Cultivate God

Chapter 55 The Legend of Danshi

Seeing that the broken dragon stone weighing millions of catties was put down, the figure of pure Yangzi's white dust completely disappeared in his eyes. Chu Yi couldn't help sighing, "Is it three years and five years, or ten years, or more? Cultivation is impermanent, who can know!"

Back to the main hall, Duan Qing and the stodians had already stood aside and waited for instructions.

"Duan Qing, the master has been closed, and you will have to worry more about Chunjunfeng in the future."

Chu Yi simply threw the trouble to Duan Qing and said bluntly, "You don't have to come to me for small things. Report big things as appropriate. Unless something happens beyond your ability, don't disturb my practice."

Chu Yi thought it was troublesome, but Duan Qing was overjoyed to hear the words. In his opinion, it was really a great affirmation of him to get such a great honor from the young master. Moreover, Chu Yi had left Duan Qing and a group of custoons a generous move before, and he would never lose the excellent impression of his servants Yi's status is the most respected, and it is really exciting for Duan Qing and a group of guancier to be so trusted by the former.

After explaining himself again, Chu Yi took the array to the Chunyang Treasure House, which is a huge cave protected by twelve powerful arrays, located under the first cliff in the east of Chunjun Peak.

If there is no array of Turing, he will enter rashly. Even if it is Yuanying Zhenjun, he will get into a lot of trouble. If a monk in the flexible period like Chu Yi dares to break in, I'm afraid that only a large array of protection can annihilate it.

Until he entered the cave, Chu Yi once again felt that Chun Yangzi really regarded himself as the heir of the manure, otherwise he would never have made such a treasure house at his own choice.

Millions of spiritual stones, all kinds of spiritual materials, can be thousands, and there are even hundreds of top-quality magic weapons, more than ten unique magic weapons, and two spiritual magic weapons.

In addition, the largest number of elixirs in the Tibetan Cave is all kinds of elixirs. As far as the "Sanyang reincarnation elixir" is concerned, there are more than 10,000. Although Taoist elixirs have not been found, the number of all kinds of elixirs is too many, and the quality is Son.

Pure Yangzi is good at the way of alchemy. In the supreme Xuanyang Sect, his alchemy level can definitely be ranked in the top ten. This Jiazi, due to the practice of "no destruction and nine turns", must continue to impact the Yuanying period after Dacheng, so that Chun Yangzi has the opportunity to spend a lot of That's why so many elixirs exist here.

"The master told me not to be polite, but I can't go outside!"

Looking at all kinds of elixirs piled up in the Dan room like a hill, Chu Yi whispered, three to five, and swept nearly one-third of the inventory in the Dan room into the universe bag.

Then Chu Yi picked two of the best magic weapons and the only two top-quality spiritual weapons from many magic weapons. As for the spirit stone and other things, he did not take a little. With his current value, he really doesn't value millions of spiritual stones very much.

In the next six months, Chu Yi lived a simple life. With the support of a huge amount of "Sanyang Reincarnation Dan", he finally reached the ninth realm of flexibility in one fell swoop, which could touch the bottleneck of the Jindan period.

But unlike the past, this golden elixir bottleneck is not like building a foundation, integration and integration, which can only be appreciated by those who have reached this difficulty.

In front of this unprecedented huge bottleneck, nothing outside can help Chu Yi. The difficulty of the Jindan bottleneck is simply beyond imagination. After more than three months of hard thinking, Chu Yi finally realized.

If you continue to practice behind closed doors, you will get deeper and deeper. Don't mention breaking through the bottleneck of Jindan, if you don't go crazy, you will be lucky.

Chu Yi finally realized why the widely circulated proverb "hundred years of golden elixir, thousand years of Yuanying" came out, which is not exaggerated at all. In fact, those who can be cultivated into golden elixir in a hundred years are already extremely talented people, and no golden elixir is easy to achieve it.

Calculated, Chu Yi has embarked on the journey of cultivating the truth since the "three-yuan fire decision", and it has not been more than five years. This time is particularly difficult for ordinary monks to cultivate and build a foundation, while Chu Yi has ascended to the sky step by step with the support of the method of cultivating gods and massive elixir The realm of looking up to it.

After thinking through, Chu Yi completely put it down and no longer practiced to hit the bottleneck. He took the jade slip given to him by Chun Yangzi before closing the school and focused on reading.

In the two jade slips, the method of alchemy and alchemy are recorded respectively, which integrates many experiences of pure yangzi. The art of alchemy is fine, but the art of alchemy is the specialty of pure yangzi. The detailed and extensive record in it makes Chu Yi's eyes-opener.

The elixir - an indispensable thing for monks, whether you are innate or the supreme of the god, you can't do without the elixir. According to the records in the jade slip, there are hundreds of thousands of scattered cultivations in the vast and endless sea. They do not use the spirit stone as the trading currency, but use the elix What an important position.

There are more than 100,000 people in the supreme Xuanyang Sect, and the number of elixirs consumed every day is simply an astronomical figure. If it hadn't been for the fact that there was a dedicated elixir hall in the sect, raised thousands of full-time elixir masters, and sold ordinary elixirs to the disciples at the cost .

After all, the refining of elixir is extremely time-consuming, and it takes careful research to achieve something. Naturally, when the spiritual material worth a thousand spiritual stones is refined into an elixir, the price cannot be just a thousand spiritual stones. It is absolutely necessary to double it. Some scarce and difficult elixirs are sold at more than ten times the In this way, it can also attract the monks to break their heads.

Therefore, all monks with alchemy talents are also more likely to be recognized and close to others. In the world of cultivation, according to the strength of personal alchemy methods and the level of alchemy, full-time alchemy monks are also divided into masters, masters, great masters, Dansheng and so on.

Among the nine door-to-doors, the Danding Sect, which is famous for alchemy, is absolutely the best. It is said that there are more than 3,000 alchemists, 600 masters, 17 great masters, and two Danshengs in the Danding Sect. One of them is the current Danding Sect in charge of Lu Yaozi

Because of the existence of this group of monks with outstanding alchemy skills, Dandingzong has always been the main object of being won and flattered among the nine gates.

In the records of Yujian, Chu Yi learned that his master had reached the level of the master as early as ten years ago, and he could touch the threshold of the great master.

Alchemy is not as good as cultivation, but it is also a hard work that needs to be accumulated over time. There is no persistent heart, no in-depth research on all kinds of spiritual materials, no guidance of a wise master. If you want to make alchemy success, it is definitely a fool's dream.

Due to the crazy breakthrough of nearly a hundred days before, Chu Yi's heart is irritable. Although he has thought about it thoroughly at this moment, this emotion is always difficult to understand. At this moment, he read through alchemy jade slips, and his brain flashes. Perhaps alchemy is the best choice to eliminate H