New Century Swordsman

Chapter 56 Marriage


The thin water can't help washing the small fan of the waterwheel, while the colorful goldfish in the pond below keeps running along the water flow.


Hundreds of fish food were thrown out of the broad palm, as if they had been calculated in advance and scattered neatly on the surface of the water, causing the fish to compete to eat.

"How good it would be if you were such a cute thing as a fish? A few pieces of fish food could attract it and never leave..."

The man sitting by the pond seems to have not been cleaned for dozens of days, and his eyes are even more dull and lack the feelings he deserves as a human being.

Naturally, this person was looking at Ling Yu, who was leaving. After Yilin left, Ling Yu sat in Zang's family yard without saying a word. No one came to say that word. It seemed that only the fish in the pool were the only one who could speak in the sky. Zang's family went up to the house owner and the servants no longer had any hope for Ling Yu, so they no longer paid attention to him and let him live and die by the pool.

It's just that there is no absolute. There is always a girl in Zang's family who sneaked to Ling Yu, ignoring her parents' opposition. At present, the moonlight has climbed into the sky, as if it's time for the girl to arrive again.

"Brother Ling Yu, Brother Ling Yu."

Ling Yu listened to this familiar voice, and her gray eyes gradually became a little more light called emotion, but she just glanced at her and turned her head again.

"Brother Ling Yu, I brought you food. Eat it quickly while it's hot."

Ling Yu didn't look at the food she brought, or her eyes didn't leave the pond from the beginning. Xixi looked at Ling Yu and sighed helplessly. She glanced at Ling Yu's increasingly thin face in recent days, and hesitantly took out a thin letter from her arms and put it in front of Ling Yu.

"Sister Ilin told me before leaving: 'If he hasn't returned to normal in a week, you can give this to him, but if he is ready, you can find a place to burn it.' I asked her what was written, but she smiled and shook her head without saying anything. Later, I was annoyed and said that it was very important information for Ling Yu, but once you get it..."

Xixi looked worriedly and grabbed the envelope. Ling Yu, who waved her hand and tore it apart, continued to say, "... There will be endless trouble with it, so I haven't dared to give it to you for the past two days, just hope you can recover. But now it seems that Sister Yilin knows you best..."

Ling Yu didn't listen carefully to what Xixi said. Only when he waved his hand did he notice that his strength had completely recovered, but he had not paid attention to it at all before. The envelope outside turned into dust at his fingertips, revealing a thin piece of white paper underneath.

"This... It's really Ilin's handwriting!"

Ling Yu held the thin letter, but it seemed that she could feel the weight of the daughter in her hand. It seemed that the distance between the two people disappeared thousands of miles because of this letter.

After reading the above content silently, Ling Yu gently folded the letter into her arms, but said in her heart, "Is this the so-called trouble? Among the ancient people in the world, the Zhang family and the Li family got married... Dog blood echoes the plot of common sense, but I seem to be appointed as the most annoying saboteur..."

"Isn't the thief going to give me even a moment's rest?"

Due thinking, Ling Yu slowly stood up from the ground, her body trembled slightly, and the stains all over her body disappeared in an instant. The broad palm casually wiped her beard on her face and fell like snowflakes.

"I've been disturbed at Zang's house for so long, and it's time to leave."

He bent down and rubbed Xi's messy hair and said, "I have taken care of you these days. If there is a chance, I will come again, and..."

Ling Yu suddenly rose into the air, and the sound of regaining his power came from afar from the air - "... Play less games in the future, and people will become stupid!"

Let's say that Ling Yu left the Zang family silently. The next morning, the servant of the Zang family found out that Ling Yu had left, and at that time, Ling Yu had already been thousands of miles away.

Ling Yu casually tore a roasted monster, and her eyes stayed in the message projected by the watch.

"The marriage of the nine ancient tribes in the world - is this a symbol of the rise of the ancient clan again?"

"Surprise! Gorgeous photos of Miss Li from the ancient clan!"

"Talking about the marriage of the ancient people and the current political situation..."


"It's all a bunch of suffing reports, the rise of the ancients? They are rising and leaving the earth!"

In the face of a large piece of nonsense, Ling Yu casually closed it and bit the half-cooked barbecue in her hand. Facing countless BOSS's non-existent combat training in the forest, being able to eat half-cooked food is the limit of reaction, which gradually became his survival habit, especially in the wild.

At this moment, he is located in the suburbs more than 600 kilometers away from the next city, and the unlucky monster in Ling Yu's hand is his previous booty. Five years of jungle career has made him figure out which monster tastes more delicious.

"But the endless emergence of this suffing news also shows from the side - this so-called marriage is indeed true!"

Ling Yu didn't know why he was in such a hurry. At this moment, the only idea in his mind was to ask Xiuxiu if he was willing to get married.

"But what if I ask you?"

This sentence sounded in the bottom of his heart, and Ling Yu sighed silently, knowing that there would be no one else but the demon body, but he also knew that he could not answer.

"I don't know exactly why... If it were you, the devil, what would you do?

The influence of the demon body slowly became clear in his heart. His casual activist joints said, "Since Ilin, Ling Yu, you haven't talked to me for a long time. If it's me... I didn't stop doing anything, took back Yilin, grabbed Xiuxiu, and finally went to Ren Siyu, regardless of whether she recovered her memory or not, and directly raised her by my side. In this way, when the three beauties are around, there is no need to worry about anything.

"I, I'm just a simple brother and sister to Xiuxiu, and I'm just a partner to Ren Siyu..."

"But you were moved by my proposal for a moment. Don't forget that you can't hide anything from me. Especially for the girl Xiuxiu, you have been moved more than once..."


Ling Yu roared in the bottom of his heart, and then the figure of the demon slowly began to fade in his mind.

"Are you going to drive me back again? I really hate this feeling... However, who made you the subject consciousness? Shengwang defeated the bandit - Ling Yu, pray that your consciousness is still without the slightest loopholes..."


Ling Yu exhaled a long breath and looked up at the blue sky, as if she wanted to put the unhappiness in her heart in the wandering clouds and let them disappear into the depths of the sky.

"There must be a road in front of the road... When you see Xiuxiu, there will be a way!"

The escape from emotional problems seems to have unconsciously become Ling Yu's habit, but he has never paid attention to his deadly habit. Plug the last half-cooked barbecue into the mouth, Ling Yu wiped the oil on her hands, and then rose to the sky to continue her journey - the destination, the "nine peaks" of the imperial capital!

And at this moment, it is in the headquarters of the Li family.

"Miss, haven't you eaten yet?"

"Well, no matter how I persuade you, it's useless."

Naturally, the two people talking about are Li Fanyue and Aunt Mei, and the topic they are talking about at this moment is Xiuxiu. Since Xiuxiu knew that the Li family had released the news of the marriage to the world without her permission, she locked herself in the house, and it was useless to persuade her most intimate Aunt Mei.

"Full calculation, Miss has not been dripping for nearly four days... If you go on like this, something will happen sooner or later. If we don't get married to the Zhang family..."

"No! It's hard to catch a big man, not to mention the news released by our Li family to the world?!

"But Miss..."


Li Fanyue waved her hand and interrupted Aunt Mei, when a graceful woman came in.

"Xiaomei, you go down first."

The speaker was Li Fanyue's wife Qiaoqin. She went to Aunt Mei and gently took her hands and whispered, "Master, he has been in a bad mood recently because of things in the family. If you say those words just now, don't take it to heart."

Aunt Mei has been in the Li family for decades. The two daughters have much more sisters than ordinary masters and servants. They only heard Aunt Mei smile and said, "Of course I know this. Please be sure to persuade the master. I'm really worried about Miss..."

Qiaoqin tapped her head and waved her slightly to support her down. After Aunt Mei disappeared from sight, she turned around. Her two willow-length eyebrows were slightly crescent and said, "Fan Yue, I haven't seen you these days. Now there is no one around. Can you tell me why you want to take this marriage? You didn't say that to me at the beginning.

"Qiaoqin, at the beginning, I thought Xiuxiu could practice, but this month has passed, and I can't arouse her cultivation talent no matter what method I use... No, it should be said that her body instinctively refuses to practice. What can I do in the face of this situation?! Many years later, entrust the Li family to a person without any fighting blood?

"I've been thinking about it for a long time! I also want to give this child the right to choose by himself! But... I am the head of the Li family. I am responsible for my family. I can't let Xiuxiu become the head of the family, and I can't let her marry other men at will, because then her offspring will be less likely to have ancient talent! So I can only choose the Zhang family and choose Zhang Qinian, the most talented fighter in the new generation!"

"Qiaoqin, your father just left the day before yesterday, and now there is a huge loophole in the Li family's intelligence network. I'm not talking about a family, but... At least I hope you can understand my pain.

"Fanyue..." Qiaoqin looked at her husband's bloody eyes. Even the strong man would be tired in the face of endless work, not to mention the pressure from his heart.

"Okay. I support you, but I want to see the child of the Zhang family.

"Well, don't worry, the old man of the Zhang family said that he would come here in a few days."