New Century Swordsman

Chapter 1 Girl, Garbage and Work

"No matter how the world changes... War, destruction or anything else, the bright moon in the sky always reflects the earth quietly, unchanged day after day.

Today's work is still the same as usual - although it is a little boring, if I can bring joy to others because of my efforts, I hope to do it forever.

I heard that Uncle Chang has recently contracted a new activity. I think it won't be long before he will be busy again. Maybe his salary will be raised? Haha, I really don't know whether to be happy or worried... And there is such a guy at home, er... When on earth can he go out to work..."

At this point, a pair of white but thin and slightly rough hands stopped, holding their chin in a daze and didn't know what they were thinking. Suddenly, the dark shadow behind them enveloped them...

"Xiao Le!!!"


Xiaole, who was focused on writing a diary, was shocked when she heard the voice behind her and stood up from the ground shouting. She turned her head and stared at the middle-aged man with a bad smile in front of her with a dissatisfied face.

"Uncle Chang! You scare me again!"

The middle-aged man known as Uncle Chang shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "Who let you sit in the same place and write a diary after work every day and always forget to get off work?"

Chang Shu, whose real name is Chang Hongyu, is the boss of a small cleaning company in Yanning City. Although he is said to be a boss, he is actually a role similar to a contractor. Xiao Le, a girl who had just turned 16 in the first half of the year, who talked to him, was an employee under him.

Due to the limited number of people, the difference between bosses and employees is not so big, but they are like friends working together.

After listening to Uncle Chang's words, Xiaole showed an embarrassed look on his face, scratched the back of his head and smiled twice and said, "Hey... Isn't this a habit I've developed since I was a child, Uncle Chang? If nothing happens, I'll get off work. See you tomorrow.

"Well, see you tomorrow, be careful on the way... By the way, wait!"


"That man..." Uncle Chang's face appeared with hesitation, and he didn't seem to know what to say.

Xiao Le smiled at his concern and didn't know how to express it. He couldn't help warming his heart and said, "He still lives with me. Hey, Uncle Chang, don't worry. Although I don't know him well, I can see that he is not the kind of person who will mess with me."

"That... Then you can't let that kind of person eat and drink for nothing all the time!"

"I left my hometown and came to Yanning City at the age of 11. If you hadn't saved me, there would have been no Xiaole now. Don't I have some ability now? I think this man is also pitiful. He can live one more day.

"Alas! This child..."

Looking at Xiaole's distant back, Uncle Chang sighed helplessly.

The man suddenly broke into their sight a year ago. At that time, Uncle Chang was assigned a task to clean up the garbage in East B12 District, and the man was quietly buried in a pile of stinking garbage.

Everyone present thought that it was just a dead man who was not cleaned up in time, and even Uncle Chang, who had experience as a hunter when he was young, thought he was dead. But at this moment...

"He, he is still alive!"

Xiao Le, who was ignored by everyone beside him, suddenly shouted, and then in Uncle Chang's unbelievable eyes, he pulled out the body that was suspicious of rotten from the garbage mountain with his thin arm!

After several tentative certifications, the man turned out to be a black household without any identity!

You should know that due to the war between the ancients and the world government in recent years, the situation of the people has also begun to become tense. Although it has not yet reached the level of grass and trees, no matter which side knows about the sudden emergence of black households, there will be no good results.

Just when everyone was at a loss about this suddenly appeared man, Xiaole stood up again--

"Let him stay with me for a while, and let him leave after a while when his condition gets better."

In this way, under Uncle Chang's worried eyes, Xiao Le returned to her not spacious home with a man who was tall.

And until now, a whole year has passed...

"I'm back."



"That... Why is the new snack I bought yesterday now presented to me in such a twisted posture? Xiao Le suddenly stopped and pointed to the empty snack bag in the trash can and said. The man in front of him looked at her indifferently, then stretched out his hand to take out the packaging bag from the trash can and gently spread it flat in front of her.

"All right."

"What's good!" Xiao Le felt that the blue veins on her forehead were gradually out of her control, and obviously her fists were about to lose control.

"I'm hungry."



After the stormy attack, Xiao Le angrily picked up the ingredients he had just bought to prepare for cooking.

On the other side, Ling Yu gently rubbed her chest and said silently in her heart, "Does this little girl really have any martial arts cultivation? Why do I think she is getting heavier and heavier..."

Ling Yu glanced at the time casually: 371 in the new century. October.

"Has it been more than a year? That battle that I hate all my life and... Such a useless day."

A year ago, the battle over Jiufeng City shocked the whole world, causing Ling Yu to lose the two most important people for him. No one can fully understand when he shouted "Don't go!" I can still fight!" The real mood of the time - the despair of my small strength...

After the battle, Ling Yu disappeared into the sight of all his partners with this nightmare of despair, wandering aimlessly like a wandering soul, until she was rescued from the garbage dump by Xiaole...

"That's it..." Ling Yu silently closed her eyes and slowly exhaled. Although I feel a little sorry for this little girl, please let me stay like this for a while - as an ordinary person.

After a while, the simple meal was served on the table.

Ling Yu didn't care about the etiquette and ate it. He casually took a bite and glanced at Xiaole and said, "Woman, you almost wrote the word "unhappy" on your face now."

"Hm..." Xiaole stared at Ling Yu with a calm face. In fact, she also didn't understand why she, who was extremely patient with everyone, was easily ignited when she got along with the man in front of her...

"Do you like 'work' that much?"

After the two looked at each other in silence for a few seconds, Ling Yu suddenly turned her head and asked.

"Of course! Work can make me feel a sense of existence. Even after death, it will make people feel valuable. In this society... It's through work..."

Xiao Le was scared by Ling Yu's question and couldn't help but stutter. You know, this was the first time in a year that Ling Yu spoke to her in a questionable tone.

"Then I will go out to work from tomorrow..."

"Uh..." Xiao Le was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

“... After a while, I will move out from you. Well... I'm full."

Ling Yu gently put down her rice bowl, wiped her mouth contentedly, got up and returned to the sofa in the living room again and curled up to watch TV.

"He said he was going to move out?"

Xiao Le unbelievably repeated Ling Yu's previous words, holding his chopsticks tightly in his hand, and the feelings in his heart were like a river.

Although Xiaole has been unforgiving in this year, he has long regarded the man in front of him as a role as an unruly brother. And now this relative, who has just been recognized by her, wants to leave her...

"Let's go! Don't eat for nothing with me!"

Xiao Le said a few words coldly, bang! He put down his chopsticks and strode back to his room.

Ling Yu, who was nestled in the sofa, smiled bitterly and muttered, "I didn't say how long it was..."

At the same time, on the government building in the center of Yanning City, there are two long rows of long lines, plus other nearby staff, there are no more than 200 people.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the huge military aircraft in the sky. The leading man gave birth to a tiger-backed bear waist, and his height of more than two meters gave people a terrible sense of oppression.

The aircraft slowly landed, and a moment later, a black officer who was completely as good as the leading man strode down.

"Teacher Stephen!"

"Haha! Wei Hao, I haven't seen you for a few years. You are strong! Yo! This is really big. Don't you say that these are all for me?"

Wei Hao came up and mentioned the suitcase in Stephen's hand and said, "These are some disciples of my martial arts school. If you hadn't taught me well, how could they have learned them now? According to their generations, they would have called you a master."

The two walked off the aircraft and passed between two rows of neatly standing disciples.

"I really don't understand your Kunlun's generation and other things. On the one hand, I came from Noah's front line this time to see what level your strength has risen to after so many years, and on the other hand, it is an order given to me by my military superiors."


Wei Hao didn't expect that the youth fighting competition he held would attract the attention of the military, and the so-called military means...

"The two world governments, Kunlun and Noah, have recently begun to pay attention to the cultivation of youth strength. Obviously, they are determined to fight a protracted war with the ancients."

Wei Hao thought about the message he received from the teacher, and finally couldn't help asking, "Actually, the teacher... I have never understood why a full war broke out between the ancients and the world government a year ago?

"Why..." Stephen's footsteps suddenly stopped. He looked up and stared at the bright moon in the sky, as if he remembered the shocking battle in Jiufeng a year ago.

“... I want to know too! Why did such a huge two forces give up the benefits brought by peace and choose war? And my answer is..."

"Greater interests!"


The newly opened volume is enough to kill the beginning of the whole day. If you think you can still read it, please collect a few flowers~