Cultivate God

Chapter 669 Hongmeng Eight Changes

Chapter 669 Hongmeng Eight Changes (Part I)

Is it done?

Zi Zai Fa Wang and Gui Guzi were dumbfounded on the spot. They had never been as strange and confused as today. They felt that they had practiced the way for a lifetime, and what they insisted on were completely broken at this moment.

Chu Yi seemed to be able to feel a lot of puzzles in the hearts of the Dharma King and Gui Guzi. He did not explain it at the first time, but asked, "Elder of the Dharma King and Gui Guzi, the boy dared to ask, is it really right to cut off karma?"

Zizai Fawang and Gui Guzi fell into silence. They didn't know what cutting off karma represented, but many predecessors took this road. Chu Yi suddenly did not play cards according to common sense and did not take the ordinary road, which made Zizai Fawang and Gui Guzi a little unacceptable.

Just as the king of law and Gui Guzi were silent, Chu Yi smiled faintly and said, "Whether it is the past, the present or the future, it is my own thing. I don't want to abandon myself for anything, so what's the point of even if I find the way of heaven?

I am me, I am me in the past, I am me now, and I am still me in the future!

So I won't make any sacrifices for the way of heaven. I still want to keep myself, so I accept my past sins and sins, and successfully step into the way of heaven with my karma.

Our generation is to practice Taoism, which is to be detached from heaven and earth, free and unrestrained!

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to surpass the thief God on our heads and the path of injustice, so we don't need to sacrifice for the way of heaven, and we don't need to abandon anything for the way of heaven.

At the same time, in my opinion, the road taken by your predecessors is actually the wrong road, which is a manifestation of submission to the way of heaven, so they worked hard all their lives, but as a result, they stopped in the realm of Taoism and detachment, and finally failed to surpass heaven and earth and the way of heaven.

Ha ha, it's more or less a big deal to say these words, but if you can't have an unyielding spirit, firm belief, tenacious will, and the determination to never give in, how can you surpass this world?

This is my way, the way against the sky. As long as it is against the thief God, I will not choose any concessions!"

The words of Zi Zai Fa Wang and Gui Guzi were said by Chu Yi. They were speechless and speechless. After a moment, the Zi Zai Fa King muttered, "Absurd... Absurd... Walking towards this road, you will definitely not have a good end!"

After a long silence, Gui Guzi sighed, "King of France, don't be upset. This boy is a demaging person. It's not unexpected to choose this way to hear it. As for the final result, it depends on the boy's fate!"

The king of the law shook his head helplessly and didn't say anything more. Chu Yi carefully experienced the unique changes brought about by stepping into the new realm of the three realms.

Ask the three realms, it's really extraordinary!

Taking Chu Yi's first step of practice now, Chu Yi can clearly feel the way of his own understanding, which is closely related to the road between heaven and earth. As long as he wants, he can attach his own way to his own attack to improve the power of his attack and suppress his own opposition. Hands.

This feeling is wonderful!

To describe it with the most obvious example, Mr. Xia's Tao is undoubtedly the most appropriate, that is, Mr. Xia's Tao works on ordinary petals, and ordinary petals will become magic weapons, and even as powerful as innate treasures. This is the magic of Tao.

For example, the way of the king of freedom, the king of freedom chooses the way of freedom, and freedom is a kind of free spirit and concept. Therefore, the attack of the king of freedom gives people an elusive feeling, and he is unprepared to attack him unprepared.

And Chu Yi's way is to go against the sky. As the way of the opposite, what are the characteristics of the opposite?

There is only one characteristic of Chu Yi's rebellious way, that is, the stronger you are, the more indomitable you are, tenacious, and if you don't show it, you will be the result of your death, forcing the enemy and Chu Yi to work hard.

This is Chu Yi's opposite way!

At the same time, after the test of 'karmic fire burning the body', Chu Yi himself has also produced incredible changes, that is, he has been reborn and finally become a divine body.

Chu Yi is not the purest body of the ancient gods. He just constantly absorbs the blood of some ancient gods to strengthen himself and get the excellent inheritance of the ancient gods of war. In short, Chu Yi's only advantage is that he has a 'soul'.

But now, after the test of karma, Chu Yi's own mortal body has been refined and re-condensed into a body. After the stimulation of divine power, it has become the purest divine body. From the metal-like skin, golden hair, and the eyes of the gods, it is enough to prove what level Chu Yi's body has

After cultivating a perfect body, Chu Yi's strength and cultivation have soared tenfold, which is almost comparable to Chu Yi's power in cooperation with the array of stars and gods when he was still in half-step. Such a terrible growth is far beyond Chu Yi's original expectations.

Is this the power of Wen Daojing?

At the moment he took this step, Chu Yi finally knew the importance of this step and the horror of the Taoist realm.

But after all, Chu Yi has just stepped into the Taoist realm and is still in the initial stage. Many people have no special understanding of the characteristics of the Taoist realm and the direction of future practice. Fortunately, there were two experienced strong men in front of him. Chu Yi had many places to ask for advice, so Chu Yi was not pretentious and began to be ashamed to ask questions.

Zi Zai Fa Wang and Gui Guzi were very optimistic about Chu Yi. Although they did not understand Chu Yi's rebellious behavior, they still smiled and began to explain to Chu Yi.

Zi Zai Fa Wang and Gui Gu Zi signaled to Chu Yi to be a little restless. After sitting down calmly, in the courtesy of Gui Gu Zi, Zi Zai Fa Wang explained to Chu Yi: "I have explained to my friends before. As the so-called morning news, it is enough to die at night. The so-called listening situation is The way.

Now that after continuous efforts, Xiaoyou has found his own way of rebellion, so is the way of rebellion taken by Xiaoyou the right way? Just like Xiaoyou questioning the way we are going, we are also questioning Xiaoyou's way now, thinking that Xiaoyou's way is wrong!"

At this point, the king of the law and Guiguzi all sold a point and did not continue to talk. They just looked at Chu Yi with a smile, as if they were implying something, and as if they were letting Chu Yi himself understand something.

Chu Yi seemed to be able to feel the good intentions of the free law king and Gui Guzi. He was not angry because of the slander and opposition of the free law king, but thought carefully about what the free law king said.


Chu Yi thought about his eyes from gradual deep thinking to clarity, and then seemed to have thought of something. Chu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly realized, "I understand. I heard the Tao first and then proved the Tao. After hearing the success of the Tao, don't have any doubts and doubts about the Tao you have chosen. Use your own To prove your own way is to prove it!"

Zi Zai Fa Wang and Gui Guzi were very satisfied and said with a smile, "Yes, after hearing the Tao, you can't have any confusion in your mind, so you have to cut off karma to cut off your past determination to prove your way. That's why Gui Guzi and Gui Guzi are worried about whether you can prove it by doing this!"

Chu Yi said firmly, "The boy worried the seniors, but please rest assured that the two seniors. I have made up my mind and will not have any doubts about my choice. In the end, I will not only prove my way, but also go on unswervingly!"

Gui Guzi nodded with a smile and said, "But determination alone is far from enough!"

The king of the law answered with a smile, "Ghost Valley is right. It's not enough to have determination, but also to have wisdom! Use your wisdom to prove your way and discover the characteristics of your way. For example... me! My way is the way of freedom, and the core idea of my way of freedom is freedom!"

Gui Guzi continued, "That's good, for example... me! My way is the way of fortune-telling, and the core idea of my way of fortune-telling is to calculate the fate!"

Finally, the King of Law and Gui Guzi asked with a smile at the same time, "So, what is your way? What is the core idea?

The core idea of Taoism?

Chu Yi was dumbfounded on the spot. When he heard it, he found that there were many thoughts that could reflect the opposite way, such as the unyielding spirit, tenacious will, and the determination and belief of never knowing to give up, turn back and retreat, etc., all of which can reflect the core ideas of the opposite way.

But obviously these are not important!

The so-called core idea is obviously to condense all the ways learned when hearing the Tao into one sentence, a core thought, so as to successfully prove the Tao and step into the second step into the way of heaven.

After understanding the key, Chu Yi stood up and bowed deeply and said, "Chu Yi only asks for a clear conscience. Thank you for your advice!"

Just ask for a clear conscience?

What a clear conscience!

Zi Zai Dharma King and Gui Guzi's eyes narrowed slightly, and their essence flashed, and they praised secretly: "What a high understanding!"

In the view of the King of Law and Gui Guzi, Chu Yi just heard that it would take a long time to find the core ideas in the Tao, but he never thought that Chu Yi had found the direction of his testimony in their few words.

A simple sentence with a clear conscience completely contains Chu Yi's determination to go against the sky!

The king of the law and Guiguzi looked at each other, and they all saw the horror from each other's eyes. In their feelings, it was not easy for the two to say anything more. They only heard the king of the law and Guiguzi said at the same time, "Just stick to the concept of self-intention, and it's

Then, I saw Gui Guzi stand up and said with a smile, "Okay, I should go, too. This time I've been bothering for a long time. Next, about the characteristics of the three realms, King of France, you can explain to Chu Xiaoyou!"

Guiguzi is in charge of the anti-sacred alliance. Naturally, he is extremely busy. It is not easy to spend so much time in his busy schedule to protect Chu Yi. Therefore, when he saw that Guiguzi was about to leave, Chu Yi immediately stood up and said gratefully, "Senior, go slowly. Chu Yi will come to

The Free Dharma King still treated Gui Guzi with a lukewarm attitude. He waved his hand slightly and said, "No!"

Gui Guzi didn't say anything. He smiled faintly, and then disappeared in place out of thin air. Obviously, he had entered his spiritual fairyland and returned to the core of the Anti-Sacred League.

After Guiguzi left, Chu Yi and the king of the Dharma sat down again and soaked a pot of silver pig's favorite fire tree silver flowers. The two tasted fragrant tea and listened to the king of the Dharma to explain the characteristics of the three realms for Chu Yi in detail.

Through the conversation, Chu Yi knew that the three realms were more extensive and profound than he thought.

Ask the three realms, step by step! RO