New Century Swordsman

Chapter 75: A break

I don't know when a cold wind called fear blew in the warm and comfortable venue, a man with a blue face, a woman with a frightened face, and a child who couldn't hide the fear and crying in his heart...

Dong! A middle-aged man hit the door with a rich atmosphere, but the seemingly thin front door was unexpectedly motionless.

"What the hell is going on? Why can't I even open it here!"

The man angrily left the metal stick he picked up on the ground. It is not difficult to see his angry mood at this moment - all the access to the outside world has been completely blocked, and even the previously seemingly fragile windows are made of high-hardness glass made of special materials!

Two men and three women followed him, including a girl about 16 or 17 years old. The woman standing behind the man seemed to be familiar with him and asked, "Guangming, can't you do it here? Don't worry, there will always be a way..."

"I'm fine. I was a little too excited just now. I'm sorry. Let's go forward. Now we are just meeting those murderers. It's better to walk forward. Maybe we can think of something.

"No, there should be nothing we can do..."

Listening to the conversation between the two people in front of him, Feng Wu Xie's eyebrows couldn't help twisting slightly, holding his sister's hand a little tighter.

"If the ancients want the rest of the people to take refuge, they should take action as early as the attack, instead of blocking all the passages as they do now. Even..."

Fengwu looked up at the high roof of the corridor, and with the strength of his steps, he could naturally clearly feel the strong pressure above his head - "... This is clearly the military energy barrier!"

The strength of this energy barrier will not be much weaker than that of high-order metals, even in terms of toughness!

"Only the strength of the young master Zhang can jump out of it like tearing paper..."

Suddenly, a touch of warmth in his hand pulled him back from his thoughts. Looking down, it turned out to be a silent sister who pulled him without a trace, and a pair of bright eyes motioned his brother to look forward.

Following my sister's eyes, I noticed a woman in front of me at the first time - "This action... Although it was only for a moment, it was absolutely correct. This woman was clearly an assassin! So she is one of the group of assassins just now..."

Suddenly, the wind and things tightened their pupils, and their hearts trembled. He turned his head unbelievably and looked at his sister, whose eyes were so shocked that there was no additionalness in his eyes. Finally, the sentence in his heart blurted out before his brain reacted...

"You... Who are you?!"

And "Fengling" seemed to have expected this problem for a long time, and there was no panic in his eyes. He looked at her brother plainly and said, "Of course I am your sister..."

"No!" Before Fengling's words were half interrupted by Fengwu's low roar. He stared at the calm face that did not belong to his sister and said coldly, "It's impossible. The Fengling I know is definitely not what it is now... Who the hell are you? Is it an assassin?!"

The "Fengling" expression paused slightly, and then a shallow smile that Ling Yu was most familiar with floated on her white face.

"I didn't synchronize my feelings with this body at all. As a brother, you saw through it so late. It's really a bit of a failure!" Before the wind object could reply, David's face in Fengling's body condensed and continued to say, "I'm in your sister's body now. If you don't want to die, come with me." Follow this group of people and your chance to live... Zero!"

After saying that, he did not listen to any words and took the lead in walking into a corner, but had no choice but to follow. As for the people behind them, they were still arguing about whether to continue to move forward in the future.

"A wind solution... Coupled with the three people who are about to meet, although they can't determine the battle situation, if they make good use of it, it is also a lot of fighting power. And the rest... Whether it's life or death depends on fate!"

David's bright eyes seemed to reflect the whole world, and he raised his eyes as if they had penetrated the three protagonists that fell into the sky.

"Pray for the New Year! What's wrong with the 'game' you just mentioned? And Xiuxiu... What the hell happened to her!"

At this moment, Ling Yu has lifted the state of demonization, casually wearing a combat suit stripped from the assassin, and Xiuxiu lay quietly in his arms with a wooden face.

At this moment, Ling Yu's bodies seemed to have turned into two streamers, one black and one white and rose to the sky one after another. Qi Nian glanced at the Xiuxiu in Ling Yu's arms in the rapid flight and said, "Why do you think the Zhang family and Li family held this so-called engagement banquet? Is it just for marriage? Or if the two ancient clans really get married, Ling Yu, do you think any forces can sneak into the assassination?

Everything you see is just superficial. The old people above think more horrible than this - they want to resist!"


Ling Yu carefully thought about the words in the prayer year and fell into meditation for a moment. However, Qi Nian didn't give him much time to think and said, "Yes, I can't know much about the specific reason, but after such a long calculation, I finally learned their goal... World government... That is the legendary strongest force in the world!"

"Not only the ancient people in Kunlun, but also Noah's ancient people will unite with this side to fight against the Kunlun and Noah governments! And Xiuxiu and I are just an introduction... One is important enough to attract everyone's attention... Or just a reason enough to be a reason!

However, this is also our only chance, because neither the owner of the Li family nor Uncle Ming sent by my Zhang family can come after us wholeheartedly now.


"Do you think the Kunlun government has no defense against the ancients - the nine most powerful forces in the world, the descendants of the original heavenly strong, and the family with the most powerful people on the ground level... There are too many auras that people can't ignore even if they want to.

In fact, the world government had the idea of destroying the nine families as early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. After all, no government can tolerate the existence of several unmanageable organizations in its territory, but it has been tolerated by the strength of the ancient people until now.

And recently... It seems that both sides have reached a limit..."

"The First World War since the new century... The first large-scale war between human beings!"

Ling Yu couldn't help muttering, and the words of praying for the New Year in her mind rotated like a storm.

It's not that he hasn't killed anyone. The past five years of practice have erased all his fears. However, when he thought that young people would no longer be trained to hunt monsters in the near future, but to hunt human beings like himself, his heart was faintly cold.

"This world... What on earth are you going to become?"

"If I guess correctly, your friend Shengke will definitely attract military power in any way. In fact, he didn't know that even if he didn't take the initiative to lead, the imperial army that was ready to go had already begun to go out!"

While talking, the two people in an upward posture slowly stopped. Ling Yu felt the powerful energy fluctuation above, and a pair of sword eyebrows were deeply twisted together.

"Energy shield of the imperial capital..."

After Ling Yu spit out these words, he could no longer speak. Even the energy shield of the simplest city is enough to resist thousands of monsters. Ling Yu can't imagine how he feels conceited about his strength and smashing it with his own strength.

"In this case... Break through the front door!"

Ling Yu spit out a few words faintly, prayed for a moment, and had no choice but to nod silently.

"Although I expected that the military would definitely take action, I didn't expect it to be so fast. It will never take more than five minutes for the two of us to come to the sky... Wait! This momentum!"

The two momentum that suddenly appeared on the ground seemed to have turned into substance. Even Ling Yu, who were nearly dozens of kilometers apart, could still feel the sudden heavy pressure on their bodies and the tingling of the vest caused by the locked body.

The strongest combat power of the ancients has finally exposed the tip of the iceberg today, and only this corner has moved everyone in Jiufeng City.

"It's so strong!"

Hancock turned his head and looked at the root of the power, and a pair of eyes seemed to be able to cross the space and fall on the two god-like bodies.

"There are really strong people at this level in this world... Shengke, Shengke, can your plan really work for this monster that has fallen out of the human category?!"

But before Hancock could turn around and move, the oncoming wind pressure had made him take a breath.

"This is... Military's cosmic battleship!"

Hancock, a manufacturer of equipment, recognized the identity of the spacecraft in front of him and the frightening combat effectiveness behind this identity!

"What's going on?! I didn't do anything. Why has the military been dispatched!"

Countless questions have emerged in Hancock's mind. Now it seems that everything he prepared before is useless. Things are surprisingly developing to places he had never imagined before, and their only wise man is now in a coma.


Hancock controlled the aircraft and slowly landed on the ground. After the spaceship left surrounded by hundreds of small aircraft, he suddenly slapped his forehead - "Calm down!"

"Now I'm the only one who can help Ling Yu in the city. No matter what, I have to find a way to get everyone out of here alive!"

Sudderly, a cold light flashed in Hancock's eyes, and he waved a small pursuit aircraft in front of him in an instant. The wind swept by. Hancock and his aircraft had disappeared from sight and chased the military...


According to the agreement, it will continue to be updated from today. I'm really sorry for everyone this month. I only went home last night and didn't have the strength to get up at noon today. After a month, I started typing again. To be honest, I'm really a little out of shape. Today, 3,000 words, I will make up for the things left last month one after another during the winter vacation. I hope everyone can continue to support this book. Thank you!