New Century Swordsman

Chapter 44 Last 60 Seconds

The last chapter of Volume II. I will go back to school in the evening, so I uploaded it together. If you think it's okay, please collect a few red tickets. Thank you~


The sound of explosion and impact echoed over the whole wilderness, but no one dared to look at the battle in the sky. After Kendeji's brief explanation, everyone knows that Ling Yu's life is coming to an end step by step in front of their eyes...

"Wow..." The young Xiuxiu finally couldn't stand the pain and cried out.

Watching her friend's life decrease by a second is too cruel for her 14-year-old girl. Everyone listened to her crying silently. Suddenly, a big hand rested on her head, and Xiuxiu turned her head with tears in her eyes.

Song Xin rubbed her fluffy hair, sighed deeply, and tears appeared in her weather-beaten eyes. His only apprentice died in front of him because of his incompetence... If Song Xin can't wait to die instead of Ling Yu!

"Is there any other way!" Lv Batian's eyes were dazed, and the blue veins on his forehead burst. Not only he, but all his eyes turned to Kendeji, hoping to hear the so-called "miracle" from his mouth...

Kendeji was not frivolous at this moment. His eyes swept in front of everyone's faces, and finally sighed deeply and shook his head silently. Everyone couldn't help lowering their heads when they saw his movements.


A huge explosion sounded in the distance, and the resulting hot air flow hit them several kilometers, but no one moved at all and let the hot air tear their clothes.

Because the airflow seems to be silently conveying Ling Yu's words to them-

"My task has been completed, and I can leave at ease..."

Suddenly, the gentle wind swept by, and the heat in the air was blown away by the wind in an instant, and Ling Yu, like the devil, quietly fell in front of them.

"Everyone, I..." Looking at everyone's look, Ling Yu, the party, was surprisingly calm, as if it was not him who was about to die, but someone else.

"Brother Ling Yu, I don't want you to go!" Xiuxiu suddenly rushed over and hugged Ling Yu's waist. Ling Yu rubbed his head and whispered, "I'm about to become a big girl. What are you crying about? Let's have more flowers in the future. I like to see you grow flowers.

Ling Yu gently pushed Xiuxiu away, walked to Chu Tian, pounded his chest and said, "The Qingshui Hunters will be handed over to you and Shengke. Go back and be forgotten to cure Shengke's injury!"

Seeing Chu Tian's face, he nodded silently before turning around and looking at the teacher with a smile.

"Teacher, my grandfather asked you to take care of it. And... Thank you for not hating me as a useless student for so many years!"

Ling Yu told everyone the words she had cherished for a long time, or wishes. Even Sun Xiaoxiao, the young lady who was abated by him, Ling Yu smiled and told her to stop being capricious and go home early...

"Fucks are not over!" Lv Batian stared with red eyes and roared. He clenched his fists, and his nails had even pierced his palm. The scarlet blood dripped on the ground, but he did not notice it at all.

"I don't believe that if you are soaked in the repair solution, you can still die?" Lv Batian pulled Ling Yu's hand and walked to Hancock's aircraft. But Ling Yu shook her wrist slightly, slipped out of his hand and shook her head gently.

He knew that there was not much time left for him, and the "demon" who had been hiding in the depths was about to break through the final line of defense. He finally glanced at everyone, and the next moment his whole body had disappeared into the sky.

"Farewell, my friends..."

Everyone stared at the sky, the figure gradually buried in the starry sky. Suddenly, the start of the engine sounded from behind them. Before everyone could react, Xiuxiu rushed out with the flying board she carried with her, in the direction of the night sky that Ling Yu had disappeared before.

"Show!" Chu Tian was about to catch up, but was stopped by Song Xin. Song Xin shook his head and said, "Xiuxiu has always had a different feeling from Ling Yu. Maybe letting her go will create the only turning point..."

At this point, everyone stopped and quietly looked at the young body, which gradually disappeared into the horizon...


Everything seems to be over. After experiencing this incident, Shenpang Company suffered great damage, and then it was stoned by other large enterprises and divided by major enterprises one after another.

However, Ling Yu's name has not become widely known because of this battle. It seems that all insiders avoid talking about this topic. As time goes by, the world gradually forgets about it. Anyway, the world will never lack battles, and there will be countless news for people to talk about at any time.

Maybe only Shengke and others will remember the teenager who likes to wear a white ribbon on his head - his former partner, the partner who died for them!

Shengke and Chu Tian's Qingshui hunter team have also become a little famous after several years of care. After Song Xin and Hancock joined last year, they became a first-class hunter team...

Kendji and Lv Batian are still so incompatible, but most of the hatred has been eliminated. Now the two are studying how to break the restrictions on Lv Batian and regain the qualification to become a peerless strongman...

Sun Xiaoxiao has always relied on him, but her father has learned everything. After many unsuccessful attempts, he also let his daughter...

As for Xiuxiu, she has no news since she chased Ling Yu. No one knows where she is now, whether she has caught up, or... Is it still alive?

There are too many uncertainties in this troubled times, and the local friction between the two major countries has continued to heat up in recent years. Many people with political senses** have smelled a dangerous smell. Almost everyone's eyes were attracted by the solemn atmosphere at the border and did not know when the war would break out. The stable pattern of the new century, which has lasted for more than 70 years, seems to be finally about to be broken, and everyone is in danger...

The great changes in five years are shocking, and five years ago, did the teenager who seemed to be invincible in the world really disappear under this sky?