New Century Swordsman

Chapter 22 Planning

November has been cold early. Although the huge fireball in the air emits heat all the time, the cool breeze around them always makes people wrap their clothes tightly.

Suddenly, a white hand appeared in the air without warning and a huge momentum gushed out of it. With a irritable momentum, the chill of dozens of kilometers around it disappeared without a trace, and as the hands stroked in the air, an elf-like figure gently jumped out of it.

"Is it still a step slower?"

Xiuxiu felt the residual energy in the air, and her eyes were slightly condensed by what had just happened, and everything appeared in front of her like a movie. This is not the power of earth consciousness, but the solid use of time.

The picture in front of us began to sweep one by one from Wu's mutiny, and every word of Ling Yu and others sounded in Xiuxiu's ears...


Suddenly, a violent sound sounded in Xiuxiu's ear, and she suddenly shook her head, and the harsh sound gradually disappeared.

"All the whereabouts have been erased?! Although I can't see myself, the only thing that can do this in the world is the split of the old man of reincarnation. What a failure! I didn't expect a small split to cause me such a big trouble!

Now the earth consciousness has been resisting me, and with the protection of that man's split, not to mention killing these people, it is extremely difficult to find them..."

The pink and crystal tongue gently wiped through the lips, and there was no chagrin in Xiuxiu's eyes--

"Interesting..." She waved one hand in the air, and the space was broken again. Finally, she turned her head and glanced around the environment and muttered, "... Sure enough, I still like this kind of hunting game. Escape to your heart's content, before you end your life!"

At the same time, it is only in an old warehouse dozens of kilometers away.

Wu Di carefully sensed the fading momentum in the sky and said in a low voice, "Mr. Reincarnation, is that woman gone?"

Seeing Mr. Reincarnation's approval nodded, everyone in the room couldn't help exhaling.

"I'm really sorry. As a split, I don't have much strength left now, and I can only bring you here in that short time."

"You're kidding. If you hadn't appeared at the last moment, we would have become that woman's collection..." Saying this, Wu Di suddenly remembered the head of the man in front of him, or he took it to the collection room, and he couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Can I ask you a question?" Shengke, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth. He frowned and looked at Mr. Reincarnation and asked, "How did you get here in the first place? I don't think any of the people present have so much weight that you need to consume little power to save.

Listening to Shengke's words, all the people reacted, and they were suppressed by the name of Mr. Reincarnation, or the word "reincarnation" had been turned into an omnipotent symbol in their hearts a long time ago. But it is impossible to be truly omnipotent, otherwise the man in front of you will not be killed...

"Your name is Shengke, right? I've heard of you, a very good wise man.

Mr. Reincarnation's words suddenly made Shengke feel flattered. It was a dream worth showing off for every practicer to be appreciated by Mr. Reincarnation, but he immediately thought of the previous questions and continued to wait for the other party's answer.

"You young people are already the strongest group in the new world, not to mention such a reliable monster partner..." Mr. Reincarnation looked at the boss who was licking his paws on the table and smiled, and then continued, "However, as you said, it's not because of this that I was able to come at the first time.

You may not know that in fact, as a heavenly level itself, it has had some contact with the consciousness of the earth - no planetary consciousness welcomes the strong of the heavenly level. If the ground step is ordinary*, the day step is a high magnetic crust vibrator that can really destroy the earth!

With the strength of the heavenly level, if no one stops it, it will definitely destroy the earth in a very short time! Of course, it is impossible for the earth's consciousness itself to allow such a strong man to survive on its own, but under the condition that it is really uncontrollable, it has to forcibly change the law of space belonging to the earth and raise the threshold of all heavenly levels.

This is also the reason why the number of human beings and monsters are always almost the same, in order to avoid the destruction of the whole planet after one side's strength is too strong to erase the other side... Today's earth can only use this extremely primitive method to maintain stability after the catastrophe370 years ago.

And as I said before, the earth's consciousness has always suppressed the celestial level. You are still too young and may not know that when a full-scale war broke out between human beings and monsters, the battle belonging to the heavenly level was in space! There, the combat effectiveness of the heavenly level can be doubled!"

"In other words, that is to say, due to the power left by Jiang Ziya, Xiuxiu was devoured by the earth consciousness, and at the same time, you, who have a certain heavenly power, felt the change of earth consciousness, and then rushed over in an instant... Can I understand this?"

After listening to this, Shengke sat calmly and analyzed. Mr. Reincarnation did not say anything, but nodded silently. Shengke then looked at Ling Yu and asked, "You have the closest relationship with Xiuxiu. Do you know anything?"

Ling Yu shook her head, stood up from the ground with her broken body and walked out alone.

"Ling Yu, wait a minute, you are like this..."

Before Shengke finished his words, he was interrupted by the palm of his shoulder. He turned his head and saw an extremely handsome face. At this moment, Qi Nian's face lost the coldness and indifference of the past, but the helplessness on his face.

"Let him relax for the time being, not to mention that he can't solve any problems with his current state."

Everyone couldn't help sighing silently when listening to the words of prayer. In fact, it's not just Ling Yu. They are too small in front of the absolute power of Tianjie...

After walking out of the abandoned warehouse alone, Ling Yu did not go far, or now he has really lost the direction to move forward, as if the world was repelling him with the soles of his feet.


He was still on a piece of grass, allowing the soil mixed with a little moisture to stain his old combat suit. Only then did Ling Yu seem to notice that each of his combat uniforms would be dilapidated and unusable after more than three battles.

"First it was Ren Siyu, and now it has become Xiuxiu... God! Are you so willing to play with me? That's ridiculous! The strong man in heaven..."

An arm wrapped with powerful healing bandages was gently put on his eyes, blocking the bright sunshine in the sky and quietly letting Ling Yu feel the darkness in front of him, but he knew that the darkness he was facing could not be blocked by just one arm...

"If the opponent this time is Xiuxiu... Can I really get my hands on it?"

The memories of everything about Xiuxiu in the past seven years slowly replayed in my mind, from the innocent girl wearing a several yards of white shirt at the beginning to the graceful girl... Xiuxiu's smile seemed to hit Ling Yu's heart like a heavy hammer, as if forcing him to admit--

"I, I seem to really like that little guy..."

Different from the concern for his partner when he got along with Ren Siyu, and different from the infatuation with Yilin from the inside out, he only hopes to be with Xiuxiu.

Thinking of this, Ling Yu couldn't help laughing in a low voice, and then the voice became louder and louder...

Dong! He suddenly punched the ground, and his eyes had been swallowed up by endless anger and helplessness.

"Why... There are so many people in the ancient clan, why must it be Xiuxiu!"

There was no idea in his completely chaotic mind, and he even came up with the idea of "it's better to die like this". At the same time, the conversation in the warehouse has risen to a white-hot stage.

“... Are you sure?!"

Qi Nian stared at the man in front of him. Even if the other party was the legendary reincarnation gentleman, Qi Nian could not rest assured to fully listen to what he had said before.

"30 percent chance." Mr. Reincarnation raised three fingers, his eyes drifted from everyone and continued to say, "I came up with this idea because Ling Yu and Xiuxiu have similar genes. Since Xiuxiu can become a real heaven through the Tianjie plan, Ling Yu, who has the same talent, should also be able to do it. However, the only thing I'm worried about now is..."

"Ling Yu will change and become an existence like Xiuxiu. Moreover, Ling Yu has also been in a state of rampage several times in the past. If there are two heavenly steps in this world that want to destroy the world after some desperate efforts... It's unimaginable!"

Everyone couldn't help but feel cold when listening to Shengke's analysis. If that situation really happens at that time, they will die waiting for all of them!

"Although there are all kinds of things to worry about, there seems to be only one way in front of us now..." Wu Di made a summary with a wry smile.

"That's right."

Mr. Reincarnation nodded and said, "And we don't have much time left now. With my observation of earth consciousness, she will be separated from the state of antiphagy at most a month, and then... It's the real doomsday!"

"So, everyone, as a dead person, I'm here to ask you! Be sure to stop that woman!"


I guess this book will be finished next month, alas... I have been delayed for almost a year. If there are friends who have been with me until now, hehe, then I will say thank you here...