Cultivate God

Chapter 231 Horror Disaster

Chapter 231 Horror Disaster

Zixia Fairy and other three supreme gods crossed the disaster. The process is not exaggerated, which is enough to be said to have passed without danger. However, this heavenly way is impermanent after all, and the Hongmeng disaster brought down by Hongmeng Avenue is completely irregular, which is really hard to figure out. Especially when helping people cross the disaster, Chu Yi carefully found that the number of disasters was slightly increased.

But in the end, it has succeeded, which has doubled the confidence of the bosses who observe the disaster and others, so that Chu Yi is also embarrassed to pour cold water. He can only carefully speculate that through the process of Zixia Fairy and others crossing the disaster, to calculate what variables will occur in the supreme disaster of the three realms of the gods.

As a result, Chu Yi calculated the result and made Chu Yi's heart sink into the valley.

Inexplicably dangerous

This is the result of Chu Yi, and he got such a dangerous result. Even Chu Yi did not dare to neglect at all, and he didn't care whether to pour cold water. He went to Lei Chan at the first time and told him the truth about the danger.

Sure enough, after Chu Yi told the calculated results, your faces gradually darkened and their expressions became quite ugly. It's just that the war between immortals and demons is imminent. If you can't improve the power of life, I'm afraid that even the supreme Xuanyang Sect may also be in danger of destroying the door.

In the end, under the trust and repeated persistence of Tian Gangzi, you guys decided to continue to cross the disaster according to the original plan.

Today, the sky is clear and clear, and even the sun is not too hot, like a warm quilt, sprinkling layers of light on the earth. However, in the supreme Xuanyang Sect, everyone is not in a good mood, especially Tianxuanzi and others, who are even more restless, because their brother Tianzi, who has been like brothers since the beginning, is about to risk his life to cross the disaster.

Chu Yi was under a lot of pressure. He stood proudly in the place of the disaster, pretending to be calm, but his heart was always gloomy and uneasy. From the shaking of the pupils in his eyes, it is not difficult to see what Chu Yi's mood is now.

And at this time, Tiangangzi stepped into the air leisurely in the distance. It was no longer an old body at the beginning, as if it had returned to his youth and rejuvenated. Like a forty-year-old man, with a tiger-backed bear's body, it vaguely showed his heroic demeanor of breaking into the

But no one can discuss whether this demeanor is the last remnant or the ancient picture scroll. However, it is not difficult for everyone to see that Tiangangzi has abandoned everything, made enough preparation and confidence, and at the same time has endless trust in Chu Yi.

"Pull, I haven't officially accepted you as an apprentice. Naturally, I won't leave like this. Come on, even if you don't help me, I will be able to get through this disaster."

Tiangangzi's eyes are clear, and there is a faint light flash. Obviously, all the burdens of the past have been thrown away. After a long delay, I didn't dare to break through the disaster. Today, I will definitely decide whether to win or lose.

I have to say that the breath of Tiangangzi successfully infected Chu Yi.

Chu Yi, who was under great pressure, was slightly at ease because of Tian Gangzi at this moment, and at the same time regained his confidence. Until his mentality changed slightly and became more confident and firm, he replied calmly, "Master is right. He hasn't officially accepted me as an apprentice yet. How could he leave so simply?"

Tian Gangzi nodded with satisfaction and said calmly, "Well, let's start"

The voice fell

A breath of determination and persistence burst out from the body of Tiangangzi, causing the sky to shake, releasing an infinite breath of Hongmeng, permeating heaven and earth, forming a great disaster.

Hongmeng World, gather

Stronger than ever, more violent than ever, making people feel heavy pressure and completely irresistible. Even, this terrible breath of Hongmeng exuded, which made the monks below the three realms of Huashen tremble, as if they had seen a nightmare, and the terrible careful restrained breath, and did not dare to emit anything.

Pressure, extremely heavy pressure, like a mountain pressing on Chu Yi, almost unable to compete

But under this terrible pressure, Chu Yi gritted his teeth and roared, jumped over the sky without hesitation, proud of the void, faced the great disaster of Hongmeng, and roared, "Master rest first, Hongmeng God Thunder, Hongmeng Sky Fire, it is dealt with by the disciples. After the third and fourth disasters began to evolve


Tian Gangzi crossed his knees to adjust the interest rate, but there was no defense. Obviously, he chose to trust Chu Yi completely and only prepared to deal with the third and fourth disaster.

The complete trust of Tiangangzi infects Chu Yi all the time. With this complete trust, Chu Yi will not let the Hongmeng Shenlei and Hongmeng Tianhuo evolved from the first and the second disaster fall on Tiangangzi.

Therefore, with this determination to return without turning back, Chu Yi'ao was waiting for the disaster of Hongmeng

And the clouds are thicker, covering the endless sky, so that the earth can completely fall into the darkness, unable to see a trace of light, dark, even if you reach out, it is difficult to see the five fingers.

What a terrible Hongmeng disaster. Sure enough, the Hongmeng disaster of the three realms of Huashen has entered the level of the four realms of Huashen. It is completely the same as the monks below the three realms of Huashen, and the Hongmeng disaster he has crossed is not on the same level.

Chu Yi had to deal with it more carefully. Looking at the disaster cloud, he fought at any time. With caution, he suddenly saw a dazzling purple light, tearing through the darkness without warning and coming down.

Hongmeng disaster, here we go


The sky is shaking, like the end of the world. When Chu Yi heard the roar, the burning lightning had cut through the sky and went straight to kill the place of Tiangangzi. Seeing that he was about to hit Tian Gangzi again, Tian Gangzi was still calm, sat cross-legged, turned a deaf ear to him, and continued to show his unreserved trust in Chu Yi.

As expected, Chu Yi did not disappoint Tian Gangzi. He stepped into the void, operated the escape method, shrank into an inch, and appeared directly above Tian Gangzi. His golden blood was boiling all over his body, and he waved his arms to tear it away to the sky.


It's like the rebirth of an ancient god, roaring through the sky and breaking the world, and his arms seem to have the power to open the sky. They easily grab the Hongmeng God Thunder and tear it hard, just like tearing up the firewood, tearing the Hongmeng God Thunder into two on the spot.



Hongmeng Shenlei fell on both sides and directly penetrated the two peaks, which was so powerful that it made people's hearts jump. And Chu Yi was able to tear up Hongmeng's thunder. He was full of qi and blood, and his body was strong, which was unprecedented.

"Come on"

Chu Yi provoked against the Hongmeng disaster, and his black anger unfolded in the wind. He was not afraid of the strong pressure of turbulence between heaven and earth, and his whole body was filled with golden light, like a golden god of war, majestic.

The Great Disaster of Hongmeng seemed to be conscious. It was so provoked by Chu Yi and burst into a shocking roar. In an instant, it was like Thor knocking on the cone. After ninety-nine and eighty, I saw a burning purple divine light, which completely broke the darkness of the world and fell wildly.

The Hongmeng disaster seemed to judge that Chu Yi was the enemy, which was the biggest obstacle to its downfall. Therefore, these ninety-nine and eighty-one Hongmeng thunder did not hit Tiangangzi, but directly forced Chu Yi to kill Chu Yi on the spot.

"Well done"

However, in the face of the ninety-eighth Hongmeng thunder, instead of being afraid, Chu Yi showed an excited roar. He suddenly turned into a giant and rose to a hundred feet, with a height of 333 meters. Looking at it, it seemed that his head was against the sky and his feet were treading on the ground, with the golden blood God is reborn.

After showing the body of the ancient god, Chu Yi faced the ninety-nine and eighty-one Hongmeng god thunder and opened his mouth hard, just like a glman swallowing the world, swallowing everything between heaven and earth. In the fierce suction, a black whirlpool suddenly appeared in the mouth of Chu Yi, like a black hole, which can swallow

Ninety-nine and eighty-one Hongmeng thunder is simply irresistible. It draws purple arcs, and the direction is completely changed, sinking into the black whirlpool until it is completely swallowed up by Chu Yi.

"The glour the sun and the moon?"

"It's "The glouring the sun and the moon"

"It is rumored that Chu Yi killed the scattered people, and this matter is not false"

"The glour swallows the sun and the moon", seizes the creation of heaven and earth, with the "Thunder Dharma" and "Samadhi True Fire", Chu Yi will be able to swallow all the Hongmeng God Thunder and Hongmeng Sky Fire"

Paying attention to the bigwigs who crossed the disaster, their eyes were shining, and they faintly showed an exhilarating expression. Chu Yi did not disappoint everyone. He completely swallowed all the Hongmeng God Thunder and Hongmeng Tianhuo, and quickly used "The glue to devour the sun and the moon" and "The Thunder Law", completely refined the swallowed Hongmeng God Thunder, and gradually transformed back to a normal body shape, blocking the top of Tiangangzi

The Hongmeng disaster was completely angry, and the infinite purple has been revealed from the dark clouds, permeating, giving people a feeling of black and purple, and even black. Looking around, it seems that there is an infinite danger brewing in it, which is frightening and even more difficult to resist.


Hongmeng Shenlei did not fall, but the roar continued to permeate from the clouds, making people dare not neglect at all, because there may be great danger and a great opportunity at any time.

Chu Yi's expression was serious, and he did not dare to neglect at all at this moment. He patted his hands slightly, turned his hand and took out a dark golden round shield, half a foot in size, not earth or wood, and the surface was covered with staggered armor like tortoise shells but like dragon scales. It was Chu Yi Even if it is the Supreme of the Five Realm of the Gods, I'm afraid it will be difficult to damage it at all.

This shield was named Yutian Shield by Chu Yi, and its value is three points higher than the unique treasure. There is no reason, because on this treasure, there are Taoist lines engraved by Chu Yi and Bai Qi, which is a wonderful existence of intertwined debut and reason. Even if it is a fairy weapon, I'm afraid it's just that.

And Chu Yi took out such a powerful imperial shield, which is enough to see how important he attaches to the Hongmeng disaster brewing at this moment.

Robbery, thicker

The disaster cloud covered in the sky has been completely transformed into the color of ink and purple. The thunder in the roar of Taoism is sometimes hidden and looks dangerous.


During Chu Yi's vigilance, the Hongmeng disaster seemed to have brewed successfully. Without giving any omen or reminder, it suddenly dropped the number of disasters and surged out, covering the world with a sea of purple and purple thunder and lightning.

The Hongmeng disaster was too strong, and Chu Yi couldn't help but have a numb scalp, revealing a shocking look that could not be described in words.

During the shock, Chu Yi did not dare to neglect at all. Looking back, he still turned a deaf ear and completely let himself go to help resist the heavenly disaster. He could only grit his teeth hard, roared and raise the royal shield in his hand.

The Royal Shield, which is refined by Chu Yi and Bai Qi, interweaves the wonderful existence of debut and reason, and such magic weapons are called sacred artifacts in the extraterritorial starry sky and those advanced cultivation stars.

And the sacred artifact is a magic weapon that can only be refined by the existence of the Nirvana saints in the seven realms of the gods. It is not only extremely valuable, but also infinitely powerful.

At this moment, Chu Yi raised the sacred artifact Royal Shield, which was of extraordinary value. In an instant, he blocked the heavens and the earth, and turned the infinite purple thunder and lightning into a sea of purple electricity, resisted and isolated it.


Hongmeng God's thunder raged, like the roar of the sea, like the wrath of the sky, ten miles in a radius, turned into void in an instant, directly erased, and completely smashed out of thin air. Chu Yi glanced at a glance and saw that a majestic peak about three or five feet high was completely erased in an instant.

It's too exaggerated

It's too scary

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the supreme of the immortality of the three realms of the gods. When he stepped up to the king of the four realms, the great disaster was full of power. I'm afraid that even if the ten monks of the three realms of the gods were tied up to cross the disaster, it can't be compared

No wonder Lei Chan, Tian Xuanzi and other supreme gods have long been completed. They dare not cross this great disaster. The intensity of this disaster is simply not ordinary appalling and terrible.

And the great disaster of Hongmeng across the four realms has been so terrible, so how terrible will the five disasters, six disasters and seven disasters of Hongmeng be?

Chu Yi remembered Bai Qi's fearful eyes when he said that day. He had been respected as a murderous god. It was enough to see how terrible the Hongmeng disaster was to the end.

But at this moment, Chu Yi has no time to consider these problems. He tries his best to support the royal shield. Under the interweaving of Tao and reason, he seals the world, isolates all external attacks, blocks layers of Hongmeng Shenlei, and wholeheartedly resists Tiangangzi.

Fortunately, this is the first disaster of Hongmeng after all. Although the power is extraordinary, Chu Yi holds the special artifacts of the saint, which is enough to resist all attacks. And with so many Hongmeng thunders, for Chu Yi, it can be called a great tonic. If it can be absorbed and threaten the supreme below the three realms of the gods, it is absolutely not a big problem.

Therefore, in addition to resisting, Chu Yi operated the magic power of "The glouring the sun and the moon", and the left arm was shielded to resist, and his right hand had been completely turned into a black hole, expanding, absorbing the infinite thunder falling from the sky.

The purple sea of thunder rushed to Chu Yi almost irresistibly. The more you split, the more posture Chu Yi can absorb. No matter what the struggle and dying shock of Hongmeng disaster, the result is that Chu Yi can't help it.

However, this Hongmeng disaster is also despicable. In the past, the second disaster was only after the disaster. However, I don't know what kind of madness and nerve was caused by the Hongmeng disaster today. When the Hongmeng god thunder was released crazily and turned into a sea of thunder and lightning to destroy everything, the disaster cloud suddenly changed from purple to red at this time, as if the sky was burning, and began to brew the second disaster of Hongm

not good

It is not too difficult to resist Hongmeng Shenlei, which is still under the control of Chu Yi. And if the second disaster of Hongmeng is lowered, and the thunder and fire is intertwined, even if Chu Yi can resist, it will never be too easy.

Not only Chu Yi, but also carefully adjusted his breath. Tian Gangzi, who was ready to resist the third disaster wholeheartedly after the Hongmeng sky fire, can't sit still. He opened his eyes and looked worriedly at the burning sky like fire, and Chu Yi, who was firmly blocked above.

Hongmeng Shenlei and Hongmeng Tianhuo came at the same time. Can Chu Yi resist it?

It is inevitable that Tian Gangzi will have such an idea, but after seeing Chu Yi's firm back, he suddenly calmed down for some reason.

Since you have decided to believe, you should believe in it to the end

Tian Gangzi chose to continue to believe in Chu Yi, stabilized his mind again, closed his eyes, began to adjust his breath and start to prepare, and the third disaster of Hongmeng will appear soon. Because at that time, it was the most critical moment. At least in Tiangangzi's opinion, the first and second disasters are actually just appetizers.

Chu Yi wholeheartedly resisted the Hongmeng disaster and did not know Tiangangzi's thoughts and thoughts at this time. Even if he knew, Chu Yi had no time to think about it at this time. He can only run his magic power with all his strength, resisting Hongmeng Shenlei, and at the same time being cautiously alert to the upcoming Hongmeng Tianhuo.

On the purple thunder ocean, the clouds have completely turned red, like the sky being ignited, emitting high temperature, making the void dry, as if all the water had been evaporated.

Race against time

Now Chu Yi absorbs a part of the Hongmeng God Thunder, and then there are more chances to win against the Hongmeng Sky Fire, so at this moment, Chu Yi has no time to refine carefully, such as swallowing dates, running "Taowanting the Sun and Moon", in order to swallow all the Hongmeng God Thunder, and wait for

But this Hongmeng thunder seems to be endless. Chu Yi tried his best to absorb only two-thirds, and at this time, the second disaster of Hongmeng disaster, and the fire of Hongmeng fell.

There is no ** at all, let alone any temptation

The Hongmeng disaster seemed to be determined to wipe out Chu Yi, the flea that provoked it. At the moment of the outbreak, it completely gushed out the infinite Hongmeng sky fire at one time.


The heavens and the earth are burning, the sea of fire is born, and the world has turned into a red ocean, covered with a dazzling red light.

Within a radius of 30 kilometers, all the water was evaporated in an instant. The mountains and rivers dried up, the earth burned, and the trees burned out. Even the peaks were steamed into gravel, causing the earth to turn into a desert in an instant. Even the grains of sand have turned into crystals. Obviously, such an essential change will occur after a very terrible high-temperature treatment.

But the most terrible thing is that the desert is red, as if it were ignited. Between the desert and the sky, the air is burned out, and the strange twists are in pieces, making people's scalp numb.

This is too horrible

Chu Yi's face was bitter, and there was a lot of unwillingness in his eyes, but he had to grit his teeth and persist. He held high the shield in his hand, interweaved more Tao and reason, blocked the world, and isolated any form of attack.

The divine power poured in, and the golden light of the royal shield was permeated, emitting a strong sacred breath. After all, it was a sacred object that sage people could refine and hold. Under the interweaving of Tao and reason, Hongmeng God Thunder and Hongmeng Sky Fire could only stop. Under the continuous bombardment,

Good, as long as you can block it, there is a way

Chu Yi shook the sky and roared. At the critical moment, it broke out completely without reservation. The vigorous roar was like the roar of dragons and tigers. Even the roar of Hongmeng Shenlei and Hongmeng Tianhuo could not be completely covered up at this moment.

At the same time, under the complete outbreak, Chu Yi completely promoted the magic power "The glour Swallows the Sun and the Moon" and evolved a huge black hole of ten feet, which is no less powerful than the "The Swallow the Sun and the Moon" used by the scattered people on that day.

And with such an outbreak, the black hole seems to be able to really swallow the sun and the moon, and crazily trying to swallow everything, including heaven and earth

A huge whirlpool appeared in the void. The whirlpool composed of Hongmeng God Thunder and Hongmeng Skyfire was like a pool of water. Suddenly, the bottom plug was pulled out. When the pool water flowed out, an irresistible whirlpool turned out.

Chu Yi broke out. He wanted to swallow Hongmeng Tianhuo and Hongmeng Shenlei as quickly as possible, and set aside enough time for Tiangangzi to prepare for the third and fourth disasters, and when crossing the disaster, there would be no obstacles of Hongmeng Tianhuo and Hongmeng Shenlei.

After all, he has fought for this reason, and no one wants to fail like this, so Chu Yi should do his best.

I have to say that under the explosion of Chu Yi's full force, the speed of swallowing Renner's fire was a little strange. The pieces of Hongmeng Tianhuo and Hongmeng Shenlei gradually disappeared, were gradually absorbed by Chu Yi, and eventually evolved into Chu Yi's means of attack.

But with such crazy absorption, Chu Yi is also uncomfortable

A huge amount of Hongmeng sky fire and Hongmeng god thunder have been absorbed one after another, making Chu Yi's body full of extremely magnificent energy. There is thunder in his breath, and when he opens his mouth, there will be infinite Hongmeng sky fire. If it hadn't been for the magic of glouring the sun and the moon, and Chu Yi had the protection of Hong Mengzhu, I'm afraid that other monks would have been either smashed or burned to ashes.

Finally, the infinite Hongmeng God Thunder and Hongmeng Skyfire were swallowed up by Chu Yi

While Chu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, he fell to Tiangangzi's side with pain. While grinning his teeth, Chu Yi muttered depressedly and entangledly, "Now, I want to vomit when I see Hongmeng Shenlei and Hongmeng Tianhuo"

Even if it is a little whisper, now it has evolved into a loud noise like thunder, echoing in the sky, making countless bosses laugh and cry. Not only that, the thunder in Chu Yi's abdomen kept ringing, and the ears, nose and eyes would spit out flames from time to time, which seemed no exaggeration.

I have to say that Chu Yi has swallowed too much, and now he is a little indigestion.

And Chu Yi has worked so hard that Tian Gangzi is naturally not good at saying anything. Without the threat of Hongmeng Tianhuo and Hongmeng Shenlei, Tiangangzi stood proudly, indicating that Chu Yi's next doom was completely left to him to deal with.

Chu Yi naturally has no objection. Hongmeng's three disasters and four disasters are far more powerful than Hongmeng's first and second disasters. Naturally, Chu Yi will not earn with the strong son of heaven. He fell down honestly and immediately began to meditated cross-legged to digest Hongmeng Tianhuo and

For the rest, let's wait for Tian Gangzi to solve it by himself

The three disasters of Hongmeng are called Xun Feng Jie. The clouds drop the Hongmeng Xun wind, which can blow the evil in the dead and break all the supreme Taoist bodies in the world. Therefore, those who are blown by the Hongmeng Xun wind will leave the body, the blood will leave the body, the bone will turn into dust, and the stolen meat will fly away. Even the moto god, will, and even the soul will be completely blown away.

This Hongmeng Xunfeng is enough to see how horrible it is A