Cultivate God

Chapter 313 Unique Ice Heart

Chapter 3-3 Unique Ice Heart

Just when Chu Yi was connected with Shen Bing, his consciousness ascended, like the soul out of the body, floating in the universe, watching the pure white snow star. A snow spirit man in a white shirt, handsome and young as a teenager, did not know when he appeared in this strange cold space, and looked at Chu Yi with an extremely complicated expression.

"Tianjizi... It's right for you to count again. This son is really predestined to my Xueling clan. He not only easily broke through the glazed mirror world you laid in those years, but also peeped into the mystery of the treasure of our clan in an instant."

"Oh, that's all, that's all, even if you give this little guy a big chance, as you said, in the future, in the catastrophe that can sweep the whole world, this son can keep my Xueling family immortal."

In the meantime, this mysterious and handsome young Xueling man, as if he appeared, disappeared strangely out of thin air. Everything is like he has never appeared at all. The silence in the underground space is still the same, and only bursts of cold waves are flowing silently, emitting an eternal atmosphere of silence.

And about this, Chu Yi naturally can't know, because he is now in an extremely mysterious feeling.

Just like a dream, Chu Yi's consciousness is gradually watching, combined with the Snow Star, or Chu Yi's whole person has become a part of the Snow Star, feeling everything about the whole Snow Star and the charm of the whole Snow Star.

In the end, Chu Yi became a snow star, or the whole snow star is now Chu Yi.

This feeling is particularly unique. Under the induction, Chu Yi only needs a small idea to understand everything on the whole Snow Star.

Like the thick white snow, it is like a quilt on the body. It should be very cold, but it reveals a special warmth.

Like the predatory snow eagle and the running snow rabbit, it is extremely wonderful to think that it has done all this on itself.

Natural changes, the life of animals, countless monks spit out their vitality, and ordinary snow spirits and mortals live freely.

Among them, there are tenacity and strength; madness and cruelty; kindness and belief; friendship and righteousness; life and death; vitality and despair...

It seems that it contains the life of the whole planet, or the will of the whole planet. Chu Yi feels that the Snow Star is silently breeding all life and silently pays for the life of the whole planet.

The growth of all things represents the growth of life; the withering of all things represents the beginning of a new life.

From birth to death, from death to birth, Chu Yi uniquely experienced the evolution process of life on the Snow Star.

Like a tree, like a flower, like grass, like a tree, like an animal, like a mortal, like a monk...

Sometimes Chu Yi will feel the newborn baby, and he will also feel the late old man; sometimes Chu Yi will incarnate into a tree that has just sprouted, and will also incarnate into a big tree that is about to wither. Sometimes Chuyi will even experience the cruelty of life, become a creature of nature, endure hunger, and find the food that must survive. Sometimes Chu Yi will play the role of pregnancy, struggling to work hard for the family and the children.

From life to death, Chu Yi wonderfully feels everything on the whole snow star, feels a planet in a unique way, and treats the will of life.

This is the will of the planet, this is the meaning of life!

And this itself is a perfect embodiment of the law of the road.

Finally, Chu Yiming realized that there is no "Ice Heart Secret" in the world. This so-called "Ice Heart Secret" is actually just an excuse fabricated by the Xueling clan.

This "Ice Heart Secret" is basically the will of the snow star. By feeling the will of the snow star, the snow spirit clan can hone themselves and understand the essence of the star. In addition, the Snow Saint itself is a cold nature, so the Snow Saint can learn and feel anything through the Ice Heart Secret, and even create supreme magic power.

No wonder Han Xue told Chu Yi that the "Ice Heart Secret" could not be taught in words at all. Only when she really felt it could she know the mystery of the "Ice Heart Secret" and understand the will contained in the "Ice Heart Secret" and the understanding of life.

Understanding all this, Chu Yi understood the mystery of the will, and the invisible soul was sublimated to the maximum extent.

And the growth of the soul, nature itself allows Chu Yi's will, the yuan god, and even the understanding of the road of heaven and earth to reach a new height. In the future, the road of practice will be smoother and more benefits will be obtained.

But the most important thing is Chu Yi's understanding of life.

Through the understanding of life, Chu Yi no longer resists the existence of killing demons, but regards killing demons as another self, or as a part of himself. And with the help of the will of the whole Snow Star, he easily integrated the demon into himself, manipulated it freely, and finally pushed "The Great Kill" to the realm of great perfection.

The sublimation of the soul, the growth of the will, the "Great Killing" peeped to perfection, and the demon killing was finally completely turned into its own use. Unconsciously, in understanding the "Ice Heart Secret" and the understanding of the will of the Snow Star, Chu Yi not only once again grew to a new height, but also Realm.

What a wonderful feeling, curious snow star!

In this unique experience, Chu Yi didn't know how long he had slept. He really wanted to have a dream for a long time until it was difficult for Chu Yi to understand. He was shocked all over and reluctantly retreated from this wonderful feeling.




At the moment when Chu Yi woke up, the black ice wrapped all over his body automatically broke and turned into pieces of cold dust, like stars floating in the void. Until the last cold dust floated out, Chu Yi slowly opened his eyes...

Without complexity or emotion, Chu Yi's eyes at this moment can even be called empty, but they are like the starry sky, containing a unique charm and wise eyes. Even after careful observation, you will find that Chu Yi's eyes contain a mysterious trace of the road, like the moving track of the snow star, emitting a unique breath and mystery.

This may be "Ice Heart Secret"!

Chu Yi can feel that the traces of the road in his heart, Chu Yi will enter a mysterious state in an instant.

This state can be called: the state of ice heart. In this state, Chu Yi's heart is like water, and it is like a mirror. He can see everything and deal with everything calmly and rationally.

In short, the state of the ice heart is like a sophisticated high-end computer. With a slight movement of mind, you can calculate everything keenly, capture everything, and see everything clearly.

It's wonderful!

It's really wonderful!

Supercomputing ability, super feeling, super vision, although these three wonderful states are not magical powers, they are more like any kind of magical powers. As long as Chu Yi uses them properly, they will be ten thousand times more powerful than any magical powers. Moreover, the three abilities are superimposed on each other, which is not a simple answer as one plus one equals two.

Harvest, huge harvest!

Even if Chu Yi is calm, he can't help but look excited now, and he has faintly shown a happy expression.

But after being excited, Chu Yi couldn't help wondering why Xue Sheng helped himself so much.

Chu Yi is not a fool. When he entered this ice cave, everything that happened was so inconceivable, as if he had been deliberately arranged. From the mirror world in front to the divine ice behind, to understand the "Ice Heart Secret", all of this is like Xue Sheng deliberately giving Chu Yi a big chance.

He is not a relative or a reason, and he doesn't even have anything to do with it. Chu Yi doesn't think he is too handsome. Xue Sheng has a fancy to him.

Chu Yi was silent for a long time. In the end, he chose not to ask or say anything. Instead, he silently saluted Shenbing and headed towards the way he came in.

Returning to the mirror world again, Chu Yi suddenly found that the mirror world was nothing in front of him. Through the super computing power in the ice heart state, the mirrors are arranged in a thought, which is easily seen through by Chu Yi. In the moving room, Chu Yi broke through the mirror world in only three days, which is a hundred times faster than when he came.

And perhaps because of the supercomputing ability, when Chu Yi passed the mirror world again, he found that all these organs were completely designed according to the advantages of Ice Heart Tips. If you practice "Ice Heart Secret" and have the powerful computing power, this mirror world is like a road, easy to pass through.

What a Xueling clan, it's really not easy!

At this time, Chu Yi did not realize that the design here was not designed by the Xueling clan at all. At the same time, Chu Yi did not know that everything he had experienced was actually in other people's calculations.

Of course, these are the last words. Now Chu Yi is in an extremely happy mood, and his footsteps are much lighter. He pushes away the huge Shenxuan ice door and leaves this mysterious ice space.

At the same time, Chu Yi didn't know that he had been in the ice space for three years.

And three years later, after such a return, Chu Yi suddenly attracted the attention of countless people.



"What? This boy is out!"

The Hanling King, who was discussing things with the other six kings, suddenly stood up in surprise, with a face full of disbelief, and immediately attracted the rest of the six kings with a surprised expression.

Three years ago, Chu Yi disappeared in the ice space. Han Xue had been making a lot of trouble for a long time. Even now, Han Xue has locked herself up and doesn't want to see anyone. Therefore, the other six kings know more or less about Chu Yi's affairs.

At the same time, in addition to understanding, the other six kings have the same idea as the Hanling King. Entering the ice space without any protection, most of them should have fallen.

But just when everyone thought that Chu Yi should be dead, Chu Yi appeared at this time.

How can the appearance of Chu Yi not surprise the seven kings of the Xueling clan?

Immediately, he saw the Hanling King stand up with a cold face, ignored the contemplative expressions of the other seven kings, and said, "The matter will be discussed for the time being. I'll meet this hateful boy."

In the meantime, the Hanling King has stood up and rushed to the position where Chu Yi is.

The rest of the kings may be too curious. They stood up at the same time, with cold eyes, and also followed the Hanling King. A moment later, he rushed to the depths of the Ice and Snow Palace and saw the Hanling King standing at the entrance of the snow cave, confronting each other tit-for-tat with an ordinary-looking snow spirit man.

Is this the guy?

The rest of the six kings looked curiously, and then their faces changed greatly, showing a surprised expression. King Han You lost his voice on the spot and said, "What, this boy actually learned the "Ice Heart Secret"?"

"Ice Heart Secret" is a treasure in the Xueling clan. Generally, only members of the royal family can practice it. Even ordinary nobles can't practice this "Ice Heart Secret" without a great contribution.

At the same time, the study of "Ice Heart Secret" requires the approval of Xue Sheng and the will of Shen Bing to successfully learn this "Ice Heart Secret". It is enough to see how precious this "Ice Heart Secret" is within the Xueling clan.

But Chuyi's origin is unknown. He only knows that he has a good relationship with Princess Han Xue, but with this point alone, it is basically impossible to learn this "Ice Heart Secret".

But Chu Yi learned it!

This is not only because Chu Yi is lucky enough, but also needs Xue Sheng's approval. If Xue Sheng doesn't want to, even if Chu Yi has this opportunity, he can't learn this "Ice Heart Secret".

Xuesheng is the god in the hearts of all the Xueling clans!

If Xue Sheng recognizes Chu Yi, no matter how much the Hanling King doesn't like Chu Yi, he has to recognize Chu Yi and can no longer have any doubts about Chu Yi. Even if this Hanling King is the saint of Tongtian and the first king of the Xueling clan, he has to admit Chu Yi.

It's like the feeling of winning a five million prize in the lottery, and the bonus is received by others. You can imagine how complicated the mood of the Hanling King is now.

Chu Yi was also very confused about the strange situation in front of him, but under the gaze of the seven saints, Chu Yi also showed more calm. If it had been for other monks, he would have been down.

Of course, it's false to say that he is not nervous. Chu Yi is not sure what the seven kings are thinking now. The divine power has been silently and secretly transported all over his body, and his eyebrows know that the fighting sticks in the sea are turbulent, and he is ready to kill at any time.

And Chu Yi was so wary that it should have been reasonable, but no matter how he looked at Chu Yi, he felt that he was very unpleasant to the cold spirit king. The more he looked at Chu Yi, the more he felt that he felt that Chu Yi was staring around with a pair of thief's eyes, which was very annoying.

Now, King Hanling only feels that there is an infinite desire in his heart, eager to slap Chu Yi to death, and then the whole world will return to peace.

Slap him to death! Slap him to death! Just raise your hand!

The voice of the inner call was getting louder and louder. The Hanling King was really about to stand it. When he was about to put out Chu Yi, an eye-catching guy, he suddenly came with a shout of surprise.

"Brother Xue Yi, it's really you!"

In the shout, I saw a snow-white figure falling from the air and pounced on Chu Yi with open arms. It was not the cold snow, but who else?

Seeing Han Xue, Chu Yi's expression also became much softer. He casually opened his arms and slowly hugged the cold snow that fell down.

Han Xue successfully rushed into Chu Yi's arms, but she had not yet enjoyed the warmth in Chu Yi's arms, or Chu Yi had not had time to enjoy the beauty in her arms. The two of them were just a very simple move, and immediately ignited the extremely patient anger of the Han Ling King like explosives.

"Bad boy, let me go!!!"

An angry roar roared out of the mouth of the Hanling King, and then saw the cold Ling King's left hand, directly grabbed the cold snow back from Chu Yi's arms, and then his right hand slapped it like lightning, directly penetrated the void, like a big monument, and suppressed Chu Yi.

There were exclamations everywhere, and the Hanling King suddenly took action, and no one expected it.

With the cultivation of the Hanling King Tongtian, Chu Yi is just a monk who transforms the gods. How can he have a chance to survive?

Similarly, such an accident was not within the expected range of Chu Yi, who had just hugged Han Xue. Surprisingly, the Hanling King's palm came so fast that even if he used the eyes of the gods, I'm afraid it would be difficult to avoid it.


The palm of the Hanling King was firmly imprinted on Chu Yi's chest. The sound of bones smashing spread. Chu Yi flew backwards and crashed into several buildings, and his life and death were uncertain.

All the people were dumbfounded at this moment, including the cold snow in joy, with an expression of joy on their faces, and were shocked by the sudden change.

Even the other six kings of the snow spirit clan were shocked by this change, secretly saying that the cold spirit king was really too reckless. At the same time, the six kings of the Xueling clan can also foresee that under the angry palm of the Hanling King, Chuyi District will definitely die.

But surprised, the expression of the six kings of the Xueling clan remained unchanged, because in their opinion, Chu Yi's life and death had nothing to do with them. Even if the Hanling King killed another hundred such Chu Yi, they would not interfere.

Only Han Xue, as if he had lost his soul in an instant, shouted hoarsely, "Brother Xue Yi..."

Struggle, struggle desperately!

In the cry of Han Xue, she wanted to struggle desperately out of her father's hands, but with her cultivation of turning into a god, it was difficult to shake the Hanling King at all. During the crying, Han Xue almost showed a completely desperate expression.

However, just when everyone thought that Chu Yi was about to die, there were suddenly bursts of ice breaking. Chu Yi reluctantly stood up in the collapsed building, with blood on the corners of his mouth, with no blood on his face, and with boundless anger, he stared at the Hanling King and the murderous.

Not dead?

How is this possible?

Including the Hanling King, the seven kings of the Xueling clan were shocked. Only a surprise appeared on the cold snow face, and he shouted again, "Brother Xueyi..."

Chu Yi smiled tragically. First, he nodded to the cold snow, and then looked coldly at the King of Hanling and said, "Despicable, the sage of heaven, don't you have to sneak up on the younger generation. Where is your face?"


The Hanling King was furious, and the snow-white face unique to the Xueling clan had risen to soy-red. Without saying a word, he raised his palm again and was ready to completely slap Chu Yi to death.

But this time, Chu Yi was already prepared. At the moment when the voice fell, he had already launched the art of immortal escape with all his strength. The whole person turned into a streamer that broke through any space shackles. In an instant, he rushed out, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a black spot and disappeared.

What a fast speed!

The seven kings of the Xueling clan all showed a surprised expression, because at this speed alone, even the seven kings sighed a little.

Not only that, the palm of the Cold Spirit King has obviously caused a lot of damage to Chu Yi. Under such an injury, Chu Yi can still escape at such a fast speed. Obviously, Chu Yi has mastered a very profound escape method.

Good boy, no wonder you are so arrogant. With this ability alone, you can get it in the world.

However, what surprised the seven kings of the Xueling clan more than this was that Chu Yi had been deserted for a long time, and his voice finally came late at this time, just like a dream, drifting coldly in the void, and the killing was scattered.

"This palm, I remember that the future will be long, and one day, I will come to ask for the master of the spirit king!"


is just a threat from the monks of the four realms, but for some reason, the seven kings of the Xueling clan all showed a serious expression. Especially the Hanling King, a chill rose quietly in his heart. I don't know why, Chu Yi's threat always gave him a feeling of inner peace.

When such a thing happened, the Hanling King was already upset enough. What made the Hanling King more upset was that at this time, Han Xue shouted hoarsely with an extremely angry voice, "Father, I'm so disappointed in you. In the future, I will never say anything to my father in the future!" !!"


Han Xue suddenly shook off the hand of the Han Ling King, and then wanted to chase in the direction where Chu Yi left.

How can the Hanling King give Han Xue this opportunity?

He was wholehearted for his daughter, but he didn't expect to be so misunderstood by his daughter. King Hanling stretched out his hand angrily and directly captured Han Xue and shouted coldly, "It seems that I used to spoiled you before. From today on, you are not allowed to step out of Han Xueyuan for me."

Han Xue was even more angry and struggled after several struggles, but how could she be the opponent of Hanling King? In the end, he could only let the Hanling King capture him and bring him back to the Hanxue Garden. He was completely sealed in the Hanxue Garden by the Hanling King. Unless the cultivation is higher than the Hanling King, it will no longer be difficult for Hanxue to leave the Hanxueyuan.

And what happened here, Chu Yi, who has escaped, naturally does not know at all.

After the Hanling King and others left, a silver-white pig secretly drilled out of the broken ice pile, picked up the pig's nose and sniffed, recognized a certain direction, and hummed and sneaked over...

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