New Century Swordsman

Chapter 70 Engagement 6

The atmosphere in the room was silent again because of this short sentence, and he turned around silently and dared not look at his friends who had been together for more than ten years...

It's like not daring to face your unruly heart...

"Oh... Although I'm sorry to interrupt the opposite scene between the two of you, it seems that you and I need to go back. Xiao Shengke seems to have a little trouble.

Ling Yu was silent for a moment and answered in a low voice. He got up and looked at his fist, gently hit Qi Nian's shoulder, and said, "I don't want to know the true identity of Xiuxiu and me, and I don't want to know the political drama between the ancients... I only understand that if I watch this farce-like marriage continue, the two most important people in my life will live a painful life, and the shackles belonging to the family will not fade for the rest of my life.

"So even if I fight for my life, I will stop your engagement, and I don't want any of my partners to get hurt by me!"

"This is the glory that I have always adhered to as a warrior!"

After staring at Qi Nian's back and saying this, Ling Yu slowly withdrew her fist and whispered to David, "Let's go!"

Qionen felt the energy fluctuation disappearing like a bubble behind him. A pair of iron fists were held in the palm of his hand, and his eyes closed face trembled slightly because he was too excited.

After a long time, he took a long breath and buried the whole person in the sofa.


However, it is said that Shengke has now had a situation. Four strong people in the sense of BOSS have come to their position at the same time, while Ling Yu is still in a coma.

Shengke ran behind Ling Yu's back and followed the instructions of the BOSS. Because there were too many strong people around him, he did not dare to use any powers at all, but only rely on his legs.

"Turn left."

The boss lying on Ling Yu's body commanded in a low voice, and Shengke had to shake off his legs and run hard, while his thinking did not stop for a moment.

"If I have a good grasp of David's personality, the person he took Ling Yu to meet must be Zhang Qinian or Xiuxiu, among which the probability of seeing Qinian is 70%, and Xiuxiu is 30%. If Ling Yu will ask the reason desperately when she sees Qi Nian, but since Zhang Qi Nian will be here, it shows that he is 80% likely to succumb to the power of the family, so the final result is--

"Ling Yu will definitely be desperate to stop this wedding banquet!"

After reaching this conclusion, Shengke is also extremely helpless. It can be analyzed according to the information available now. This result has the greatest possibility. Even if Shengke does not want to believe it, there is no way.

"BOSS, can you subdue Ling Yu in one move?"

BOSS thought for a moment and said, "I can naturally do Lingyu in the current state, but once he enters the demonized state, it will take three seconds, and these three seconds are enough to spread my breath throughout Jiufeng City."

The meaning of BOSS's words is obvious, which means that if Ling Yu really intends to do it, there is no other way but to help him.

"This David... What abominable! If it weren't for him, how could so many things have happened? Ling Yu's character would certainly not give up everyone's lives. But now he will definitely ask everyone to evacuate and even use the power of the boss.

While Shengke was thinking, Ling Yu behind him suddenly moved. Ling Yu slapped Shengke's spine, and the cold internal force suddenly sealed all the vitality in his body.

Shengke's thinking power was about to launch Ling Yu, and a flick hit him on the forehead. With the power of his three layers of warriors, Shengke was completely blinded, and the internal force finally took advantage of this gap to take full control of Shengke's body.

"Is it done so soon?"

David looked at Shengke and said sarcastic words with a smile on his face.

Ling Yu casually picked up Shengke's watch, looked up and looked at David and said, "Until now, I don't know why you helped me, but thank you very much this time. If my friends can survive, you will be the greatest benefactor in my life."

"I said that I came here to see the play this time. Wouldn't it be boring if the protagonists left early?"

While talking, David took the watch from Ling Yu's hand and transferred it to the battle channel and said, "Everyone, please pay attention to the temporary change of the plan. I have evacuated with Ling Yu. Everyone began to evacuate the original unit and gathered at the agreed place three days later.

Both the voice and tone of speech are exactly the same as Shengke's, and even Shengke, who was frozen, showed a helpless look.

After doing all this, Ling Yu casually put the watch into her arms and turned her head to look at the boss who had not spoken.

"Is this your boy's decision? I challenged hundreds of strong men alone, and even one or two of them were not much stronger than me under my perception?

"I'm not going to challenge. I'm just sticking to my martial artist's heart. If I don't do this, I will live in the shadow of this for the rest of my life. Besides, I learned before that this matter really seems to have a lot to do with me.

BOSS rubbed his cheek with his paws and said, "Do you remember the first sentence I said when I started training you five years ago?"

"Of course, you said, 'I need your blood after entering the demonized state when you reach the seventh level of the earth.'"

"Yes, but today you told me that you must die here. If you don't die here, you will be troubled by your heart. Can't your strength rise like this in your life?"

BOSS's eyes were cold as if it could condense the air, but Ling Yu still looked at its black pearl-like eyes with a smile.

After looking at each other for a long time, the boss said, "... It's up to you. If your strength can't be improved, it's useless for me to keep you. It's better to die clean!"

BOSS then picked up Shengke, who was lying beside him, and said, "This boy still owes me something. I'll take it away first. If you still have a chance to survive, come to me and take him back!" If you die... This kind of thing is not something you need to worry about!"

Before the words fell, the wind flashed first, and the next second, the figure of BOSS and Shengke had completely disappeared from Ling Yu's sight. Ling Yu fixed her eyes and looked at the previous position, and a black blade was quietly inserted on the ground...

Ling Yu squeezed her lips, and her heart couldn't help but feel warm. She walked over and pulled out her sword.

"After today, there should be no Ling Yu in the world, but even so, I don't want to live against my heart. Not for anyone, today... I only fight for me!"


Today, the agreement of 4,000 words in the second chapter has also been completed. It's hard to pack up and start to recite....