Cultivate God

Chapter 218 Ancient Demons

Chapter 28 Ancient Demons

The battle between immortals and demons in the spiritual mine vein is on the side of the fairy road. The demon monk was killed by the fairy monk and lost his helmet. According to the current progress, it is estimated that in half a day at most, the war of the spiritual mine vein can basically be declared to be over. In the face of such a good situation, Tian Xuanzi smiled peacefully and said to the several supremes beside him, "Yes, thanks to Chu Yi's containment of the scattered people, we can win so easily."

Everyone said yes, and this is not because of the reason why this word was said from Tian Xuanzi's mouth, but because Chu Yi really made great contributions and successfully contained the empty scattered people who would be a headache for many Supreme Huashen.

To be honest, although the cultivation of the empty scattered people is only in the two realms of the gods, even if Tian Xuanzi personally takes action, he may not be able to take down the empty scattered people. Not only that, it has been immersed in the supreme magic "Tou Swallow the Sun and Moon" for thousands of years, and is not afraid of group warfare, or has several advantages in group warfare.

So, if Tian Xuanzi and others focus on the scattered people, this battle will never be so easy to fight, and now that the scattered people are restrained by Chu Yi, there will be no more suspense in this battle.

However, just when the situation was very good, suddenly the supreme of the gods saw the source of 'Chu Yi'. Suddenly, everyone looked happy and nodded slightly to show respect and goodwill for 'Chu Yi'. But at this time, Tiangangzi saw something. He narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly said, "No, this is Chu Yi's split"

spup split?

The supreme eyes flashed with surprise. It was the first time for everyone to see such a subtle and true split. And it can make all the Supreme of the gods look away, how real Chu Yi's split is, which is enough to be seen.

At the same time, after seeing Chu Yi's split, everyone couldn't help but think that at this time, the war was going strong. Chu Yi's split did not follow Chu Yi to kill the enemy bravely. What did he do when he had nothing to do?

In doubt, he saw Chu Yi's expressionless face in front of the supreme, hugged slightly, with a trace of anxiety in his eyes, and said, "I lost contact with the ontology"


The supreme was shocked, and Tian Gangzi hurriedly asked, "What's going on? Come quickly"

Chu Yi's split was also slightly anxious, and then opened his mouth and quickly replied, "The body chased and killed the empty old ghost. As a result, the empty old ghost dog hurriedly jumped over the wall and gradually penetrated into the spiritual ore vein for more than 200 miles. As a result, it encountered a foreign body. However, the body narrowly escaped, but he didn't expect to get lost in the mine and finally lost contact with me.

not good

About how dangerous it is in the vein of the spiritual mine, the supreme natural heart is clearer than anyone else. Don't say, it is the place where the supreme of the five realms of the gods comes in person, and it is possible to put their lives in it. Therefore, even if there are more than ten supreme gods here, even if it is doubled, there will definitely be no life and death in the depths of the spiritual mine veins.

"How can it be so reckless?" Tiangangzi said anxiously, "Deep into more than 200 miles, this is basically a place of death. Even if you are very careful to chase and destroy the empty old man, you don't have to work so hard."

"This Chu Yi is really good at making trouble and causing a lot of trouble." Hearing this, even Tian Qingzi, who has always been known for his calmness, can't help saying anxious and annoyed words.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chu Yi is now the treasure of the supreme Xuanyang. With Chu Yi, the supreme Xuanyang will certainly be able to carry forward in the future. If Chu Yi has three strengths and two shorts, the supreme Xuanyang Sect will not only lose a pillar of the future, but also may also The existence of a great deterrent.

"What's good about this?" Tian Gangzi didn't pay attention at this time. He could only look at a few brothers in a complicated way and ask anxiously. After all, in his eyes, Chu Yi has basically become his internal apprentice, and now he only has to nod.

And what's good about this?

In the face of Tiangangzi's inquiry, everyone's expression was complicated. They looked at each other and didn't know how to answer. Fortunately, Tian Xuanzi, as the commander-in-chief, is still very calm now. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said, "It doesn't matter"

Everyone was shocked and asked doubtfully, "What does this mean?"

"Chu Yi is not a short-lived person," Tian Xuanzi said slightly, "Although this boy will always cause endless trouble for everyone, after the trouble, he can always save the danger, and finally the more frustrated he is, the more brave he is. Moreover, he is a person with great luck. Maybe he is trapped in the depths of the spiritual mine this time. Not only will he have nothing to do, but he will also have a huge harvest.

All the supreme eyes are bright, and in an instant, they understand the meaning of Tian Xuanzi's words. It is true that there are countless dangers in the depths of the spiritual mine vein, but in the same way, there are countless huge opportunities in the spiritual mine veins. If you are lucky, even mortals will have great gains in the spiritual ore vein. It is not that such things have never happened.

Chu Yi is a man of great luck. Up to now, his growth experience can be called a miracle. With such a rich fortune, falling into the depths of this spiritual ore vein, the probability of coming out alive is still quite high.

However, after comforting everyone a little, Tian Xuanzi was still not easy. He asked Chu Yi carefully, "Let me ask you, can Chu Yi's life be in danger now?"

"There is no danger to life" Chu Yi shook his head and said, "Although we can't sense where the body is, there is still a connection between us. If the body is heavy or on the verge of death, I will definitely feel something."

Tian Xuanzi nodded slightly. After a little meditation, he said, "In this way, it means that Chu Yi is fine for the time being, but it's okay now. It doesn't mean that we can ignore it. After all, it is our outstanding disciples of Xuanyang. Even if we have good luck, we have to be close to it. Well, who is willing to take this risk to go deep into the spiritual mine vein and find Chu Yi.


The Supreme of Zhonghua God didn't know how to answer. When they hesitated, they saw Tian Gangzi opening his mouth and said, "I'll go"

It seemed that he had long known that Tian Gangzi would stand up. Tian Xuanzi did not stop him at all. He said, "Okay, let Chu Yi's split tell you the place where Chu Yi finally disappeared. You can go there to find it."

Tian Gangzi nodded, while Chu Yi said happily, "I'll go with you?"

Tian Gangzi shook his head and replied, "No, you can still be a signpost outside. After I find Chu Yi, I can leave the spiritual mine vein through you."

Chu Yi thought for a moment, but did not continue to ask for it. After nodding silently, he took out the jade slip, began to make a simple icon of the route that Chu Yi was looking for and the final disappearing position, and then sent it to Tian Gangzi.

Take over Yu Jian, Tian Gangzi did not stop, rushed to you with a slight fist, and then broke through the air and left.

The supreme did not speak, with a slightly complicated expression, and thought deeply. Chu Yi's split found somewhere and meditated, but his mind has all been placed on the connection with the ontology, striving to feel and gain something.



The whole underground world is trembling, and countless limestone blocks are rolling down one after another, as if they are about to collapse, giving people a feeling of trembling. Chu Yi's face changed greatly, not because of the abnormal situation in the underground world and reacted like this. It is Chu Yi who can clearly feel that the reason why the underground world is so shocking is that it is caused by someone attacking by heavy means.

What the hell happened?

Chu Yi's mood is complicated, and the idea that comes up at the first time is to escape from here quickly. However, as soon as this idea emerged, it was severely suppressed by Chu Yi. After weighing for a moment, instead of choosing to escape, Chu Yi rushed to the scene of the accident as soon as possible.

The reason why Chu Yi did this is not without a reason, because Chu Yi was trapped here, and no matter where he fled, it was a very bad situation. Instead of rushing blindly like a black-headed fly, it is better to seize the risk and rush to the place of the incident. Maybe you can find a glimmer of life and break the deadlock in front of you.

And it may not be dangerous in front of you. Maybe it's the way out of this underground world?


Just as Chu Yi rushed to the source of the sound of the rolling thunder in his heart with luck and gambling, the huge cracks exploded crazily in all directions. Perhaps a little closer this time, Chu Yi could vaguely feel that the sound of thunder was the sound of someone fighting fiercely.

Who on earth is fighting so fiercely?

Look at this momentum, it is absolutely impossible to be so fierce without the cultivation above the god.

The god?

Is it a scattered person? And the monster that I don't know what it is?

Chu Yi's eyes were slightly cold, and he seemed to think of something. He quickly restrained all his breath, and used a variety of auxiliary magic power found from the first treasure hole of Killing God Bai, hid his body, and slowly touched the place of the court.


The sound of thunder was louder, and the sound of violent fighting came one after another, slowly spreading violently in all directions. Chu Yi vaguely felt that he was not too far away from the sound source.

Sure enough, just after Chu Yi bypassed a particularly thick stone pillar, he vaguely clearly saw that the two figures were extremely entangled together crazily, exuding a huge momentum and fighting fiercely with each other. One of them, with a black whirlpool rolling all over his body, exuding a strong suction power and a terrible breath, which can cause such a situation. It is not the magic power of "The glue swallowing the sun and the moon" of the scattered people, but who else can it be?

After seeing the scattered man, Chu Yi suddenly tightened his mind. Thinking of the figure who fought fiercely with the scattered man, I'm afraid it was the monster with strange footprints that had been chasing Chu Yi not long ago.

Chu Yi carefully hid, stared curiously, and finally saw what the monster was. After this look, Chu Yi immediately took a cold breath, showing a trace of surprise.

Shh... What the hell is this?

In Chu Yi's frightened eyes, the first thing he saw was a monster with dark black hair, a strong lower body like a strong horse's hind limb, a strong orangutan in the upper body, and an extremely ugly monster similar to a human face. But the reason why Chu Yi was shocked was not because of how ugly this monster was, but because of the combat effectiveness shown by the other party.

Like the strong legs of the horse's hind limbs, the movement is full of terrible explosive power and movement speed, and it can easily change direction and make many easy movements at will.

Then the upper body is as strong as an orangutan. With the wave of those powerful arms, it can be clearly felt that after each punch, the other party can easily destroy anything they want to destroy. Even the empty ground can be easily completed between turning the palms.

This combination makes this monster, who doesn't know what to call it, have a perfect combination of speed and power. It is almost certain that such a powerful creature is fierce, even if it is the immortal supreme of the third level of the god, it is not its opponent.

"Oh, it's actually a colt"

Just as Chu Yi frowned and thought about what kind of monster it was, the sound of the silver pig suddenly sounded, and then he got out of Chu Yi's sleeve, randomly rushed to Chu Yi's head, and yawned lazily.

This guy

Chu Yi casually tried to grab the silver pig from his head, but the silver pig said happily, "See clearly, the ancient demon colt punishment is a perfect combination of strength and speed. It can be easily torn open, and it can travel hundreds of millions of kilometers a day, and the fur is as hard as iron, and non-divine soldiers can't be injured. But the most terrible thing is that it has an extraordinary fighting instinct and can give full play to its advantages.

Chu Yi's mind moved slightly. Seeing the agile movements and terrible power of the colt, he recognized the silver pig's words very much. For a moment, he forgot to pull the silver pig off his head. But after thinking about it, when Chu Yi didn't want to pull the silver pig off his head, the silver pig suddenly stared slightly and lost his voice: "No"


Chu Yi was a little shocked. Before he was asked, he suddenly saw the silver pig jumping around on his head, with deep eyebrows, as if he were thinking about something very serious. He said repeatedly, "This colt punishment is not simple. Each blow contains a wonderful power of the road, pulling the world and turning it into his own use."

When Chu Yi heard the silver pig's words, he immediately stared at it. After reading it carefully, Chu Yi immediately saw a little way. Indeed, as the silver pig said, whether it is attacking or moving, it implies extraordinary and wonderful heaven and earth, as if it is contained in heaven and earth, leading the power of heaven to attack.

But what's wrong with that?

Just when Chu Yi was puzzled, Silver Pig said seriously, "The colt is extremely stupid. He is born with no wisdom, and only follows instinct to fight. However, this cocolt is actually born with wisdom, and it is more reasonable to move the way of heaven, even deeper than the supreme of the three realms of the gods, and the understanding of heaven and earth.

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and thought deeply, "This is the spiritual mine vein, which is the place of luck. It represents the power of heaven and earth. The spiritual gathering of all things makes a colt without wisdom produce spirituality. Shouldn't it difficult, right?"

The silver pig curled his lips and replied, "That's because you don't know anything about colt punishment. In ancient times, this guy was synonymous with stupidity"

Chu Yi replied unhappily, "Then tell me how did this guy have the spirituality?"

"This..." The silver pig didn't know how to answer for a moment. After a long time, he struggled and quibbled and said, "There are many extraordinary gods in heaven and earth. There are magic drugs that can make people immortal, spiritual things that can be reborn. Naturally, there are also many things that make the spirit of the colt

"Oh" Chu Yi answered very enthusiastically, so he grabbed the silver pig that was so angry that he pulled his hair, grabbed it in his palm, and stuffed it into his sleeve.

This time, the silver pig was so angry that he directly tore up Chu Yi's sleeve, then got out, gritted his teeth and rushed to Chu Yi's head, and then continued to go crazy.

This guy...

Chu Yi had no choice but to smile bitterly, so he ignored the silver pig. Anyway, it didn't hurt to hold it, and let this guy play tricks on his head. And at this time, Chu Yi suddenly caught a glimpse of a deep pit in the corner of his eyes, and the moment he stared at it, he immediately showed a strong joy.

This pit is definitely a deep pit smashed during the war between scattered people and colt punishment, and the pit will definitely be able to reach the direction of both. If you go through this deep pit, you will definitely be able to find your way back and leave this dangerous place.

With this in mind, Chu Yi's eyes immediately oozed layers of joy, but with a slight hesitation, he moved to the position of the deep pit, intending to sneak through the hole.

"Don't be busy. The colt punishment has such a change. It must be because of the immortal thing. Let's check it. Maybe there will be a big harvest." The silver pig sensed Chu Yi's behavior and threw **.

"You're right," Chu Yi answered, "But compared with these divine things, I still cherish my life more. After all, no matter how good it is, you have to enjoy it."

"Maybe, after getting it, you can also be like the colt punishment. The heaven is intertwined in the attack, and even the Supreme God can be easily suppressed. And the immortal elixir is intertwined with the existence of the Taoist principle. If you understand the Taoist principle, it means that you can refine the immortal elixir. Seeing that Chu Yi is not hooked, the silver pig continues to **.

"Oh, it's very tempting." Chu Yi continued to answer rationally. The angry silver pig jumped straight and began to be crazy again. Chu Yi's hair was very unwilling.

Chu Yi continued to ignore the guy who jumped straight on his head. With the help of several kinds of hidden breaths, he secretly moved to the location of the mine.

However, at this time, the colt execution seemed to sense something. During the fight with the scattered people, he looked at Chu Yi slightly, and his nose sniffed slightly. Chu Yi was suddenly very nervous. He quickly held his breath and stood still, running the auxiliary magic "Hidden Virtual Art" and "Tibetan Fairy Art" to the limit, and did not dare to neglect it at all.

But it seems that this still can't escape the attention of the colt punishment, and it has also attracted the attention of the scattered people.

He was fighting with the colt. After seeing the colt was distracted in the battle, he wanted to use his magic power immediately and draw Lengzi to give him a few cruel moves, but in the end, he suddenly moved his mind and seemed to think of something.

Is it?

Suddenly, an imperceptible coldness flashed in his eyes. During the fight with Ju Xing, he suddenly twitched casually, waved out a huge fingerprint and patted Chu Yi's position.

not good

This palm is just a temporary intention to destroy the air. It is not very powerful, but the winning speed is so fast that it is unavoidable at all. Chu Yi's face suddenly changed greatly. He didn't expect that the scattered people would be so cunning and careful at all. Seeing the huge fingerprints falling, Chu Yi did not dare to neglect at all. He could only be mixed with anger. His palms were slightly raised, and his magic was shaking.


It was not a strong palm. It was easily taken by Chu Yi, but Chu Yi was not happy to take this palm, because this palm was enough to expose him.


At the moment when Chu Yi was exposed, the colt immediately shouted angrily, as if because Chu Yi was peeping, he felt incomparable anger. Unexpectedly, he directly gave up the scattered people, waved a pair of iron arms, and patted Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's face changed greatly, and he easily took the slap of the empty scattered people, because the empty scattered people did not use his real skills, and now the colt punishment is clearly a full-out blow, its power, even if Chu Yi's body is unparalleled, he does not dare to take it. In the end, he could only rely on the supreme escape method recorded in the Collection of the Heavens' Dunfa to shrink into an inch, step by step to a thousand feet away, and thrillingly forced the powerful blow of the codron.


Although the colt punishment waved in the air, it still shook the world, as if the whole world was about to collapse. The power of terror can be said to be shocking.

At the same time, after seeing that he failed to hurt Chu Yi with one blow, he shouted angrily and wanted to rush to Chu Yi again. However, at this time, the scattered people seized the opportunity insidiously and cunningly. Without saying a word, the power of both palms immediately came up, and a solid palm was fiercely imprinted on the back of the codron.


The colt vomited blood and flew out. A