New Century Swordsman

Chapter 31 Virus User


Ling Yu is self-proclaimed to have rich combat experience. Whether it is instantly turning herself into metal or penetrating people's hearts, or transforming into semi-monsters, all this is just another way of expression of genes in his eyes, but the "monster" in front of him...

Countless pieces of meat reconverged their only personal shape at a very fast speed, and almost the next moment when the sword light penetrated, Ace's disgusting smiling face appeared in front of Ling Yu again. He shook his head and his neck bones crackled.

"The three-layer swordmang is really terrible..." Ace narrowed his eyes and whistled at the sword light that had disappeared in the distance. He shook his right hand and said to Ling Yu, "That's why I don't like the profession of martial arts... Hurry up. I'm not interested in men like you. If Aunt Cen Yu dies because of my negligence, it will be troublesome.

As he spoke, Ace's body had changed. His whole right arm bulged like a balloon and expanded to dozens of meters long in a moment, and the previous dark filaments pierced the deformed arm and flew disorderly in the air.

Ling Yu felt the momentum that came to her face and knew that the next offensive would not be able to bear. She said to herself, "Even if I fight until now, I still can't judge the level of the other party, although I don't want to admit it - his strength is far above me!" In that case--


The heart moved at will, and the hidden power in the gene once again quickly overflowed from every corner of the body under the control of mind. The thin and solid scales covered every piece of skin, and the wings of the torn top showed a cold smell in the sun!

"I feel it! His strength is... Five floors!"

A domineering force filled every cell, and the feeling that seemed to tear heaven and earth made Ling Yu couldn't help sneering.

Bang - Breaking through the sound barrier is just a simple shaking of the wings. Ling Yu came to Ace almost instantly. The big hand full of fine scales finally did not have to worry about poison. With one punch, it turned Ace into a vacuum in an instant. However, as a strong man, Ace can't even meet this simple punch. It was just because he was close to Ling Yu before because he didn't expect it.

His seemingly bulky right arm drew an extremely clever arc, and tens of thousands of filaments instantly coiled into a shield hurriedly but did not panic at all to meet the groundless punch!

"It must be penal!"

Ling Yu roared that the spirit of the martial arts seemed to come out like a sea, wrapped around the right arm that emitted dark light, and the speed surged by three points.

After all, the two blacks representing different camps hit each other like a comet in the dazzling sun!

There is no impetuous energy fluctuation, and there is no trace of wind pressure overflowing from it. The two are very tacitly fixed in the air, as if they are like thousands of generations. Even the soldiers fighting below can't help looking at the sky and waiting for the final result, and the most moving thing is...

Ling Yu - Unexpectedly, Ling Yu bounced out like a cannonball, and his whole right arm turned into tiny dust at a horrible speed visible to the naked eye like a piece of dead wood. After flying dozens of kilometers, he plunged into the soil fiercely, and all the changes in his body had dissipated in less than a second of flight.

"How is that possible?! I have been able to fully control the state of demonization for a long time. Why..." The pupils in the black eyes suddenly condensed, and all the previous fragments flashed through the brain - "Demon! It's yours!"

"How can you say that?" The voice that made Ling Yu die countless times sounded in his mind again, but after listening to the devil's body sneering, he said, "I was blocked by you in a small dark place, and my control over the body is completely zero. What do you think I can do like this? It's just that you don't correctly estimate the strength your body can withstand!"

“... When I broke the blockade room before, I had to use your strength, so you took the opportunity to strengthen the increase of demonization, otherwise, no matter how much I was demonized with my strength, I could not tear open the S-level metal with my bare hands!"

Although Ling Yu knew that she had been posed by the demon body, she had no time to think about those things now. The powerful and terrible pressure in the sky was flying at a terrible speed.

"Although my cell activity is good, it will take at least dozens of hours to recover the trauma left over from the battle. This right arm can no longer play any role in this battle. Plus the big and small injuries on the body... There are still less than 60% of the combat power left!"

"Let me defeat him..."

The demon body echoed in Ling Yu's mind. Before Ling Yu could answer him, he continued to say, "I just want to breathe, and you have seen the power I showed before. As long as I control this body and kill him, it's only a few breaths."


Under the action of the majestic internal force, Ling Yu suddenly rose to the sky. Although the inside and outside of the body became shabby because of the previous attack, Ling Yu has never weakened the momentum of the strong man on the ground.

"It's up to you. If you want to watch Hancock and the three die because of you today, don't use my strength!"

The devil's words are extremely smooth and without any anger, but in Ling Yu's ears, they are no less than a bolt from the blue. If it were his own skin, he would have been left here, but he is carrying the expectations and sustenance of all his partners...

"Although I don't know what kind of medicine you sell in the gourd, if there is only this little shelf, Xiao Lingyu... You will die here today~"

It was always the annoying smile, as if he felt that the overall situation had been settled, and Ace slowly stood in front of Ling Yu. But before he finished speaking, he saw tens of thousands of black lines as thin as hair rushing along various tricky tracks like poisonous snakes smelling blood - how could Ace, as a strong man, commit such a superficial problem as a light enemy, and the strength shown by Ling Yu at that moment had even scared him. Therefore, he took the lead in launching an attack while testing with words!

But the result was unexpectedly simple. How could Ling Yu, who lost an arm, stop the powerful blow of his two layers of strong man? In the blink of an eye, his body had been thickly wrapped by layers of black silk thread, and almost the violent toxicity had invaded his body at the moment of touch.

"I didn't expect it to be really a useless shelf... Is it you who defeated the madman of the Zhang family? It's incredible..."

It was not until this moment that Ace was finally convinced that Ling Yu was completely under his control, and the previously tense nerves were slowly relaxed. However, Ling Yu couldn't hear his words at all. The severe toxicity and the previous serious injury had made him directly fall into a coma, and the familiar figure in front of him was staring at him indifferently.

How's it going? If it continues, you will die in a few minutes at most. Let me out, I'll kill him for you!"


Ace looked at Ling Yu's gradually darkening face, and the smile on his face was a little better, but he muttered, "Just die like this!" Don't let that power appear in the world again... Go to hell!"

Ace suddenly exerted his strength and saw that Ling Yu was about to die of poison. Suddenly, an extremely strong death fluctuation came from behind. This force could even be comparable to the main gun of the spacecraft, and at the same time, Ling Yu's body suddenly trembled abnormally.

"At most, it's only a few hundred of your distances. It's too close to avoid it! How can I let such a strong force be near me without any awareness?!"

How important Ling Yu is than his own life. The moment the idea flashed, his body began to act instinctively. However, as he thought, when he turned around in a panic, the deadly cold light had come to him!

"This kind of attack can never kill me! At most, it's just some injuries. As long as I can survive this attack, I can kill him! Wait! This is..."

"Energy attack with ice attributes!"

Thinking is always a biochemical weakness in how to rotate the body. If a five-level martial artist can't retreat in the face of this attack, he will not be as helpless as he is.

But almost instantly, Ace was covered with a thick layer of ice, and all the cells on the surface of the body were far from necrotic at this ultra-low temperature. For Ace, except for Cen Yu, the natural enemy, the most terrible enemy is cold - once it gets cold, all viruses will lose at least 50% of their attack power!

"Who is it?!" Every capable person has his own weaknesses, and Ace rarely does anything to really know his ability, and the only hand that calculates his ability weakness can be counted...

"Who the hell is it!"

After losing Ace's control, the flight device of the combat suit stopped working in an instant, slowly falling down with two people, and a dark shadow quickly swept over from a distance. A long knife flashed over the right arm that cut Ace, lifted Ling Yu with one hand and floated away. A series of actions of drawing knives, chop, hugging and leaving are as coherent, as if the two have already practiced tens of millions of times.

"That's definitely the method of the Blue Fire Camp! Look, his figure should be Blue Fire 098, but why did he suddenly betray me?! It is by no means an emotional factor, the only possibility is..."

"The above command."

Ace lay quietly on the ground without moving. For him on the fifth floor, this attack was just a surprise. At most two or three minutes, he could recover as before. At that time, he could catch up with them for a moment according to his own virus, but after a long time, he didn't see Ace any action, but he listened He whispered, "It's really sad. If you work for others, you will be stabbed from behind!" Since it is the above meaning, I have been a loser in this battle from the beginning..."

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I've been busy all day, and recently I've had a cold and an exam... It's very stressful to say, but today's chapter has finally come up~ Please collect it here.