New Century Swordsman

Chapter 26 Tianyi Flower Poison


Two completely different ** collided and blended to produce a faint green smoke, but in an instant, the green smoke turned into a green flame emitting endless high temperatures. Even through a thick layer of tempered glass, you can faintly feel its horrible temperature.

"Well... Although the final result is correct, it is six percentage points lower than the calculated value... Is it because of a mechanical error? Or for another reason?"

The speaker was a man over a hundred years old. The old hand pushed up the goggles on his face and shook his hair slightly tiredly and pulled away the chair aside. But he was about to sit down, but his eyebrows suddenly frowned, and his body was frozen there without movement.

"Intruder?!" He looked at the flashing alarm on the wall in disbelief, and it was the first time that the dim warning light made him feel so dazzling. He frowned and straightened his body and strode out, even counting the results of the experiment just now...

"Teacher!" A deep and slightly hoarse voice came from outside the door, which was the previous man. Although he was very anxious, he did not dare to break in at will. It was not until a low call came from the house that he was able to push the door to enter.

"What's the matter?"

The room was extremely dark, and only a dim yellow desk lamp emitted a faint light, dragging the back of the male teacher very long, and there was a strange feeling faintly.

"Teacher, there is a life response in the external detector. I saw that the monitor is two intruders!"

"It's just two people who accidentally bumped into it and approached casually. Why are you so panicked?"

"Can... The detector shows that the energy response of one of them is four layers..."

"What?! Is the old guy with four floors coming? No one can know this place except those old guys in those years. Did they betray me? But I have used the quota for medical treatment this year... No, Ye Yuan, pack up your things and get ready to run away!"


Obviously, one of the two people in the dialogue was the Cen Yu was looking for, but they didn't expect that he had an apprentice, and the strong man on the fourth level they were worried about was Ling Yu. Seeing that both of them are acting like the wind and orderly, they must have been used to this kind of fugitive two for a long time, and even Cen Yu is still pouring wine into his mouth...


Ling Yu couldn't help gasping. In such a dull canyon, the air seemed to become sticky. Ling Yu felt the depression on the walls around her and turned her to Qin Shuiyi and asked, "Are you all right?"

Qin Shuiyi shook her head, but couldn't help looking at Ling Yu's shoulder. In the previous battle, Ling Yu was abrupt by a high-level monster to protect her. If it hadn't been for the fact that his body's muscle density was comparable to metal and his cell antiviral ability was extremely high, that alone would have been enough for ordinary people to leave their lives in this dark canyon.

Ling Yu noticed her eyes and said with a smile, "This minor injury is nothing. It will heal itself in two hours at most. I can already feel that there is an energy fluctuation not far away. It must be right here... Can you still go?" Pass your hand while talking.

Qin Shuiyi took his hand and stood up from the ground and said, "You, the injured, didn't say you were tired. How can I, a doctor, complain first? Hope... Mr. Cen Yu will agree to our request.

"Request? If he really doesn't agree, then... Then it has to be strong! In order to win their lives, let me bear all the responsibilities!"

Ling Yu thought silently in her heart and continued to run between the narrow canyons with Qin Shuiyi in one hand. Because Qin Shuiyi's body could not bear too much air pressure, Ling Yu's speed was not very fast. After running dozens of steps like this, suddenly a curve appeared in front of him, and after passing that corner, his eyes suddenly opened up.

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the falling heroes are colorful. The wonderful scenery in front of them is like clouds and mud from the strange encounters in the canyon. It is impossible to imagine that these two extreme environments are together.

Qin Shuiyi took a deep breath of the air with the fragrance of flowers, and the sadness that had been hanging on her face in the past few days was finally eliminated and a charming smile appeared.

She said, "The teacher once said that 'the extreme must be reversed' when explaining the philosophy before the new century to me, and now it seems to be like this here. If it hadn't been for the experience of that extremely narrow path before, we wouldn't have been as happy as we are now to see this beautiful scenery in time.

Ling Yu also inhaled a deep breath of the fragrance of flowers and spit out all the depression in her chest. He looked at a small wooden house less than 100 meters away and said, "That should be Mr. Cen Yu's residence. Let's go. The rest is up to you."

Ling Yu took the lead, knocked on the door twice and said loudly, "Is Mr. Cen Yu at home? We are entrusted by Mr. Kendeji to come to you, hoping to see you.

There are many coincidences in the world. When the master and apprentice were about to leave with two compressed metal boxes, they heard Ling Yu's voice outside the door. Cen Yu was afraid that Ling Yu would suddenly break in and stab his apprentice Ye Yuan. He only heard him say without thinking, "Ken Deji? Who is that? I don't know? While speaking, he whispered to urge his apprentice Ye Yuan to immediately carry up his important luggage and escape from the back door.

Ling Yu heard the other party deny it. She didn't expect that the so-called "strange man" would slip away through the back door. She thought: Sure enough, she was cheated by Ken Deji again. The other party didn't remember him at all. How could the two be their best friends?

At this time, Qin Shuiyi said, "Since Mr. Cen Yu doesn't know his teacher, it means that the two of us came too abruptly. However, I have always heard the teacher talk about your name and some of your previous deeds. I don't know if you can allow us to meet face to face, so that I can know what a person even the master highly respects is like..."

Before Qin Shuiyi finished speaking, she heard the sound from the room.

"You said that the old ghost Kendeji often mentions me?"

The voice is low and seductively magnetic, and the two people outside the house heard clearly - the speaker is a woman!

"It turns out that this 'Mr. Cen Yu' is actually a woman... Yes, Kendeji has never mentioned her gender, but I think this strange person should be a man. But this voice is not more than 40 years old at most. Was she just a young girl when she met her?

Ling Yu thought about the meaning of her words and just wanted to say something. Suddenly, she heard it roar, "Since you are the apprentice of the old ghost, I don't see it. Get out of here!"

Ling Yu and the two looked at each other in con's face. They didn't know why the other party suddenly lost their anger and dared not come out. After all, their anger is the most important thing now. Suddenly, there was a complete silence, and only the slightly rapid breathing in the room told others about Cen Yu's anger.

The sound of breathing suddenly stopped, and then there was no movement in the house. Ling Yu and the two waited outside for a long time without hearing the sound in the room, and their doubts became bigger and bigger. Suddenly Ling Yu shouted - "It's not good!"

"What's wrong?" Qin Shuiyi saw that he was so nervous that her palms couldn't help sweating.

Ling Yu didn't have time to answer. She whispered, "I'm offended!" and hurriedly took a step. At the same time, she pushed the alloy door away with her big hand and said to herself, "Just now, there were two people in the house, but I only heard the sound of one person's breathing, and now the sound of breathing also disappeared in an instant. There must be something strange among them!"

Sure enough, when Ling Yu and the two broke in, the house was already empty, and there were some unknown** and several empty reagent tubes on the ground.

"They shouldn't have gone far yet. Look, this is Bilco liquid. This ** will change color and condense into a solid in contact with air for more than a minute. Not long after the change of color, they should still be around here.


"Fortunately, I came with her this time, otherwise the doctor's ability is strange. Although I am far stronger than them, who knows that I will not capp the ditch?" Ling Yu thought silently in her heart. Even Kentji, a half-baked doctor, can play an unexpected role at some times, not to mention Cen Yu, a world-famous legendary doctor.

While thinking, he had followed their tracks with Qin Shuiyi. Unexpectedly, after a few steps, he suddenly felt that his body was weak. Ling Yu was shocked and stopped in horror.

"What's going on?! Why does the body suddenly lose strength... Even the internal force has been more than twice as slow as!" Ling Yu's heart trembled involutably, but when she looked at Qin Shuiyi, there was no influence at all. Feeling that the power on his body gradually disappeared, he had no choice but to let go of Qin Shuiyi and explain the vision on his body to her.

Qin Shuiyi thought for a moment and said, "I once heard the teacher say that there is a 'skyyi flower' in the Chenova forest. Its floral fragrance can make the warrior lose strength, and the lost time varies with the amount of inhalation... Ah!" She suddenly stared at the boss and said unbelievably, "Are those flowers outside Yihua that day?! This..."

Ling Yu shook her head and said, "No matter what the flower is, at least you are not affected. Hurry up and chase!" Despite that, Ling Yu's heart couldn't help sinking.

"Just entering this canyon, Brother Han lost his combat effectiveness, and now I can't fight in a short time. If there is really a danger... Moreover, even if there is no danger, in my current state, if the master and apprentice want to leave, I can't stay at all..."

For a practitioners like Ling Yu, strength is everything. Without strength, he is not even as good as ordinary civilians. Now he can finally understand Hancock's previous mood - helplessness, powerlessness and emptiness.

In the end, Ling Yu actually needed Qin Shuiyi to help her move. The two finally came outside after walking about 100 meters. The two masters and apprentices of Cenyu are not far away, and a quaint and even antique jeep is parked on the open space, which is obviously their target.

Ling Yu immediately understood when she saw the jeep that it may affect the scientific and technological products of the new century, but it may not necessarily play a role in these ancient pure machines. Seeing that the last hope of saving his companion was about to leave, he was so anxious that he didn't care about his physical condition. He shook off Qin Shuiyi's hand and was about to rush over.

His physical condition needs the help of others, let alone running. As soon as he took two steps, his calf fell to the ground fiercely.

Seeing him like this, Master and Apprentice immediately realized that he must have been poisoned by the flower that day, and the pace under his heart slowed down.

"Go back and tell the old man Kendeji that since he was so capable in those years, don't come back to me when you are old!!!" The tone was indescribable, and Ling Yu were so shocked by her that they didn't know what to say. They thought of:

"What a beautiful aunt..."

"What a fierce woman..."

"You only smell a few mouthfuls of the poison of the flower, and you can recover your strength in half an hour at most, so lie here obediently. It's useless to chase after it." After Cen Yu finished what he had just said, he also understood that the resentment in his heart and the venting of the two juniors were useless. Now he explained to Ling Yu.

"Bear again..."

Boom! Before the words fell, the sudden explosion behind him turned out to be the sudden explosion of the jeep, and although Cen Yushi and apprentice were still dozens of steps away from the jeep, they were still knocked down by the explosive wind pressure in time.

"Who is it?!"

Ling Yu roared and struggled to get up from the ground, but her arms could not be strong in any case, and a small black spot in the distance was rushing at a very fast speed.

A few seconds later, the black spot was able to see the human form for the first time, which was clearly a gunman with a gun!

How is it possible? No electronic equipment can be used for five kilometers near this canyon!" Ye Yuan, a student of Cenyu, couldn't help exclaiming.

This is also the problem in Ling Yu's heart. Hancock was forced out because of the strong interference in the canyon just a few steps into the canyon, and why can the other party ignore the interference and use firearms...

Suddenly, Ling Yu's pupils suddenly shrank and stared at the long gun in the man's hand.

"Yes! Just like aircraft and jeeps, coil-powered and directional photo-powered weapons are no different from scrap iron here, only traditional powered firearms are not affected in any way!"

Ling Yu couldn't help trembling when she thought of this. The other party was obviously not good, and she lost her combat effectiveness at this time. It was impossible for the four people present to compete with the long gun...

"Cen Yu! Do you have any way to get the poison on my body!" Ling Yu didn't care about any etiquette and roared at Cen Yu.

Cen said, "How could there be any antidote that I got by chance that day? Isn't that person with you?!" The determination of the previous shot also made Cen Yu, who was fearless, uneasy. Seeing the man getting closer and closer, the four felt that the pressure in their hearts became heavier and heavier.


The man stood suddenly like a stone statue, showing extraordinary physical quality. The gun in his hand did not shake during the whole process, and even the expression on his face did not change at all.

Ling Yu looked at his series of movements, secretly screamed in her heart, and whispered to Qin Shuiyi, "Be careful, it's the military!"