New Century Swordsman

Chapter 39 Under Mechanical Feelings

Artificial intelligence appeared 60 years ago, and through more than 60 years of development, the analytical and computing power of artificial intelligence has far exceeded that of human beings, but even so, the government has not yet determined the promotion of artificial intelligence, because...

"Emotions... This thinking seems to be breathing. I can't imagine anything other than emotion. Although its frequency is very slow, I can still judge that this is more than any strong 'feeling' that human has!"

Today, there was too much shock to Ling Yu. Whether it was the previous 40 arhats of the military or the robot brought by David, everything opened up another world for Ling Yu's vision and told him that the world was complex and powerful in the most cruel way.

"Even if my strength reaches five levels, I'm still too weak now... When will I have the ability to protect all my friends from harm?!"

In an instant, everything in the past five years flashed in my mind like a movie - day after day, sword swinging, meditation, fighting... The practice that felt extremely headache at that time now seems to be just a joke.

"I am very kind to you. The human body is too fragile, but the human world is the most cruel... Better than our monsters!"

BOSS's cute body like a kitten suddenly appeared in Ling Yu's brain, and now he finally understood the meaning in BOSS's language - "The world is really not that simple..."

The turning of thoughts was just a momentary thing. When Ling Yu came to her senses, they had just seen David's figure.

"It turns out that it was you, David, who asked me to be careful. Pofil and... Your robot! Do you have to stop the Kunlun military from carrying out the mission? You have to understand that you are now the enemy of a country!"

For Zhe Yun, a person who is very strict about national boundaries, how Ling Yu and others make trouble is just an internal problem of the people in China, but David's appearance touched his ** nerves. But David's voice slowly came from a high place: "What about the military? I have been wanted since I was 20 years old..."

Ling Yu, who was listening to David's words, suddenly felt that someone was pulling his clothes and turned his head to see that it was Shengke. He pointed to his combat watch and whispered, "Now the energy is enough! Hancock and the others are also ready. Let's go while the military doesn't notice now!"

"But..." Ling Yu turned her head and looked at David's mouth high and stopped halfway. Shengke was like him. Seeing that he wanted to stop talking, he had already understood what Ling Yu was thinking and said, "Once the underground laboratory detonated, the drug overflowing from it would be absorbed in the excess energy in the air, causing serious electrons. Paralyzed, it was easy to leave in the chaos with his strength at that time!"

Ling Yu thought for a moment and had to nod and say yes. I don't know if David could receive a restrained mind and said a word to him in his consciousness. The three immediately turned around and flew to the place agreed before.

At this moment, in addition to the 40 land-level strongmen, there are thousands of coveting Kunlun elite soldiers in the sky. Their drivers are holding all kinds of weapons in their hands. As long as Ling Yu and the three have any abnormal movements, they will immediately rush to fight to the death.

Now they see Ling Yu and the other three rushing like meteors. Although they have a little fear in their hearts, their duty as soldiers still fix their bodies firmly in the air!


The strange sound suddenly sounded on the ground attracted everyone's attention, and the flat ground cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the cold wind like hell where the devil lived gushed out from the bottom of the black hole. Before everyone came to their senses, a huge base rose from the dark crack. Although only the upper corner can be seen now, everyone knows that the base will see the sun again from the ground in a few seconds.

"Attack! All artillery hits and attacks! Call me back before it comes out!"

The huge roar finally awakened all the soldiers present from their astonishment, but they saw Pingzhi floating in the air like a god of war in a camouflage combat suit, and behind him...

"God-given soldiers! Legend has it that when he exerts his power to the limit, one person can resist a force. I didn't understand what it meant at the beginning. It turned out that... It turns out that there is really a so-called summoning system in this world..."

Shengke turned his head and glanced at it after flying. He only saw thousands of summoners of different shapes standing behind his not-tall body, the smallest of which was the size of a palm, transparent wings, and a small bow and arrow in his hand. Although the largest body did not have David's 100-meter body, it was also It is more than ten meters high, with a bean-sized red mole in the middle of the golden body and eyebrows, and nine spots on the head...

"David! Just stay in Kunlun today!"

He waved countless cannons with his hand and suddenly turned around. The target was the huge robot, and the hundreds of summoners behind him flew to Ling Yu and the three who left at a terrible speed.

"hehe..." The white and slender fingers brushed the long golden hair. David and Pingzhi looked at each other thousands of meters away. They only heard his red lips open slightly and said, "Ling Yu is still as cute as five years ago, and he even thought of reminding me... In this boring world, without people like him, it would be boring.

"Mom, can you stop his pets for me?"

Before the words fell, the huge robot's eyes suddenly lit up, and a silky red light came out of a pair of huge eyes, and a big hand waved out at a speed that was not in line with the volume.

"It's impossible to encounter..."

This simple idea echoed in everyone's mind, and even Ling Yu and the three who left were nothing more than that. The well-known summoners are hundreds of meters away from giant robots, and it is impossible to touch them unless they use firearms...


The blood dripping from the sky seemed to be laughing at everyone's childishness. Everyone stopped their movements, and even Ling Yu and others couldn't help slowing down. Although they knew that this moment was the most suitable moment to leave, their minds were still affected by the previous strange and horrible forces.

What happened before was actually just a momentary. The huge palm suddenly stretched out to the summoner in the distance, and there was nothing else. The hundreds of summoners seemed to be fixed in the air by a huge force. The next moment, with the clenched palms, the summoning body crushed little by little from the muscles to the internal bones in everyone's eyes without any suspense.

"Fix levels... No, it has vaguely touched the threshold of the seventh floor! What the hell is this! How can there be such a powerful mechanical creature!"

At the moment of the fight, he already felt that the situation was wrong, and then the robot's combat power was beyond his imagination.

The limit of mechanical creatures is the third floor, which is the sadness of all manufacturers. After the third floor, the abilities of the strong can no longer be made by simple machinery, and the manufacturers after the third floor can only improve their manufacturing methods, attack strength and attack modes. To improve combat effectiveness. But everything in front of us seems to be a challenge and contempt for the rules set for hundreds of years...


The base on the ground in everyone's mind was finally completely exposed, and the next moment before the gunfire hit, it exploded, and suddenly the fierce flames soared to the sky.

"What's going on... Not good!"

As soon as his eyes flashed, he noticed a wisp of abnormal pink smoke overflowing from the explosion. The smoke began to expand when the air changed, and in a few seconds it had enveloped the whole sky.

"What is this?!" Pingzhi roared in his heart when he looked at the visibility less than two meters ahead. At the same time, the rustling noise on the battle channel also made him understand that he had lost the control of the army, and all the aircraft also faintly vibrated!

Shengke couldn't help stirring up the angry roar behind him and said to himself, "No matter how strong you want to break through the fog with tens of thousands of troops, you can't do it for a while. Now many soldiers are no longer your helpers, but a group of mortals who have lost their flying ability but are at a height of 100 meters!"

The explosion like raindrops behind him and the faint hot wind and smoke behind him show the perfect success of his plan. This pink gas is condensed by thousands of drug essences that Kendeji has treasured for many years. It is said that Shengke did not expect it to have such a great effect.

"If there is no material limitation and the need for a lot of energy in the huge air... This thing is so unbelievable!" Shengke secretly thought about the possibility of using it again, but after thinking about countless solutions, he had to give up his thoughts. Those valuable drugs alone were not affordable to them.

The three people have come to the previous gathering point, and Hancock and others are waiting for them there.

"It seems that it took a lot of effort to climb out of the tunnel!" Ling Yu patted the teacher on the shoulder with a smile and turned to the happy partner beside him--

"No one is dead! Everyone survived!"

Ling Yu roared in her heart. Although she knew that it was not the time to be happy, the joy in her heart could not be melted.

Suddenly, a huge object suddenly broke through the thick fog over the battlefield and galloped to the east at an unimaginable speed. Ling Yu fixed her eyes and saw that it was David's robot.

"He used to call it 'Mom', didn't he? So he really transplanted his mother's brain into this machine, so he had that incredible power?

A big hand suddenly patted Ling Yu's vest, and Shengke looked at him. Ling Yu shook her head and smiled twice and said, "Let's go! After staying under the ground for so long, let's go to the next city!"