New Century Swordsman

Chapter 6 14th Battalion

After the violent roar, the smoke and dust dissipated, and there was nothing in the sky, but Ling Yu's expression was more severe than before. He stared at the target less than a kilometer away, and the sword in his hand couldn't help tightening.

Dozens of combat aircraft are quietly suspended in the air with anti-gravity devices, and there are five mecha around them. But these will not cause too much trouble to Ling Yu, but...

"This feeling... Is it a sniper on the ground level? This horrible locking ability should be on the second floor!" Almost in an instant, Ling Yu inferred all the strength of the other party. The other party's sniper did not hide his lock at all, which obviously played a powerful role.

And Ling Yu doesn't believe that the other party will not leave a gun in the dark. They will seize the opportunity to give Ling Yu a big surprise at any time...

"This is... The trump card of the First Military Region, the 14th Battalion!" Xiao Da struggled to get up from the ground, looked at the trembling momentum in the distance, and shouted unbelievably.

He was ready to die before. Ling Yu's attack was not only tricky, but also extremely amazing. With his strength, it is impossible to survive this kind of attack. However, at the moment when the sword light cut off the mecha, his whole body was bounced out by the mecha and almost avoided all the sword light.

Xiao Da couldn't figure it out before. Now it seems that the other party's intelligent brain must have invaded his mecha with the strategic channel in the army and controlled the mecha first, which saved Xiao Da's life.

Ling Yu also found that Xiao Da was still alive, but at this moment he couldn't help doing any extra actions. No matter when, the deterrent power of the ground-level sniper on the battlefield was far greater than that of a mecha armored man, and compared with these, something attracted Ling Yu's attention...

The two sides looked at each other in the sky like this. No one said a word. On the contrary, the soldiers still alive on the ground felt the depression and waited for the end...

"All right!" Ling Yu slowly landed on the ground, sealed the sword again in the metal box, and carried a circle of cloth on his back.

"In the face of you, I can't guarantee that she will not be hurt in the battle, so I'll go back with you."

Ling Yu's voice was very plain, as if it was normal to go home for dinner. At the urging of internal forces, the sound instantly reached everyone's ears. Both the surviving soldiers and Xiao Da couldn't help taking a long breath, and the heart that had been hanging was finally relieved. Only Ling Yu and the soldiers of the 14th Company always stared at each other blankly.

In everyone's frightened or indifferent eyes, Ling Yu hugged Xiuxiu and gently landed in the military camp of the 14th Company. As if he was walking leisurely and entering the other party's aircraft, his eyes did not worry about his future at all.

"Don't try to use that kind of thing." Ling Yu glanced at the high-pressure electromagnetic handcuffs in a soldier's hand and said faintly. The young soldier raised his eyebrows and was about to say something, but was stopped by the middle-aged officer behind him.

"Naturally, we won't use such a low-grade thing for you. The regimental commander told me before he left that these things were useless to you - you are not an ordinary leader!"

"Lihong!" The soldier beside him shouted hurriedly when he saw that it was his immediate superior.

"Oh?" Ling Yu gently pulled Xiuxiu behind without a trace, looked at the middle-aged man who was two meters tall with calm eyes, and asked, "I didn't know I had a friend who joined the army. I don't know the name of your regiment leader is..."

"Three days later, you will know when you return to the barracks!"

Ling Yu's height is 1.85 meters, which is a standard figure among ordinary people, but in the face of this giant who is more than two meters, he still has to bow his head. As a lieutenant colonel, the head of the battalion is naturally the strength of the ground. The oppression generated by his body and strength actually made Xiuxiu's breathing slightly suffocate.

Ling Yu held Xiuxiu's hand gently, and the invisible pressure overflowed from his body, which could resist all the pressure of the other party. The two stared at each other so silently, one was indifferent, the other was full of iron blue, and instantly made a judgment.

Ling Yu slowly withdrew her pressure, and her face was still as indifferent as before. She reached out and gently patted the other party's shoulder, and her head suddenly came to the lieutenant colonel's ear.

"I can probably guess who your leader is, so I don't want to fight with you, but if you think I'm really worried about others and dare not do it, then you are wrong. If you don't believe..."

He took Xiuxiu's hand and passed by him, but the lieutenant colonel did not stop him at all and let Ling Yu go straight into the depths of the aircraft. Because there has always been a sentence around his ear--

“... You can give it a try!"

At that time, the momentum that Ling Yu burst out in an instant has surpassed the three layers of the ground he knew, which was as horrible as his monster leader...

In a lounge where the aircraft was located, Xiuxiu once again left the heavy sunscreen cloak on the ground, revealing two white thighs.

"Brother Ling Yu, how do you know that the owner of this army is someone you know?" Xiuxiu rushed to ** and rolled for three or four laps before she suddenly remembered to ask.

The layout of the army's lounge always seems to be so simple. Ling Yu casually put the metal box on his back on the table. Everything is because of this thing. Now Ling Yu dares not let it leave half a step. Hearing Xiuxiu's words, he gently sat down on another ** with a shallow smile on his face.

"Do you remember that I have a friend named Qi Nian? I have been fooling around with him every day since I was ten years old, and I know him better than myself. I don't know if you have found that everything here, whether aircraft or mecha, has a circular complex pattern on the metal shell.

Ha ha, I don't know who else in the world will design the exact same thing except that boy. If I guess correctly, the so-called leader of the man just now is praying for the New Year..."

"That..." Xiuxiu suddenly frowned. What if not?"

After listening to it, he did not answer his words immediately, but stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Xiuxiu's fluffy short hair. It was not until she began to wave her hand stubbornly that she let go and said slowly, "If it weren't for me to take you out, no matter who the opponent is, I won't let him hurt you at all... This time I will never watch my partner die in front of me again!"

Xiuxiu suddenly turned her face and stood up, but her voice trembled slightly.

"I, I'm going to take a shower, Brother Lingyu, you take a rest..."

After saying that, he ran out in two steps. Ling Yu's eyes could see through all the attacks of his opponent, but he could not see Xiuxiu's red cheeks...

The warm water hit her white body and flowed down the jade-like skin in a blink of an eye. Xiuxiu's hands gently passed between her hair.

Thinking of Ling Yu's previous words, Xiuxiu's cold face began to burn again, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help picking them up gently. After standing for a while, she woke up again. Gently patting her cheek, Xiuxiu tried to calm herself down, but she couldn't help thinking about everything before...

This bath has been bathed for more than an hour, and Ling Yu has long been sitting cross-legged and practicing internal strength. Internal force cultivation is one of Ling Yu's daily compulsory courses. Only sufficient internal force can make Ling Yu use exquisite and gorgeous tricks. Whether it is a hierarchical or a good level, internal force is always the most important point.

Xiuxiu originally wanted to talk to Ling Yu, but seeing him work so hard, he took back the step back. He turned around and sat on **, holding his chin and quietly looking at Ling Yu, who was only one step away.

But... As time went by, Ling Yu's expression became more and more strange. Just as Xiuxiu thought that Ling Yu's internal strength had gone wrong and wanted to help, he suddenly opened his eyes--

"You girl, why do you always stare at me strangely... It makes my heart fluff..."

Xiuxiu was also shocked by Ling Yu and couldn't speak there for a long time. After a long time, she stammered and said, "I, I... Brother Ling Yu! It's time for you to take a shower. You have a smell!" While talking, he pulled up Ling Yu and pushed it to the bathroom.

Ling Yu smelled her body and muttered suspiciously, "It's impossible. I'm three levels. As long as I activate my strength, any dust will disappear in an instant. How can it smell..."

"This... The girl's nose is relatively **. Anyway, go in quickly!"

"Bang!" Xiuxiu pushed Ling Yu away and suddenly closed the door of the bathroom. She leaned on the door for a long time before she recovered and exhaled the long breath in her chest.

"Show, are you all right?" No matter how dull Ling Yu was, she felt the abnormality of Xiuxiu and asked softly through a door.

Xiuxiu brushed her hair, laughed a few times, and hurriedly replied, "It's okay. Brother Ling Yu, go and wash it quickly!" I'm tired, so I'll go to bed first!"

Ling Yu really didn't understand what medicine was sold in the girl's gourd. She smelled her body and took off her clothes. There was only one idea in her mind--
