New Century Swordsman

The 78th Palm Our Glory 3

"Teacher, I'm dying... Can you take a ten-minute break before continuing to practice?"

"No! Do you think your enemies will give you even a little rest on the battlefield?! One minute, no, a second of slack can make you never see tomorrow's sunshine again!"

"Continue to do 300 anti-body sprint exercises for me!"



"Pray for the New Year, why do you think humans and monsters can't get along peacefully? If all living things can live peacefully on earth..."

"Impossible." The young prayer interrupted him without hesitation and whispered, "The law of the jungle. Any creature must obtain energy from other creatures if it wants to survive. The reason why we want to practice and fight is to keep the energy we have from being taken away by others!"

"But I don't want to fight..."



The cigarette butt fell gently on the ground, but it hit my heart like a meteorite falling.

"Let us old guys protect the dreams of young people..."

"Brother Lianjian..."


Ling Yu suddenly woke up from countless memories, but her body completed thousands of combat actions in this short mind. Thinking and body are once again completely derailed into two parallel lines that will not intersect, but unlike in the past, as long as Ling Yu is willing, he can throw himself into this completely burned body at any time!


In an instant, it seems that all parts of the body have turned into blades, and a trivial finger or a thin hair may become a deadly trick the next moment.

However, if it is far from enough to make the experienced Uncle Ming follow the example with these alone, when Uncle Ming pushed away Ling Yu's index finger with one hand, a fierce wind pressure forced him to turn around and meet him.


Uncle Ming once again disappeared from everyone's sight like a bubble and appeared hundreds of meters away almost at the same time.

"At the same time to deal with this crazy boy, you should also pay attention to make sure that the young master is not injured... Although I don't know what the boy's limit is, it seems that he can't do it without showing some real skills..."

If Ling Yu knew that Uncle Ming finally got serious because of his outbreak, he didn't know whether he should laugh or feel distressed. Uncle Ming did not have any extra movements, his body shook slightly, and the same figure was in front of Ling Yu and the two of them in an hour.

"The split of light..."

Qinian looked at the two not tall figures in the sky and muttered involuntarily. Although he has never seen Uncle Ming's famous skills, he has also heard of it. It is said that when he was the strongest, he could create 17 splits with exactly the same power.

"Although the energy outside the body can be controlled at will after the seventh floor, it is really hard to imagine... How can the human brain alone fight so many battles at the same time?! The massive amount of calculation alone is enough to make people collapse..."

Qinian's eyes suddenly condensed, and he instantly understood what Uncle Ming meant - he undoubtedly wanted to completely destroy Ling Yu here!

"Even if you understand..."

This is the words read from Uncle Ming's eyes. He stared at the old man in front of him, and the corners of his eyes seemed to bleed with anger.

“ hiss--

Prayed to hear the sound, and everything in front of him couldn't help but be stunned.

A long scar was slanted down from his left shoulder. If Ling Yu's magical sixth sense had not played a role again at the last moment, this blow alone would have been enough to end the battle.

In the face of the blood-flowing body, Ling Yu seemed to forget what pain was. She stood up and rushed to Uncle Ming again with an indomitable posture.

"Kid, do you really want to die so much?"

Unlike the split in the face of praying for the year, Uncle Ming on Ling Yu's side looks like a real seven-level super strong man!


Ling Yu spit out a bloody foam in her mouth, and there was no fear in her eyes caused by the gap in strength.

"I was not afraid of that kind of thing five years ago!"

Although the footsteps have begun to stagger... But the power called faith always exists!

A series of simple movements of bullying, probing and elbowing, coupled with Ling Yu's hot and seemingly burning martial arts spirit, no one dares to ignore the power!

In a blink of an eye, the two have passed hundreds of moves, and the prayer on the side can't do anything but be anxious - the elderly man in front of him has completely blocked all his ways by raising his hands and feet!


A thin beam of light strangely penetrated into the flaw of Ling Yu's move, hitting his chest like a heavy hammer, and the powerful energy contained in it did not diminish, shooting out like fireworks from behind his back through Ling Yu's body.

"Ling... Ling Yu!"

qi nian shouted that he was about to rush over, but his body completely covered him before a black shadow moved. Qi Nian has never resented a person so much. Even when his grandfather trained him in a cruel way countless times, he did not have any resentment...

"Get out of here!"

"Young master, please follow me back."

Uncle Ming's voice is always full of annoying dullness, and at this moment, this dullness is like a big hand holding the throat of praying for the New Year.

"I told you to get out of here!"

Every word squeezed out of his teeth contains his endless anger and unwillingness. He, who has always been extremely calm in front of outsiders, finally showed his true feelings for the first time today five years later. However, this time, the power he was proud of could not vent this anger for him...

"Enough..." Qi Nian's high head finally lowered. He turned his head and looked at Xiuxiu gently lying behind him, with helplessness and despair in his eyes--

“... I'll go back with you."

"Zhang Qinian!!!" Ling Yu's roar came not far away, but then he was choked by an old big hand.

"You have finally figured it out, so I think the master will be very happy, so... Please give me your hand."

Qinian silently looked at the old man with a kind smile in front of him and gently closed his eyes, and Ling Yu's intermittent shouts could be faintly heard in his ear...

"Tick, Tick..."

It seems that the whole world is far away from me again, but this ticking sound of praying for the year can't be erased somehow - this is the sound of Ling Yu's blood!

"I will definitely kill you, for sure."

Listening to the plain tone in his ear, Uncle Ming had a trace of fear of this underdeveloped face for the first time, but when the two palms touched each other, the fear in his heart disappeared again.

"I'm looking forward to your growth. In fact, as long as you become the head of the family, my life or death is just a random sentence..."

Suddenly, Qi Nian's eyes interrupted Uncle Ming's words - "Don't tell me that the split is not under your control... Why don't you let Ling Yu go?"

Uncle Ming glanced at Qi Nian and said, "I didn't say that as long as the young master promised to go back, I would let him go back alive. I had been explaining to you that Ling Yu's physical condition was just to tell you - if you don't agree to go back with me again, I have to kill him and then use force against you. Besides..."

“... The master said before he came, if you can kill this man named Ling Yu!"

Before Qi Nian woke up from the impact given to him by Uncle Ming, what happened in front of him once again attracted his attention.


Even in a moment, the light full of the eyes seemed to have a scorching sun to illuminate the whole night sky of Jiufeng City, and Qi Nian squinted to faintly see the source of this light and the powerful energy fluctuation it represents!

"No! Stop it!"

The hand holding Ling Yu's throat gradually left. Uncle Ming squinted at the teenager in front of him and sighed helplessly: "It's a pity to die in the hands of an old man like this young man... If it's your fault, it's not good!"

Sudanly, the light won, blocking everyone's sight...


The explosion sounded like a death knell hitting everyone's hearts. Everyone couldn't help looking up at the source of the explosion, and even the other side of the confrontation slowed down their hands.

"Old man Ming, don't you need to be so angry when dealing with two children?"

No one thought that Ling Yu could survive after feeling the force of the explosion, and even Qi Nian doubted whether he could find Ling Yu's remaining fragments in the air...

"You die!"

Qi Qi kicked Uncle Ming with one foot. With grief and indignation, he had already forgotten that he still had one hand in the other party's hand, and the internal force of his whole body was also controlled by the iron-like palm.

"Young master, I suggest that you don't use force at will now. After all, your internal strength has been suppressed by me. If you force it, it will be bad for your health. What's more..."

Uncle Ming's eyes flashed the color of fame and warlikeness for the first time. He looked at the smoke from afar, and a huge figure gradually emerged in front of the world--

"How can you kill Xiao Lingyu so simply? Was that the attack of the seven-layer strength just now? That's all... Or are you so old that you can't even do basic attacks?

"David. Porphyr also has his robot, which is as powerful as recorded in the archives. In addition, there are three small characters..."

"Hey! What is a small role?!" Listening to Uncle Ming's whisper, Ren Siyu shouted dissatisfiedly.

"Is this the last combat effectiveness?"

"That's right. Except for us idlers, the rest of the guys seem to be attracted by the upcoming battle of the Li family. David has always maintained his "spirit" appearance, and it seems that he does not intend to return the body until the end of the battle.

"In this case... Then let the battle begin!"