Cultivate God

Chapter 461 Killing the Magic Sword on

Chapter 461 Killing Magic Sword (Part 1)

Before finding the ancient God of War Emperor Yi, Chu Yi had imagined countless times the situation when he found the ancient God of War Emperor Yi, which also included the scene when his identity was not leaked and the ten old monsters were also present.

But now...

No matter what Chu Yi imagined, it is different from what Chu Yi encountered at this moment!

At this moment, in front of Chu Yi is a huge ancient god sitting on the familiar throne. No, to be more precise, it is not the ancient god sitting there, but the corpse of the ancient god, leaving only a skeleton.

The bones and bones of the ancient god?

Are you kidding me?

Who doesn't know that the ancient god can support the sky with his arms, stamp his feet to penetrate the ground, and play with a star of cultivation between his palms. It is the supreme existence with a huge body and unparalleled body in the world.

So the body of the ancient god is so strong that even if it is hundreds of millions of years after death, the body may not rot.

But how to explain what happened in front of you?

Chu Yi looked at the mountain-like huge divine bone in front of him in a daze, and could clearly feel the strength of the divine bone itself, just like the vast scorching sun. Among other things, although the whole body is only the divine bone, the root divine bone is as brilliant as gold, exuding magnificent divine power, shocking the whole space.

Especially this divine bone sitting on the throne, like a high emperor, overlooking the subjects of the world, the empty eyes on the god's skull seem to be able to reflect the world.


Just when Chu Yi was deeply shocked by this divine bone, he suddenly noticed the discordant factor on this divine bone, and the heart position of the self-bone was strongly exuding. At this time, Chu Yi also realized that the breath that strongly called for him emanated from the heart position of this divine bone.

The life-old blood inheritance of the ancient god is in the position of the heart, so the heart of the ancient god is also the most powerful part of itself, and it is the source of all power. Therefore, it is really possible that even if only the remains are left, the heart may still be extinguished, and there are still remnants of the ancient god's blood.

However, the discordant factor that Chu Yi noticed was not whether there was sperm and blood residue in the heart of the ancient god's corpse. Because just in the first place, Chu Yi judged that the fatal injury suffered by the ancient god was that his heart was smashed to death with a sword. And the sword that smashed the heart of the ancient god is now inserted in the heart of the ancient god.

This sword...

Chu Yi observed carefully and was surprised to find that the sword was too eroded by time. The whole sword looked rusty, as if it had been picked up with some strength, and it might be damaged.

This is a sword that is about to be scrapped!

This is the first feeling of this sword to Chu Yi!

But I don't know why, when Chu Yi saw the sword, he instinctively and intuitively felt that the sword was not as ordinary as he thought.

There is no reason, because it is this sword that calls Chu Yi to come, and this sword is also the culprit for killing the ancient gods.

Not to mention whether this ancient god's corpse is the divine bone of the ancient god of war Emperor Yi, but from its posture sitting high on the throne, coupled with the magnificent breath that has been emitted after death, it is not difficult to judge that this ancient god must have been very powerful in his lifetime.

The weakest is the ancient god at the level of heaven and earth. In the ancient god family, he has the cultivation of the god emperor level.

Such a powerful ancient god will be killed by this sword, his heart will be broken, the source of power will disappear, and his body will gradually dissipate after death, leaving only one bone.

May I ask, how can the sword that can kill the ancient god of the god emperor be a mortal sword?

But because there is too little information, Chu Yi can't judge anything at all, but Chu Yi can't do it himself, but he knows that there must be no problem with a guy.

"Dead pig, what do you think?"

Chu Yi asked the silver pig for advice, and firmly believed that the existence of the silver pig, a living fossil level, must be able to give himself an answer. And if the silver pig fails to bring the answer to himself, then no one in the world can give Chu Yi an answer.

Sure enough, the silver pig did not disappoint Chu Yi. After Chu Yi asked, he immediately replied, "It's not Di Yi!"

Isn't it Diyi?

A trace of doubt flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, and he heard the silver pig continue to explain: "The ancient god of war was not a powerful existence in his lifetime. His physical cultivation is so strong that even the innate treasure is difficult to destroy, so this destroyed ancient god must not be Di Yi. As for the identity of this ancient god, it is not too difficult to guess.

Although the ancient gods are jointly managed by the nine war gods, each of the ancient gods of war has their own army and loyalists. For example, Diyi has four god generals, each of which has a world-level cultivation, and is a powerful god emperor.

Compared with the cultivation of these people, their deep feelings with Di Yi are widely spread and praised by all races. Therefore, Di Yi was buried after his death. If there was no accident, they would definitely stay to guard Di Yi's tomb. Therefore, this ancient god must be the god general under the banner of Di Yi, so the god general, because this person's body has been destroyed, only the divine bone is left, so it is impossible to speculate.

Chu Yi nodded secretly. Since the silver pig analyzed it like this, it must not be wrong. But it was not enough to know the identity of this ancient god. Chu Yi continued to question, "As for that sword..."

After thinking for a moment, the silver pig said, "The sword that can kill one of the four gods under Di Yi is definitely not an ordinary magic weapon. Anyway, it must be a natural treasure. But this sword is rusty, and there is no honor and breath that the innate treasure should have at all, so I'm a little difficult to judge. It's not as good as you... Chu Yi, be careful!!!"


Chu Yi was listening to the analysis of the silver pig, and suddenly turned into a warning. Suddenly, he was shocked and did not dare to neglect at all. The divine power had erupted like a wave of anger, condensed into the armor of the God of War, and actually protected himself with the body of King Kong.


Just as Chu Yi had finished all this, suddenly a powerful killing law broke out from the ancient god and began to rage around like a storm. Including Chu Yi, who was also within the raging range of this killing rule storm, was repulsed by this group of horrible killing rule storm for more than ten steps on the spot, and the world trembled.

And feeling the storm of the law of killing so closely, Chu Yi felt the horror of the storm of the law of killing more clearly. With a bang, Chu Yi felt that he felt like he was in the storm turned into a knife. The rules of killing almost to tear up all Chu Yi's defenses and completely smashed Chu Yi.

Fortunately, Chu Yi is now in the state of the Vajra divine body, and the Vajra divine body is known as the most powerful body of the ancient god family. Whether it is strength or defense, it is the best in the whole ancient god family. Therefore, with the strong defense of the Vajra body and the defense of the God of War, Chu Yi can resist the attack of the law of killing.

But the most terrible thing about the law of killing is not this kind of open attack, but the attack of the law of killing in the mind, which surges like a tide, constantly affecting Chu Yi's mind and mind, making Chu Yi's illusions in front of him, and the sadistic killing intention constantly rises in his heart, just like the feeling when It's similar. When you see everything, you want to completely destroy it.

However, Chu Yi has already had rich experience in resisting this idea of killing. The crazy operation of "Ice Heart Secret" makes his heart full of cold winter, so that the fanatical atmosphere emanating from the law of killing is extinguished one after another like a tide.

Over and over again, over and over again, even Chu Yi himself didn't know how many times he ran "Ice Heart Secret".


Chu Yi suddenly felt a slight swing of consciousness, as if some unique origin had formed in Chu Yi's body, suddenly turned into a mysterious ancient character, and slowly integrated into Chu Yi's fruit.

The origin of the sky after the silence?

Quiet, for the meaning of tranquility, silence, calmness, calmness, silence and so on!

When the silence reaches a certain extreme, it is for incompetence, incompetence is indisputable, indisputable, indisputable means no desire, no distracting thoughts, and can not be disturbed by things.

For example, the heaviest killing idea brought by the law of killing, the desire to kill indiscriminately, now under the calming of the natural source after the silence, it gradually dissipates into the invisible, and can no longer hurt Chu Yi at all.

Then, Chu Yi was surprised to find that although the origin of heaven was condensed after this silence, he could not manipulate it, or there was no need to manipulate it at all. Because as long as the source of heaven is condensed after this silence, it will automatically help Chu Yi resist all kinds of mental interference and help Chu Yi stay in an extremely calm state at all times.

Great harvest!

Chu Yi never thought that in this action to find the blood of the God of War, because he operated the "Ice Heart Secret" many times in order to resist the law of killing, he actually formed such a wonderful origin. Even if it was the acquired origin, with such a very rare origin, it still made Chu Yi extremely happy.

Even the silver pig felt the change of Chu Yi. After careful inquiry, when he learned that Chu Yi accidentally condensed the origin of the sky after the silence, he was also surprised. He felt happy for Chu Yi, and explained in detail the preciousness of the origin of the sky after the silence to Chu Yi.

Through the silver pig, I learned that the origin of tranquility is a very rare and precious source, but anyone who condenses such a source has great wisdom and extremely calm mind. After the successful condensation of the origin of Jing, it can be the nemesis of all monks who are good at illusions.

In addition, some powerful special magic weapons and special magical power, because they have a strong anger, need this source of silence to resolve, so that they can be in their hands and not be devoured by them.

For example, as long as it is cultivated into the source of quietness, even if it is the source of the acquired, it can not be afraid of the influence of the Great Killing, which can greatly improve the absorption and condensation of the spirit of killing, and can grow to a particularly terrifying height. Among other things, this is enough to prove how precious the origin of silence is. RO