Cultivate God

Chapter 265 Deduce Yuntai

As the best in the world, Luo Shijie also hopes to be separated from the Golden-winged Demon King.

Now it's obviously not the right time, so after the golden-winged demon king disappeared, looking at Chu Yi, who was blushing, Luo Shijie comforted him.

Fortunately, Chu Yi didn't care much about the fight. He immediately responded to Luo Shijie's call. The two found a cloud platform and jumped up.


Chu Yi and Luo Shijie disappeared at the same time. Obviously, their unlucky luck broke out again. The two stepped on the cloud platform without traps and fell into the trap.

And Chu Yi and Luo Shijie disappeared at the same time. The light flashed on the cloud platform where the golden-winged demon king was just now. The golden-winged demon king appeared on the cloud platform again, and obviously escaped the trap just now.


The golden-winged demon king wanted to continue the battle with Chu Yi, but found that Chu Yi was not there at all. Obviously, he had left when he was trapped. And these cloud platforms are very strange. Where did Chu Yi go? The golden-winged demon king can't be speculated at all.

In desperation, the golden-winged demon king was slightly reluctant and stepped on a cloud platform again, hoping to find Chu Yi's figure. The result was very tragic. The golden-winged demon king was trapped again. With an unwilling roar, the golden-winged demon king had disappeared.


The golden-winged demon king has just disappeared. Chu Yi and Luo Shijie are now on the cloud platform, with calm expressions, but the slightly undulating chest indicates that the two have just passed a big battle. But even so, the two of them did not have any lingering. They recognized a cloud platform, and the two of them leaped. In an instant, the light flashed, and Chu Yi and Luo Shijie disappeared. There was only a chagrin of Chu Yi's words and very unpleasant curses in the air.

"Fuck, fuck your dad..."

This time, Yuntai was very straightforward and directly transmitted Chu Yi and Luo Shijie away. The strange thing is that Chu Yi and Luo Shijie just transferred away, and the golden-winged little demon king reappeared.

As soon as the golden-winged demon king broke out, he immediately looked for Chu Yi's figure, but naturally he couldn't find Chu Yi's figure. Unwillingly, the Golden-winged Little Demon King was jumping on the next one after stepping on more than a dozen cloud platforms in a row, and suddenly a voice appeared on more than a dozen cloud platforms separated by the Golden-winged Little Demon King.

"Golden Wings?"

The golden-winged demon king in the fish leap immediately turned his head and forgot it. He happened to see Pei Jingsheng and Xie Pianping who had just appeared.

In an instant, the golden-winged demon king was extremely surprised." He asked repeatedly, "Pei Jingsheng, you came just in time to see Chu..."


The golden-winged demon king landed on the cloud platform. After saying half a sentence, it was directly transmitted away, leaving Pei Jingsheng and Xie Pian, who couldn't laugh or cry. For a while, they really didn't know how to express it.

However, from the words of the golden-winged little demon king, the clever Pei Jingsheng and Xie Pianpian still tasted something. During the meditation, he heard Pei Jingsheng say directly, "It seems that Chu Yi was also here just now." Otherwise, the golden-winged demon king would not have asked so." Xie Piao Piao didn't say anything. His expression was calm, but he couldn't hide the sadness in his eyes.

Pei Jingsheng took a deep look at Xie Pian Pian and said proudly, "Let's wait a minute to see if we can meet Chu Yi. There should be almost a war between me and him!" Xie Pian Pian nodded and still didn't say anything.

And Pei Jingsheng and Xie Pian naturally could not see Chu Yi. Because Chu Yi had already been teleported away, Pei Jingsheng waited for a long time. After no result, he gave up decisively and continued to explore. After stepping on the fourteen platforms, the two of them stepped into the trap and disappeared again.

At the same time, the descendants of all factions have also begun to explore. Only the fox, standing there calmly, did not explore anxiously.

What is the fox doing?

Just when many people were puzzled, Hu'er's eyes closed slightly. When he opened again, Hu'er's eyes turned into a gorgeous rose color, as delicate as a gem, slowly sweeping around, as if to confirm something until a moment later, after recognizing a cloud platform and stepping on it.


The scene changed, and the fox came to a starry sky. A giant beast in the starry sky wandered in the distance. The upper body was like an ape, and the lower body was like a python. The roar shook the earthquake and rushed to the fox.

"The first dance, like Ling Bo's micro-step, Luo's socks are dust!"

A fairy appeared immediately, like fog, like rain, and like the wind, melted into the void, like a real, making people look beautiful, with hidden fatal power. Looking at a [true] fairy, the starry sky beast suddenly showed a confused look. "When the doubt is true and the other is false." These fairies have surrounded the starry sky.

"The second dance, like a flying fairy outside the sky, fluttering like a god!"


The fairy evolved into a murder, and drew out swords one after another, just like flying immortals coming from the sky, killing the giant beasts facing the starry sky in all directions.

The giant beast in the starry sky was shocked and immediately roared and began to fight back, but these flying immortals seemed to be true or false. They were all evolved from the fox. Even if they were destroyed, they would not hurt the fox at all. And after being destroyed, these flying immortals will immediately reunite again and flexibly draw a sad sword light. From any possible angle, they stabbed the starry beast.

Although the starry sky beast is extremely strong, it can't stand many people. "It is constantly attacked by the flying fairy, and no matter how thick the defense is, it is finally worn out little by little." Finally, it was completely worn to death by the infinite flying fairy.


The fox returned to the cloud platform, and the fairies around him echoed the fairy fog until they gradually drifted into the fog, looking more beautiful, making people deeply intoxicated by it.

And the fox was obviously used to these, and at the same time, it did not stop. As far as his eyes could see, he saw a cloud platform and set foot on it.


The scene changed" The endless yellow sand flew all over the sky, and the sand monsters gathered from the yellow sand roared and rushed over. The fox's expression remained unchanged. He took out the flying sword and silently swept away at the group of sand monsters.

"The war dance is as elegant as a dragon!"

Like Jinghong, like a dragon, the sword in the hand of the fox'er sent out an extremely fierce murder at this moment. What he passed was invincible. One sand monster was finally buried in the foxer's hand. It was not until the fox killed the last sand monster, switched the scene, and returned to the cloud platform that the tearing ended.

Then, the fox stepped down to a cloud platform, where there were endless fire crows waiting for her.

At the same time, "Chu Yi and Luo Shijie have completely stopped, not only because they have completely lost their way, but also because it is really not a way to go on like this." In the end, they can only be completely lost in the maze of Yuntai and can never go out.

And the maze design of the cloud platform is too perfect. The reasonable combination of traps and the cloud platform, coupled with the messy layout, is simply an unsolvable mystery.

But Chu Yi firmly believes that there must be its flinch in this cloud platform maze.

What you are, Tianyan is fifty, the road is forty-nine, there is no absolute perfection, and there are frights in everything.

So where is the fright of this cloud platform maze?

Chu Yi and Luo Shijie were not reckless men. After realizing that it was not advisable, the two immediately fell into meditation and began to think about how to crack it, or find the conditions to pass.

But Chu Yi and Luo Shijie can figure out the strait of the emperor, so after thinking about it for a long time, there is no way to "the two of them are always at a loss".

But no one can't do it. How about asking someone to help?

Chu Yi thought of the silver pig. I don't know how long the animal has lived. He knows a lot about the ancient secrets. Even the ancient gods can find the layers of organs set up by the Chinese emperor's treasure. It should know something about it.

Pretend to close your eyes and meditate" Chu Yi's mind has obviously sneaked into the Hongmeng space and called, "Dead pig, don't sleep. If you are in big trouble, come and help me think of a way!" The silver pig's voice was extremely lazy and light." He directly turned a blind eye to Chu Yi Is it the way to solve the secret land of Yuntai? Oh, you are a pig, aren't you? After shaking for a long time, "Didn't you find these clouds floating and moving according to the slow track of the road?"


Chu Yi's eyes were bright, and he immediately observed each platform carefully. Suddenly, he was surprised to find that each platform was indeed alive and moving in a very illegible way. If these moving trajectories at the normal speed, if they slide at normal speed, it is precisely the normal road trajectory, which perfectly interweaves Tao and reason.

It's wonderful!

Although Chu Yi was almost disgusted to death by the maze of Yuntai, he had to praise the infinite wisdom of the emperor. He actually used these small details to do something, which is really difficult for ordinary people to find.

To be honest, Chu Yi did not pay careful attention to these cloud platforms before, but also carefully observed whether there was any Tao and reason engraved by the Emperor of China, but in the end, Chu Yi did not see anything. Except for the special points of materials, these platforms did not have any Taoist lines on them, and there was no mystery inside, making Chu Yi is sure that these cloud platforms are ordinary jade platforms at all.

But why do these ordinary jade platforms have so many mysteries?

Without the reminder of the silver pig, Chu Yi really didn't notice that these cloud platforms are actually active, according to a specific trajectory, a specific direction, a specific speed, forming a huge, complex and complete system.

Through this system, the jade platform becomes a trap when it moves to a certain position according to a specific trajectory.

On the contrary, when the jade platform is not on the point and is in the process of moving, then there is naturally no trap, and there is no problem to step on it.

Details determine the winner!

Often a small detail can change a lot of things, just like the emperor of China, tampered with this small detail. In this way, almost everyone who comes here to collect treasures is passive.

To be honest, if the emperor of China does not use this method, but engraves the Tao and reason on the jade platform. If there is great power, without his hosting, he can naturally erase these Tao and principles, and the jade platform will naturally become an abandoned platform without any danger.

In addition, even if you can't erase the Tao and reason, you can still rely on force to fight all the way. It's just a little trouble, or a little more time. As for the transmission trap, it will leave a mark at that time, and there will be no more threats or difficulties.

And now, this jade platform is all set up to live, and these problems will be solved!

The most terrible thing is that in this kind of change at any time, Yuntai will leave people with a sense of vitality and can bet on luck. If you go on in this way, you will only get deeper and deeper, and you will never go out and enter the dead cycle.

Terrible design, terrible scheming "Terrible emperor!

Chu Yi used three horrors to describe the Chinese emperor to show his respect for the Chinese emperor.

Of course, respect is respect. Now that the secret of Yuntai's maze has been discovered, it is time to consider how to crack it.

Thinking and doing are always different. At this moment, although Chu Yi has figured out the key, it is still very difficult to crack it.

Because these clouds are very large, each one has a hundred feet in size. With its slow movement speed that is unrecognizable to the naked eye, it takes a lot of time to move from a trap point to another trap point.

Moreover, the design of these clouds obviously perfectly echoes the trap points. The volume of the cloud platform is exactly the same distance from the trap points. Therefore, when the cloud platform leaves a trap point, it will enter the next trap point as long as it moves.

That is to say, the time for the cloud platform to set foot safely is only a moment. At this moment, if you step on the right time, it will be safe. On the contrary, just wait to fall into the trap set by the emperor and struggle painfully.

So what Chu Yi has to do now is to deduce all the trap points. Only after determining all the trap points can Chu Yi calculate the time to set foot on the cloud platform.

Not only that, but also calculate the movement speed of the cloud platform, because the movement speed of the cloud platform is obviously very slow. If there is no better jam in the timing of movement, it will also be a tragedy.

Calculate all the trap points, and then calculate the timing of stepping on the cloud platform, which is undoubtedly a very large project.

Therefore, after making it clear that he was going to face such a huge workload, Chu Yi was directly exposed by disgust. He said, "Fuck you, you fucking cheat me!!!"


Luo Shijie, who was thinking hard about the method of cracking, was immediately shocked by Chu Yi's swearing. He looked back at Chu Yi in surprise, looked at Chu Yi's face, and immediately asked what was going on.

Chu Yi did not hide it. He directly told Luo Shijie about his discovery. After listening to it, Luo Shijie did not hesitate to do the same thing as Chu Yi and scolded, "Fuck it! It's so fucking cheating!!!"

Luo Shijie has always paid attention to his demeanor and is more expensive as a gentleman, but now he is really disgusted by the strong design of the Chinese emperor. What demeanor, what gentleman, Luo Shijie can only express his inner indignation now.

However, this cracking method finally found that "Chu Yi and Luo Shijie are also decisive people" and "We don't talk to each other" immediately began to crack the disgusting design of the Chinese emperor.

And just as Chu Yi and Luo Shijie began to be busy again, Pei Jingsheng and the golden-winged demon king also found this secret with each other.

Pei Jingsheng's side was Xie Pian's first discovery. In a sentence, the cloud platform was moving. Pei Jingsheng immediately deciphered the key to the problem and found the core of the crack. Of course, "Flying Pei Jingsheng's arrogant character" also scolded at this time.

As for the Golden-winged Demon King, it is quite dramatic, that is, when he was moving, he happened to meet the cloud platform to move, and he almost fell into the air. He immediately found the core of the problem in deep thinking.

In a word, Chu Yi did not expect that he and Luo Shijie were wonderfully standing on the same starting line as Pei Jingsheng and the Golden-winged Demon King.

But compared with Pei Jingsheng and the Golden-winged Little Demon King, Chu Yi still has an advantage. That is Chu Yihui's "Heavenly Calculation", which can calculate the safe cloud platform and the trap through observation and deduction.

As for Pei Jingsheng and the Golden-winged Demon King, it is much more troublesome. They can only find more troublesome and complicated ways to calculate the safe cloud platform and the cloud platform at the trap point.

This is the advantage of Chu Yi!

And when the four little supremes were cracking the maze of Yuntai in their own ways, when the treasure of the Chinese emperor had been opened, it was finally known by the monks outside.

Naturally, the first to know is the supreme Xuanyang Sect.

Because Chu Yi took the lead in the notice, coupled with the trust of the supreme Xuanyang monks to Chu Yi, they immediately left the ruins of the ancient Xianfu when they received the news, so the team of the supreme banquet Yangzong was the first team to leave the ruins of the ancient fairy mansion.

Seeing that the team of the supreme Xuanyang Sect left the ruins of the ancient Xianfu, the bosses of the factions were puzzled and puzzled. But the bosses of all factions didn't think much about it. After all, this is the matter of Xuanyang's own family. Can they force it if they don't want to explore the ruins of the ancient Xianfu?

But there was still a little power. From the face of the team members of the supreme Xuanyang Sect, I saw a little discordant and anxious look. And without seeing Chu Yi, how can you guys not pay attention to it carefully?

But the monks of the supreme Xuanyang Sect can't control so much. They hurriedly found Zi Lao. They quickly converged and came closer.

"Why did you come out so early?" Zi Lao glanced at everyone's face with a serious face and asked, "Where's Chu Yi?" And why is Long Youzi not there?

Chu Yi and Long Youzi are not here. As the leader of the team, Ziyun Fairy, be careful to take out the jade slip." He said, "It's inconvenient to say, ancestor, you'd better take a look first!"

Ziyun Fairy's cultivation is not enough, but she can also feel that more than a dozen divine thoughts are gathered here. The bigwigs of the major faction are paying attention to the things here. Therefore, Ziyun Fairy did not dare to talk nonsense. She could only use the jade slips prepared in advance to let Zi Lao see it by herself.

Without saying anything, Zi Laoer immediately waved his hand to snooped away from the surrounding, and pasted the jade slip in the middle of his eyebrows.

After a while, the purple old man's face changed greatly, and he pinched the jade slip casually." He shouted, "Tianyang, Xuanyang, Chiyang, lead everyone back to the supreme Xuanyang. No matter what happens here, there is no need to join in. In addition, when you go back, tell Brother Jin that the whole sect should be under martial law to prevent a catastrophe.

The seriousness of what Zi Lao said made the other three gods of Xuanyang feel extremely inexplicable. But this was Zi Lao's order. "They didn't dare to neglect at all. They immediately ran to the sky and rose up, shouted softly, and left quickly with Ziyun Fairy and others.

Zi Lao was full of momentum, deterred all the monks, so that they should not act rashly, and avoid being stopped by someone. Until after confirming that all the monks in the supreme Xuanyang had left safely, Zi Lao seemed to be a fairy king, covering the sky with purple all over his body and went in the direction .

"Purple old!", eh!

With the flow of light, a monk of the god of Wanbao Pavilion blocked in front of Zi Lao and shouted coldly, "You know the rules. In order to ensure the stability of the ruins of the ancient fairy mansion, it is strictly forbidden for monks above the four realms of Huashen to enter."

The monk of Wanbao Pavilion is extremely arrogant. He always believes that with the power and strength of Wanbao Pavilion, even if he is a sub-saint of the five realms of the gods, he does not dare to act rashly.

But he was wrong. At this time, Mr. Zi obviously didn't pay attention to the Marlboro Pavilion.

"Get out!!!"

The big palm was erased in the air, and the green underworld collapsed. "The monks of Wanbao Pavilion are not the supreme of the three realms of the gods" were immediately slapped by the purple old man to spit blood and fly back." He was as if he was seriously injured.

"You..." The monk of Wanbao Pavilion was ashamed and angry, and his face was full of frost. He said, "Mr. Zi, if you break the rules, the Wanbao Pavilion will not give up. He will definitely ask for an explanation for this matter!"

"Say it? I haven't told you what to say!!!"

The purple old roared angrily, and the purple hair flew wildly, like an angry fairy king. He shouted, "Let me ask you what the Marlboro Pavilion means? He sent the Asian saints of the four realms of Huashen to disguise themselves as ordinary monks of Huashen, sneaked into the ruins of the ancient fairy mansion, and assassinated Chu Yi, my disciple. Not only my disciples, Daluo Tianzong Luo Shijie, Xutian Demon Sect Pei Jingsheng, and the demon golden-winged little demon king were also plotted in it. I just wanted to ask you, what is your intention of the Wanbao Pavilion?" The monks of Wanbao Pavilion suddenly looked slightly cold. "I didn't know what to say with a g Daluo Tianzong Huashen Wujing Yasheng Yin Yitong, Xutian Demon Education Shen Wujing Yasheng Pei Tianwang, and the four series of the Yao clan Huashen Wujing Yasheng Turtle King came at the same time. Senran said, "Zi Lao, may you tell me more about this matter?"

"Say shit!!!"

Zi Lao ignored the faces of the other three people, shouted loudly, and rushed into the ruins of the ancient Xianfu. "It's like purple clouds rolling and leaving.