New Century Swordsman

Chapter 13 The Story of a Small City

The situation turned sharply in minutes, making everyone stunned and ignorant of what to do, and the most stressful of the three people was the previous monkey.

A dark eye looked at him so calmly without any pressure, but it made him feel an endless threat - the threat of death!

The monkey stared at Ling Yu and dared not turn his eyes at all, as if if he was a little stunned, he would lose his life in the next second. However, Ling Yu didn't seem to have the intention of killing him for the time being. She looked at his appearance and smiled and said, "Is it really shameful? As an animal capable person actually has a pistol... It really ruined this power."

"Who the hell are you?! I tell you that I'm a subordinate of Brother Qu. If I move, it's equivalent to being unable to get along with Brother Qu. You have to figure it out!" Naturally, the monkey can see the horror of the young man in front of him, but his heart moves again when he thinks of his powerful backer. In his opinion, as soon as Brother Qu's name comes out, people hundreds of kilometers will think about it in his heart - this move is also a must-kill move for monkeys to turn bad luck into good luck.

But today his luck seems to be terrible. No, it should be said that he has been bloody for eight lifetimes - Ling Yu has never heard of this name, so naturally he doesn't care about "Brother Qu".

Besides, as the saying goes, the art master is bold. Although Ling Yu was injured in the prayer year before, it was a battle belonging to the four levels of the ground! In reality, there are monsters like Ling Yu and Qi Nian, and it is also a minority, and it is even more impossible to gang up to do this kind of bullying men and women.

Ling Yu looked at the other party faintly, and her calm and murderous eyes made the monkey who had been on the battlefield for many years shiver.

"What do you want to do?!" This sentence has always been said by civilians who were bullied by monkeys, but now it seems extremely ironic and pleasant to say it from his mouth.

"Tell the people above that this town will be my territory in the future." Ling Yu's expression was still so calm, as if to say another trivial thing, but the monkey was shocked after hearing it. When he saw Ling Yu's eyes turned around again, he didn't care about anything and ran out, but it looked more real than a real monkey.

Seeing that the monkey disappeared, Ling Yu slowly breathed a sigh of relief in the bottom of her heart. As the saying goes - the king of hell is easy to see, and the kid is difficult to deal with. For people like monkeys, they must be suppressed with thunder. Now Ling Yu has completely scared him, and the rest is to wait for the real "big man" to appear...

"Idiot, you..." Su Weikong suddenly covered his mouth and stopped in the middle of his words. No matter how young and ignorant he was, he realized that the title of "nerd" was no longer applicable to the powerful and horrible man in front of him. Ling Yu turned her head and looked at this interesting little guy. She couldn't help picking up the corners of her mouth and said, "Little guy, stop shouting like that. Call me Ling Yu!" Why does a good daughter dress up as a man?

Yes, Su Weikong is a girl, which is a fact that familiar people know. However, due to her late development and her usual preference for men's clothing, she will look like a boy when she put away a green silk. With Ling Yu's eyesight, she can find out her real gender without special observation.

"This... I..." Su Weikong blushed for a moment and couldn't speak. Su's mother saw her embarrassment and came out with a smile to relieve the siege.

"Mr. Ling Yu, thank you no matter what. If it weren't for you... Alas..." After saying that, he bowed deeply to Ling Yu. Ling Yu hurried forward to help him up and said that he didn't dare to do it.

After waking up, he clearly saw the family's love for him in his memory. As the saying goes, the kindness of dripping water should be recompared. Naturally, it is impossible for him to leave this mess and leave. After holding Su's mother to sit down in the chair, Ling Yu began to ask the reason for all this.

Su's mother originally wanted Ling Yu to leave this place of right and wrong immediately, but she had to open her mouth at Ling Yu's insistence.

There are 13 town-level cities and one city-level city nearby. And these cities are protected by a strong man, no, it should be said to plunder.

The strong man charges every city extremely high fees on the grounds of protection. If he can't hand it over, he will be expelled from the camera. But without the protection of strong people like us, it is impossible to cross the suburbs to other cities... What's more hateful is that no one who is deported is allowed to hire hunters or mercenaries to protect them!"

Su's mother's gentle and graceful face showed resentment for the first time, but she also realized her gaffe and squeezed her mouth and smiled bitterly twice.

"Then why don't you leave? If you leave here and live in other cities before being expelled, won't there be nothing? Ling Yu asked puzzledly. In his opinion, no matter how strong the other party was, it was impossible to trap all the people in more than a dozen cities.

"This is the place where we have lived for half our lives..." Su's mother said slowly after a long silence. His eyes moved to the window and looked at the blue sky outside the window. He didn't know whether it was bitter or nostalgic. He continued to say, "This strong man is called Qu Zhentao, which is said to be the strength of the second floor. When he came to this area five years ago, he completely occupied more than a dozen nearby cities in just a few days, and even the owners of major cities were respectful when they saw him. He once claimed that he would stay here for ten years and leave ten years later... Five years left, maybe soon..."

However, Ling Yu won't think so. As the saying goes, people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants. He doesn't believe that a robber who has tasted sweetness will give up this fat sheep that can't resist...

"The strength of the second floor..." Ling Yu meditated silently from the bottom of her heart. It seems that we can only solve this matter first... Xiu, I'm sorry, wait for me for a moment, just a moment... I'll come and save you as soon as this is resolved!"

Ling Yu suddenly got up, and Su's mother seemed to realize something and hurriedly stood up and asked, "You, what are you going to do?"

Ling Yu did not turn around, but turned his head and left a side face for the Su family's mother and daughter. She raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "I'll go to see the old guy surnamed Qu."

"Wait! You..." Su Weikong, who had been lowering his head and was silent, saw that Ling Yu was going to die. He hurriedly shouted that one hand had been wrapped around his arm. In a hurry, the black scarf was thrown down. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, Ling Yu disappeared into the room as soon as the words landed, leaving only the slightly rippling air blowing the empty three thousand green silk...

"I... It's really faster than bullets!"

"Little guy, stop screaming like that. Call me Ling Yu!"

"I'll go and see the old man surnamed Qu..."

Ling Yu's words kept wandering in Su Weikong's mind like a spell, and finally turned into a smiling side face. She looked through the window at the white clouds in the sky and prayed silently--

"He must be able to do it, can't he? Definitely!"