Cultivate God

Chapter 286 Fighting

Unparalleled hegemony, cracking the world, cracking!

The fist that condensed all the divine power of Chu Yi emitted a divine light that made people's heart palpitate like a golden gem. It seemed to contain the power to poke a hole in the sky. Driven by Chu Yi deliberately, he hit Huang Tianba's face.


The sky and the earth were shaken, and Chu Yi's fist was earth-shaking, and the monks present were all frightened. Even the sub-sage of the five realms of Huashen felt the deadly threat. With such a punch, if he was successfully hit, how could there be a reason to live?


Huang Tianba's face did not change his color, and he always behaved very calmly." He let Chu Yi's fist burst into the void at close range, and in an instant, he was within three feet of his side.

Three feet!

Huang Tianba said arrogantly that Chu Yi would not want to be within three feet of his side, let alone hurt him at all.

However, at this moment, Chu Yi's fist squeezed in, and the way and reason intertwined with the power of the short years little by little seemed to be able to break the heaven and the earth, with the power of the collapse of the mountain. Just in his breath, he had been brutally killed to the position of Huang Tianba about one foot and

But" do your best to do this...

Just like being enchanted, time was completely frozen in this position, Chu Yi's fist slowly settled there, and the power continued to wear out under the breath of time. Finally, it completely disappeared.

Chu Yi's face changed greatly, and he was immediately surprised and wanted to retreat. "But this terrible power of the years has completely frozen Chu Yi's time. Chu Yi's fist, which went deep into one foot and seven inches, was completely still there and could not be pulled out.

Not good!

Chu Yi's scalp was numb, and his eyes were awe-inspiring. "The body was immediately ignited, containing the divine fire condensed by all kinds of powerful flames such as Honghuang Fire, Hongmeng Sky Fire, Sun True Fire, etc." spread out from Chu Yi's body, trying to burn the lines of

However, in the end, as before, the endless years were worn out, and Chu Yi's attack finally came to nothing.

Chu Yi did not give up, and his magic power showed again. "The infinite Hongmeng god thunder refined during the disaster exploded in the air" crackling sound "like a million thunder dragons with teeth and claws, roaring and biting up" in an attempt to hunt the power of Hongmeng, breaking the road of the years intertwined with

However, in the end, these "Hongmeng thunders" also slowly dissipated under the wear of time.

What a Huang Tianba. It is worthy of the existence of the perfection of the five realms of Huashen. The lines intertwined with Tao and reason are extremely tough and unbreakable.

Shenhuo, Shenlei" can refine and harm the five sub-sage of the gods, but now it can't hurt Huang Tianba at all.

Chu Yi's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

And Huang Tianba seemed to be able to feel Chu Yi's depression, and the wanton sneer at the corners of his mouth had emerged ferociously, as if he was telling a certain fact and said, "It's useless. In your current realm" is just a futile struggle."

"Not necessarily!"

Chu Yi has always been resolute and rarely chooses to give up. There is a stubbornness in his bones. Even in a very dangerous moment, he is still extremely calm, ruthlessly raised his right hand and waved fiercely at Huang Tianba.

"It's useless!" Huang Tianba suddenly put away the power of time. "The moment he let Chu Yi attack, he instantly spread the power of the years out" covered his whole body, making Chu Yi fall into the range of Huang Tianba's body within three feet in an instant.


Chu Yi didn't expect that Huang Tianba would be so bold and dared to take such a risk at close range. Among other things, if Huang Tianba had slowed down a little earlier, Chu Yi's iron fist would have directly smashed his head.

But such a thing did not happen in the end. Huang Tianba showed his profound power and unparalleled control. Instead of hurting Huang Tianba, Chu Yi's attack was completely shrouded in the power of the years condensed by Huang Tianba. Under the freezing of time, Chu Yi seemed to be sealed by ice, and his whole body was completely still.

Huang Tianba smiled, and the corners of his mouth were completely malicious smiles. After giving birth to Chu Yi, his eyes were clear and he said murderously, "Chu Yi, this time, I think you have any other ability to come back to life again!" Boom!

Without any hesitation, Huang Tianba punched Chu Yi's lower abdomen, one punch after another, as if he would never stop. Huang Tianba punched more than 3,000 punches in one breath, hitting every place where Chu Yi could be bombarded.

The strange thing is that no matter how Huang Tianba attacks, Chu Yi can't feel any pain.

Didn't Huang Tianba's attack have any effect at all?


Huang Tianba's attack has completely broken Chu Yi's internal organs and all the bones of Chu Yi's whole body." It directly interrupted Chu Yi's vitality. Just because Chu Yi's time was frozen, these attacks could not be presented for the time being. When time flows again, these attacks will be superimposed on Chu Yi's body in an instant and completely cut off Chu Yi's vitality.

It's so cruel!

But Huang Tianba seems to be still not satisfied. He has a headache for Chu Yi, a guy who has killed countless times and survived countless times. Therefore, after Huang Tianba punched more than 3,000 times, he pulled out a flying sword that was red and emitted a strong flame. One sword after another stabbed Chu Yi.

One sword, two swords, three swords... more than 3,000 swords!

After three thousand punches, Huang Tianba stabbed more than three thousand swords on Chu Yi's body with a flying sword. He completely cut Chu Yi's whole body into thumb-sized pieces of meat and completely smashed the body. When time flows again, "not to mention Chu Yi, even if it is the sub-sage of the five realms of the gods, I'm afraid I won't die again.

More than 3,000 punches, followed by more than 3,000 swords!

He smashed the bones and viscera of Chu Yi's whole body and completely dismembered Chu Yi. It was so cruel that Huang Tianba really didn't believe it. At this point, Chu Yi could still be resurrected.

"Go to hell!"

With a satisfied disgusting smile, Huang Tianba raised his hand ferociously and pressed it slightly on Chu Yi's body. Chu Yi's whole body was instantly pushed out of the three-foot range to control the power of the years.

Time flows again!

Chu Yi's frozen consciousness and body had just recovered, as if he was still performing his last attack. "Suddenly, his whole body suddenly hurt." He lost consciousness in an instant and turned into more than 3,000 pieces of meat the size of a thumb. "exploded in the void" and scattered everywhere.

Chu Yi's death!

Huang Tianba nodded with incomparity, appreciated the masterpiece he had made with his own hands, and watched more than 3,000 pieces of minced meat flying all over the sky, showing an extremely satisfied smile.

Unlike Huang Tianba, Xuanyuanxing's millions of monks looked shocked, showing an expression of surprise and fear. In shock, he looked at the moment when Chu Yi was smashed into more than 3,000 pieces, Zi Lao and Tian Xzi. Xie Pianpian and other people who have a very deep relationship with Chu Yi can't help shouting with grief and indignation. "I can't stand it anymore and want to kill Huang Tianba.

But just as these people were about to take action, they suddenly stared at each other and forgot the impulse for a moment. Not only them, but almost all the monks facing this side showed an expression of disbelief after seeing something.

What happened?

Huang Tianba, who had just turned around and was ready to deal with Xuanyuan monks, noticed the eyes of these people. He was suddenly confused and looked behind him with some puzzlement.


Huang Tianba was also shocked at this moment, because within the scope of his eyes, "seeing more than 3,000 pieces of minced meat" is merging at an extremely fast and strange speed, just like water and water pouring together, and like plasticine and plasticine pinching together. These minced meats are being recombined in a very Cheng Chuyi.

This is impossible!

Although the immortal body of the three realms of the gods is claimed to be recovered even if there is only one cell left, it also has to be deeply cultivated to "achieve the physical body of the six realms of the gods", and can only be done when it can travel around the world. Chu Yi has just entered the three realms of the God, and has just cultivated an immortal body. How can he have such a terrible recovery?

The facts are in front of him, and Huang Tianba is not given any chance to quibble at all.

It's like a reversal of time." More than 3,000 pieces of meat were recombined into Chu Yi, until even the cut red line completely disappeared. Chu Yi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Huang Tianba coldly.

It's alive again!

Huang Tianba was also a little confused on the spot. He felt that Chu Yi was more cockroaches than cockroaches. At least the cockroaches were dismembered to such an extent that he would definitely not survive. But Chu Yi can actually recover" and his cold eyes opened, telling others that his current combat effectiveness is still very strong.

Bi Tianba was completely dumbfounded. Now he doesn't know why he watched Chu Yi die in front of him again and again, but in the end, Chu Yi survived again and again.

Can't Chu Yi really be killed?

Of course, Chu Yi can kill, but after the immortality, it is no longer as simple as expected to kill Chu Yi.

With his strong physique and the mystery of the ancient divine power "The Secret of Cultivate Gods and Killing Heaven", Chu Yi is far more powerful than the immortal body of the three realms of general gods. Originally, I should have wanted to achieve the effect that can only be achieved by traveling in the six realms of gods, but now it happened directly to Chu Yi.

Such a powerful immortal body, not to mention being cut into more than 3,000 pieces, even if Huang Tianba gritted his teeth and completely cut Chu Yi into more than 6,000 pieces, Chu Yi can still recover.

Now, Huang Tianba wants to kill Chu Yi. The only way is to completely smash Chu Yi into meat mud, and then use the supreme fire method to completely refine Chu Yi to nothingness, and even erase the yuan god directly, so that Chu Yi can be completely killed.

But Huang Tianba can't do it in such a way to eliminate the lazy killing.

Therefore, Huang Tianba has no ability to kill Chu Yi at all.

Can't you kill?

Huang Tianba is the existence of the Great Perfection of the Five Realm of the Gods. He can't kill a monk whose cultivation is better than the Three Realm of the Gods. How can Huang Tianba accept such a situation?

The fierce light bloomed in his eyes" Huang Tianba looked at Chu Yi, and did not hesitate to try to step over Chu Yi's side, put Chu Yi within the scope of the power of the years, and then took Chu Yi's life again.

Since it doesn't work once, then do it again, even a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, until Chu Yi is completely slaughtered, otherwise he will never stop.

However, when Huang Tianba first moved, Chu Yi immediately retreated without hesitation, thinking that his body arched like a frightened shrimp, and instantly retreated thousands of feet away, far away from Huang Tianba.

Just kidding, although Chu Yi has an immortal body, every time he dies, it will consume a lot of Chu Yi's strength. As Huang Tianba guessed, if he died thousands of times, Chu Yi would eventually die.

Chu Yi is not stupid, and the pain of every death is also very uncomfortable." As long as the individual doesn't want to experience that feeling, Chu Yi simply distanced himself from Huang Tianba, avoided it far away, and looked for an opportunity to fight back.

Huang Tianba was willing to let Chu Yi get what he wanted, completely unfolded, followed Chu Yi at a fast speed, and kept chasing him. With the cultivation of the peak of the five realms of the gods, although Chu Yi has been promoted to the cultivation of the three realms of the gods, unless the eyes of the gods are used, it is really faster than Huang Tianba.

In the blink of an eye, Huang Tianba quickly caught up with Chu Yi, and the power of time was collected and released, freezing Chu Yi's accurate time around his body. Without saying a word, Huang Tianba immediately raised his hand to three thousand swords, quickly divided Chu Yi into more than 3,000 pieces, and kicked Chu Yi out of the scope of the power of time without looking at it.

Chu Yi was dismembered again, but this did not need Chu Yi's life. The immortal body operated, and Chu Yi recovered as before in a moment.

Just recovered, "Chu Yi turned his head and fled without saying a word, and almost in the blink of an eye, he fled to a thousand feet away" to open the distance between himself and Huang Tianba.

Huang Tianba naturally persistently caught up with him. He caught up with Chu Yi like a demon god. After being entangled for less than a quarter of an hour, Chu Yi was immediately covered by the power of time, and then tragically dismembered. He was kicked out of the scope by Huang Tianba's power of the years.

In a moment, Chu Yi immediately recovered again." After the recovery, Chu Yi decisively chose to escape again, escaped at the fastest speed, and opened the distance from Huang Tianba. But after half an hour of hard work, Chu Yi was tragically caught by Huang Tianba again.

dismember the body, recover, Chu Yi escapes again" Huang Tianba chases again!

It's like falling into a permanent cycle, Chu Yi fled, Huang Tianba chased, then dismembered the body, and then recovered, repeated again and again, which made people's hearts jump.

"No, I can't do it anymore!"

After Chu Yi was recovered for the twenty-eighth time, Zi Lao obviously felt that Chu Yi's recovery this time was much slower than not long ago. Therefore, in addition to being worried, Mr. Zi finally couldn't help saying, "Brother, you and I will replace Chu Yi first and let him have a rest. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid Chu Yi can't hold on..."

Zi Lao's worries are not without, and Jin Lao is not worried, but now the Yellow River is rebounding and struggling very hard. Using two fairy treasures, millions of Xuanyuan monks are about to be locked. Once the two important forces, Jin Lao and Zi Lao, leave, if the time entangled with Huang Tianba is over, the Yellow Spring River will inevitably compete. At that time, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to lock the Yellow Spring River again.

What should I do?

Mr. Jin thought anxiously. In just a short time, Chu Yi had been caught by Huang Tianba again and dismembered again. This time, Chu Yi's recovery speed was obviously much slower, and it took almost twice as long ago to barely recover.

Seeing this, Mr. Jin couldn't help it." He nodded and agreed, "Well......"

"Chu Yi! What the fuck are you doing?

Before the old golden words were finished, a sudden roar broke out from the peak of Dazi. If many monks ** were abnormal, they turned their heads and looked at it. "I found that the roaring person was not someone else, but Pei Jingsheng.

Why did Pei Jingsheng suddenly go crazy?

Just when everyone was puzzled, the golden-winged demon king also roared crazily, "Chu Yi, you disappoint me so much! It's rare to give you the opportunity to beat Huang Tianba, but you are being slaughtered here? Humph, "Get out of here, let me go up and fight this son of a bitch."

As soon as the Golden-winged Demon King finished speaking, Luo Shijie stared and said, "Golden Wings, stand aside. I can't talk about you if you want to fight. I'm like Brother Chu. Seeing that Brother Chu is being slaughtered now." I should do it for him to find the place." "Humph!"

At this time, Pei Jingsheng had snorted coldly and said, "It was Mr. Pei who spoke first." This matter should be done by Pei first. Golden Wings, Luo Shijie, you two can get out as far as you can!"

"Ping Jingsheng, what do you mean!!!"

The Golden-winged Demon King and Luo Shijie shouted angrily and shouted at the same time. As a result, because they shouted at each other at the same time, they immediately pointed the spear at each other and said angrily at the same time, "Don't learn from me." Get out of here, don't get in the way!",

What a tacit understanding!

And Pei Jingsheng ignored the golden-winged little demon king and Luo Shijie, and the escape method was launched, so he was ready to fight with Chu Xi. The Golden-winged Demon King and Luo Shijie immediately did not dare to earn any more. They immediately caught up with Pei Jingsheng and were ready to leave the Great Free Peak.


At this time, King Jiao, Pei Tianwang and Yin Yitong shouted at the same time, "I took action one after another, immediately captured the three people back, and pressed them on the peak of Dazi and did not want the three people to leave.

The third little supreme immediately struggled desperately, and kept talking wildly. "I vowed to beat Huang Tianba, and then gave up.

King Jiao, Pei Tianwang and Yin Yitong were suddenly furious because of the nonsense of the three little supremes. They raised their hands and wanted to teach and reprimand, but at this moment, they saw three pairs of pleading eyes.


King Jiao, King Pei and Yin Yitong were suddenly shocked. They raised their hands for a moment, but they couldn't fall down.

The four little supremes, between the four people, they are also enemies and friends. They are not convinced of each other and respect each other. They all regard each other as the object to be surpassed in their lives.

So the three little supremes just quarreled fiercely and went crazy." In fact, he was completely worried about Chu Yi.

They regard Chu Yi as an opponent!

They also regard Chu Yi as a friend!

As an opponent, they saw Chu Yi fighting against Huang Tianba for the sake of the monks all over the world. "They asked themselves, "Why are they willing to lag behind?"

As a friend, seeing Chu Yi struggling to death in Huang Tianba's attack, being dismembered again and again, and fleeing again and again, how can they bear it in their hearts?

They want to fight. They want to fight with Chu Yi. They die without regret. After death!

The three mighty hearts of King Jiao, Pei Tian King and Yin Yitong were touched. They didn't know whether they should let go and watch the three children die, or continue to suppress the regrets left in their hearts for a lifetime.

What should I do?

After a moment of silence, the three great poweres, Jiao Wang, Pei Tianwang and Yin Yitong slowly let go of the three people.

There is no reason, because those eyes are full of pleading!

Pei Jingsheng, the Golden-winged Little Demon King and Luo Shijie are not amazing, conceited, arrogant, and have their own style. Even if you cut their flesh and cut off their heads, don't let these three people be soft, let alone show such pleading eyes.

But the three of them now show such shocking eyes that King Jiao, King Pei and Yin Yitong are so powerful.

They are eager for a war, and they will die without regret!

Therefore, the three great power of King Jiao, King Pei and Yin Yitong can only keep lamenting in their hearts. They have to understand the three of them and choose to let go and let them go to fight, but they have a wish.

And how can Pei Jingsheng, the Golden-winged Demon King and Luo Shijie not understand the three great minds of King Jiao, Pei Tianwang and Yin Yitong?

Especially when King Jiao, King Pei and Yin Yitong let go, the three little supreme stood up silently." He slightly saluted the three elders of King Jiao, King Pei and Yin Yitong. Without saying a word, he silently turned around and wanted to leave the peak of Dazi and prepare to help Chu Yi and fight against Huang Tianba.

But at this moment, Chu Yi's voice came a little uncomfortable, shouting to stop the three people, and said, "Who the fuck said I can't do it? Look, I'm going to destroy this old beast now.


Pei Jingsheng, the golden-winged little demon king and Luo Shijie paused slightly, and when they were uncertain, they saw Chu Yi recovering again and moved directly to a thousand feet away.

This time, Chu Yi did not choose to escape again." Instead, he saw Huang Tianba, who rushed in, and naturally closed his eyes.


In the face of such a powerful Huang Tianba, he was obviously repaired so badly that he dared to close his eyes at this time. Has Chu Yi given up?

No" Chu Yi never gave up these two words in his dictionary.

Slowly closing his eyes, Chu Yi didn't seem to feel the rushing Huang Tianba. He said faintly, "Huang Tianba" has killed me so many times. You must be tired, right? Don't you feel that "the power of your years is not so strong anymore?"

Huang Tianba was secretly shocked. Indeed, as Chu Yi said, he killed Chu Yi so many times. Although he could successfully break Chu Yi's body every time, Chu Yi's rebound power was also fierce. One after another, every time you can take the opportunity to erase the Tao and reason intertwined by the power of several years. Coupled with the consumption of killing Chu Yi every time, now Huang Tianba's power is far less solid than before.

But so what?

Huang Tianba carefully sensed the power of his years. Although it was far from as strong as before, it was far from the extent that Chu Yi could compete and destroy. Because Chu Yi struggled and recovered again and again, and consumed it, it was definitely much better than Huang Tianba.

Therefore, in Huang Tianba's opinion, Chu Yi is just singing an empty city plan, deceitful with words.

Therefore, it was just a slight hesitation. Huang Tianba almost did not hesitate to "surge in speed" and chase Chu Yi at a faster speed.

But at this moment, Chu Yi suddenly opened his eyes again.

The eyes of the gods, open!