Cultivate God

Chapter 585 Mysterious Spirit

Chapter 565 Mysterious Spirit (Part 1)

"Friends, please stay!"

I don't know whether this is the Lingxin ancient clan or the soul ancient clan, a woman named Lingyou. Her pleasant voice stopped Chu Yi. Sure enough, she had any idea about Chu Yi.

But what does this Lingyou think of Chu Yi? Chu Yi also has a plan, so Chu Yi stopped cooperatively and pretended to be unhappy in his words and responded, "What's wrong? Do you also want to try the depth of your own dignity?

Lingyou shook his head calmly and said, "Taoist friend, my concubine said something arrogantly, that is, although the Taoist friend can absorb the attack for his own use, he may not be able to absorb the ability cultivated by the concubine. Because the concubine's cultivation is spiritual and soul magic power, it should be able to give Taoist friends a headache, right?

This spirit is right. The attack of the spirit and soul has always been invisible and traceless, and it can't be prevented at all. It is indeed not the source skill: the great phagocytosis can devour and guide.

However, Chu Yi is not only good at big devouring, but also good at four source skills such as big killing, big damage, big destruction, big heaven and earth, plus the power of the heaven and stars, and the silver pig, inviting cloud and inviting moon hidden in the Hongmeng space, which may not be the opponent of these people.

Therefore, when Lingyou's words fell, Chu Yi immediately sneered and said, "You can have a try!"

Lingyou didn't mean to do anything at all, so after Chu Yi's cold words, he immediately shook his head and said, "The Taoist friend misunderstood. I just want to tell the Taoist friend that there is no need to cause disputes here at all, which will only be of no good for both sides."

Chu Yi pondered for a moment, and then said, "I always don't like to beat around the bush. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Lingyou immediately nodded secretly at Chu Yi's request and said, "Taoist friend, to be honest, I have been looking for this oasis for about half a year, just to find a very important thing. I don't know if the Taoist friend has found anything. Can I tell you one or two?"

Important things?

Is it related to the ancient spirit clan and the ancient soul clan?

Chu Yi pondered for a moment, continued to disguise, and replied, "No, I have just arrived here by accident, and there is still time to search in the future."

Lingyou seemed to be relieved and continued, "Then can I take the liberty to ask what Taoist friends have to do in this spiritual world?"

Chu Yi frowned and replied, "What does it have to do with you?"

Lingyou said with a smile, "It really doesn't matter. It's just that my concubine is more curious. In this spiritual world, only saints who practice the spirit and soul law will come. Taoist friends are obviously not saints of this way, but they are wandering in this spiritual world. What's the obvious reason?"

Chu Yi nodded slowly and said, "Your guess is right. I have a friend who has practiced to go crazy. With the guidance of the master, only the heart-clearing liquid unique to the ancient spirit can be treated, so I was entrusted by my friend to come here to find the heart-clearing liquid."

Lingyou seemed to be relieved again and said with a smile, "If that's the case, then I should be able to help my Taoist friends."

Is this woman an ancient spiritual family?

This was Chu Yi's first idea, but soon he felt that he didn't want to do it very much. He could only continue to lie down, and said in a slightly calm tone, "Speak in detail!"

Lingyou nodded slightly and continued, "For hundreds of millions of years, most of the heart-clearing liquid that can be taken away in the spiritual world have been taken away. I'm afraid it will be very difficult and almost impossible to find the heart-clearing liquid in the spiritual world. But fortunately, my concubine happened to know where there is a clear heart liquid. If the Taoist friend is willing to help me find what I want to find, I am willing to help the Taoist friend find the clear heart liquid after the event.


Hearing the news of Qingxinye, Chu Yi immediately paid attention to it, but he paid attention to it. Chu Yi was not so stupid that he believed whatever the other party said like a three-year-old child.

Therefore, when Lingyou's words fell, Chu Yi pondered for a long time and replied coldly, "How can I believe you?"

Lingyou seems to be a master who is very good at negotiation. After Chu Yi asked, he immediately replied with a smile, "It's up to the Taoist friends themselves to judge. It's a bet on my concubine to see if he can get the heart liquid to save your friend; or choose to ignore my concubine and continue to search aim ."

"You're wrong!"

Chu Yisen sneered and said, "Actually, there is another way, that is, to capture you, and you don't believe that you can't be tortured."


Except that Ling You was still so calm, the other four men's expressions changed slightly, and then secretly prepared to fight and beware of Chu Yi's difficulties.

But the battle still did not happen. Lingyou stopped the other four men casually and said calmly, "Taoist friend, let me reveal more information to Taoist friends, that is, the heart-clearing fluid that Taoist friends are looking for, and what my concubine is looking for are in the same place. And that place is extremely dangerous. Even if all four of us have the cultivation of the Great Sage, we may not be able to break in. Therefore, it is a win-win situation for Taoist friends to cooperate with us.

Chu Yi smiled faintly and said with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth, "That dangerous place should be this oasis, right?"

Lingyou said without hesitation, "That's good!"

Chu Yi immediately raised a finger and said, "The last question, if you answer truthfully, there is an opportunity for cooperation. If you tell a lie, then there is no need to talk about it anymore.

Lingyou pondered for a moment and said, "I don't know, how do you judge whether what the concubine said is true or false?"

How to judge?

Chu Yi replied with a smile, "I have my own way of judgment, and you don't need to worry about it."

Lingyou pondered for a moment again, gritted his teeth and said, "Daoist friend, excuse me!"

Chu Yi simply asked, "What are you looking for?"


Chu Yi inserted the key to the question. Ling You was speechless. After a long silence, he sighed, "The Taoist friend's question is so sharp. How should I answer it?"

Chu Yi sneered a few times and waited for the answer quietly.

Lingyou was silent again for a long time, and then said decisively, "As long as the Taoist friend intends to assist the concubine, it is not impossible for the concubine to tell the Taoist friend."

Chu Yi took the initiative and responded calmly, "Say what you want first!"

Lingyou said persistently, "Taoist friend, you haven't answered my request yet!"

Chu Yi seemed to know that he could not refuse, so he could only reply, "Well, as long as you don't tell a lie, I can promise to help you, but the premise is that the heart-clearing liquid must belong to me."

Ling You did not hesitate any longer this time and replied indifferently: "The innate treasure, a soul crystal taken by the ancestors of the ancient spiritual heart clan and the ancient soul clan, the innate treasure refined by Senluo Fayan, is the purpose of my concubine's trip."

So that's it!

Chu Yi immediately nodded and said, "It seems that you didn't tell lies, so I will keep my promise and accompany you for the time being. However, on the way, if you try to cheat me, then don't blame me for being ruthless.

Lingyou was immediately relieved, but the greater doubt melted in his heart.

There is no other reason. Chu Yi is too calm, because few people can be so calm when they hear the word 'innate treasure' like Chu Yi.

Then, there is only one possibility!

That is the reason why Chu Yi can be so calm, indicating that Chu Yi may have items such as innate treasures, and there may be more than one, otherwise he would not be so indifferent to the existence of innate treasures.

Of course, Lingyou really doesn't care much about how many innate treasures Chu Yi has. As long as Chu Yi does not covet the innate treasures she wants, it is already Lingyou's greatest peace of mind.

With this in mind, Lingyou didn't say much. He said faintly, "Taoist friend, now that you have reached a consensus on cooperation, I don't know if you can show your true face and tell the name?"

Chu Yi replied with a faint smile, "You can call me the picture of white. As for the true face, my appearance is ugly and unbearable. I advise you not to look at it!"

Lingyou also did not show his true face, and it was not easy to say anything about Chu Yi's requirements, but the other four male saints' expressions were somewhat unnatural. Obviously, they felt very uncomfortable for Chu Yi's hidden head and tail.

At the same time, these five people are still thinking about who Bai Zhitu is. They have not heard that Hong Yu has such a character called Bai Zhitu. Especially seeing Chu Yi's extraordinary performance, how can he be such a nameless person?

In this case, there is only one thing that can be explained, that is, Chu Yi even hides his name.

After thinking through this, the four male saints were even more unhappy, but because Chu Yi was indeed very strong, Lingyou was also trying to attract, and it was inconvenient to refute anything.

It seemed that the atmosphere was a little stiff. Lingyou sighed slightly and tried to mediate, "Bai Daoyou, since you are already partners, I will introduce the other four partners to you."

Chu Yi snorted softly and said, "Partners are not, at most it's just a trading relationship. Of course, it's nothing to get to know each other. I'm still very enthusiastic.


Lingyou became more and more and more able to see through Chu Yi, and could only sigh slightly: "Then let me introduce my concubine to Bai Daoyou..."

With that, Lingyou pointed to the two people on the left and said, "These two people are Qingpingzi and Hezi Tong, both of whom are Hong Yu's famous masters. They all have the cultivation of the Great Sage level, and have obtained the Taoism and bloodline of the ancient clan."

Chu Yi nodded and stared. Qingpingzi was a middle-aged man in a green robe, who looked very gentlemanly. As for the crane boy, he was like his name, like a boy of eleven or twelve years old, but he was not a dwarf, as if he was born with such aura.

Then, Lingyou pointed to the two people on the right and introduced, "These two are Xiao Banxian and Lei Gong respectively, and they are also famous masters of Hong Yu. They are both sage-level cultivation, and also have excellent ancient Taoism and bloodline. Nian has established a cooperative relationship with everyone. I hope that Bai Daoyou can relieve his previous grudges with Lei Gongbing and stop arguing with each other.

Chu Yi smiled and didn't mean to respond to Lingyou. RO