Cultivate God

Chapter 667 On the Land of Hearing

Chapter 667 The Land of Hearing the Tao (Part I)

The world is like a net, and people are like fish!

Chu Yi should have an unyielding spirit, tenacious will, and never know how to give up, don't know how to turn back, don't know how to retreat, until he keeps trying to find the omissions of Skynet, and finally breaks all the shackles and unrestrained fish.

This is Chu Yi's way, the way against the sky!

Chu Yi heard it successfully!

But successfully listening does not mean that Chu Yi has successfully stepped into the realm of hearing the Tao. If he wants to step into the realm of hearing the Tao, Chu Yi also has another difficulty that must overcome, that is, the fire of karma burns himself!

Karma refers to the collection of results caused by an individual's past and present behavior; the so-called karma fire refers to the flame that the individual's life experience and the experience of others are affected by their own behavior, and the individual has the responsibility for what he has done and burned.

In short, karma is the fire of the past and the fire of sins committed in the past.

Now Chu Yi is about to set foot on the hearing realm of the three realms, and the hearing realm is the first step on the heavenly realm. Stepping into this new realm, he naturally cannot be contaminated with any karma. He must cut off the past, cut off his own karma, withstand the test of karma fire, and be reborn,

So the past stained with many sins, can Chu Yi successfully cut it off?

No one can say for this. Even the free king of law and Gui Guzi can't figure it out, but Chu Yi has no fear and no regrets. Even if he knows that there is a dead end ahead, he will not choose any regression. If he doesn't kill a new world, Chu Yi will not turn back anyway.

Therefore, although Chu Yi predicted that the doom of karma was coming, he did not choose to escape. With an unyielding spirit, tenacious will, and never knowing the determination to give up, turn back and retreat, he decisively left the world of Taixu, returned to the world of Hongyu, returned to the world of the heaven, and returned In the middle.

At the moment when Chu Yi's soul returned to the body, the deep cultivation of the free king and Gui Guzi suddenly felt it at the first time.

In an instant, their faces changed slightly!

So fast?

Chu Yi has only been practicing for about 30 years, and it only takes 30 years to hear it successfully, which is unprecedented in the whole history of hearing. You know, even for people with amazing talents like the Free Dharma King and Guiguzi, it took 50,000 or 60,000 years to hear the Tao, but Chu Yi only took 30 years, isn't it too evil?

"Thirty years of hearing... Sure enough, chaos is coming. Chu Yi is the center of the catastrophe!"

Gui Guzi muttered to himself and habitually began to pinch his fingers to calculate, but the more he pushed, the more frightened he became. His face also changed into an unprecedented solemn look, and his eyes looking at Chu Yi were full of worry.

The king of the law ignored Gui Guzi, but was thinking about something. He stared at Chu Yi seriously. Suddenly, he seemed to feel something and shouted, "It's started!"

Gui Guzi in the calculation suddenly raised his head, as if he also sensed something at this moment. He stared at Chu Yi and paid attention to any changes that had happened to Chu Yi in case of the critical moment to see if there was a chance to help Chu Yi.

The industry is on fire, it's starting!

At the same time, there was a light of worry in the eyes of the Dharma King and Gui Guzi. Because of the experience of 'karmic fire burning the body', they know better than anyone how terrible this 'karmic fire burns the body'.

All because this 'karmic fire burns the body' is not the real body, but Chu Yi's soul, Chu Yi's state of mind, and Chu Yi's spirit and will.

That feeling is more painful than the real fire!

The most terrible thing is that in the process of the continuous test of karma, his past and past will appear frequently. All those who have had something to do with and have been involved with Chu Yi will run out to find Chu Yi's trouble, just like a heart demon, constantly affecting Chu Yi. If Chu Yi can't cross this hurdle, then he He was completely burned into scum by the fire of karma, and his soul returned to the sky.

It's dangerous!

Chu Yi is still too young. He may not be able to overcome the hurdle in his heart, and may not be able to survive the test of karma!

Zi Zai Dharma King and Gui Guzi are full of infinite worries about Chu Yi, and as they expected, although Chu Yi has an unyielding spirit, a tenacious will, and the determination to give up, turn back and retreat, this terrible karma is not something that can resist with spirit, will and determination alone. Existence.

Chu Yi's face showed pain, and his soul, consciousness and spirit seemed to ignite a heavily fire and began to burn.

In the extreme burning of pain, Chu Yi suddenly felt a sinking all over his body, as if he had fallen into a bottomless hole. His whole body was constantly falling down and down. The unique sense of weightlessness made Chu Yi extremely uncomfortable.


In the strange burning of the fire, Chu Yi fell in panic. His whole body was burned black, as if he could be evaporated at any time. No matter how he struggled, he could not compete with this terrible karma.

In the burning and falling, Chu Yi himself doesn't know how long it has been. Maybe for a moment, maybe ten years or a hundred years. In short, Chu Yi is about to be completely numb now.

Fortunately, even so, Chu Yi still kept a trace of calmness, without any panic, and silently endured the test. Through these performances, about the state of mind at the time of enlightenment, the unique spiritual baptism and thrilling experience have obtained decisive help, so that Chu Yi can still persist, slowly wash away his karma in the fire of karma, and seek detachment.

If that's the case, the fire of karma basically won't do much harm to Chu Yi. But this fire is far beyond Chu Yi's imagination, and the real experience has arrived.

"Chu Yi... My apprentice, it's so miserable to die for a teacher!"

"Chu Yi, we Xuanyuanxing, died miserably!"

"Chu Yi, I curse you. You have killed more than 80 million monks in Wanbao Pavilion and Huangquanmen. We will not let you go if we are ghosts. We will curse your life and curse you for the rest of your life!"

"Chu Yi, why, why was you the only one who escaped when Xuanyuanxing died? What's your basis? Why didn't Xuan Yuanxing accompany us at the last moment?

"Chu Yi, why can only Xie Pianpian get your love? Are we not qualified to have you?"

"Chu Yi, my good brother, how did I treat you in those years? Why are now that now and Qi Xiuzi are controlled by the damn three saints, but you are late to save us in the future?"

"Brother Yi, I miss you so much. I'm in so much pain now. Come and save me!"

One voice after another sounded in the fire of karma. Each voice was very familiar to Chu Yi. He had his own close relatives, his own life and death enemies, and many people who died in vain. Everyone cried to Chu Yi again. Everyone was howling to Chu Yi, stimulating Chu Yi's nerves and making Chu Yi confused.

At the same time, Chu Yi saw his partner and was unwilling to cross the corpse in front of him. They looked at Chu Yi with ferocious faces and angry eyes, as if they were questioning Chu Yi.

Then, Chu Yi saw his most respected Bai Qi and Qi Xiuzi. These two relatives, like the eldest brother and father, who treated Chu Yi better than himself, were being tortured in pain, let countless people bully, and let the three saints play like ants.

In addition, Chu Yi saw Xie Pian, whose beloved, under the control of the three sage, did a lot of things that hurt Chu Yi, severely beat Bai Qi and Qi Xiuzi, and then trampled himself. He also took many Hongmeng saints to kill Hong Yu and Taixu Huanyu anyone who had a relationship with Chu Yi.

All of this deeply stimulated Chu Yi, as if it were a real scene, staged in front of Chu Yi's eyes.

It's not true... It's not true...

No matter how calm Chu Yi was, he completely fell into an unprecedented panic in the face of this scene.

The most terrible thing is that there is always a voice telling Chu Yi that all this is true. All of this may happen in the future, so that Chu Yi can't control himself, fantasize, and it is difficult to extricate himself from it.

In front of such a terrible scene, the karmic fire burned more fiercely on Chu Yi's body, burning through Chu Yi's skin, burning through Chu Yi's body, burning through Chu Yi's spirit and consciousness, as if to completely burn Chu Yi into ashes.

All this is reflected in Chu Yi!

Chu Yi sat under the ancient tree, and his real body began to emit a lot of steam. The clothes on his body ignited spontaneously without fire, and his skin was like gradually burning paper. There were traces of burning everywhere, revealing Chu Yi's bones and blackened by the fire.

Seeing this scene, the face of the king of the law and Gui Guzi changed greatly, knowing that Chu Yi was the most real performance of not being able to resist karma when he failed to keep his mind and bear the burning of karma.

For a moment, the free king and Guiguzi were extremely anxious!

But they have no choice, because they can't stop it, and they dare not take the risk to stop it, because if they help Chu Yi, they will be contaminated with Chu Yi's karma and will also be robbed like Chu Yi.

Not only that, the karma they have cut off in the past will be condensed again, tested on them again, and will also be contaminated with Chu Yi, so that Chu Yi can bear their karma more.

So now the free king and Guiguzi can only be in a hurry, and can only keep praying that Chu Yi himself can break through this karma and successfully cut off his past.

But instead of getting better, Chu Yi's situation is getting worse and worse!

And at this time, Chu Yi found that there were corpses all around him. There were people he had killed everywhere, his own partners and friends, and even the karma from the ancient god clan, all swept Chu Yi. The sins committed by the ancient god clan in the past were testing Chu Yi. , made Chu Yi fall into absolute panic.

Afraid of karma fire, Chu Yi miscalculated the horror of karma fire, and gradually lost his calmness!

Especially at this moment, Chu Yi saw with his own eyes that Xie Pianpian was because of his own fault. At the moment after waking up, when he was in front of Chu Yi, Chu Yi's whole heart was broken on the spot.

There are also Bai Qi and Qi Xiuzi. They regret that they did not protect Xie Pian Pian. At the same time, they are ashamed of Chu Yi, a good brother. They can't cross the hurdle in their hearts and die at the feet of Chu Yi one after another.

Friends died one by one because of Chu Yi!

Enemies who died because of Chu Yi are desperately cursing Chu Yi!

seems to be denying Chu Yi's past, as if cursing Chu Yi's own existence, which makes Chu Yi uncontrollably produce a strong sense of guilt, making it difficult for Chu Yi to extricate himself from pain.

Who can be ruthless without vegetation?

Chu Yi is not an absolute cold-blooded animal. He is even more emotional than anyone else. Now this rich feeling has become the biggest obstacle in Chu Yi's heart, which makes the fire of karma burn more fiercely.

With the fierce burning of the karmic fire, Chu Yi's body has completely different, and his whole body seems to have been ignited. Chu Yi's body is like a paper that is about to be burned clean, which looks miserable.

At the same time, Chu Yi's body was drifting away, which was the scene of being blown away by the wind after burning into ashes. In an instant, only half of Chu Yi's body was scattered, and there was still a small part, and now it was also drifting away in a fast way.

It's over!

Seeing this scene, the King of Law and Gui Guzi were all dumbfounded!

Experienced free law king and Gui Guzi have seen too many people crossing this 'karma fire', but no one has ever been as fierce as Chu Yi, and no one has burned as much as Chu Yi. This situation is almost equivalent to the death sentence of Chu Yi.

Therefore, in the face of such a situation, the king of law and Gui Guzi are almost equivalent to the death penalty for Chu Yi.

But at this critical moment...


The eighth change of Hongmengzhu has been completed! RO