Xiuxiu with an ice sealant and temporarily suppressed the wound. He knows that this is only a temporary practice, and the rest will be treated with repair fluid, but...

The ground attack repair liquid can't be cured!

He fell to the ground and gently put them away.

"Since it's my business, I'll bear it alone!"

Ling Yu looked at the replica that had not moved for a long time in the sky and said silently in her heart.

The blood-stained cloth gently fell to the ground, and then saw that Ling Yu had disappeared in its original place. A few seconds later, there was a strong impact somewhere dozens of kilometers away--

The sky and the earth change color, and the sun and the moon lose their glory!