Cultivate God

Chapter 545 God of War Life

Chapter 545 The God of War (Part I)

When Chu Yi successfully broke through his super intuition again, Chu Yi found that he had entered a mysterious and unique realm, a wonderful realm that could not be described in words at all.

So what does this state look like?

At this moment, Chu Yi felt that his heart was completely empty, as if all the distractions, even his thoughts had been emptied, and his consciousness was pale and clean without any pollution.

And when Chu Yi's consciousness became like the cleanest and whitest paper, the whole world was completely changed because of Chu Yi, as if it had turned into a lake as calm as a mirror, spreading all around.

Heaven and earth are like Mirror Lake!

In front of such a mirror lake of heaven and earth, the purest silence makes anyone who breaks this peace have to pay for it, and it is discordantly reflected in Chu Yi's feeling.

It's like Chu Yi, the examiner. He is now the only discordant in this world mirror lake.

At this moment, the ripples appeared in Chu Yi's heart, who entered the state of the Mirror Lake of heaven and earth. Chu Yi hardly needed to think or look at it with his eyes, as if he knew what to do the next moment. Chu Yi was the ultimate attack, and the fighting stick turned into a terrible dragon in Chu Yi's hand He really appeared in front of the examiner Chu Yi.


The examiner Chu Yi was shocked, because he didn't see clearly how Chu Yi took action at all, or now it feels like he took the initiative to meet Chu Yi and let Chu Yi attack him. If the examiner Chu Yi hadn't reacted fast enough, I'm afraid he would have been hit in the head by this stick on the spot.


If such a problem really occurs only once, it can indeed be regarded as a coincidence, but if such a situation happens every time, it cannot be explained by coincidence!

The examiner Chu Yi quickly experienced the situation of the second and third time, or the examiner Chu Yi has completely fallen into the unique attack rhythm of Chu Yi's Mirror Lake.

No matter which direction, no matter what method is used, no matter how to resist, Chu Yi's attack will always attack the assessor Chu Yi at the critical moment, which gives people the feeling that the assessor Chu Yi sent it to Chu Yi to fight. With the passage of the battle, the assessor Chu Yi fights more and more. The more depressed, the more aggrieved.

It's messy!

It's completely messed up!

The attack rhythm of the examiner Chu Yi was completely chaotic and was disturbed by Chu Yi. In the face of the fighting stick that can always appear at the most appropriate time, the most reasonable position and at the most critical moment, the examiner Chu Yi found that no matter how perfect and how much he could not make mistakes, he was no longer Chu Yi's opponent.

So facing Chu Yi's mythical Mirror Lake, the examiner Chu Yi had no choice but to admit defeat, and was finally shot in the head by Chu Yi, ending the whole battle.

The battle is over!

Chu Yi recovered from the mysterious state of Tiandi Jinghu Lake. Looking at the examiner Chu Yi, who was gradually drifting in the starry sky, he grinned and said unnaturally, "Well, the feeling of beating himself to death with this stick is really uncomfortable!"

But anyway, Chu Yi has passed the assessment. Looking at the portal-style whirlpool that passed the assessment, Chu Yi knew that he had finally successfully passed five levels in a row, and finally could face the secrets hidden in the ancient temple.

So what secrets are hidden in the ancient temple?

No matter how you guess here at this moment, Chu Yi can't think of the key to the problem. The only way is to witness the secret hidden in the ancient temple with his own eyes.


Chu Yi stepped into the portal. After a whirlwind, Chu Yi entered a unique space world, and at the moment of entering the world, he was completely shocked by what happened in front of him.

This is...

What appeared in front of Chu Yi was a huge stone statue standing up. Under the stone statue was a huge tombstone after another, or a merit monument. Because it records the names of one ancient god after another, as well as the sacrifices and dedication they made to the ancient gods when they were alive.

This is a cemetery that records the deeds of countless excellent ancient gods, which belongs to the tombs of the heroes of the ancient gods!

In such a unique place, Chu Yi did not dare to have the slightest offense or blasphemy. He could only browse the tombstones of his predecessors one by one with a respectful mentality, and carefully read the merits of each ancient god recorded above.

"The ancient god sky is divided into heaven and earth levels. Before his death, he was responsible for guarding the gate of the shrine. During the guarding period, no one dared to cross the gate of the god and offend the majesty of the Protoss."

"The ancient god giant spirit is divided into heaven and earth. Before his death, he was a fierce general of our clan. He belonged to the banner of the Eternal God of War. He fought with the Eternal God of War, and countless enemies were frightened by the wind."

"The ancient god Juque, divided into heaven and earth levels, was the strongest casting master of our clan. The magic soldiers cast through him have all become good partners of our warriors."

"The ancient gods are free, divided into heaven and earth. Before his death, he was a famous adventurer of our family. He has reached many places where even the ancient gods did not dare to set foot on. Many of the innate treasures of our clan have been found by them."

"The ancient gods are infinite, divided into heaven and earth..."

"Ancient God Beidou, divided into heaven and earth..."

"Ancient God..."


With incomparable reverence, Chu Yi carefully read the recorded deeds one by one. From there, Chu Yi learned many unknown secrets, and from these tombstones like merit monuments, he saw the glory and glory of the ancient god clan in those years, which made Chu Yi couldn't help but have a kind of pride as an ancient god.

Ancient god!

What a powerful nation. Under the glory of the ancient gods, all the ancient races submit, and all respect the ancient gods as the strongest nation. No one dares to sharpen their edge.

With such a noble mood, Chu Yi proudly saw the tombstones recording merits, experienced the strength of his ancestors, and experienced the prosperity of the ancient god family in those years. It was not until he came to the deepest part of countless statues and saw the largest statue above the countless gods. Chu Yi stopped. Come down.

The statue is as high as 180,000 feet, which has surpassed the ancient god of heaven and earth, and the ancient god who can reach the body of 180,000 feet has only one existence in the ancient god family, that is - the god of War!

Ancient God of War!

A trace of surprise flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, because he never thought that he would see the God of War in the ancient temple.

Are you kidding? What an existence of the God of War is. It can be said that it is the strongest existence in the world. I didn't expect to be killed and buried in the ancient temple.

It's strange!

Silver Pig once said that the God of War was almost invincible in ancient times. Except for the catastrophe that even the God of War could not escape, he had never heard of the fall of the God of War.

But there is a statue of the god of war standing here. What's the situation? And who is this God of War?

With an extremely wonderful mood, Chu Yi slowly came to the front of the statue of the God of War. Seeing a tombstone that also stood under the statue to record the merits, Chu Yi read it carefully.

"I am the fifth god of war, with the power of immortality. Within Hong Yu, I am confident that no one of all races can hurt and kill me, but sadly, this Hong Yu can be invincible, so what if I don't die? In addition to Hong Yu, there is also a powerful existence that our clan can't imagine...

People after me, when you come here again after hundreds of millions of years and see my sadness again, please be careful of those beings outside Hongyu. They... they are..."


The handwriting on the tombstone was very messy, and in the end it became blurred. Even if you use the eyes of the gods, you can't distinguish the content of the following handwriting.

At the same time, this tombstone does not seem to record the deeds recorded in the previous tombstones, but what it wants to express and warn.

But unfortunately, the writer seemed to have exhausted his strength at the last moment, and in the end, the most critical thing could not be expressed, which became a big mystery and stayed here forever.

Not only that, the loss of this most critical mystery completely sipated the writer's good intentions. Instead of successfully conveying something useful, it makes the viewer more anxious and panicked.

Even... even think nonsense!

How did the ancient god of war, who claims to be immortal and difficult to be killed as the god of war, die? As mentioned in the ancient God of War Changsheng, what kind of existence is it beyond Hongyu? Does the so-called Hong Yu really exist? Assuming that there is another world besides Hong Yu, what does the world look like?

There are many doubts, which not only did not solve Chu Yi's confusion, but also brought a lot of new mysteries to Chu Yi.

Therefore, after reading this tombstone belonging to the ancient God of War, Chu Yi got the only news that this tombstone was left by the ancient God of War at a critical moment, and in addition to the Taixu Huanyu, there seemed to be another world. And the world is so powerful that even the ancient god of war, known as immortal, can be killed.

In the end, Chu Yi had to give up and continue to investigate because he knew too little information. Instead, he searched carefully to see if there were any new discoveries.

Not to mention that in such a search, Chu Yi did find something useful, that is, some strange patterns appeared in a hidden position in the tombstone.

These patterns look casual, just like carved patterns on tombstones, similar to decorations. However, after observing with the eyes of God, Chu Yi found that these patterns were actually banned. As long as he used the eyes of God to observe, these patterns will come to life in his eyes.


Secrets that only ancient gods can find, or secrets specially left to ancient gods! RO