New Century Swordsman

Chapter 10 The Old Man of the Military Affairs Bureau

"Heaven, Tianjie... Cough..."

Ling Yu was suddenly choked to death by her own saliva, and her heart stopped beating at that moment. He recalled the words in his ear in disbelief, and his eyes stared at Mr. Reincarnation.

"Is it..."

"Uh... Don't think too much."

Mr. Reincarnation's awkward smile immediately dispelled the little extravagance in Ling Yu's heart, but then put on a straight posture and said, "The excitement in your heart just now is the origin and the most fundamental motivation of this battle!"

Ling Yu's heart suddenly felt abrupt when he heard this, and then he heard Mr. Reincarnation say.

"The heavenly level is the most beautiful word in the world in the hearts of people who don't know it, but they don't know that the real heavenly level does not represent the strongest power. It's about the responsibility of the whole race and the sadness that can be abandoned by the whole world at any time...

Jack and I both know that we may be abandoned by the world one day, and then quietly hide in a corner and die of mold. But before, we were the strongest backers of mankind. As long as the two of us did not die, human beings would never perish!"

Mr. Reincarnation's words suddenly stopped, and he smiled and said, "Sure enough, I'm still old. I'm always willing to complain in front of young people. I guess you're a little annoyed, aren't you?"

Ling Yu and Chu Tian hurriedly said that they didn't dare. It was each of their dream to say a word to Mr. Reincarnation when they were young, but how could they be bored if they could realize it now?

"Is it Ilin who came to save us today?"

"Yes, it's not."

Mr. Reincarnation gently took a sip of the tea in the cup and continued, "The little girl Ilin did entrust me to help you when you were in trouble, but if I so casually agreed to other people's requests... Ha ha, then I don't have to do anything else every day, so I didn't care much about you at first. But then I learned your true identity from Yilin, which is why we have a fate today.

"The real identity you mentioned... Is it about my original body?"

"Yes, the man closest to heaven in nearly 100 years, I got along with him for a period of time 50 years ago - a good man and a strong man, but unfortunately he finally lost to the heart. At the beginning, I also tried to wake him up from the demon, but it was too late for me to find him. His ontological consciousness had completely disappeared, and it was a violent heart demon.

I thought that the friendship between the two of us was not done by myself, but I didn't expect that he would end up as a genetic researcher. Ling Yu, you know a girl named Xiuxiu, right?

Ling Yu nodded suspiciously and didn't understand why Mr. Reincarnation mentioned Xiuxiu, but then heard him ask, "That... Do you feel anything special when you are with her?

"Uh..." Ling Yu listened to these words from her idol all the time, and an old face suddenly turned red and she didn't know how to answer for a long time.

Mr. Reincarnation saw him like this and had to sigh secretly in the bottom of his heart, and then the topic was drawn elsewhere. After a long time, Ling Yu and the two finally parted with Mr. Reincarnation.

Mr. Reincarnation, who disappeared in front of him in an instant, showed them the power called space. On an island thousands of kilometers away, Mr. Reincarnation slowly opened his eyes during cultivation, and the return of the split has told him everything that happened before.

"Is he absolutely right to feel that he was 50 years ago, that is to say, one person is a genetic body, and the other is a perfect descendant?

Ling Yu and Li Xiuxiu... If the strength of these two children is combined, they can definitely reach the level of heaven! Of course, the premise of everything is that they are not as demonic as he did 50 years ago...

Otherwise, no matter what, I will kill it in the cradle as soon as possible!"

How did Ling Yu and the two who saw Mr. Reincarnation leave know that the other party had settled his life and death in their hearts? Chu Tian patted Ling Yu and said, "Ling Yu, I didn't dream anymore, did I? Is the man who has talked to us for so long really Mr. Reincarnation?!"

"I don't know, but you also saw the strength he showed, didn't you? The control of space and time, theoretically, can control the two to such a level that he must be a strong man with more than nine floors... Do you think it is necessary for a nine-level strong man to play such a joke with you and me?

The two looked at each other for a moment, and suddenly laughed at the same time, which immediately attracted the side eyes of pedestrians on the street. But before they were able to do it, the sudden pain on their bodies made the laughter stop abruptly, and the two helped each other and ran to the nearby hospital...

At the same time, in a towering building in the center of Jiufeng, a slender hand like jade has just gently put down the communication instrument in its hand.


A flat mirror fell on the table, and its owner had come to the window. Outside the floor-to-ceiling window, Jiufeng City has long recovered from the impact of the battle a year ago, and everyone's faces are filled with a smile called happiness - as the capital of this country and the base camp of the world government, the citizens of Jiufeng City have never felt the taste of war...

"What a happy group of people... Ha ha, but it seems that I am not qualified to talk about others..."

Ilin slowly raised her head and looked at the endless warm light in the sky.

"Mr. Reincarnation, no matter what purpose you saved him, I want to thank you... Thank you for giving me the opportunity to see that man again.


The door of the office was suddenly pushed open violently, and a 20-year-old young man walked in.

"Ilin! Didn't you say that Mr. Reincarnation had promised not to take action? Why did he suddenly appear and save that bullshit Lingyu!"

The angry man Ling Yu is also familiar with it. At that time, the two of them almost took action because of Yilin. If it hadn't been stopped by someone later, they would have added a "attack on government officials" to Ling Yu's charge.

"Jie, before answering your question as a colleague, I want to know who allowed you to break into my office like this!"

When asked by Yilin, the momentum that Zhan Jie had just broken in suddenly disappeared, but then he thought of his purpose and said, "Don't always stare at me. It was the boss who asked me to come here. Ilin, you are responsible for Mr. Reincarnation. I just want to ask one thing clearly--"

"Did you say that he went to save Ling Yu?"

Ilin looked contemptuously at the man in front of him, and there was an unexplained disgust in his heart. It was the first time that he hated someone so much.

"What if it's not? If you really hate that man so much, you can kill him with your own hands. Don't come and ask me for anything unsatisfactory. I'm not your woman, let alone your mother. I have no heart and no reason to hear you angry with me!"

Listening to Ilin's ice-like tone in the middle of winter, Zhan Jie's heart gradually sank to the bottom. He stared at the perfect face in front of him, and he could not see the slightest factor called emotion.

"No, there are feelings... my boredom and anger..."

"If there is nothing else, I will go first."

Although Yilin said so, the movement of her footsteps did not mean to wait for the other party to answer at all. The step was not big but moved out of the house like the wind.

"How on earth am I not as good as that guy named Ling Yu?"

The beast-like roar behind him echoed in the whole corridor. Ilin's footsteps stopped, and then sighed gently and muttered, "I don't know why I chose him, but my body moved again before I thought so... Yilin..."

Dong, Dong...

After a short knock on the door, Yilin opened the door and stood in front of a messy square table, and sitting opposite the table was Long Baichuan, the director of the entire Kunlun National Military CIA!

"Ilin is coming. Come on, find a place to sit by yourself. As you know, I've always been messy, and I'm too lazy to clean up, and I can't let my mother-in-law help me..."

Long Baichuan said and moved a stack of documents on the sofa to make a place for Ilin to barely sit on, while he sat casually on a dilapidated coffee table.

In the face of this easy-going director, Ilin did not dare to neglect at all.

If you can stand out from tens of millions of people in such a Kunlun country and become the director of the Military Information Bureau, if it is only based on kindness, Yilin will not believe anything, and Ling Yu has just been rescued by Mr. Reincarnation, Long Baichuan came to her...

"Those who come are not good!"

However, Ilin is not timid at all. She doesn't think that she will tell others that she will get rid of him with the dignity of Mr. Reincarnation, and since the Military Information Bureau has no control over her...

"About Ling Yu, a young man... Elin, what do you think of him?

Long Baichuan's words suddenly woke up Yilin, who was calculated in her heart, but she also recovered in an instant. With a habitual shallow smile, the room suddenly became full of sunshine with a simple smile, and then said, "I have been with him for a period of tasks - strong, infinite potential, and extremely Pay attention to partners.

"Oh... At a young age, he has everything a king should have.

"Yes. However, the only thing different from the ancient Wu enemy is that he is not as strong as Wu enemy.

"Ha ha, it seems that you know him very well!"

As the words fell, Ilin's hair suddenly stood up, but she immediately calmed down the shock in her heart and said, "I seem to have been lucky enough to be recognized by him as a companion in the past."

"Is it just a companion? Ha ha, that's why Ling Yu's vision doesn't work! If I were 40 years younger and didn't have that tigress at home, I would chase you every day like Zhan Jie.

" Director, you are joking."

Ilin felt that her back was completely wet, and she was even glad that she wore more today.

"Then it's okay. Go out. I'm just old and want to find a beautiful girl to chat. Just don't dislike it!"

"How come, director, I'm out."

Ilin, who slowly walked out of the director's office, dared not stay at all and walked slowly to her office as usual, but her heart had fallen out--

"This old thing... He is going to take action against Ling Yu!"