New Century Swordsman

Chapter 29 Ace

"Dong! Dong!" Outside the door, there were two rapid knocks on the door. After hearing the leisurely sound of permission in the room, they pushed the door and came in.

"I should have said that I don't like to be disturbed when I'm reading... What on earth is the reason why you dare to do something against my order? Although the speaker was a man, his voice was very soft and beautiful. The high chair with its back to the door could only let the soldier see a beige head and a white and slender left hand gently on the chair.

The words of the yellow-haired man were like a bucket of ice water poured from above, which instantly turned his hot and impatient heart cold. A drop of bean-sized sweat covered his forehead almost in a moment. As a strong man on the ground level, he couldn't help breathing because of a word...

Pang-The book was gently closed on his knees, and the yellow-haired man turned around and looked at the summoner.

"But for the sake of Xiaojiapei's hard work, I'll spare you this time. Can you tell me what's going on now?" The yellow-haired man said with a smile.

The communication soldier, known as Jiapei, said, "Report, sir! Cen Yu escaped with another arrested woman and is now fighting with soldiers in Area B. The situation..." He glanced at his captain with a smile and couldn't help but feel a tingle. What he wanted to say also subconsciously stopped, but he heard the yellow-haired man say.

"The war situation is one-sided, right? Aunt Cenyu... I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Captain, do you know that strong and horrible doctor?"

"Of course, 40 years ago, she was my favorite woman, but unfortunately... Little Eggapei went to tell the group of kids in Area B to withdraw. With their strength, it is impossible to catch Cen Yu.

"But sir, the other party is gradually moving towards the direction of 'testing the perfect original'..."

"It doesn't matter. I'll change my clothes and go there - the other party is a lover I haven't seen for many years. Of course, I have to dress up to welcome him. Go down!"

"Can..." Gape seemed to have something to say, but when she saw the smiling face in front of her mouth, she immediately took it back and answered in a low voice and went out.

The next second after the thin door was closed, his whole body collapsed in an instant, and most of his body leaned against the wall weakly. His heavy breathing and violent chest even made him feel that he was about to die of lack of oxygen. As for the combat uniform, he had already been soaked in layers of cold sweat.

"The Devil's Smile... Whenever I see it, it is horrible from the depths of my soul, and even if I have recently reached the ground level, I still can't see through the captain's cultivation, and I can't even guess... Is this the strength of Blue Fire 001?!


The yellow-haired man's smile was still so warm. It was not until he heard the last deep breathing outside the door that he took the book in his hand into his arms and stood up with the footsteps of eggplant.

"The cockpit, stop the aircraft." The empty room quietly floated his voice, and the next second the aircraft stopped in an instant against the powerless inertia, but the people inside the aircraft had no influence under the control of the powerful gravitational change device.

The yellow-haired man slowly walked to a mirror, and the military uniform on his hand instantly turned into a piece of cloth. He rubbed the body in the mirror, and the smile on his face became thicker and thicker...


The heroic Hancock seemed to have a long gun tied to the ground, and his deep eyes under his tightly twisted eyebrows exuded cold murderous intent. Just as he was about to press his robotic arm, the other party's aircraft suddenly stopped.

"Have you been found?!"

Hancock's heart suddenly chilled, and cold sweat flowed down. His right hand immediately swept to the robotic arm. In less than a second, he could instantly generate dozens of combat robots...


The ring finger stops quietly in the air, and as long as you press the program, it will start to execute. But Hancock did not dare to press it - at that moment, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and years of experience collided with combat intuition!

"Although it seems to be the best way to enter the battle mode now, even if I generate the limit I can control with my strength, it's just a few more seconds... Damn it! Take a bet! If... If you can go back alive this time, you must grab Song Xin's treasured wine!"

Hancock gradually fell down while thinking, and his eyes returned to cold again. He is now betting that the other party's aircraft did not find him, the trap he laid, and the chips... It's his life!

"Ling... What is it?"

"Ling Yu..."

"Oh, yes, I've always been forgetful about meaningless things like names. That Ling... What's behind this door." Cen Yu waved her right hand, and hundreds of frightening soldiers in front of her suddenly fell down and turned into a cold dead body, and a huge alloy door appeared in Qin Shuiyi's sight.

Cen Yu casually lifted a long gun from the ground, bang! The gunfire sounded with the firelight, but Qin Shuiyi did not see any change. Cen Yu put down the gun in his hand and strode over several times, frowning and rubbing the smooth metal door with his hands.

"Mr. Cen Yu, can you open this door?"

"Although there are not enough reagents to accurately judge the level of this metal, even the coil power gun can't leave any trace on it, which means that it is at least a B-grade metal. And the nearby walls have also been strengthened. If my potions are breaking this door, it's naturally not a problem, but now I need at least 20 minutes to extract elements from these bodies..."

"It's not B-level, it's an S-level super-grade metal, and even you - my favorite Aunt Cen language - can't break..."

In an instant when she heard the sound, all her hairs stood up, and at the same time, a trace of cold air flowed down her neck into her body.

"Ace. Bofil!!!"

Cen Yu suddenly turned his right hand into a hand knife and cut it off the later, but as soon as he waved it in mid-air, he was tightly grasped by a white and slender hand.

"Ah... The forgetful Aunt Cen Yu actually still remembers my name. The person you really loved was me, right?

A dark-black dress shows the yellow-haired man's figure extremely well-proportioned and straight, gently grasping Cen Yu's right hand with his left hand, and his handsome face always has a warm and comfortable smile. The two men are gentle and elegant, and the woman is cute, looking like a quarreling couple.


A pair of thin lips suddenly sealed what Cen Yu wanted to say - the man known as Ace forcibly kissed Cen Yu, who had killed people before!

"Although I wanted to do this a long time ago, it's really not..." Ace smiled and squeezed her lower lip and pushed away a few steps before continuing to say, "There are more than 30 viruses on your lips. Even a breath can kill people in an instant... That's wonderful!"

"Bah!" Cen Yu casually spit and blocked Qin Shuiyi behind her on one side of her body, stared at the man who appeared in her nightmares countless times in front of her with cold eyes, and said coldly, "Is it another perverted love-mother complex? I really didn't expect that people like you would join the army and let me meet you here!"

"Pervert? Aunt Cen Yu, don't say that! In this way, my brother will be very sad. It is said that he just resurrected 'mother' some time ago. If it comes to love-mother, he is much more serious than me..."

The smile on Ace's face became stronger and stronger, as if the woman in front of him was really a lover he had never seen for many years, but he could clearly see the slight murderous intention in his eyes... And tyranny like a madman!

"I just want to ask one question before killing you - 47 years ago... Why, why did you leave that virus in Kendji's body?! At that time, you two were the best fit. Why did you do this on that day?"

"Uncle Kendeji... It's really a name I haven't heard for a long time. I heard that he seems to be alive now? It's really him. The most horrible virus parasitized by me can still be suppressed by drugs, but at most a year or two, his death will come. As for the reason... It's very simple. I want him to grow up!

At that time, I was only 20 years old, and the strongest virus I could plant was just a level. As long as he cruelly infected his own virus into other people's bodies, the virus on his body would naturally disappear without leaving a trace, and now it seems that he seems to have chosen to give up- - A self-ssificing doctor... It's disgusting!

At the beginning, how powerful you were, and the power similar to me made me so excited that I couldn't sleep all night. I couldn't wait to press you under my body all the time..."

"Pervert!" Qin Shuiyi couldn't help whispering. Ace glanced at her, and the cold eyes in the depths of her smile instantly penetrated Qin Shuiyi's body. Facing the pressure of a strong man, Qin Shuiyi suddenly lost all control of her body. Cen Yu turned his head and looked at Qin Shuiyi, who couldn't help trembling. His not tall body with his left foot completely blocked the other party's sight.

Ace smiled lightly and turned to Cen Yu and said, "Pervert? What's wrong with men who like women? Unfortunately, Aunt Cen Yu, I really didn't think that you would change so much in the future, until now you... It's too weak. It makes me feel sorry for you!"

"I'll do whatever you want and let her and the boy inside go!" Fifty years ago, Ace was already a strong man and a very rare viral biochemical person. No matter how strong Cen Yu is, he is just a doctor at best, and a head-on battle will always be her weakness.

"This can't work..."

"Why?! What's the use of your and my grudges even if they involve others?

"Well... Although you may feel heartbroken by this, the reason why I went out this time is not because of you! The old guys in the military seem to be very interested in the little Lingyu in the back room.

Well, that's all for the conversation. After so many years, I'm still not used to talking to you..."

Ace suddenly raised his hand without warning and shook his slender fingers to Qin Shuiyi. However, although the action was clean and neat, he could not see any fist strength or wind pressure in Qin Shuiyi's eyes. On the contrary, Cen Yu's face suddenly changed, but after all, she was just a doctor, and her body could not react anyway.


The unprecedented shock came from the feet of the three people. Qin Shuiyi fell to the ground with a crooked body, but it was also because of this that she avoided the disaster of blood.

"Ah~ It seems that something interesting has happened. Aunt Cen Yu, I'll let this little sister 'rest' first, and then you can go out with me..."


With the same smile, but the dress on his body gradually became popular. With Ace's strength, he could end Qin Shuiyi with just one finger, but he completely launched his strong power in order to show his strength in front of Cen Yu.


The violent impact suddenly sounded behind Ace, and he seemed to think of something unbelievable to stop his hand.


"Is it that boy? Don't joke... This is a blocking device that can deal with the eight-level strong!"


A rune-filled blue veined arm protruded from the protruding position of the alloy door, and before everyone recovered from consterion, the S-level metal tore open in front of everyone--

"Dead pervert, hoo--" The green smoke filled, and a long breath exhaled from Lingyu's chest, "Don't add the word 'small' in front of my name!"