New Century Swordsman

Chapter 48 How about coming with me?

Let's say that Ling Yu followed Jiang Ziya's instructions and walked all the way south for a whole day and one night. Seeing that after walking like this for a few days, she would reach the vast sea. Once she entered the sea with the strength of the monster there, not even Li Fanyue dared to venture alone.

"This day... It's going to rain!"

Ling Yu felt the heavier air around her and whispered to herself, and before the voice fell, there were bean-sized raindrops falling from the sky. Ling Yu thought to himself, "No matter how clever Jiang Ziya is, he will never think that I will encounter such a rainstorm in this wild field where birds don't poop, right?"

During the thinking, Ling Yu has determined his position. As soon as he turned his body, he shot out like a sharp arrow from Li Xuan, aiming at a city dozens of kilometers away. A few minutes later...

"Wow - finally came in safely." Ling Yu's heart was faintly cold when she thought of the thunder and lightning like silver snakes in the sky before. Nature's thunder and lightning are different from ordinary thunder abilities. It has a power that belongs to heaven and earth. Even Ling Yu's physical quality will be seriously injured in the face of the direct attack of Tianlei.

Luozhou is an emerging city with a long history. It has a history of less than 100 years since its construction. Therefore, you can find that Luozhou is very different from other ancient cities in terms of architectural style and people's clothing.

Most cities will open energy shields in order to prevent lightning strikes on rainy days, but Luozhou has completely done the opposite, closing all energy shields, leaving only a few devices that can absorb lightning.

To the surprise of all outsiders, Luozhou citizens like the government's practice very much. For those civilians who can't go to the wild, rain should be a novel and interesting thing, right? Many tourists even came here in order to get a cold rain in person...

"What is this..."

Ling Yu looked puzzledly at the young man and woman running happily in the rain. How could he, who had been beaten by the wind and rain in the wild all day, understand ordinary people with no cultivation?


"This... That's awesome. Is she a warrior?

From time to time, bursts of shock from the crowd gathered in the distance attracted all the people nearby. For a moment, even a few different-looking people appeared in the sky. Ling Yu stared intently, but the layers of spectators had already blocked all the gaps, and there was no chance for Ling Yu to glance at it.

Ling Yu is 25 years old this year, but she has been in painstaking for many years. Although she has also experienced the hardships of the world in recent years, she is also a teenager in the final analysis. Seeing so many people watching but not seeing them, I suddenly felt scratching my heart and rose up without thinking about it.


Ling Yu stared at everything in front of her and was shocked by the movements of human limbs for the first time. In the center of the crowd, there were seven or eight young men and women dancing with music that Ling Yu had never heard before.

"There is no feeling of internal force flow, nor is it a power... This group of people obviously don't have any cultivation, but why can they give people such an unimaginable shock?

In addition to those combat professions, there are also "stars" in the new century, but everyone around Ling Yu - even Ren Siyu and Qin Shuiyi - never cares about this kind of thing. Thinking that the journey of cultivation is more than ten million, how can it be distracted by other things?

And today these dancers taught Ling Yu a lesson, which made him understand that even if he is not a practicer, even if there is no power to move mountains and fill the sea, it can still shock people...

Ling Yu stood quietly in the air until the crowd dispersed before he slowly fell down, and one of the dancers in white came over with a smile dragging wet clothes.

"You are... Ling Yu? When did you come here?"

"Well... I just came here."

"Dinner with me, I'm hungry."

"Aren't you going to drink today?"

"I just finished dancing and I don't drink. Let's go, it's my treat!"

The dream-like dialogue ended in an instant. When Ling Yu came to her senses, she had come to a slightly dilapidated restaurant with the people around her.

"Xiao Yi is here again! How was the dance this time?

The speaker is a woman who is more than 40 years old and slightly fat. Judging from her clothes, she is obviously the owner of this store. But the people next to him smiled and replied, "Of course it's perfect!" There should be a video launch in a few days. By the way, boss, I brought my friend here today. I must cook more dishes!"

The boss's wife looked at Ling Yu carefully from Du to her feet with a bad smile, and then nodded with satisfaction. She answered a few times and went to the back room to prepare the meal.

"Although this store is small, the business is very good. Pure handmade dishes are very rare in the new century..."

โ€œ... How have you been recently?

Ling Yu stared at the woman in front of him who made her dream come back. The scenes of five years ago are still vividly cherished in his mind. In the past five years, he has brewed countless questions in his heart, waiting for the next time he sees him to ask one by one. However, now that I am in front of him, Ling Yu abruptly spit out such useless words.

The white fingers pulled the long black hair on his forehead to reveal an elegant and refined face. Even if he had seen Ling Yu many times, his heart still couldn't help beating faster. Yilin smiled and said, "I... I have had a good time in the past five years. I dance every day and come here to get some food or something when I have nothing to do. What about you? I think your combat uniform has just experienced a battle, hasn't it? And... What's wrong with that wanted?

Ling Yu's face at this moment is not his face, but the face changed by internal forces, which is also the reason why Yilin was not sure when they met before.

"It's just a little thing..."

After a long silence, Ling Yu answered casually, but Yilin opposite him sighed gently. Her moon-white and slender palm gently held Ling Yu's hands. Ling Yu was slightly stunned but did not struggle.

"For five years, you are still so hard-mouthed and don't know how to relax yourself for a moment." Yilin's waves of autumn eyes quietly stared at the man in front of him and continued to say, "What happened five years ago... Sorry, I lied to you."

Before the voice fell, the scene was already half cold.

Ling Yu turned her head slightly to avoid the other party's eyes, and her hands slowly withdrew from Ilin's soft palms. What happened five years ago was the biggest knot in their hearts. Neither Ling Yu nor Yilin could let go of everything at that time.

"Let's go south, maybe something interesting will happen..."

Jiang Ziya's smiling face suddenly flashed in Ling Yu's mind, and Ling Yu had the impulse to flatten his face with a punch.

"This is the so-called 'interesting' thing!"

The two of them didn't know what to say, and the scene fell silent for a while.

"I... ;..โ€


The two spoke at the same time, but they heard each other's words and were speechless. At this time, the boss's wife came out with a smile and finally broke the silence belonging to the two.

"Xiao Yi, who is this? I've never met him before. Isn't it a boyfriend?

The guests at the next table also seemed to be familiar with Ilin and asked with a smile while the boss's wife was serving the dishes.

"We..." Yilin was about to answer, but Ling Yu seemed to think of something and didn't go on. Although the boss's wife is not very old, her ability to observe her face is amazing. Looking at Yilin's expression, she can probably guess one or two of them and joked, "Teng's boy, can you tell you about the girl's family?"

Then he turned his head and smiled at Ling Yu and said, "The dishes are ready. Use them slowly. Call me if you need anything." The whole man suddenly came to Ling Yu's side and whispered, "Young man, a man should take the initiative. Ilin is a good girl. Don't let her down."

The boss's wife is an extremely heroic person in appearance and voice. At this moment, although she whispered, the voice still spread all over this small store, and the rest of the customers covered their mouths and smiled and floated here from time to time. And she seemed to have found this, but she still finished the words carelessly.

"hehe... She has always been like this. I hope you don't mind. Yilin laughed breathlessly. Such a simple sentence sounded with no sincerity in Lingyu, but it was precisely because of this that the estrangement between the two gradually began to disappear...

"How did you get here and dance on the street... In my impression, aren't you a senior government official?"

Ling Yu looked at the stars in the sky, and the last trace of unhappiness towards Ilin also disappeared. No matter how much anger there was in his heart at that time, those angers would disappear in the blink of an eye when they saw me. This is the magic of Ilin, a woman--

"What a woman that gives me a headache... Yilin.

"Do you think I give you a headache?"

Yilin's voice floated from the side like a breeze, but it hit Ling Yu's heart.

"Are you also spiritual?"

Ilin smiled and did not answer the question and continued: "I also think I am a very headache woman - she doesn't listen to people's advice, recklessly, self-righteous... Normal people will think of me like this. After my mission failed five years ago, There are all kinds of problems, and then report, change jobs... Anyway, without mentioning it, I finally fell into dancing on the street..."

"But I think dancing is also very interesting. Although it's a little hard, compared with the previous calculation of life... I still like it now!"

Looking sideways at Yilin lying beside her, Ling Yu didn't know what to say for a moment. The cold soil under his body stimulated his nerves, and a little starlight sprinkled on Yilin's muscular face. Ling Yu couldn't help saying--

"Ilin, how about coming with me?"